Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Tijuana: Two women tortured and murdered, thrown on side of the road

Tijuana: Two women tortured and murdered

I've written a lot of these posts, not as many as those writing for AFN, Zeta, Frontera, and all the others who report the daily killings, the tragedies, the death, the brutality, but likely a few dozen over the last 5 years.  

I can write about the early morning mist, or the frigid cold that clings to the region, the frost and bitter winds that must sweep through the Tijuana/Rosarito road in those morning hours.  The morbid tranquility of two bodies, silent in death, the contrast of the serenity of early morning and the bodies getting colder by the second, warm flesh, red blood, fighting a losing battle with the frigid air.

The bodies were found near Real Del Mar.  

I don't know if it's easier one way or the other, or whether I care about what's easier. I don't think I do. I want there to be meaning.  Meaning in saying two men, possibly a mother and daughter, were beaten, and executed, then tossed on the side of the road.  

I don't know where the killing and violence ends, a void of anger, sadness, regret, hopelessness, bitterness.  Two women were murdered.  Two women were tortured.  And they were found on the side of a road.  

Maybe they were in involved in the trade.  Maybe they were someone's family.  Or maybe that is all that matters.  They were someones family.  They are.  There will be a funeral.  These women were loved by someone.  They mattered to someone.  The fact that they ended on the side of the road, bearing the marks of torture does not betray their humanity.  

But, it betrays ours, if we callously dismiss them as undesirables, or if they were indeed involved in the retail drug trade.  The tendency of a society is to tune out, to clean and crop a picture for instagram, take a Snap of some inane or enviable activity, turn up the music, dismiss, demean, dispose of the images, or the visuals that come along with beaten and bruised body parts and bullets piercing flesh.  

I don't do that.  You take it in, and process it.  Let it tear through you like a shot of liquor, let it singe your tongue, and burn your insides.....let it sit for awhile.     

Sources: AFN Tijuana 


  1. That sucks. R.I.P.
    -Sarai Fan Club

  2. Well written. Their is mass confusion my friend. One need only to look in, dig in, change, and change the world. I cry because I feel guilty growing up on this side of that imaginary line. I hope for my native fellows here and there.

  3. That was really deep you can feel the pain in the read!!

  4. Mencho and caf at it againg why do these ugly mofos thinks it's ok to kill a woman just because she rejected you?

    1. 7:23 why would la mencha or CAF get busy with these women?
      Try and think before openin' la mamadora, you don't even know the victims names!

  5. How does someone do something like this to another human?

    1. How does a woman take a mans and jail him by court?

    2. @1237 this is a story in Mexico, not your story in the US. Women in Mexico r lucky to collwct child support.

  6. Damn hats off arent we all tired we want a channge in mex

    1. Agreed Red. enough is enough. PLEASE STOP THIS NONSENSE!! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!

    2. And how do you plan to get the job done, more federales or military?
      --Another million dollars a day in foreign mercenaries?

  7. My cancer comes and goes I win battles but I know the war will be lost, it has changed my view on the world, children and women are sacred. Your post is probably one of the most insightful ones that I have felt.

    1. Hang in there, I'll pray for you.
      -Sarai Fan Club

    2. Keep fighting, I lost my mom to cancer and think of her everyday. Not a pitty party, just saying to keep fighting. Give it your all becouse its all on thr line. God bless, youll be just fine.

    3. May God bless you. Keep fighting

    4. a lot a people and me are with you my friend,keep up the good fight don't let down, i will pry for you amigo.

    5. For these murderers there is nothing sacred, we must remember that we started having these wholesale crimes when the mexican DFS stoped chasing "communist guerrillas" in mexico and started managing drug trafficking cartels like the guadalajara cartel and letting their schools of the americas trained military and paramilitary maniacs loose on the general population.
      Then there are the unforgiving husbands and lovers and rivals, it is a pity that the local poolice corporations are too stupid to clear this case.

    6. Your already a warrior in my book, May god bless you

    7. F*$k cancer, keep fighting.

  8. @J You have kind soul and a big heart. With all we see and write about I know that sometimes we feel we can't take any more, we just have to let our feelings out. You did an excellent job in letting those feeling flow. Besides that you are a great writer. Hang in there my friend.

  9. God will cleanse the earth may God bring peace to the world because the Devil lied to us all

    1. ...And we continue to deceive ourselves and those around us.

    2. God has abandoned those who have turned away from him. The earth is damned because of ALL of our wicked ways. "Muslims" killing in the name of god. "Christians" killing in the name of god. "Jews" killling in the name of god. Conservative Americans worry more about the death of a fetus but yet turn a blind eye to starving women and children. Mexican politicians selling their souls for cash at the expense of its people. If an abomination like Donald Trump can become the president of the most powerful country in the world then we are all truly damned to hell.

    3. 8:30 After more than 200 years of mexico/US friendship,
      I doubt God cares, sorry...

  10. Mexico needs god so much right now

    1. “¡Pobre México! ¡Tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de los Estados Unidos!”
      -Presidante Porfirio Diaz

      “Poor Mexico, so far from God and so close to the United States.”

    2. Mexico's porblem is the USA buddy..mexicans are doing is to each other.

      True change comes from within.

      I'm worlds away from mexico but i pray for the mexicans.

    3. stop buying drugs and both problems end

  11. Mexico . I used to like to go there . Not anymore . Its like the old western movies full of banditos . Maybe its always been bad and I didn't recognize when I was young . Nothing for me on the other side of the border . I really cant see a good change on the horizon . Was hopeful when Fox was running . That chango didn't turn out to be anything special. There have been revolutionist trying to change mexico for more than 100 years . Half of them were as corrupt as the ones they were going against. Mexico could be a paradise but .......

  12. I'll probably get flamed for this, but: What would happen if Mexicans spent as much time fighting corruption as they do praying to the virgin of guadalupe?

    1. *watching la rosa de guadalupe.

    2. 9:48 se mueren mas muchos y mas pronto por bobosos y pendejos

  13. Great, Simple read; that carries weight, for me, like a ton of bricks.
    - BBaddict .

  14. OFF TOPIC; Notice to all our readers. I think we should all say a little prayer for one of our more persistent readers. he must be very ill. I just finished moderating almost 200 comments tonight and I think this is the first time in a year that I haven't deleted his daily comment (sometimes 2 or 3 times) :

    "Chivis is a Zeta". I guess it takes all kinds.

    1. That sounds serious! Prayer said.

    2. Ooops, the cat is out of the bag, the canadiana and the canadian girl are fans too, specially of el lazca and el mamito "are muy guapos" I hate them, but not really they are good sports, the joke gets too funny sometimes, my belly hurts from the laughter, I hope your poster has been arrested and deported by the Con Don

    3. Every day? Wow. Sad.

    4. Lol, that's dedication but I think they may mean it in twisted playful manner.
      -Sarai Fan Club

    5. @12:58 well, i doubt there would be any shortage of women who would see lazxa mamito et al literally as God. Able to cater for their every desire. Do looks make any difference? Don't make me laugh

  15. And the killing continues it never stops Bless the Mexican people you good people. From a old gringo in the US

  16. Sadly to say Mexico has become a war zone for brutality and killings. Human beings tortured and discarded like trash is by no means justification for what has transpired here.
    For what unknown reason, they deserve a decent outcome of respect.
    I will leave this with a positive note: that maybe now you are in a better place. Where life's struggles are none and peace is always with you.

    1. @7:28 Amen to that. Infinitely sad though that death is the only safe harbour for so many victims of this madness and mayhem.

    2. In a war zone you have people fighting, even against all odds, I don't think these women put up a fight, there are also many deported and incoming central americans around, and gringo visitors, you need to think twice before assigning blames.

  17. I've got mixed drinks 4 all those feelings. And sometimes it makes sense 2 drink all those worries down the drain. - Sol Prendido

    1. 7:49 por una pinchi ves en tu pinchi vida, sol, muy bien muchachito, muuy bien...

  18. Good thing we're getting a wall done, amirite, guys?

    1. Yuge waste of money.

    2. 8:18 WOW! that platform will not get you elected dog catcher now, even with help of BLADDERMIR PUTIN'S billions of dollars

    3. The wall is a great idea it will stop tunnelling, fence jumping, airplanes, and drones. The cartels will never get their contrband across haha

  19. I cannot understand why the mx people are not demanding change. If this was happening on the us the people would be marching in the streets by the millions. They would be forming militias and police forces and using the constitution to transform the gov. I really dont understand. Viva Mexico means nothing if you dont take action. Do somthing now Mecicanos before its to late

    1. Doesn't work that we keep electing the politicos

    2. Because the 43 students were able to make a change with their protest, right?

    3. There are marches and protesting in mexico, you can see some in youtube, on the US they don't fix mucheck either, the pooliticians own the poolice, National Guard and military, and they kill more these days, when that happens, the march leaders are never found anywhere near and often were just agent provocateurs...why don't you start your own shit at your own pace?

    4. Mexicans obviously have no balls. el trumpo & the DC cartel mite fix it. they have to do a study to c if there's enough oil in mex to b worth it. just like Iraq, Afghanistan, & all the other failed states we've ran through.

    5. 904, stare down one or more of those mofos in a dark alley when you have no weapon and tell me how many balls you think you have.

  20. When I seen the photo my first thought was a American from this side did it, I wonder if any of many murders are done by men or even ruthless women from the USA go into Mexico to satisfied the thist of blood since Mexican Authorities close there cases as quick as it happened and no-one is ever found guilty.

    1. I sometimes think it could be a serial killer who crosses the border to quench his blood thirst.
      -Sarai Fan Club

    2. If there are Mexican nationals killing in the US then there is bound to be Americans killing in Mexico. It shouldn't shock or surprise anyone of this fact. The problem I have with your comment is you automatically assume it was an American.

    3. There are always those who like are more "active",
      On the US they see the crime scene and they know who to look for, while in mexico, well seasoned police officers, detectives and investigators know who to blame, and who to extort for it, sometimes even before the polesas themselves do it, or the melitary.
      --Cuba and MAO had the idea that somehow, community policing works, and somehow it worked for them, free of charge...
      --Top directed enterprises are usually too busy carrying all the water to their mills...

    4. Sarai how could you believe that it is an American serial killer? Serial killers in the USA arent typically middle aged white men according to who?

    5. For the record, I'm just the fan club and not Sarai.
      -Sarai Fan Club

    6. 1:20 is el sol peyido, changing his name again.

    7. 3:25 I'm not sol peyido. I chose my handle because I like Sarai's comments.
      -Sarai Fan Club

  21. There is a Natural Clinic in TJ. "Castillo Clinic" 2 BIG needles filled with Apricot Seed serum for $US 40 daily. 3 week cycle. Wonderful Mexican people work there. God saved my life with this syrum. God please richly bless our wonderful Mexican cousins. Una Canadiense sencillo

    1. If you don't have the money, sorry, tough shit, goodbye.

  22. Seems to be a never ending supply of sick mfers, who need to be destroyed.People need to stand up and fight, or you, family or friends will be next. Apathy is the cause.

  23. "Meaning in saying two men, possibly a mother and daughter, were..." Hmmm..

  24. real del mar and baja malibu have many americans living there. kinda scary!

    1. I live in san antonio del mar. . This was the talk of the town

    2. Just curious - why is it notable that 'Americans' are living there? It's scary either way, whether they are North American, South American, Central American, or Egyptian.

    3. It's notable and true that a lot of Californians live there because this is so 'foreign' in their culture.Yes there are South Americans,Central Americans but hey they are somewhat more used to this,the organized crime.I think the majority that live there are from USA at a much higher rate then say San Michael de Allende at 12%.

    4. San Miguel de Allende is for people with MOOLAH, even their mexican servants are not welcome to have homes anywhere near the city these days, it is all reserved for the moneyed, usually gringos or successful mexican narcos.
      I don't think Gringos living in poor tijuana areas have all that money but still can be amazed by all the crime...

  25. My post was for the man battling the illness- it was deleted? : (

    1. @11:04PM there were many posts for the person battling the illness. Occasionally I make a mistake (very rarely) and delete something that should have been posted. If you will re-post it and include something so I will know it is the one your are talking about and I will either post it or explain why I didn't.

  26. By seeing this crimes, occured in Souhtern area beyond border of San Diego, Trump will make realisation of making giant wall bordering Mexico US as soon as possible..

    1. No matter what side of the wall it happens on, it's wrong. It has nothing to do with a wall. It has to stop.

    2. The side of the wall matters, on the US side, the police.collect evidence, and may someday catch the criminal.
      In mexico, the 'poolesias' collect suspects and make them confess, while collecting kickbacks and mordidas from the real criminal... most of the time...

  27. We moved away from SAdM fifteen years ago but, even then, we often saw encobijados thrown to the side of the toll road. It's just getting worse.

  28. The story's writer reminded me of Charles Bowden(RIP)... able to touch us to the core for a moment.... then, we become mental quicksand forcing ugly truths into the quicksand of our subconscious to fester there and making us sick in myrid ways. And so it goes in Mexico... tomarrow's sunrise will reveal more bodies to passers by and to children on the way to school.

    And so it goes...and so it goes, and so it it goes in Mexico lIke the refrains in narco-corridos that get us happily dancing in shit. And so it goes.

  29. The caption on the picture says "mother and daughter are tortured and killed"

  30. I surfed Km22, 38, 55, 58, & San Miguel for the 1st time back in Summer of 1978. The worst thing I ever saw was a traffic accident involving a people-loaded van & a wayward bovine. It was a blood-soaked scene worthy of PTSD, but at least it was an accident.

    Frequent traffic stops for false infractions back then were simply an annoyance tax in our minds, but the sweet & solitary waves were worth it. Ironically, the cops haven't hassled us in years, perhaps because I'm an old man now.

    I ended up renting a place @ Km55 with a friend as a getaway house for many years and it was perfect until 2008-2009. METH had moved into the neighborhood in a serious way and the whole mood of the place changed. Weirdos crawling around outside at any hour to this day, despite "guards" & a gate. Chemically induced crazy is my best guess.

    The secluded areas seem to be a playground for psychopaths now, likely chemically induced and especially virulent. The violence these people perpetrate is mind-numbing, eliciting a visceral disgust and sense of hopelessness at the human condition. It's 2017 and people are still torturing and murdering each other over stupid shi+, fricken ey. Complete lack of empathy abounds, textbook psychopathy in action.

    I live in Acapulco now, and "playground for psychopaths" describes Guerrero as well. Not meth...rat poisoned BLOW fuels the psychopathy here. That & abject poverty in many areas. I'm talking a level of poor most of you likely have never seen, much less be able to comprehend. It appears that desperate people can accomplish amazing feats of barbarism for a few days bread. And as you all know already, it is a regular occurrence in hot-spots throughout México.

    I won't invoke religion; but rather, reality. I've seen too many good people meet their demise for no good reason to believe in impotent gods. The people who do these things need to be put down. There is no cure.
    That's just the way it is.

    Hasta luego,

  31. These macho dealers of death are just screwing beautiful Mexico and it's wonderful people!

  32. My mother disappeared in October of 2007 from Playas de Tijuana, we are from the US, I wish I would've known more about what was going on there then I wouldn't have ever let her go. She is still missing. Thank you for writing this..

    1. I am so so sorry for the pain and agony you must carry.


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