Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Armed Commandos take control of Villa Juarez, Navolato *Video*

Original article available at ZETA
Translated by El Wachito
Follow Borderland Beat on our Instagram account: Borderland Beat 

In another episode of the war between the people of Damaso Lopez Nuñez "El Licenciado", and the sons of the extradited Leader of the Cartel de Sinaloa, Joaquin Guzman Loera, this Tuesday an armed commando made an incursion into Villa Juarez, Navolato.

Picture available on Instagram

According to government sources of the Security Council, Ivan Archivaldo and his brother Jesus Aldredo Guzman Salazar are trying to take back the control of the region, and two weeks after a strong armed clash, again the cell of Los Chimales broke the climate of tranquility of the small community.

The convoy of sicarios consisted on at least 30 pick up trucks, SUV's and sedan vehicles, and they were driving at fast speeds. They had an X marked in the sides of the vehicles, and according to estimates from the Ministerial Police of the State, there were at least 50 armed gunman at the service of Los Chapitos.

Before the truck was set on fire

According to information given by the local population, the sicarios were able to kidnap at least 4 males, and they were shooting warning shoots to the sky in order to intimidate the locals, who at 6:40AM were heading towards their work and the students were going to their schools.

This photo was sent to our Borderland Beat instagram account

Once the sicarios took control of the community, they stole a bus of workers over La 50 road, which leads to San Pedro and Villa Juarez, and they proceeded to set it on fire in order to block the entrance to the community.


The armed command circulated freely over the roads of the community, and one of the vehicles had a barret attached to it.


After the armed commando left the community, the elements of the Army, Marines and local police arrived and the school classes were canceled.

This occured 3 days after the Army, Marines and PGR, captured the leader of Los Chimales, Francisco Javier Zazueta Rosales, alias "El Pancho Chimal", who the PGR accused of planning the ambush against the Mexican military in September 30th, of last year, were 5 soldiers were killed and 11 others were injured.

According to the local PGR, the Chimalis operate under the orders of Ivan Archivaldo, and their mission of to take the control of the Plaza from Los Damaso.

Moments later...

Apparently this vehicle had a stolen report and was used by the convoy

they were later on captured by Mexican Forces

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  1. There you go Chapitos. Represent for your pops. If you want the throne you gotta understand you gotta fight for it with true violence.. Your daddy's not here anymore to hold your hand and won't be for a long long time. If you want what he left you , you have to understand there's nothing hit sharks you have to keep at any in order to keep it. I don't root for any cartel I'm just glad they stepped up cause this ain't no game in Mexico.

    1. Great advise dude,you should be running the show in Sinaloa since your so brilliant.

    2. 10:25 . You sound like this is all right and normal .This wont continue . The fighters will all be killed and the cowards will be locked away sooner or later . This seems to be a complete over powering of the government. This will not hold forever . The little rats you refer to as chapitos will be killed out .
      If you live long enough you will understand nothing stays the same . The drug dealers will have to become covert and sneaky to last anytime at all . Mark your calendar . The "Chapitos" will be no more within a year .
      Times they are a changin

    3. Settle down kid.
      How do you know the times are changing if you aren't even playing the game

    4. "Since when" are the mexican military and police taking prisoners?
      Looks like it is all fake...for show and tell for pendejos, the only correct part is that the melitary and the polesias arrived 'later' like "8 hours and a half later" to put yellow tape around the crime scene and try to look professional for the mamen!

    5. 7:43. This is all normal. This is Mexico. This will not change anytime soon. Killing comes with the territory. There cartels are always trying to kill each other in some new method more brutal than the last and dump the bodies in a attempt to put fear in the rivals. But it obviously is not working because there never seems to be a shortage of kids or men willing to join even though they know they might end up on BorderlandBeat with a picture of them decapitated or disembowled. I'm sure almost all of them are afraid to die (most likely tortured first) but somehow they are still joining and replacing the guy who was killed the day before. Its the poverty that causes most of these men to join. Like a kid in Iraq that steals a piece of bread from a market knowing that if he's caught he will have his hand chopped off. He dosent want to have his hand chopped off but he also does not want to starve to death as well.Whether he's doing it to feed himself or his family.The day there's no poverty in Mexico is the day people stop joining cartels. At least out of necessity.(I know there are some sick ones that join just cause they like killing so much)

      On the other subject about the method of drug dealing changing to were cartels have to be more quiet and covert will not happen anytime soon either . Its hard for the government to catch these kingpins when the government doesn't want to most of the time. Why catch someone who's paying so much protection money every week or month to where these crooked government officials can all eat good.Its the way it's always been in Mexico. If the government seriously wants to catch someone they can . These kingpins are free cause their so good at hiding. Their free cause their paying protection money to do as they please. ( maybe not all but a big majority)

      And on the last subject I do agree with you about the Chapitos getting killed by the end of the year. That I do agree with you on. They just dont have what it takes to hold a throne like the one daddy handed down to them.

    6. If the Chapitos can handle Damaso I think they will survive

    7. This is normal? Hell if it happened in the states would it be normal? Sad statement to say @ James bond. Alfredito needs to turn himself in here in the states before he ends up dead and his brothers out of luck to say and all those guys willing to get killed are just some pair of pendejos who aren't even at the billion level as los chapitos kids. Sad.

    8. 1:00 Correction*** I meant The kingpins aren't free cause their so good at hiding ( not are)

    9. Jane Bones, what do you know about "the Mexicans"?
      You sound like a pendejo, a tourist and an jdiot, I lived in mexico for 25 years and never saw more than 2 or 3 deaths due to gun violence and a few more because of torture in the policia judicial estatal private jail, of course they were on their way to murdering all the communist agents they could find, but the murderers were trained and unleashed on mexico courtesy of the US "counter-insurgency" tactics of the "School of the Americas", by the book, and they did not train
      "ALL THE MEXICANS" in their murdering ways....

  2. Damaso is so tough he has chin balls

    1. Like the movie men in black, Damaso is a "ballchinian" lol.

  3. Jajaja Damaso looks like he got a special on surgeries. Lookin like Jay Leni with that chin.

    1. That guys looks like he got a facelift at the swapmeet

    2. Bs to the side, he got that 2x1 deal

  4. He looks like shit older but younger he looks a little like Mamado Carrillo Fuentes.

  5. Dont even the marines want anything to do with the sinaloa sicarios in the recent battle a couple of them been kill vs sinaloa gun man crazy

  6. Sinaloa tiene bandera del los Guzmanes

    Atte El Robocop de los Chimales

  7. A recent picture of mayo is on its way

  8. Remember the videos Los Hs y Los Mayos from a couple months back,the sicarios were calling the caught people Chapo/Zetas,kidnappers,extortioners,this war was already happening then?They were blaming Chapitos but who knows for sure who is the aggressor?Why has even this kicked off,who is the rat in the house?The media is being used in this war to garner support from whom?

    1. From a the corridor lovers that believe this shit

  9. Damasos robbing there own people
    along with cesar carillo

    Dont get fooled

  10. No mames pinche quico ya se hizo mafioso caon

  11. Damaso be looking like kiko

  12. Comandante Perro was probably KIA conducting a reconnaissance OP when enemy forces began sporadic small arms firing he then lead a counter attack and pushed his rear element into a left flanking manuveer. While conducting the LOA a lone sniper shot a single round which pierced his chest..........
    On the Real tho isnt this where OG commandante Perro is from?

  13. Waiting for the letter that's going to say it was not chapitos that did that.. Lol pinche tontos

  14. Ladies and gentlemen we have found quagmire giggity

  15. ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一EZTE AŃO KAE EL IVAN ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一

  16. what the hell are they fighting for? I mean come on they'll either get rounded up in jail or get killed whats the point for fighting :v


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