Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tamaulipas: "El Oaxaco" aka "Bravo 1" Arrested, of the Old School Zetas

Itzli for Borderland Beat

Juan Pablo Pérez García, alias "El Oaxaco" and code name "Bravo 01", of the Old School Zetas was reportedly arrested somewhere in Nuevo León, near the border of Tamaulipas, late Friday, January 20th by special forces of the Marina which utilized ground forces and helicopters in the search for his location.  Apparently authorities had been increasingly closing in on him in recent weeks, as it was reported that state and municipal police officers in Nuevo León had been arresting a number of members of the Old School Zetas, particularly in the Monterrey municipal area.  "El Oaxaco" was taken to the airport of Reynosa, Tamaulipas overnight and flown to a military base in Mexico City around 9:00 AM on Saturday.

"El Oaxaco" is said to be a former soldier of the battalion of Ciudad Victoria, Tamaulipas and a former state police officer of Tamaulipas.  With the emergence last year of the Old School Zetas (Zetas Vieja Escuela), he rose to infamy as the leader of "Los Bravos", apparently the enforcement wing of the Old School Zetas (though Menytimes claims that Javier Morales Valencia, alias "El Shaggy", was the original "Bravo 01" and "El Oaxaco" assumed the code name following the former's death on October 10, 2016), and was often the "signer" of various banners and messages from the Old School Zetas.

Following the August 2016 arrest of Luis Reyes Enríquez, alias "El Rex" and code name "Z-12", as well as the October death of "El Shaggy", divisions emerged within the Old School Zetas; "El Oaxaco" would go on to claim loyalty to "Z-12" and allege that he had been handed over to authorities by members of the Old School Zetas.  As his enemies joined in an alliance with the Matamoros faction of the Gulf Cartel to create the C.D.Z., "El Oaxaco" and his allies were hunted down by both this group and the CDN and I would expect for "Los Bravos" to soon become extinct.

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  1. Keep getting these scumbags. No hiding nor sanctuary. Glad to see Mexico is having an impact. Let's just hope they remain in pits for the rest of their days!
    Can Mexico begin to see light at the end of this tunnel? Or are there hidden agendas for a new cartel? When business was business only . Quiet and discrete . With respect to its citizens and its communities. Where government was content with business interests and its arrangements .
    I'm sure peace is the focal point for the government already.
    Nevertheless, continue to hunt the murderous bastards . U have my blessings

    1. I heard in 2018 theirs going to be a new president thats going to fix and make mexico anti corruption. His name is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. Look him up and see wat yall think about that guy. If yall understand spanish

    2. Lopez obrador will never be president of Mexico, lmao, you trippin

  2. You're not a coward just because you feel fear. We're cowards if we give into it and let it manipulate and control our lives. - J.M.

    - Sol Prendido

    1. I'm a coward when it comes to using drugs, yea.

  3. Lol las bravas didn't last long of course his people were going to betray him and el rex they didn't have any money ... they tried to take laredo when even the biggest capos (chapo&mayo) failed

    1. Mira pendejo oziel cardenas tomo a nuevo laredo para el cartel del golfo. Y el grupo bravo no controlo la plaza entera pero se metio en nv y le andaban rompiendo el culo al cdn

    2. @9:29 Calm down, did 3:03 strike a nerve or wtf

    3. First off it was miguel treviño with the zetas who took laredo from Los Tejas who worked for chapo and the Beltran Leyva and 2nd putting up mantitas doesn't mean shit pendejo... no te pongas brava because you'll end up like them by which I mean you won't exist

    4. January 28, 2017 at 11:01 AM

      Even Z50 did more to take NL than trevi. Everybody knew he was a coward.

    5. El 50 was Treviños bitch that's why he flipped everybody in laredo knows this

  4. his beard is pretty even on both sides....

    1. yup too even to be a oaxaco

    2. 3:09 Come back 2 the light snuggles. - Sol Prendido

  5. El Oaxaca this dude is serious business he don't play games
    Arriva Oaxaca

    1. 3:19 arriba oaxaca, arriba de que?
      It is one of the poorest most facked up states in mexico, but there is a lot of room for pendejos there, you may fill in for a dozen of them...

    2. Here in L.A oaxaco or guajaco, its and insult. Guess in monterrey también, just look at this lowlife...

  6. They should hunt them all down.
    -Sarai Fan Club

  7. This guy is the one who was behind the attack in Cancun, and we have caught him. Please come back tourists we love you
    -EPN Administration

    1. 4:13 Fack epn,

    2. Hijo del infierno. Ahora si tendras larga sentencia hasta a tu muerte donde te encontraras con tu maestro.

    3. Is it true that the violence has scared of the tourists in Cancun?
      Anybody know?

    4. 11:13 shó hope so.
      No turistas, no chacales.

  8. CJNG is said to be operating in Monterrey while zetas and golfos are hunted down by each other and millitary. CJNG is skeaking inside zetas plazas

    1. Y tu nieve de limón de que la quieres...smh come out for some air holmes...

  9. This fucking guy one day hes zeta the next hes old school zeta then hes golfo then hes zeta again. And the whole time he wreaking havoc fighting cdn and accusing the cdn of killing innocents and he also kills innocents. A true piece of shit psycho chapulin motherfucker. And honestly most likely he was the one that turn el rex in. This happen a while back anyway

  10. If that the history and alleged demise of the group, his arrest is probably his saving grace because it doesn't sound like he had much time left to live. He probably caught himself.

  11. Does anyone know whats going on with Gustavo Gonzalez Castro, el erotico. He is an original zeta that keeps a low profile, and is still active. He was with Efrain Torres that broke gulf members out of prison back in the day

    1. He's out of the game, he lives somewhere in Guanajuato.

    2. Pretty sure he was arrested a few years ago, but then possibly quietly released like some speculate and back to work....
      They did the same thing with that zeta kidnapper Lobo... captured him like twice to only release him later so he could go back and prey on migrants etc.

    3. January 25, 2017 at 5:49 AM
      Erotico was never arrested. Most of the OG ZETAS quit the moment Z1 died and Z2 (Betancourt) defected. Then others left when Osiel was arrested and pretty much the original group was gone by the time Osiel was extradited. They been out of the game for at least a decade.

    4. One of the original z (original 20) became a pastor.

    5. 9:10 no pos WOW! El erotico le jué bien, los demás nomás anduvieron de calientes para nada o pa ir a dar al bote

  12. That article in itself explains it all if you can just read between the lines . Theyre just pretty much all the same , SOCIOPATHIC criminals . No loyalty to anyone they turn on you depending which way the wind blows at the time . Stab their comrades in the back at a whim. Not loyal as a policeman a soldier a cartel member . What are these people worth in any kind of team ? Just expendable killers . Next week they be working for their last weeks enemy .

  13. Just another Mexican from the lower ranks to make it seem as if they got a big fish

    1. Let me tell u this this piece of shit was good at war better than about anyone left in mexico righ now. He wasnt original zeta but a true soldier turned sicario who spent 2015 n 2016 at war with what was left of the treviños and fucking them up litle by litle.

    2. Yep. Mexico is a narco state. No security or rule of law for the people.💀😵

    3. Mexico is a staging area, shipping and receiving feedstocks for the biggest drug addicts with the most money in the world, some products come from SouthAmerica some from China others from southern asia, and I suspect some from the rusia, land of krokodil, to feed the crook-o-diles in the newly renewed and remodeled, deepened and repopulated SWAMP.
      --Of course, there are a lot of chemical precursors used to process all those drugs, but they are legal, no reason to prosecute investigate or control them or their suppliers.
      --Usté hagase pendejo, nothin' to see here.

  14. Cool he will talk not bravo like the old days

  15. El era El senor de la O pero ya valio verga XD.

  16. Zeta Old School took a big hit when El Shaggy was killed few months back,he was a dog who worked with many dogs,Varo Puga,El Riky,Mole,El Pelon,Ardilla,Cabeza de Marrano,El Dandy,Ferrari,Coyote,Boss, all these are like the 2nd wave of Zetas who moved around and made the Z the hated brutal kidnappers and murderers,many known and put in CV by little legs Lazcano,between these names alone they definitely killed 1000s of Mexicans,kidnapped 100s of young girls.All these were ten times worse than Z40 who some of them wanted out from,remember Inconformidad Zeta mantas,then they all started dry snitching in mantas and killing cells,its a pity they didnt kill each other and Torre Cantu who helped them,hopefully this at least ends the old school shit of brutal murderers,Oaxaco wasnt even one these long time Z so some mantas say ?

    1. How do you know they took a big hit please explain

    2. One of the main men of Zeta old school,long time Z

    3. El Shagui was Bravo 1 .
      Gafe of CDN was hunting their asses,,Charmin caught Oaxaco caught Rex caught Shagui dead,Charmins brother dead by Gafe,Cmdte Porras put in CV by Lazca dead,anymore while im over here ?

    4. Who is running CV now?

  17. Got to say this lunatic looks funny... Wo ho ho Merry Christmas... 🎅 lol

    1. I don't think I'd ever be telling him how "funny" he looks if he were right in front of me, but that's just me....

  18. todo los vatos de los zetas estan bien sarros

  19. Wasn't R1 Reyes mejia with the old school zetas? Is he still around. Some people believe that R1 is the one speaking on a video that says "aqui cocinando mugrosos".

    1. He's gone off the radar and supposedly still alive. He's still wanted by the U.S. as if he's still alive but there's no concrete confirmation one way or another.

    2. No dude,guy who said that on video,appeared on Moros Rap pictures when he die,they were giving him the QEPD al cielo 100 soldado caido,routine,plus R1 was little fat baldy in his last picture,check it out ?

    3. Cmmte R1 de Nuevo Guerrero, tamps murio hace 5 o 6 años. Ya no revivan muertos

    4. R1 alias el flakito se parese a sepillin q gordo panochones!esta muerto por manos de jente del difunton nacho coronel.por lo del m3.avia intereses .le jugaron el dedo en ocico por su pasado con la vieja aliansa delos mugrozoz y el june garcia .kiso chingar alos viejos al 4 de camargo al 8 de aleman y yello lopez. Despues lo isieron de agua al r1

    5. 1:29
      I saw an alleged pic of him and he had a receding hair line but his skin was light and the bone structure of his face was different from the official confirmed pic. Thanks for your info.

    6. El r 1 was killed by a gunship thats it

    7. R1 anda en Zantiago nuevo leon.

    8. Si es que esta muerto, como es que siguen saliendo corridos nuevos de el, solo pregunto. Que no andaba con C1 y el bravo???

  20. I know right? Here come Santee class

  21. Cdn z will inherit the noreastern plaza...of Mexico... They are z... Golfas are done... Cdn Ridding the contras in noreastern plaza... Oldschoolzetas were golfos... Let go of past ...welcome the new management...cdn

    1. Get out for once,let me tell you something before the split Z/CDN when they where just Zs Golfos couldn't take the Golfos plazas what makes you think now they can lol Not even with 40,Lazcano,Ardilla,42,etc Could get a grip of Miguel Aleman few minutes from Nuevo Laredo. The CDN is getting raped by C.D.Z. in Ciudad Victoria. CDG have Cabeza De Vaca on there payroll the recent Fuerza Tamaulipas elements sent to Nv.Laredo are killing CDN members.

    2. El cdg is far from finished.

    3. 3:04 Now called CDE, for "cartel de los estupidos".

    4. just as golfos could never take and Z plazas either.
      at some point mier was taken by zetas and then retaken by golfos, but there are still a lot of zetas inside mier and even more when you count the ones coming from guerrero.
      victoria is a mess, and in my opinion CDN is far from defeated there, even less now that bravo was captured. i don't think its going to be long before victoria originals go back to and make a truce with the laredos. golfos from matamoros aren't the same as golfos from reynosa, they cant stand each other, and even with some of Z vieja escuela joining forces with matamoros, victoria is still zeta, almost in its entirety.
      now laredo.. that plaza will always be zetas, golfos will keep making incursions but that's all they can aspire to. same goes with other heavily guarded z plazas like piedras negras, etc. as long as they are able to hold on to their key plazas, they are really going nowhere.

  22. Gulf and Z's keep splitting like a cell undergoing division. Unlike the cell, however, they become substantially weaker with each division

    1. 10:15 that the idea, the nacos from the mexican federal government on el DF, the federal police, the melitary, don't need those pendejos for a while. They can go back to plow some cerro somewhere behind a burro pedorro.
      Vaya con dios, pero vayase

  23. And who's the CDZ? What zetas join with the Matamoros faction of CDG? And why are zetas joining with factions of CDG and there's other CDG factions going against one another?

    1. They're allegedly joining the matamoros faction of the cdg wich is the true cdg.

  24. Damn, who knew Wolverine was moonlighting as a narco.

  25. Pero matamoros sigue mandando

  26. Cabeza de Vaca con quine? Cuando ere en Reynosa los Z manan bajo Cdg. Pero ya???

  27. Quin sabes? Pero despues Chapo imagino k los ultima dos vatos Hernandez y Yarrington no sienten bien. No importa si era amigos con El Presidente o no. Y Nieto cupable?

  28. Your Spanish sucks fool!!! Trump is going to Make Nieto hand them former governors over or no Meridia Cash!!! Pack your toothnrush bitches. That is what you get for Robbing and Stealing from the good folks of Tamaulipas. Sin averguenza y con sonrisas grande. Y ya??? Y su gran amigo Nieto? Te ayuda mas? Ramon Garcia Sanchez


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