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Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Omar Trevino Morales returns to Altiplano

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: El Z 42 , Omar Trevino Morales
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Proceso Redaction

After spending a little more than two months in the Maximum Security Prison of Ocampo, Guanajuato, the ex leader of the criminal organization Los Zetas, Oscar Omar Trevino Morales, "El Z-42" was returned to Cefereso number 1 "Altiplano" by judicial order.

According to information from the weekly ZETA, a district judge in matters of amparo in Mexico City, determined that that penitentiary authorities violated the definitive suspension that the capo had to not be removed from the Mexican prison until a trial of guarantees was resolved promoted by the latter.

However, in spite of this restriction, on the 21st of September passed, the director general of Cefereso number 1 transferred "Z-42" to Cefereso number 12 Guanajuato, in compliance with the case SEGOB/CNS/OADPRS/38527/2016 drawn by the OADPRS.

Later, Oscar Omar Trevino Morales, the same as his brother Miguel Angel "El Z-40" and other prisoners, have achieved their return to the prison of "Altiplano" after being transferred on the 30th of September of 2015 to Cefereso number 13 Oaxaca. To date, the majority of these capos were returned to the prison where they were originally incarcerated.

Coincidentally the return of Omar Trevino, for the second occasion, happened at the end of the year, as occurred in 2015.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. @Otis Sure glad to see you bro.

    1. You and Wachito look like you need a hand for a while

    2. @3:35 Being the astute reporter that you are, you hit on the head. thanks for the help. Whatever you can do will be much appreciated.

  2. Does anyone know whos running Los Zetas now? Are there any old original Zetas left alive?

    1. The same ones that run the cartel are the same ones this article discusses.

    2. Los Zetas as under Lazcano have gone as a cohesive group,the Trevino faction which is huge still under 40/42 even rebranded as CDN and hold Nuevo Laredo the most important border crossing in Mexico,a sister of 40 is rumored to have a big say in the running after Kiko Trevino was caught,along with people like,Huevo T,Cucho,Boss(caught),Gafe.A young sobrino of Cucho was recently caught in CV and then let go after they found out who it was,when all those pictures appeared online a few years ago of young kids with AKs,trucks,training,he was one of them,along with Kenzo,Viejto,they are now cmdtes.Most are dead always killed by marina or gob..Werko Kiloz who was named by Zeta vieja escuela was recently killed,he came up with cmdte Comino and Wilson,all these named are were kids from 15 upwards,if they last past being an,halcon,estaka,the death rate is unbelievable for these in Nuevo Laredo.They all claim CDN shit,CDN/Z

    3. Yes. Chuta still has a group "chutas", vera is still out too and erotico and another.

    4. Z40 & 42 are still running the show. Now that they are back to safety in Altiplano they will continue doing so. The only differnce is that it is more business and less bazooka than befire.

    5. January 5, 2017 at 7:31 AM they are cowards. Hiding is all they can do now. And after the old school zetas stealing most of their savings they are scared.
      Don't forget that the real Zetas (the ones that actually finished basic training and have something call discipline) from Lazcano's/Betancourt's generation are still very much out and active. They don't need a huge number of civilian kids/minors to run things. They prefer quality over quantity. Something the mugrosos of clan trevi miserably fail.

    6. The Zetas are done,get over it,the days when they took over plazas in cells and convoys military style,are gone,and original zetas are as rare as a fuckin wooly mammoth,are you a wooly mammoth?

    7. January 5, 2017 at 8:37 PM
      That's because PRI runs things now and zetas went back to their original M. O.
      They act more clandestine, they don't need all the heat and show of before.

    8. January 5, 2017 at 8:37 PM

      Zetas were always PRI enforcer chilangos. Nowadays they are "los licenZiados" they for directly for Sabinas.

    9. @ 11:02 el erotico has been dead for quite a while now

  3. Looks like Club Med for him and his crew. How many judges were bought for this to happen. Don't surprise me. The whole political process is corrupt. Laws pertaining high profile individuals should be voided . Sorry but looks like criminal activities will continue to operate while in the protection of the state prison officials. Wow.
    Can the Mexican government do anything else to show the world that they have NO BALLS.
    Someone , please hand them ( Government) a tissue already.

    1. The mexican government does have BALLS, if you look carefully they have labels that read "Made in the US", but the labels themselves are "Made in China"...
      --it pays to have all that laundered money invested in your communist slave paradise, no???

    2. Most capos dont want to be at altitplano especially since chapo escape caused a cleaning of house security wise.

    3. 9:49 your wrong, altiplano is like paradise for the drug lords because you can bribe officials

    4. Let's be realistic here, where incarcerated whether in the North Pole or Mars . Business will continue. No stopping the wheels that generates Big Money. Tobacco companies do it every day.

  4. Think a second truck of toys and turkeys went to these judges for this to happen.

  5. Mexico sure seems to have a lot of legal procedures for such a lawless state.

    1. lol hahahahahhahaha so true

      ~~~el spaceio~~~

    2. No laughing matter for the dead and the dying Mr spaced out, the mexican Elite Zetas try to do good for their own as much as they can, where would they be if the rabble were not kept busy worrying about seta chorrienta alias judas and his cup o' tears sister, 42 tears?

    3. Man, is it me or is Mexico a bazarro world? If you don't know what that is then google it. Regular citizens have no rights while the criminals have excessive rights. It's way fucked up.

  6. Has there been any word or news on the Trevino nephew who was caught in Houston? I was surprised to see it wasn't big news in the USA when it happened but I guess I shouldn't have been.

    1. ☺ maybe there is no money in throwing money away with the baby water and the baby setas and their pee and 💩 popó

    2. You'll have to elaborate because I don't follow...

  7. Was Omar crying again?

  8. With so much power, why is that they can't kill the Warden?

    1. They don't need to, he's usually bought

  9. 4 every civilian out there: Try serving your country instead of just serving yourselves.

    And 4 every operator worldwide. You know who you are: We marshal in the days of WAR. Stay subtle as fucking LIONS! - El Sol Perdido

    1. That's what I call subtle fishing, but more straight forward than usual. Keep the quips and wise old religiously/philosophically styled statements coming, because I doubt I'm the only person who looks forward to them on most article comments. I would imagine you are an interesting character whether you are, or are not, an "operator."

    2. 7:42pm Your hubris is so distasteful. Please do not try to talk down to civilians with shitty advice as if we're all in a totalitarian state. Check yourself before you write here to make sure you're in the right place.

    3. Man,you getting worse,your on one today,cant you get a hard on or something.Its all in your head man,dont despair..I salute you serving an all that,but dont pull that better than anyone else shit,thats greasy

    4. 7.42
      Well said,i can dig

    5. Are you trying to say citizens should fight drug cartels. Lmao and stop the money flow. This guy must be a LeftWingNut

    6. 7:42 It's getting embarrassing.

    7. @7:40 I don't know if the guy is a "LeftWingNut" or not, but he didn't make the video. It is FBI PSA. We hear a lot of complaints about what is our society and our country coming to. IMO this PSA is just asking citizens to accept some civic responsibility.

    8. You were never part of the military, you're disrespectful to both civilians, current and former serviceman and woman. Get out of here with your sorry attempts at trying to sound like an erudite sage.

  10. Some pictures on estaka FB pages dont even have Zeta,they call themselves CDN or even Trevino Nectar Lima.CDN Operativo CD Victoria,CDN Operativo Zacatecas Nectar Lima Zetas,sending people to fight in CV or Zaca ? Old school Zetas have been fucked losing some names,El Oaxaca still hasnt gone down ?

    1. Theexican government, epn and the military keep twisting the arms of all the mexican drug traffickers, they are running short of funds and have no credit or credibility, too much debt, no reources or e ough income in spite of all the gasolinazos, they really need to take over the arcs businesses and capital, keeping them or their kids or both hostage, is expected to make them more coin than they need, but will it work? They can't male it with the US on their side, because they never worked one day in their life, all they know is TO STEAL.

    2. Old school Zetas stole all of trevis savings they are far from gone. Also remember that opd school Zetas are the ones that have connections in Europe with the Zetas Europa, not the trevis. It is known that El Vera and Priciliano Yepiz have a HQ in Barcelona. Something that CDN wish they could have. All they have is a bunch of minors with alcoholic parents.

    3. How would they steal their savings??

  11. Send fat Fredo Corleone to Florence, Co.

  12. Fat fucking crybaby murdering pig. Hope someone kills his ass on the inside.

  13. Did he cry? Will this prison give him a bra?

  14. This is indeed all a ploy to keep the brothers safe while the newly named CDN fight off the defectors. Do not forget the mantas calling them out as still running business from behind bars, something everyone suspected for years.

    Remember how quickly there was an "escape attempt" after hearing their mother's house was ransacked?

    Neither of them were handcuffed during their arrest!! You are talking about the most dangerous people in MX.

    All a show, and not worth the popcorn..

  15. I don't understand if there still running the show and have power how come they can't buy themselves out of prison?

    1. "Prison" is protection, and a facade on the battle with crime.

  16. Bola de mugrosos que ni su madre los quiere...put a bullet in their temple is the way to go...


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