Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Cartel de Sinaloa sicarios send a message to Damaso *Video*

Original article available at DEBATE
Translated by El Wachito
Visit Borderland Beat Instagram account 

In a video that has been shared in social media and Whatsapp groups, appear five man that are dressed in black tactical uniforms and carry high powered assault rifles. 

One of them is sitting down and he appears to be in charge of the message were they send death threats to Damaso Lopez, and they accuse him of being a DEA informant. The man mentions that Damaso is a traitor and that he wont be able to put a decent fight against the Cartel De Sinaloa, and they also mention that Damaso Lopez is currently hiding in Baja California Sur.

They also accuse Damaso Lopez of being a friend of State Prosecutor Palemon and Ulises Contreras, "With your friend Prosecutor Palemon and Ulises Contreras, alias el Barbas, here im telling everyone that they are the ones who protect you and hide you".

Damaso Lopez is currently fighting against the sons of El Chapo for the control of the Sinaloa Cartel.

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  1. Big o novela now! Typical chinaloas exagerando! Wow wow...

    1. Pero te cagas si se te aparece uno, no? Muy valiente detras de tu celular..

    2. I 2nd that.Amen.

    3. No, no me dan miedo.

    4. 6:18 creo que a estas alturas ya debes de saber que los criminales también se dan valor solo en grupo. Siempre lo ve uno corriendo como ratas cuando llega la militar que vienen armados igual que ellos.

      Así que no mames.

    5. Mano a mano wei, tu di.

    6. 10:41 and 7:07
      niñas, no se pelien, mejor enseñen las tarzaneras si quieren dominar...

    7. Todos con ese tipo de armas, y con buenas máscaras son muy machos. Deberían de enseñar las caras si son muy hombres. Puro bola de niñas.

    8. No es que tengan miedo... es para protejer a su familia

  2. Replies
    1. El tapado del medio o sea el "lider" es el chimal ese wey ya marcho.

  3. Questions: Are these guys real members of the cartel and well paid? Or are they just soldiers and cannon fodder for the real members? Do the real guys have the balls that these guys have?

    1. Well paid. The average sicario or estaca makes 800 dollars a week. Well paid no

    2. Its a cycle, just like everything else, the bosses are drinking buchanans 18 and these guys drinking 40s

    3. 6:54. You ain't lying bout that. That's the truth

    4. That's actually pretty good. Most Mexicans don't even make 800 dollars a month.

    5. 5:19
      Does this look like larry king or something mf?
      You are asking non sense fool

    6. 8:50 pm $800 dollars is more than what a young US soldier make when going to war.

      I will say that a real good salary in Mexico will be about a $1000 dollars a month. $800 a week is $3200 a month in Mexico. It looks real good to me.

    7. Well paid NO? WRONG! Do your research before making ignorant statements. The "average" Mexican makes $42 per week. And from the info I can find the "average" sicario weekly pay verys extremely. But few make anywhere near $800 per week. No retirement plan either! Death or prison is the plan.

    8. 7:14 A U.S. soldier, marine, airmen or sailor has a lot of benefits which a sicario never has.

    9. Its more like 15,000 pesos biweekly.. roughly around $380.00 in Reynosa. My source is an actual estaca. Of course some make more than others or have greater privileges around town depending on who their comandante is but base pay is 15,000 x quincena.

    10. @2:59 You mean $700 roughly. Working in El Rojo as a estaca sucks you always have to be on alert stuff always going on. While in El 95 ever since C1 has control its been nice. Where the big bucks are at is trafficking. Those who cross the goods to gringo landia make some good $$ but those who drive it across State lines make the most.

    11. Nobody has any idea what these sicarios might earn. Some sicarios will be relatives of important narcos and earn well, others will have militar experience or more likely police experience, others have relations with gob or police officials that help them reach their targets, many have involvement with managing distribution / logistics where product is sold by family in US, Canada, Mexico etc, and some are just happy to have the power they feel when they have assault rifle in hand, and the benefits they enjoy of riding with the more senior narcos/sicarios. Many are also working to pay off a debt for lost loads - so there are very different pay depending on circumstances and most important who you are and know.

    12. Sicarios make 800.00 PESOS, EN POLVO, ALREADY CUT, don't you be stupid and imagine 800.00 dollars in mexico BS.
      Only the top ones make millions of dollars and that after a few dozen years, being middle men is not all that...

  4. Looks like they are all backstabbing each other and it looks like a nice bloody cartel on cartel war going to start. While they fight the feds and military can warm up those choppers to get ready to rip them all apart. On orders from Trump.

    1. Trump?? LOL lay off the kool aid son. Go get yourself a cookie.

    2. Trumps mission is to catch bad gringos.

    3. Washington stirring the hornets nest. Any excuse now to cross and defend borders. Viva la TRUMP!!!

    4. uhhh, don't think for one second that Trump wouldn't laterally send US troops across the border for the sake of the US. Mexico couldn't do shit about it....we already took half of Mexico away....don't forget that...

    5. All you liberals are so scared of Big Poppa Trump. I wonder why? Because he puts America's interests first and doesn't believe in Obama's phony presidency?

    6. Your comments 10:19 is what makes Liberals scared. You honestly think Donald J. Trump puts America's interest first? It's more like he puts himself and his family's interest first. Trying to get his children high security clearance, hiring his son in law, wanting to allow his eldest daughter to live at the White House full time, That is just a short list of crap he has tried to pull. I don't know one American president who has tried to give his family government jobs before him.

    7. Trump is the President of Mexico? I don't think so Pena Nieto calls the shots in mexico

    8. How the hell did "Trump" turn up in a Chapitos video? Mexicans are obsessed with Trump! Obama deported over 3 Million illegals and your last president who started the "war" lives in comfort in the USA! Peace and Love!

    9. Not scared of Donald Trump, just very much doubt he gives a shit about internal conflicts within CDS. Also doubt that he had anything to do with the killing of H2 or H9. That was probably CJNG paying off the Marina. This shit is too low-level for Trump to care about or get personally involved in.

    10. 3:02 Nepotism at its best. - Sol Prendido

    11. Trump supports pretending that H2 and H9 were the first leaders mexico has killed. Cutting the head of the snake doesnt work no more. Just makes more snakes. Plenty of leaders have been killed in the last decade.

    12. 8:24..Thats right.The European took half of mexico,all of North america,The south of Africa and plenty of other places..Thats what i call a thief so i wouldnt brag if i were you.

  5. Damask is alot more powerful than chapo

    1. Never that damaso was only in charge of the San Lorenzo valley in Sinaloa and narco menudeo in parts of la Baja and a few towns in culiacan nothing major he's fight against Chapo's son because with chapo being in us Custody means more power for mayo and his children

    2. No hes not Ivan n Alfredo are got kidnapped and let go ?

    3. If chapo had any power he'd be jailed in Mexico today. That makes you and DL more powerful than he is.

      I hope that makes you feel better @5:36

    4. More power for Mayo and his children? You mean the ones who are in jail?

  6. Get the popcorn ready and enjoy the show.Gotta feeling this is gonna be good 👍

  7. Doing it Mencho style lol

    1. Mencho style? you mean hes going to set up betray or kill hes way to the top.

    2. @6:52 Everything you said would be Chapo style!

    3. CJNG came up with heavy weapons posing and theatning caballeros templarios. They look way more lethal than these fools

  8. Mejor que Damaso se junte con La Linea y se la pelan los de CDS. Al menos que les ayude el CJNG y el gobierno otra ves porke solos no pueden!

  9. Damaso is a walking dead man....POS

  10. They look so scary!! I'm so afraid for El Lic!! These fucking clowns could barely kill a mosca. Any goof ball can put on tactical gear, pick up a rifle and throw out threats. I can only laugh at these dumbasses. If you want to impress a mofo like me make video with 200 to 300 sicarios. Then say we coming to kill you and anyone affiliated with you. I can't take these jokers serious because they are wearing gear they got from a swap meet in Culiacan.

    1. A video with 200-300 sicarios that you picked up ar a random street. Lol

    2. Boss:assemble all of my men make sure they're locked and loaded and ready to rock we got us a video threat to make

      Said no mafioso ever, moron!

    3. I can only get 196 sicarios to RSVP.... 🤔

    4. This video is proof that the Chapito's sicarios (If you can even call then that) are fakes and imposters. These fools more than likely weren't even present during the armed clash.

    5. 12:23 you responded to my post so you are twice the moron I will ever be.

  11. So it was dea that ambushed them on the "meeting"? Dude in the video says "you thought that by betraying us you would win" that's the only betrayal were he could of ended up winning.. just an opinion..

    1. If the DEA did the ambushing the entire Chapitos camp involved would be fertilizer. I've trained with DEA entry/raid teams and I can honestly say they are some of the best civilian operators you will find. Honestly it makes no sense for any US agency to enter Mexico and put in work for any cartel including EPN. The ICE, CIA and DEA will continue to stay behind the scenes and give the marina all info they need.

  12. I'm not sayin this is in any way reminiscent of the black nationalist struggle of the sixties, ie Black Panthers, but one has to wonder if the mex govt, or others, have a hand in the mix.
    Remember cointelpro and how the informants/fbi sowed discord between the leaders and people, causing the movement to disintegrate.
    Of course the cartels are not fighting for freedom in the manner of Doc Mirales and the genuine autodefensas, but they are fighting. Who knows where these rumors start, but they will end badly if the people believe everything they hear in the media.
    A true leader has a cool head. By taking out real leaders, we are left with mediocrity. We could be much more.

  13. I said this internal conflict was going on over a year ago but the CDS leche lovers gave me so much hell over it I stopped commenting about it. This shit mostly started after Chapo got arrested and the baby Chapos stepped over Damaso to take over CDS. Damaso felt disrespected especially when he asked for reinforcements from the Chapitos in BC/BCS and they refused. Now it's time they answer to their insubordination to their papì compadre.

    1. Thanks for your amazing wisdom!

    2. Your welcome. Anytime you want to be educated hit me up. This wisdom needs to be shared.

    3. Educated? You call drug trafficking education lol

    4. 6:55 "you predicted one year ago..."
      By then this war had been going on for more than 70 years...
      I guess you also put your cart ahead of your burro, menso/a

    5. 10:57 I never said I predicted anything. I said a year ago the internal conflicts were occurring at that moment. So you are saying the conflict between the Chapitos and Damaso has been going on for 70 years? What are they Lycans and Vampires? Pay attention lil homie. If you
      spent more time with your reading comprehension as you do with your fancy comebacks you could keep up with the grown folks. The horse and cart analogy doesn't apply here junior.

    6. 10:38 La chapa and all the present drug trafficking freedom fighters inherited a conflict that has been going on for more than 70 years, before WWII started, there were germans, russian, brittish and americans bitching about loyalties and peddling influence and drug trafficking all over mexico even then...ok put on your burro's calzones on any way you want to.

  14. They will just end up snitching on each other.. it's snitchaloa vs.. snitchaloa...

  15. I didn't know Gene Simmons from Kiss joined a cartel.....The fat dude on the right....


    1. @6:59PM Your artwork is impressive. You should open a gallery, just not here on BB. It really slows me down doing the moderating trying to put it all together. Tonight I am moderating about 200 comments and I don't need any distractions to slow me down.

    2. You mean censoring

    3. Haha fakin DD Straight forward like always


  17. Is the guy on the right wearing or painted his kara like a KISS member???? Or I'm tripN

  18. Guy on the right could very well be a Juggalo. - Sol Prendido

  19. Seal team 6 lol wipe them out

    1. I was in the U.S NAVY but please don't post sh!t like that. The U.S wants the big capos alive to take their $$

  20. So Damaso picked up where Chapo left off! A DEA snitch! Kids but be the DEA redheaded step children now. Damaso new Snitch Daddy and they just mad. Everyone knows Chapo worked for DEA!

    1. Hahaha wait till damaso ends up captured or killed nutsacker


  21. De lengua se oye que si lo matan. En vida real ¿quien sabe?

  22. The guys of dea are.playing.his cards well
    I wonder when mencho will fall or at least when their "agreements" expire..
    This all damaso vs chapos is waaay bigger and.enigmatic seems at first glance

  23. Man, it's getting painful sifting through thirty retarded comments to get one smart one. BB, the site can be better if you edit the comments more. I mean, these dudes talk like they're kids.

    1. @8:05PM. Imagine going through about 200 comments like I am doing right now. You don't even see the worst ones - they get deleted but I still have to read them first before I delete them. But I try to let everyone have their say even when I think what they are saying is stupid if they will stay fairly close to the rules.

    2. 8:05 I think you just want comments that root for this cartel.. that's the only ones you like. El perro should make his own site so people like you can go there..

    3. I definitely appreciate my questions and comments being posted. I have here for approximately 7-8 years and still get confused by what goes on, or even why the actions of these cartels is so violent and disrespectful to the general populace.

    4. Please delete my stupid comment

    5. The guy on the far right es El Commandante Kiss .We did basic training for Gente Nueva and joint Demolition training with los Antrax .

      Atte El Terminator de Sinaloa

    6. I know how you feel. Most of the comments on this blog are poorly spelled gossip.

    7. You need to limit the snitch comments to 1 per side!

    8. you are a damaso

    9. Micro managing also make a real boring blog. Keep that in mind. I clearly know that is a reason some people don't participate on this blog.

    10. @8:30 since were on the subject, care to share some of the weirdest comments you've encountered? I'm honestly curious what can be worst than some one posing as a CDS sicario or pretending to know all the drug lords personally.

    11. DD, you are no Walter Cronkite. You are a leftist liberal who only believes one side of the story. Your mostly fictional accounts.

    12. 8:05pm And your comnent is smart??? LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!

    13. I believe if any of the moderators on BB were to pick and choose the comments they personally like it would/could cast suspicion on the site as a whole.Also it will look like censorship which is different than not having your comment posted because you didnt follow the rules.

  24. so thats the way the game works aint nobody above the goverment get with the program crybaby

  25. It looks like Guano did go and ask Caro for back up, thats because Damaso work with Carrillo Fuentes son who runs Cartel De Juarez chapos knows that the are finished .. they are trying to show muscle but la Linea already moving in to sinaloa that's why the attacks on Navolato

  26. quisiera ver un video de sicarios mandando mensaje asi y que se le salga un tiro a uno de los pendejos de atras jaja

  27. i woulnt mess with those guys they look scary asf i bet anything they are ex marines
    Nikki buen dia

  28. Hello dd, and to the rest of the BB crew. Great job guys. Whenever you get the chance could you please post the comment rules. If I'm not mistaken, I think Chivis posted something along these lines but not sure. Thanks again BB.....
    De parte de un Devil Dog Michoacáno, oorraah!

    1. @9:09PM Glad someone is interested in the rules.
      Chivis has posted in several different comments words that are offensive and we do not post a comment if it contains them. Unfortunately I can't give you a complete list from memory but "retard", gay (or any other term with the same meaning) if it is used in a derogatory manner, "mayate" is a derogatory term used for a black person, We try to keep US politics out of the comments. Prior to the US elections I tried to keep words "Clinton" or "Trump" out of the coment section, but with Trumps victory and so many of his policies directly relating to Mexico it is hard to keep politics out of comments. But we don't allow comments that are just bashing him or any other US politician. We don't allow bashing a reporter or administrator (although I occasionally allow people to bash me, but never bash Chivis).

      Buggs set the policy for comments in 2009 and we still try to abide by them. That page is hyper-linked in the top right hand side of the box on the front page that says "Comments". But here is what it says;

      " Moderation of Comments
      We moderate all comments. What does that mean? It means we do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately.

      Borderland Beat aims to provide a constructive community forum where readers can write in a civil way. The best comments and posts are those that add more information to the story, express a different viewpoint or help create intelligent debate. We certainly encourage constructive debate, but we will most likely delete comments that are off topic, offensive, contain personal attacks or comments that don't further the conversation.

      We reserve the right to pre-moderate comments and delete or edit anything we deem necessary without cause or reason, other than the decision of Borderland Beat staff. Some of the instances where we will moderate comments are, but not limited to:

      1.) Any comment that gets personal with attacks using offensive languare,
      2.) Racially motivated content that has nothing to do with topic and is hateful toward a particular group.
      3.) Any comment that incites and is inflamatory just for the sake of it.
      4.) Comments that do not add anything to a topic and are not contructive, cluttering the comment section unnecessarily.
      5.) Spam or any post used to specifically promote a link(s) under the disguise of topic orientation.

      We allow any comment that criticizes the issue no matter how hard it is,(unless it violates the 5 examples above) and allow for constructive criticism of contributors if they have posted their own opinion or version of story (unless it violates the 5 examples above).

      We know, some will decry about freedom of speech, but know that anyone can always create their own blog and post untill heart content, just not here!

      If you have a grievance or disagreement concerning a comment that was not posted, please do not do it in the comments section (it will not see the light of day), instead send an e-mail to "borderlandbeat at gmail dot com" and one of the Admins will try to respond to your concern.

      So play nice and everyone will be a happy family!

    2. Let's break the rules and have a competition for champion of the stupids, I propose el mil mascaras for King Stupid.

  29. Damaso was at a party last week at rancho El malinto The owner of that property is gonzalo Beltrán collantes damaso and gonzalo are compadres ; I really don't think that damaso is hiding the guy is very strong in that region near Costa Rica and El Dorado

  30. WTF is that motherfucka wearing a kiss mask on the right or did he accidentally paint his face like gene semmons there's a lot of fucking talking zetas and CDG would talk some shit on video too but would cut some heads off right afterwards haha I thought it was funny

  31. Thanks dd for all the hard work and all at bb for donating your time and effort to keep this site going.

  32. The answer to Damaso crying that he had nothing to do with the attempt on Chapo jr and Mayo's lives!
    Damaso is in hiding! Fact!

  33. Damaso wants Mayo to be neutral, but Mayo knows Damaso tried to kill him and his nephew!
    Damaso finished! It's just a matter of when he is dragged from his hole and cut to pieces!

  34. And now posting anti-US propaganda.
    dd strikes again

    1. 6:03 just like you post pro-pendejismo comments and propaganda.

  35. Gente Nueva x Antrax x Talibanes x Chimales

    El Ruso Espesial Forces !

  36. Make a video with a 100 sicarios then I can take their threats more seriously. Until then they are just talking out their asses. Damaso will have 10 times more FED than the 6 in the video protecting him. That doesn't include the sicarios on stand by so these dudes need to come heavier than the video depicts.

  37. Great article. Thank you El Wachito!

  38. Arriba el Cartel de Sinaloa pura gente de negocio.
    Vamos por ti Damaso y Mini Lic

    Vengaremos la muerte del Teniente Bravo y la traicion hacia el Patron Ivan Archivaldo Guzman

    Gente Nueva x Talibanes x Antrax x Chimales x Sinaloa Spetsnaz x

  39. Wow the Insane Clown Posse works for the Guzmanes. Who know?

    1. Everybody, even the emos are sicarios now

    2. The Con Don Starring as the Joker is a funny one, makes ridiculous look even more ridiculous.

  40. "In a video that has been shared in social media and Whatsapp groups, appear five man that are dressed in black tactical uniforms and carry high powered assault rifles."

    I count six men.

  41. Nah 7 mate theres a guy behind the gene Simmons wanabe

  42. 7:28 se les van a molar las pistolas y la rajita de canela en los chines si se pelean en el coral...
    --Mejor que se pelien en el corral.


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