Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Mexican police warns Zeta Magazine of a CJNG ordered attack

Mica for Borderland Beat material from   Zeta 
Israel Alejandro Vazquez Vazquez "El 50", was upset his photo appeared in Zeta

In 1988, Zeta co-founder Héctor Félix Miranda was killed. Co-founder Jesús Blancornelas survived a 1997 assassination attempt in which a bodyguard was killed. In 2004, editor Francisco Javier Ortiz was murdered…….

Mexican police told the staff of the Tijuana news weekly "Zeta" that a cartel member had ordered the paper's office be shot up in retaliation for publishing photographs of wanted  drug cartel members on its front page.

Zeta printed the photos of 10 wanted men on Friday. The paper, which has seen several staffers murdered by cartels, reported the threatened attack on Monday.

The threat came from one of the eight members of the Cartel Jalisco New Generation that appeared on the cover of ZETA,  in alliance with the Arellano Felix Cartel, waging war against the Sinaloa Cartel who have hijacked this northern border by their criminal actions. 

Basically the researchers explained that one of the most sought, identified by authorities as Israel Alejandro Vazquez Vazquez "El 50", was upset because his face and the other members of his criminal group had been provided to ZETA Investigations by authorities, and was published in the weekly magazine. 

He ordered a criminal cell to attack the newspaper offices (while empty) as a warning. Researchers in contact with the co-directors, and verified the threat with other law enforcement agencies, detailed: Plans were set for early Sunday November 27 when there were no employees, but did not have the weapons or enforcers in time for criminal action. The action had to be postponed 

“Those of us who work at Zeta maintain our commitment to investigative journalism that is controversial and denounces those people from the government, those institutions or criminal groups who seek to maintain impunity to attack the society in which we work," Zeta said.

Zeta has been targeted by both cartels and the government, with co-director Adela Navarro Bello (at left above) reporting earlier in November that she had received information about a smear campaign against her that was planned by government officials.

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  1. Ive heard before that sinaloa "owns" zeta, it seems true. But that alone will not help them win.

    1. Yup your right there trying to setup jalisco cartel...there options are running out ...they dis this to every other cartel..trying to make them look bad like zetas beltran...etc

    2. absolutely not true....what you "heard". The magazine has to publish in san diego for safety and has won more journalistic recognition and awards for courage, integrity and outstanding reporting...

    3. 6:58-I don't believe Zeta favors any criminal group and I admire them for their courage pursuing armed criminals with only their pen and paper.

    4. I do favor CDS because their crusade against hunger, while greedy, egotistical and personal, its main funding does not come from wholesale murder, kidnapping and extortion, at least they are not famous for that, "plata o plomo" means lead or silver, and they deliver, they pay or collect.
      The mexican government just robs everything and everybody, like their narco-sicarios friends los zetas, famous for their wholesale free violence for nothing but a few little pieces of burnt crushed bones, characteristic of their foreign trained military and paramilitary, they are famous for rape and murder even of priests and nuns, everybody is a target.

    5. CDS doesn't shit on civilians like cjng tweakers do.

  2. Why be upset? Isn't the whole idea of being a stupid criminal is to be rich and famous and elusive? If you don't want to be seen in a magazine as a criminal, then get a job and stop the nonsense!

    1. Real mafiosos dont want to be seen or noticed anywhere. Secrecy is how they last.

    2. Mexicans work, even decent and poorly paid jobs, and don't want to be seen as criminals, but the enquirer pays anybody to climb a wire fence anywhere in the US and criminalizes all of US!
      --Now, I don't think "sinaloa" pressurized any CAFOS OR CJNG or CTNG members or wannabes to take their pictures and fotos and make them available to zeta.
      Ellos solitos anduvieron ahi de calientes.

    3. Sinaloa cartel would have been happy to make it on the front page lol

    4. 8:14 el güero palma and el mochomo and el benja, have been imprisoned on the US on spurious charges just to save some politicians' arseholes,
      --la chapa too, about 5 years in mexican prison because the arellanuses tried to kill him but got archbishop posadas ocampo, by accident, "crossfire", said the government, maybe "Archbishop" and "Archibaldo" made it too confusing for the mexican police without schooling...but Carlos Salinas de Gortari got to live another day, no warrants for his ass, I mean arrest...

  3. El 50 train in whit the russian spetnaz se dice que fue el quien entreno a los navy seal i a los kaibiles i que el solo derroto como a 300 talibanes en irak con una pistola
    Cjng Especial Forcez 50

    1. Ay mijo, El 50 va a morir Como Los otros, no Te preocupes.

    2. So, its 2016, couldn't journalists start online publications and get out of having physical office spaces. BB has a helluva following, and last I knew doesn't have an official office space.

    3. Se dice que eres cjng nuthugger el que real mente mato en la guerra de irak o cualquiera otra no lo presume y que presume que mato cientos nunka le toco una muerte confirmada

    4. LOL keep on dreaming honey

    5. Iraqi Taliban? I thought Taliban was Pakistan and Afghani?

    6. He is not serious lol he is probably a sinaloa guy trying to get a reaction out of guys who like cjng but is trying more reaction from guys that love cds

    7. El 50 served in us milatary and was a high ranking memember

    8. Pls.. We have bums in the streets that we also high ranking. If the guy gets all kinds of training but doesn't stay fit he gets rusty. Our Seals aren't badass because they have training. They are badass because they have training, stay fit, and keep training every day. The dude will be dead like the rest of the scum in this game.

    9. @9:41. So El 50 was a commissioned officer in the US military? What was his rank? High ranking typically would mean Major and above but that's a matter of opinion. If true his story would be movie worthy more so than any other mafioso.

    10. So why has anyone thought of doing international bounty hunting, now that would make you some money 🤔

  4. The grammar of the title suggest the magazine is affiliated with CJNG.

    1. I8:11 it may be the color of your glasses, also known to give different tints to sexual perversions, I mean "persuasions", but you are right maybe write "about cjng..." and make Mica angry?
      I want my Mica!

    2. "Mexican police warns Zeta Magazine of CJNG ordered attack". How does that imply CJNG is of affiliation?

    3. man I sure disagree, who let the wanna be grammar policia in???

    4. 4:54AM
      It clearly says Zeta Magazine "of CJNG", hence the affiliation. Zeta Magazine is NOT "of" CJNG, it does not belong to the cartel. BB already fixed the grammar. Thank you for asking.

      I only pointed it out because BB has an international following and it wouldn't be fair to let those readers think the magazine is connected to a cartel.

    5. I added an "A" for you, it was fine before, but really it is ridiculous to complain about such a thing. I would not have allowed your comment in to begin with. Sometimes there are constructive comments that warrant addressing, yours was not one, I just did not want this thread to be about your complaint.

    6. But the "A" you added is lower case "a" on the title...
      Ok ok, I'm on my way to hell,
      nice to see you around chiva.

  5. Like your attitude 7:00.Sounds like they are spoiled rotten these criminals.

  6. El 50 was trained by Mossad ,CIA Special Activities Division and Delta Force Operators .
    Ese vato es de las Fuerzas Especiales de Alto Mando del CJNG .

    Por ahi cuentan que mato a 300 Spartans con un machete, es temido por los Talibanes ,y continua entrenando en missiones de Black Ops con Los Linces

    1. You believe is Santa Claus too?

    2. El 50 was trained in the linguist arts of hip hop by 50 cent himself. If he hadn't decided to become a drug dealer he probably would have been the best Latino rapper in the world. Oh well.

  7. Canada is dropping the visa requirements for Canada.
     The visa requirement was initially put in places as over 12K Mexicans were arriving annually in Canada and declaring refugee status! And many were not even from Mexico but used Mexico as a jumping-off point to gain access to Canada! Human traffickers and drug traffickers took advantage of the no-visa requirement!
     Refugee Status In Canada means many years of free $$$$ (12000pesos monthly per adult and more if you have children), free medical which includes medical operations (need a heart or lung transplant or fitted for a prosthesis), free eye care and glasses, free schooling for the kids and free dental! No hables ingles!? No preoccpas!
    Ingles escuela gratis tambien! And after you learn English if you wish to go to school or college it is free, too! And the cherry on the cake Canada will pay for you lawyer to fight for your right to stay in Canada!
    If you can prove your life is in threat for being gay or on Cartel Hit list( la tuna residents) or an abused child prostitute or an abused woman with children you have a good chance of being allowed to stay forever. Folks like Dr Mirelles or threatened Journalists would likely be accepted as legitimate refugees. If after many years, perhaps 10 to exhaust all appeal, you are refused to stay, Canada pays your airfare back to Mexico. However, many Mexicans just go undercover and stay!
    Why would Canada implement this insanely generous offer to refugees? The Liberal Trudeau Government is basically a clone of the Hugo Chavez/Maduro style of Venezuelan socialism: Big government that will always support and vote for the Liberals as well as  enough of the voting population who reap the benefits of the Socialist largesse. Like Chavez Trudeau is destroying the oil and gas sector and private business opting for growth through a Socialist welfare state. 10s of 1000s of government jobs are created to support, give care and nanny--judges, welfare workers, doctors nurses, psychologists, teachers etc etc.
    However, like Venezuela is experiencing, it comes with an economic cost. Trudeau gvt is now running federal deficits of 35 billion annually--a huge amount for a the population. For now Trudeau can get away with this debt, however, like Venezuela, when the next economic downturn comes it will be a huge economic and social problem.
    Why don't Canadians complain? The R word. Anyone who complains is called a racist! It works everytime!
    Canada is taking over 100K Muslims annually, so, why not Christian Mexicans. Vast majority of Canadians would take Mexicans before Muslims. Most Canadians who have visited Mexico have had positive interactions with the Mexican people.
      Anyway, if you want to visit and enjoy a vacation in Canada or claim refugee status very soon all you'll need to do is book a ticket!

    1. Damn, I should have gone to Canada instead of the U.S. you can't beat free college

    2. Poor old Canada,trying to do the right thing

    3. I'm sure they are not as racist either, I met some Canadians and were nice people. They are the looking at the positive impact Mexicans would make in their economy unlike U.S who just sees the brown skin.. good for them

    4. The Trudeau government is a clone of Chavez/Maduro? That's a ridiculous claim.

      Trudeau's government is similar to the social democratic governments that exist in Central and Northern Europe (Germany, Norway, Sweden, Netherlands, etc). It's a liberal democratic-socialism run by civilians, not an authoritarian Marxist-Leninist regime run by the military.

      Canada has very transparent government, a low crime rate (in a global perspective), some of the most extensive human rights protections, etc. Venezuela has 3,000+ murders annually in Caracas alone, Maduro's nephew is a convicted drug trafficker, journalists get killed all the time, and there's little to no government transparency. Night and day.

      Canada's debt is not really a problem. It's debt-to-GDP ratio is at about a medium-level for a first world country (lower than Japan, the U.S. and about half of the EU states). The reality is that high debt levels aren't much of a concern for large, first world economies. Canada's debt-to-GDP ratio is just under 100. Japan's is 220+, with negative interest rates and sky-high deficits year after year. The Japanese people still enjoy one of the highest standard-of-living in the world, robust social benefits, they're a technology innovator, etc. Canada could reasonably double its debt overnight and Canadian bonds would still be considered a conservative investment due to governmental stability and the high amount of commodities for export.

      If Canada ever got into trouble on the bond market, the U.S. Fed would just step in and buy bonds, like we've done for European countries that are even less strategically important to us than Canada. Realistically, debt can be monetized or de facto written off by central banks who purchase it in order to save private market players. What kind of insolvency scenario do you seriously imagine Canada facing?

      Sorry, but your talking points sound like silly right-wing claptrap.

    5. "I'm sure they are not as racist either, I met some Canadians and were nice people. They are the looking at the positive impact Mexicans would make in their economy unlike U.S who just sees the brown skin.. good for them"

      But why not stay and fix Mexico? See how Canadians feel when 12M+ are illegally in their country.

    6. 6:44-Agree with everything you said.Like you too 4:14 struck a chord with me too comparing Canada to Venezuela;night and day.Socialism is not the same as communism,at least not a social democracy.

  8. El Mayo quiet eating steak n lobster...La pura vida for someone that has been in the game for decades. No news is good news.

    1. Eating steak and lobster one day, hiding in a cave the next day. Constantly needs his dudes around him for protection. Constantly watching his back. Sounds like an awesome life! Bill Gates should learn a thing or two from Mayo... Lol... Give me a break.

    2. Hasn't Chapo enjoyed steak and lobster a few times? I wonder what the food tastes like now when Chapo eats quietly.

    3. La pura onde esta tu

    4. El rey zambada en el bote en US, dos hijos muertos, suicidados, given fame as snitches, whether deserved or not, some mexican narcos get quickly extradited, to keep them silent on the US prisons, incommunicados, some biggie big wigs' secrets kept secret that way, and mexican government con artists keep facking up mexico and the mexicans from their lofty positions...

  9. La Zeta is often ontop of things before anyone else. Also, their long investigative pieces are very worthwhile. I read it nearly every day if not twice.


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