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Sunday, January 15, 2017

Don Neto Fonseca ordered to pay famillies of Kiki Camarena smf and his pilot Twenty Million pesos

Posted by DD from material from  Borderland Beat Archives   Milenio and Mexico News Daily

   By order of a federal judge, Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, Don Neto, a founder of the Guadalajara cartel, must pay a compensation of 20 million 810 thousand pesos ( close to US $970,000) to relatives of the DEA agent, Enrique Kiki Camarena Salazar, and the relatives of his  pilot,  Alfredo Zavala.  

Foncseca had been convicted by a Mexican court for the 1985 kidnapping and murder of Camarena and  Zavala and was sentenced to 40 years in prison. but was released due to his advanced age and various illnesses  last July  under house arrest at his home in an exclusive gated community in Atizapán de Zaragoza in the State of Mé serve out the remaining 9 years of his sentence.  .  

Drug Trafficker  Rafael Caro Quintero.was also convicted of the same crime but a Federal Judge ruled in an amparo ( a procedure unique to Mexican law similar to a injunction in US) that t Caro had been tried and convicted in a Federal Court and the crimes were state crimes that should have been tried in a state court.  He was released  the next day at 4:30 the next morning.  The govt appealed the amparo ruling and it was overturned and a warrant for his arrest was issued but Caro was long gone and no one has seen him since. He is considered a fugitive from the law.  

Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo was also given 40 years. He remains behind bars in the Altiplano prison.

But back to Don Neto's current problems.

The Fourth District Court of Federal Criminal Proceedings in the State of Jalisco determined that the capo  must cover the total amount of the "integral reparation" of the damage, since he had been found  guilty of abduction and murder.

 Melenio reported that "the Federal Judiciary Council reported that the ruling was based on the jurisprudence of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, as well as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. It was also based on international norms and treaties signed by Mexico. 

"The judge's judgment points out the right of the victim to receive 'fair compensation', because this is the only way to achieve the fundamental objectives of social compensation. 

 " 'In imposing such a measure,' adds the ruling, 'victims may find that the damages that were caused to them also have adverse consequences for those responsible|"

Mexico News Daily reported that the judge said "The court determined that given Carrillo’s “elevated” economic capacity, the serious violation of the rights of the victims’ rights and his high level of responsibility, “the compensation must be equally severe.”

According to Mexico News Daily the judge ordered that 10 million pesos had to be paid within five days to Camarena’s son and a similar amount to Zavala’s wife and five children


  1. LOL get a job camareras family.. so they blame don neto and #1 for the same crime?

    1. They didn't request money, it was ordered by the judge, and yes they do have jobs, Camarena's son is prosecutor in San Diego County, AH!

    2. Blood money from scum. What a joke. Keep the rat in prison where he belongs. If i was kiki kid i would hunt down the scum and their families and take revenge.

    3. 12:36 sure, the were more partners in crime there, but they plan to get financial compensations from them maybe I guy every 5 years, the biggest millionaires out of Iran Contra will never be bothered or made to pay any more compensation...

    4. @3:16 what a joke u are. Typicall dumb a.. if you were kikis kid you wouldn't do nada!! Being in law enforcement MUST be the most depressing thing EVER. You get in the profession to MAKE a difference. Then 30 years go bye and you realize you didn't change a DAM THING! As a matter more than likely things are worse than when u began lol smh

    5. Look up....corrido,...Cesar Fonseca,'s really good....

  2. Rapist and murderer and most BB readers love him.
    Sicko Mexicans!

    1. 12:48 What a mature comment.

    2. 12:48 who, mister twisted psyco-paranoid, who is loved by the "mexicans"?

    3. @9:53 Don is not a Don like the American mafia it's a Mr word. DON NETO, MR NETO. And at 12:48am your irelevent bet you worship Gotti right then you must be a sicko American except you don't see all these killings happening in America because unlike our American government Mexican government is corrupt allowing all those killings.

    4. 10:00 anthony "fat tony" salerno, paul "big paul" castellanos, John "the Teflon don" gotti, used to be the donal's friends and benefactors until they wanted to collect on some favours, and the donal' got rudi giulianni to handle them for him, enter the russian mafya: Bayrock's Tevfik Arie, and felix Sater, and long time friend Joseph "joey no socks" Cinque...these few secret liaisons prove to you that the mexicans are almost white doves of, enter goldman sachs and Carl Icahn, EXXON, the Koch brothers, the tea party and all the other CROOK-O-DILS at the gates...
      --Please line up your ducks in a row,

  3. The CIA could of stop kiki death, but didnt, CIA Felix even spoke to him face to face while he was getting tortured.....CIA should get sued for not saving a US goverment employee

  4. Read this article in Mexico News daily and was surprised. Given the time frame of when incident occurred a monetary policy to compensate the victims. A little too late? Payment should not be an issue for drug lord. Chump change. Moreover it can never put a real figure $$$$$ for the loss of life. A step in the right direction in part of government? Or some meticulous move behind this? 9 years of house arrest squashed?

  5. I love how these full-blood 'corruptacies' like Mexico, India, Kenia etc. etc. have the most elaborate laws and the most bull-shit articulate rulings whilst at heart your way to 'justice' is a matter of what you pay.

    1. 6:37 I agree with your cynicism 100% . But look at our own good old USA . Jeffrey Skilling of ENRON fame is buying out of prison 15 years early for $42 million .

    2. Yeah I've noticed that too. Mountains of bullshit piled on top of a rotten foundation. South Africa is the same.

    3. 6:37 All those "countries" have been colonies of other powerful civilizations that still exploit them by supporting their juntas and dictators, don't make it look like the "full blood corruptacies" just grew from a local banana tree...

  6. "a Federal Judge ruled in an amparo (a procedure unique to Mexican law similar to a injunction in US) that Caro had been tried and convicted in a Federal Court and the crimes were state crimes that should have been tried in a state court."

    and the Federal Court couldn't figure that out in the original trial? What a pinche unfunny joke the Mexican justice system is.

  7. They should had made this monetary demand, when he was in his prime. Hard to believe he'll have that kind of money after over 30 yrs in prison, but who knows?

    1. Retribution is for no house arrest and go back into business. Sure he has a place on hierarchy for the Jalisco cartel. Believe me he made his roots . And it goes a long way into the criminal organization of the drug business.
      Expect him to have a major hand in the drug operations.

    2. 7:06. He has that money and more as most people with family ties to Badiraguato knows.

    3. @8:25 The judge ordering him to pay nearly a million dollars as compensation to the victims family has nothing to do with his house arrest. He was released from prison to serve out his remaining 9 years of his sentence this past August. While he is probably not happy having to pay the million dollars, I suspect at age 86 or 87 he will be happy to stay at home and be with his family.

    4. 8:57 . What happens if somebody operating now don't want him taking a cut ? This POS deserves a brutal painful death . Murdering rapist bastard . Bet he really is a true bastard . WHOs HIS DADDY ?

  8. Wow , But the families of murder immigrants at the hands of ICE for crossing the border can't sue.

    1. @804 am...hey stop. My uncle mike is a bp not the fault of the agents that millions of illegals from every where i repeat illegals aliens breaking the law trying to cross the border by any means necessary... everyone knows the risk both bp agents and illegals when it comes to the why will they get sued for doing a job ?? Is like suing the garbage man or the fire man...some body has to secure the borders...bp is not for everyone it takes courage and professional uncle is a Christian man a family man a great cowboys fan a amazing individual...but when it comes to his job he is a fine professional at catching them...much respect from Rio Bravo valley "no country for old men".

    2. 8:04 Murder victims at the hand of ICE ? Show us more information . I think if and when this happen they can and do sue . That is if there is evidence . AS IN PROOF !

    3. 4:42 yes there is but that's a different case scenario. U.S is said to have justice for ALL

    4. Criminals do what criminals do, hard to find and harder to prosecute them...
      But when law enforcement officers do crimes it is a betrayal and a corruption of their sacred duty to serve and protect, they swore to it and are supposed to know better, nobody offered them impunity for their services, right?

  9. You got to be pretty dumb to think Don ain't got major loot. It's cheaper to live in the joint than on the bricks.

  10. You kidding me. Dude living large and still got major loot.

  11. Why is this dea agent thing still mentioned. Setiously its like his life matters way more then other ppl that gwt killed in the business. Everyone should be treated equal. He is not more special then anyone else

    1. 8:31 I understand you can not investigate every murder, no matter how hard you try, same here, but you can post your favorite top ten or four or five and let somebody decide the best ones and how to report them, I wish I could have more patience and explain to you why camarena's murder matter to righteous men all over the world, but not today.

    2. Im not saying bb post too much stuff about kiki.its their website they can do what they want. Just in general. I see this story all over the place, like he is the only one who died...

    3. 8:31 About 300 000 murdered and 50 000 disappeared, mostly at the hands of police corporations and armed forces, while the government minimizes the quantities and refuses their guilt, but 43 disappeared students matter more because they put the mexican state terrorism out there,
      --Kiki Camarena dead, keeps stoking the fire at the feet of his real american murderers because he is not alone, you are not alone because you like it here, we won't stop.

  12. I'm pretty sure The Sinaloa Cartel will pay 10 times The Money Debt Just so Felix Can Be Left Alone, One thing for sure the Sinaloa man have balls of steel killing A Dea agent you don't see that everyday

    1. All facts right there in one paragraph Nice

    2. I agree on that bro

    3. There we go again with super Sinaloa sh!t... lol if they would have been smart they would have had a better life and more bussiness. Just look at chapo, that sinaloa man made the dea agents his best friends lol

    4. what felix.? gallardo? you got that wrong no one wants that culon out, is better for him to stay there, he will last longer in jail. as soon as he gets out , theres alot of families awaiting revenge on felix gallardo. nadie lo quiere al puto ese.

    5. No he didn't have balls of steel.He made a stupid decision because he lost his temper.Not a smart move obviously because he's paying the piper in both money and lost time.He let emotion[temper] instead of logic rule him.Again I say,out of control sicarios!

  13. Expect the monitoring bracelet to be on the house pet . All along conducting business for the cartel elsewhere.

    1. 920. And while spreading his untreated Hepatitis his body organs are failing

  14. Within 5 days?? I bet that does not happen, I bet he does not pay a dime.

  15. Caro is in the Michoacan mountains

  16. They best cash in before it will be about $10 u.s. dollars.the way the peso is plumeting and Trump checks in...

  17. Huh, how does a drug lord buy a Mansion and gets to live in it for house arrest? Who is paying the bills? If he got convicted ,then both government's should have taken all his wealth. Where is the money trail?

  18. Kiki's family, co-workers and friends will never forget Kiki's ultimate sacrifice. It is the reason many drug agents fight this losing battle against the pathetic, cowardly monsters who fuel the drug trade. Both the suppliers and consumers (US). Every time you use an illegal drug you are supporting those drug traffickers who kill hundreds of thousands of people to further their illegal trade. We love you Kiki and everything you stand for. God Bless you and your family.

  19. Kiki's family, co-workers and friends will never forget Kiki's ultimate sacrifice. It is the reason many drug agents fight this losing battle against the pathetic, cowardly monsters who fuel the drug trade. Both the suppliers and consumers (US). Every time you use an illegal drug you are supporting those drug traffickers who kill hundreds of thousands of people to further their illegal trade. We love you Kiki and everything you stand for. God Bless you and your family.

    1. It was due to Richard Nixon signing to a war on drugs then in this time it was due to Felipe Calderon war on drug everyone just got stuck with that never ending battle. At this point think Mexico's just cashing in on the American dollar with this so called war on drugs. The whole government is corrupt if Mexico wants it's people not dieing they need to get there shit together leave the American junkies out of this Mexican corrupt government allowes this. And yeah Kiki was great man he was a former DEA agent here in fresno then got moved to Calexico and if you haven't read blood on the corn read it BB had posted all 3 articles. You'll understand that it's not fair that Don Neto got singled out since el #1 ordered his torture and killed. El #1 should payout to double up the money for the family even if it's dirty I don't think Kiki would want his family accepting that money the Mexican government should pay out to for not having control on the cartel. that what we do here in fresno Calif if a victim is killed by gang like drive by the county pays to the family of the victim because they couldn't control the gang activitie. Anywho just putting in my 2 cents.

  20. How much is 20 million pesos in USD?

    1. @4:54 At the close of the currency exchanges on Friday it is 929,246.254311 (a little over nine hundred twenty nine thousand dollars.)

  21. Nicodemo Lil Nicky Scarfo, died of Natural Causes he 87yrs old.

  22. I wldnt pay one camel.

  23. That is stupid, why didn't the judge order for #1 to pay out to since he ordered the crime and kept him alive to be kept tortured. Why single out Don neto.

  24. I don't get why they want this guys money to settle the death of the DEA agent if I was this guys family I would not accept nothing. It seems like his life is worth 1million dollars smh.

  25. Neto and caro, took the blame and never pointed fingers, they knew, but kept quiet that's why their families kept the money and the BIG BOYS never bothered them, felix gallardo started talking.and some of his family got murdered his money was stolen by you all know who in mexico.

  26. RIP kiki your son the judge will get them all

  27. The DEA should be the one to pay since they had him killed because he found out the DEA was doing business with the Guadalajara Cartel and kept it doing up to Today with El Chapo. El Vicento has been out living it up in the US Witness Protection Program and still working for the CIA. The game DOESNT STOP it just changes players.


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