Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, November 5, 2016

"Operation El Gross", an assassination in Mencho's house

Excerpt taken from Gente de la Tia Juana
Translated by El Wachito

Sunday October 23rd,  information of two of the principal enemies of the Tijuana Cartel arrived to Culiacan, Sinaloa. Monday October 23rd, Aquiles sent a discrete small group of three hitman with handguns hidden in a secret compartment of a vehicle. 

In Guadalajara, Jalisco the boss of the Aguascalientes "Plaza" known as "El 30" was waiting for them in order to support  Aquiles. They knew that the following day, Tuesday one of the enemies was going to eat at a restaurant. The enemy eats at the expected restaurant, in an exclusive area of Zapopan, Jalisco.

The area was highly patrolled by the State police, the famous "Zapopanos", that's why they couldn't assassinate him at the place. At the moment that the sicarios followed him they lost him because they were unfamiliar with the city, the plan of the group of sicarios was ruined, and they decided to go back to their hotel and the people from Aguascalientes decided to bring more "Alcones" (Punteros as they known them in Tijuana=Lookouts).

Information from the other enemy awaits, this is "El Gross", Wednesday goes by without any news, the sicarios wait all day with anxiety and fear, because they were operating in a Plaza where they were not supposed to be, in addition to the people of "El 30", who are known in the area because Guadalajara and Aguascalientes are neighbors.

Thursday 27th arrived, and at 12:00PM information from Tijuana of where "El Gross" was going to eat is received, the sicarios get ready and head to the restaurant, a small popular small business, however the area where the sicarios were staying at was far from the place and the sicarios got lost.

The informant, who was tracking the location of "El Gross" from Tijuana, informs that "El Gross" had already left the restaurant but that he will try to locate him once again. The sicarios decided to move to that area, the Colonia Alcalde Barranquitas. They find a hotel in the area, the Brasil Hotel, they settle and request Tijuana to met with the informant directly, Tijuana denies personal access to the informant but they finally accepted for the well being of the operation.

They met in a coffee shop, "El 30" received the information and makes new plans, he decides that the hit would be more effective on a motorcycle because the informant told him that "El Gross" would be alone or with another man and no "punteros"around (Punteros=Lookouts). The informant makes an appointment with "El Gross" but "El Gross" tells him that he will not be available, however he commits a tragic mistake, he told him, "I cant make it because I have to go to the barbershop", the informant had already been to the barbershop with "El Gross" in the past.

Immediately he dials the sicarios and takes them to the place. In this situation a hit-man from "El 30" was driving the motorcycle and the passenger from Culiacan would shoot him. They arrived at the indicated place, a modest barbershop, they confirm their objective, they affirm, positive, it was him. The motorcycle gets on the sidewalk, the passenger gets off shooting a Pietro Beretta 9mm.

"El Gross" dies instantly, the sicarios leave the scene, they get picked up a couple of blocks away and taken out of the "Hot zone", mission accomplished was informed to Culiacan and Tijuana, they made it all the way to the kitchen of "El Mencho".

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  1. Asi operan la gente de sinaloa tipo colombian son efficaz i effectivos escuela de popeye ay trai korridon desde culican gente de guzman estan al 100 con la tia juana los pollitos ke apenas nacieron kieren peliar con el gallo sinaloa cuna de los capos de capos

    1. I thought you got kill in the shoot out where phoenix got murdered

    2. Much respect og desde modesto all the way to culican brother

    3. Se le calento el terreno Comandante Perro?? Andaba desaparecido compa

    4. Si pues compa wachito tuve un efrentamiento kon la marina gracias a san judas sali con vida i aki sigo aunke muchos les moleste que yo siga aki parado

    5. Damn. I was hoping he was tortured by Colombians that were jealous that la comandanta perra was pushing them out the game. Lol

    6. 6,2016 4:51 its dumbasses like you that give these dummies like Perro feel important,when he is nothing but a keyboard cartel member

    7. No eres nadie pinche meco...te vi en el carwash trabajando pa eso si eres chingon quedo brillosa mi Ford.

    8. 10:34 AM
      Say it,cartel cmdtes postin on BB?Post what they want but its some strange shit,all these are grown ass men givin it the compa,og,gente guzman,111 al cielo jive,same thing with FB pretending they are sicarios with someone elses pictures,maldito extrano

    9. 5:20 no wachiro, nomas se le calentó el parche al perro.
      Por andar ahi de caliente.

  2. Nice post bro keep up the good work cheerleaders will hate the true mencho has power but at the same level has cdg this is prove

    1. no enreden las cosas ni las mal interpreten. cuando dicen que tiene on lock jalisco. una cosa es tener control. cuando se dice que controla significa que otro cartel no facilmente llegara a tomar la plaza.. ahora estoy hablando de grupos de varios hombres. eso de ir a matar en cualquier plaza se puede. sepan diferenciar tener la plaza otro cartel no entra para tomar la plaza y un ajuste si entra solo unas cuantas personas. GENTE DE GUZMAN

    2. . Those sicarios probably made some big stacks of cash well earned though...

  3. Dont mess whit sinaloa boys

    1. yeya thats right don't mess with Sinaloa!

  4. Wow. God DAMN. The stress of being a sicario on a mission in a rival plaza must be INSANE.

  5. Does anyone know what happened to Comandante Perro?

    He doesnt post since "El Phoenix" got killed in Culiacan 🤔

    1. He was killed in the shootout

    2. Legend has you could see him every sunday crying in his bofriends grave el phoenix antrax

    3. He ran out of corridos to talk about

    4. @1038....le toco un viaje directo a la cosina..pero el fue el Plato principal un pozole estilo fuego lento en tambo de diesel...cjng.

    5. Esta al cien con la federacion ponededos, que mas

    6. Hes probably hiding out the Mexican Army patrols, or hes talking to the DEA.

    7. Can you post something about el bob esponja a bodyguard of Ivan Guzman

    8. He created the Dog Face App and struck it rich, retired and decided to stop posting his BS.

    9. You do have a point Wachito but how do you know if he's actually a trusted source?

    10. We regret to inform you that he is taking a leave of absence since he'll be attending the funeral of a close business associate. Please refer any condolences to his subordinates El Mayo or El Mencho. Thank you for your understanding.
      El wow wow.

    11. So mencho ordered the hit

    12. He is eating Scooby Snacks

    13. Why do you care? He was always talking non sense anyway

    14. @1038 - 100% correcto. Como viven las ratas. Adentro de sopa. Im not a big fan of torturing snitches, but they chose that life and have to pay the consequences. The business of silencing big mouths and especially the torture is extremely violent and ugly. That is the life, but all people in the world have to pay the consequences for their actions. Not just narcos. These informants died because they were unwilling to do the 10-15 years in prison. Such a sad way to live. Hurting all your so called friends just to escape your time behind bars. They slept through business ethics it would seem. Thanks, later all at BB

    15. 9:42 lmao of course hes not a trusted source.. hes just a comedian

    16. Rumor is that his mother took the computer away from him for not cleaning his room and take out the trash

  6. Mencho ain't no joke. I knew it was in inside job. Obviously it happened in jalisco. Menchos house. Real spit

    1. He didn't get killed on mencho orders, but then again, who really knows what really happened. It could have been anybody since he switched from cartel to cartel to cartel. You many enemies...

  7. This is a great made up story. But for what such detail ? Attempting to disrupt and question the loyalty of el grosses people ?

  8. I think i seen a pic of him on instagram

  9. NOBODY is untouchable.If you are In the dope game this article should be a lesson learned. ALWAYS watch what you say and Never tell NOBODY where you live. if he was in Zapopan he should of made people think he was in Guadalajara.

  10. Tijuas is in the bag already. It doesn't matter if it's El gross,o la rana, its too late. Tijuana is Menchos or next in line dies. El Nemesis-

  11. Lol Sick ass little article, puro culiacan.saludos de la tia juana.

  12. Why didn't he have body guards

  13. Once again mayos power is shown!!

    1. Foh mayo tuckd in compa aqui ya saben cjng is pushing weight more than u think

  14. RIP Commandante Perro

  15. Sounds like Aquiles was coordinating the logistics on this hit. Both claiming to be plaza bosses of Tijuana yet Guadalajara is where the battle is raging again over TJ. This was Mayo telling his lieutenants to handle their shit. CDS striking back.. that's what happens when you're a chapulin like gross was.

  16. Anda en UN lugar done no AI señal
    En una operation impoetante

  17. Fck mencho he ain't shit pinche michoacano rata. Next one it'll be his sorry ass. Don't forget bitch la federación sigue en el mando.

    1. Lol la federacion ya no existe.

    2. poor ignorant fool..mencho is just the CEO of a corporation cnjg has so much money and people that the Mexican government is the main sponsor to take over cds...wait and see.

    3. Keep dreaming son!!!!! You wait and see and your so called hero mencho will come out in the front pages beheaded like the rest of morons that want to come up on bullshit. the Mexican government is la federación get it straight and it will always be it.

    4. So you saying they have the same structure as CDS?

    5. Chapo fucked everything up for himself thinking he was a move star after he's last escape he lost a lot of respect and power making that interview. Off course none of the corrupt politics and military men won't want to work with someone who may reveal them in his movie or interviews he's about about done as a powerhouse with major protection. Mayo is still there but don't think there's that unity they once had now all in survival mode

    6. Not necessarily talking about chapo el mayo is still there Quintero is still there el azul is still there, not because they ain't in the news does not mean they ain't there all these cats are Sinaloa cartel mencho has nothing what just because he is on the news more often makes him the head honcho nah my opinion is that he ain't half of what these cats are and whenever they want they can pull a fast one to the government as well as el mencho don't forget CDS has dea CIA ties and its best for them to stay low you all will see it with your own eyes. Chale with all that bullshit de mencho and zetas and shit it has always been only one superior cartel and that's CDS like it or not it'll still reign. I don't support none they don't pay my bills or put food on my table just my opinion.

  18. He was probably one of the wounded lol Desde pomona informo...

  19. Thanks this was a good story. El Wachito

    1. Thanks! It was translates from a facebook page called Gente de la tia juana, original source availble at the top

    2. wachito you have been very active. You have been doing a great job keep up the good work

  20. Was Mencho in his house?

    1. By house we mean Guadalajara, Jalisco because thats the plaza of el

  21. Wachito: I can't believe you are asking about el perro, tu ya sabes como es el "bizzne", el comandante doggy esta en la sierra con los viejones de confianza echando party y planeando la retrocarga pa controlar la plaza de nuevo, me dijo que te dijera que no hay señal en el cerro pero les tira un" wassa " a todos sus fans.......

    Comandante Belzebu

    1. lol no signal in the sierra

    2. Andaba escondido en la sierra

    3. Se le calentó el parche al Comandante Pee, y andaba de perra por la coaguila.
      Que sea la ultima vez que andas ahi de caliente, perro.

  22. So gross fliped cartels too many times, easy target.

  23. so Aquiles is still with cds? i thought i had seen a post here (might've been somewhere else cant remember ) that said that aquiles had kidnapped family members of Mayo ??

    1. Akiles mando comandos rescatar fam del 5nto mes luego puesto al mando de tijuas desde culiacan

      Atten. P@RR@ND3RO

  24. pongan el corridos de los chapitos LA ULTIMA CENA. incidente en la leche restaurant GENTE DE GUZMAN

    1. @8:51 - El corrido is actually named "La Penúltima Cena" given the next time they will not be sent home

  25. y esto lo escribio quien?
    uno de los sicarios? el 30? la rana? o un reportero que se equivoco de trabajo y hubiera sido detective.

  26. i wonder who it was that sold him out. el mencho probably doesnt care but i hope he does somebody about it

  27. I wonder what hurt more...El Gross gettin Hit...or El Pheonix Antax ke lo kebraron... El Gross era jente de Sinaloa anterior... Pero El No era del circulo immediato del CJNG...O LOS CUINIS... El simplemente fuevel ke brinco al otro lado.... con esa axion para empesar uno No lo puede lo confiar al 100%... So el se replasa bien rapido... Con un desconosido... De Michoacan...o Jalisco... Pero ke sea del circulo immediato... El Pheonix no creo ke se replase tan rapido.... PURO CJNG...CUERNAVACA...MORELOS

    1. Les combiene mas a cjng que mataron al gross, asi van a poner otro en su lugar.


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