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Friday, February 24, 2017

Doctor Mireles

 Doctor Mireles has not died.  I took the post down for now.  

That said .... my dear friend is very ill, and the authorities are not getting him treatment for his heart. His heart has stopped several times in the past few months.  An he has developed a severe heart arrhythmia The heart condition is from his severe diabetes and lack of medical attention.  Authorities withheld medication and food from him for periods of time causing damage.  He also suffered two falls and sustained a severe spinal injury, re-injuring his spinal injury from the airplane crash.

these are his words recently:
"In every minute I have up to four times dysrhythmia, that is, my heart  stops beating, for some time I have denounced that the authorities have  harassed me in many ways and now the coronary blockage  is from the lack of adequate professional attention that I need due to the cardiac problem that I suffer."
If there is substantiated reports we will post, otherwise lets pray he lives until Pena is out of office when he will have a good chance of being released in a new administration.  Maybe if enough public pressure is applied, authorities will at least get him the medical attention he desperately needs.



  1. He is a true hero, imho. Can we send a card?

  2. Chivis can you post his address 2 send mail. I'm sure he can at least receive a postcard. - Sol Prendido

    1. I just asked for the address I am not sure which prison he is in.

    2. CEFERESO 4: Carretera Libre Tepic-Mazatlan Km 10.690, Tepic, Nayarit, Mexico 63502 // +52 311 211 8600

  3. So why would post something if you didn't verify the info first? Got to do your homework

    1. the title was metaphorical or figuratively written because each week there are rumors of his death. for months now. However he is near death. I asked valor to changed the title because all but 2 of the scores of comments that came in thought he died. Did you read the article? It is explanatory that is is not a death notice. but that he is dead to the press, etc. YOU got to do your homework :)

    2. I was saddened until I realized that it is we who did nothing, who allowed him to dissapear.
      Mexico is not immune to the world. Only thru serious work, by everyone, would Mexico be forced to free Mireles. Where are the human rights groups? The liberal , progressive media? They scream about Trump but nothing about the good Doctor.
      I have only heard of this issue thru BB and Chivis's tireless work.
      This should be in every activists agenda, the church groups have alot of power also. Artists, Murals, Graffitti even. Get it out there now.

      He lived in Californias Central Valley, where is MECHA? The UFW? Pacifica Radio?
      One phone call to Presidente Nieto by the right person would have Mireles quickly freed, the gov't can always make up a story to save face. Who is that person?

      That was a good post telling those of us who care that we better do something soon.

    3. The world is full of Monday-morning quarterbacks alive and well on the internet. Chivis, thank you for all that you and your colleagues do.

    4. @ 8:46pm...very well said comrade.

  4. Chivs my chivs that's why I love u "let's pray he lives till epn is out" Comanche

    1. What a shame Chivis. I truly believe Mireles is one of the few people in Mexico who give his life for change. How he's in jail & scum like Mencho & Damaso run free is beyond me. I really hope your friend lives to see a different Mexico.

    2. Whats up with that ? Chivis I have disagreed with you , agreed with you , and helped get going what I call spirited debate . Sometimes I just try to "get a rise out of you" . Never have you acknowledged with such affection . The dots and the smiley face was a little over the top . I am jealous

    3. Because the Govt and the cartels are synonymous. Mexico is a failed narco state. Its sad but its true.

    4. 3:17 Chivis loves all of youses the same, don't worry about it
      Problem is SHE LOVES ME THE MOST, just be glad I don't mind sharing her with youses.

    5. 4:13 "failed narco state"? As opposed to a successful narco state?

  5. The article was a metaphor, as saying that we forgot about him, therefore he has died in our memories.

    1. yes but the title threw everyone off...all but two comments. everyone was in shock and only far into the article is the truth revealed. but in the translation it is lost because of the title.

      it is a good article and will go back up with a little title change....

    2. And here I thought only I spoke in metaphors at times. - Sol Prendido

    3. That's why fake news is so easy to spread. All these pendejos waste their time cheerleading or talking shit about sinaloa or michoacan instead of developing some reading comprehension skills. I won't even go into critical thinking skills.

    4. Please put the comments back

    5. @9:04AM We had many comments on the original story that was misunderstood by so many people, but our operating system doesn't provide us a way to change the location of where your comment was posted.

    6. Actually, Sol, you writing is too crude and muddled to even rise to the level dilettante, and that's putting it as politely as I can.

    7. "And here I thought only I spoke in metaphors at times"
      Dont worry you do,you do,although sometimes you could call it something else?

    8. Is English is so bad indicating he wouldn't be to tell the difference between a simile, metaphor, or aphorism if hit him in the head

    9. None of you make any sense at all, sugar poo. -Sol Prendido

    10. Only you make sense, sol prendido, because you have a Ph.D in keyboard warriorism.

    11. I'm not a great writer. That's never been my intention. And like I said long ago I don't lose anything here by what I write. Nor do I get paid 4 it either. On the contrary I gain by what I'm learning. If I'm on you're mind so much then what does it say about some of you guys? And if I suck so much then why is is so hard 2 just look at the end of every post see my moniker and completely ignore it? Is the temptation 2 strong 4 you guys 2 resist? Again I'll repeat's a cool thing 4 me 2 be in your psyche so much. You're either learning from me or it's a hate thing 4 some of you. Choose the 1 that benefits you the most. Last I heard HATE destroys the human soul. But hey what would I know. I'm just me. - Sol Prendido

    12. If you just fart at the drop of a hat, with a mike on it, you'd make more sense, and could have a lot more fans, chole.

    13. Sol, I can dig it my brother.

    14. It got me . Didn't have time to read it but read a little them came back later to see it gone .
      Sometimes these translations are really hard to understand anyway . The wording pattern is often way off of how it would be said in English by a gringo . So that makes it wrong because we all know gringos are great .
      The Great Gringo


    1. Please. No more gente de la tia juana sourced stories. Not credible

  7. THANK YOU CHIVIS,some foolery has been taking place here

  8. As I stated earlier, he is a true hero. His name makes Drudlords, sicarios, crooked cops, and crooked politicians all shake. I hope all responsible have a special place in hell reserved just for them. Thanks for the update Chivis. El Nemesis-

  9. Wish u best of health soon. Your are HERO to many of Mexicans but others who support dignity and human respect. Our prayers

  10. LOL.'s a great thing..except I already yelled at my friends here in LA(Fox news, and KABC. They said the would look into it..I'm SAG/AFTRA and Writers Guild..and have drinks with some of them) for not having reported on it, and then not knowing anything about it!!! I gave them so much shit! Not to mention I wrote the Autodefense(sp?) on Facebook with my apologies for their loss...Well there goes my credibility...dww

    1. 4:23 don't worry about it bro, just thank God you are not being forced to deny your russian connections, that is facked up...

    2. 4:23 Shed a tear on your beer next time you see them and confess you wuz misled, your buddies will love it, they may even roast you, but they will not be talking behind your back.

  11. Thank god he's alive that's the most important thing!!!

    1. Well yeah but he lives in his knees would you like to love like that?

    2. It's a sad situation, for sure. While he's alive, at least there is hope for release. Although he's in prison now, he's accomplished so much more than most people even hope to.

  12. They may as well shot him they killed him slowly. His crime being a decent and honest man. Shame on all that took part in this great mans death . Mexico mourns a hero tonight. Father God take this man home give him safety give him peace .And father God sont let his death be for nothing. Mexico is a wonderful country and deserves to be free form this internal strife. I urge all decent men to re consider ther life styles . People simply want to live with respect and dignity...

  13. i agree with you chivis i had wrote a comment in the article that you took down stating "very misleading title now everybody think he really dead"

  14. Dr. Mireles...a true Mexican Patriot. May the people of Mexico mimic his courage, defend their communities, and demand his release through massive protests. Don't let him become just a memory.

  15. Of all the hell raising that was done over trump and increased gas prices. Why can't the Mexican people do the same for him. If only for medical treatment would be better than nothing

    1. Let's work together and make things work

    2. Arriba La Patria
      Arriba La Revolucion
      Arriba La Raza

      Comandante Rambo

    3. The same thoughts occurred to me.Protesting imaginary walls and land,most done in the US,where is the outcry for Mireles?

  16. I'll ask my contact again on how he obtained his info regarding Mireles alleged criminal activities.

    1. 5:44 probably googled him . Wikipedia ? The information is out there . Not hard to get . I think he done time years ago for weed . That's the big problem . a convicted drug person throws together a militia and there will be lack of trust from some. I don't know myself because I am way to hell up here north of the border . I have a sketchy past myself . Been clean and non criminal a lot of years . Most that have known me for the past 30 years would have doubts if somebody mentioned my past . My adult kids that have kids weren't even born . All that being said , if I was in a high profile situation , especially involving a armed militia , it would be easy to cast doubt or shadow on my reputation . He may be gold , and I have always hoped he is . I don't know about her feelings in my past post but Chivis is behind him 100% . She for sure probably has more information than me .
      Here we are years later and he is being held without trial . Something for sure isn't right .

    2. Wikipedia changed the story . Chivis ......... . Ok it says now that he done time and the record shows drugs but he denies it and says it was for practicing medicine without a state license . I have to say I don't know .

    3. You can feed lies on wikipedia, and you can post a correction too about why would a doctor be trafficking mariguana, and about hoe the mexican government makes trumped up charges, trafficks drugs to the US, commands drug lords, murders innocent people and plants weapons and drugs to justify it all as in the case of Dr. Mireles.

    4. Check the sources and cross reference them and we'll all be shocked at who the wolf in sheep skin is.

    5. 7:42 that is la chivis.

  17. You might as well consider him dead, he ain't free n never going to get out. Death before Freedom.

  18. Obviously the reading comprehension of the readers that thought he died is lacking. I understood your message. He has stopped like ingbthru the media thru his message and we have forgotten his sacrifices, his message, and his dreams. He is the Mexican "I have a dream"

    1. 6.20
      Oh yes,of course you did.
      It was badly worded.

  19. They need to let em out.

  20. Live by the sword....he is no better than others, and he himself would have told you that. He would have lectured all you snobs for thiking you are better than others because you sit behind your computer screen talking up your egos with all your ineffective rhetoric/venom you come up with in response to what you read in the "Mexican Narco Wars" forum.

    I will die by the sword, I know that, so be it....

    1. Dude, he's not dead.

    2. You used sum long ass words..but I agree with u..people here just post sum dumbass comments..n i cant believe they actually get posted..fuckin sucks..this is startin to be like Blog Del Narco but with Bilingual keyboard warriors..

    3. @7:15 your post was more about you trying to prove how tough you are, from behind a computer, than about mireles

    4. 7:15 if you die with a sword up your ass that you did not put in there, that you don't deserve, that some criminal put in there because of their corruption and not because of any fault of yours, then you will find out about "so be it", pinchi pendejo.

    (sin commentarios)

  22. He make Mexico Great Again

    1. Let's make America mexico again!!!

    2. Some 'peepl' just want to make mexico more America's again...

    3. Yes make just like it was

  23. In retrospect, everyone "got it"

  24. Has anyone even noticed the US critique has gone ? Thank heaven's ? Stupid idea

    1. While not all of the US is corrupt, there are too many pockets of corruption on the US, at too many levels, including in government positions, business, banking and vulture.corporate level, to fill an encyclopedia, but US media is too concerned to do much about it. TOO BAAAD!
      I AM WATCHING 60 MINUTES, and there is la chapa, his crimes and his escapes, and the heroics of his capture, but no word on 5he guys that ordered kiki camarena murdered after having him tortured for al the information they could squeeze out of him or who took over drug trafficking from the guadalajara cartel.
      --but I saw yesterday decorated vietnam war hero Oliver north delivering one of his "war Stories" about drug trafficking on the border, the wall, and the heroics of the border patrol, no word from him or anybody about his own involvement in drug trafficking, weapons dealing to iran through israel, dirty oil deals, his partners in crime, or the stolen funds from the cocaine and mariguana and crack trafficking, it is still all about demonizing the mexican illegals or the lower capos, never take on somebody their own size, aaight?
      --by the way, sec of state hiller son and his secretary hill went to mexico to beg that "please, take in all the deportees we send to mexico" of course they were told "no way jose" by secretaries of corruption MAO osorio chón and videgaray, no word about how much in dollar kickbacks they will charge the US to cooperate, I don't know if recordings will be leaked.
      The donal has leaks up his ass about russia, the FBI, infighting, psychiatrists, psychologists comparisons with hitler his imaginary billions and 5he millions of dollars his weekends at Marla-Lago are costing the US treasury...

    2. Your incoherent ramble trying to say Mexico is the same as the US failed miserably. The corruption and death and destruction in Mexico is on a third world failed narco state level.

    3. Wonder how many people read your shit?I didnt.

    4. 12:34 sounds offended, you read it.
      Read it again, it is funny and the truth.

  25. Valor almost started a revolution with his reporting

  26. Great article, Chivas! Nice to see you back at it.

    Also wanted to thank you for removing the article implicitly stating
    that Americans are racist because we want our laws enforced.

    1. 9:33 "we?"
      Like you and how many more culeros want to "deconstruct" the administrative US government, you, bannon, miller and drunk?
      You are about to be too busy fighting the impeachment sugar...

  27. Dr Miriles hombre valiente que por el bien de au familia vecinos amigos y su communidad el solo enfrento al cartel Caballeros Templarios y al gobierno Mexicano.

    Este Sr merece respecto

  28. Chivis is back thank god lmfao

  29. Oh my God let the drama begin once again. Some people don't know how to read and some people comprehension capabilities are low. On the other hand I do believe this is another exaggeration from Borderland Beat.

    1. @5:28 Just exactly what do you think Borderland Beat exaggerated?

  30. Dr. Mireles does not have to be a Saint to lead Mexico out of the pit it's people have fallen into. Leaders need to inspire and provide hope. He has done both of those and that is why the current government in Mexico fears him. He has accomplished what the so called leadership of Mexico cannot. The day he was placed in prison , I told those I worked with he would never see freedom again. I hope I am wrong.

  31. We should petition Trump to try to do something. Dr Mireles is Trumps kind of guy, and I bet he would do what he could to support him.

    1. 8:01 Culero tu busy.
      --Human rights organizations in mexico, LatinAmerica, the United States, and the United nations are too busy for one guy...

  32. They are killing him. Ignorant Mexico City should be promoting him as a voice for the future. Instead they wish him dead and gone.
    This is the story of modern day Mexico.

  33. What happened to estanislao beltran?

  34. If this guy was out doing his thing that got him in jail would he had gotten the right treatments for his illness ?

  35. New video of cartel de juarez in chuatemoc and another 5 guys of la gente nueva arrested in chihuahua for secuestro of two girls.

    1. Video of them in light plane,havin a a line,showin they shooters,looks like CDS(corridos)but say Juarez ?

  36. Click bait at its finest. Glad to see this website is a part of this new generation is sensational journalism. The person who posted the original article should be banned from posting. Nice job ruining the integrity of an otherwise honest and trust worthy site.

    1. @2:36 If you are referring to "Valor" who is the reporter who translated the story (including the title) from Michoacan.3, which is a respected source and has been used as that for many many stories on BB. If you are referring to the priest Father Gregoria Lopez who wrote the story, I am sure because literature going back to Aristotle and even the Bible are full of metaphors Father Lopez assumed his readers would be literate enough to recognize his use of metaphors when they read his whole story. I guess he was wrong.

    2. NO, I meant BB.

    3. Father Goyo has been accused of turning his back on the doctor too, I seen video of him saying he can't help him because he keeps making waves, I hated goyo, but if he wrote this parable of the doctor's death that has so many assholes so agitated,
      I AM GRATEFUL TO GOYO'S ASS, I myself had stopped making comments about it because I saw no enthusiasm on BB, but i am glad someone kicked you on the nutz...and that valor was the one who translated it for us, even if I was late and did not read it...

    4. You got dd smoking his slippers

  37. The Shame Of Mexico is Highlighted...again!

  38. Chivis I have been reading BB for two years after discovering the cartel link to gangsterism here in British Columbia, Canada. My heart breaks for much violence, corruption and greed on a level we outsiders cannot fathom. My question is this: How can I Help? When you say put public pressure on the Authorities to give Dr. Mireles basic Medical whom can I write?

  39. Que lloren los que puedan, que de tanto llanto se secaron las almas. Que en pas descanse el Doctor. No le falta mucho pa murirse.

  40. I hope nobody who is involved in reporting about the Mexican drug war communicated with Mireles while using their real name.

  41. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but do find it strange that most of what happened in michoacan during those crazy years, happened in part because of deported from California, i.e. mireles, El americano, and Mencho all came to michoacan from cali. Although I think Simon went voluntarily and wasn't deported

  42. Write to your nearest consul, it may be of no help, but there are organizations waiting for your vote to feed it to their favorite politicians.

  43. The complacency of the Mexican citizenry related to Dr. Mireles is painful to watch.
    The words of the Mexican National anthem are just that, words.
    I don't see Mexicans living it.
    Might as well not have that National Anthem.
    Sheep and more sheep. A Mexican citizenry incapable of defending itself.
    When things get rough, emigrate to the U.S.

  44. Read "The CIA as Organized Crime" by Valentine

  45. Lea usted el libro, "The CIA as Organized Crime" by Valentine.

  46. What a f@£€#&
    discrace of a goverment !!!
    We need to stop being a do nothing bitch . Yes us th readers of this blog .

  47. In other news here in "mataulipas" el fily aka Ciclon 40 got killed today by the Mexican Military in Matamoros.

    Tommy Vercetti

  48. Dr Mireles is not dead !! Why is he not dead ? I thought he had died. Viva CDS and Senor Ivan Archivaldo.

    1., he's not. Hmmm...maybe he's not dead because he still lives? You thought? Now, that's laughable coming from a cartel boot licker!

  49. 11:38 Hey Pancho! you are not in no liver pool, maybe you just selling tacos de higados encebollados en La Merced, and they call you 'speedy gonzalez'

  50. Did anyone see the documentary about the autodefensas? Can someone explain why Dr. Mireles often talks in Spanish colloquialism used only by traffickers or thugs? Obviously he's educated, he was once a doctor, but why does he at times speak like that? Does he or someone close to him have ties to thugs and the lingo just caught on for him? Strange.

    1. I know doctors, governors, engineers, priests, lawyers and teachers that have cursed, made lewd comments and asked students if they want to "take it outside for unos chingazos" and even fought with a few obstreperous young miscreants
      --education has nothing to do with professionalism, as a matter of fact, the more professional people are, the less they go for the ass kissing.

    2. 8:34 I know a few people with PhDs and interact with even more and understand what you mean but you obviously didn't understand the question. I researched and discovered Dr Mireles was once a trafficker.

    3. 6:39-And your point is?A lot of us have trafficked drugs when we were in our 20's.Some longer than others but it's also possible to learn from the experience in that negative and turn 1's life around totally especially with kids,decent jobs to keep,caring friends,etc. and just the fact that 1 may have outgrown it and no longer have an interest in doing it and the stakes go up as you get older there is more to lose unless you really don't care about oneself.

    4. 6:39 "I have discovered" that Dr Mireles also wanted to conquer the whole LatinAmerican continent, (according to corrupt envoy of epn to michoacan alfredo castillos de kagada) and have a golpe de estado contra Simon Bolivar, we are lucky epn has not accused the doctor of being a communist toe...

    5. 2:28 The difference between what I discovered and what you did is that I did research based on reports works, you listened to a politician i.e. EPN. I never mentioned him.

    6. 2:28AM You are a fool if you did listen to EPN. Don't be lazy and do real research and discover on your own.

    7. 11:47 epn did not say that, comisionado alfredo castillo saI'd that, you may still find video on youtube. Research say it is more possible that the spurious charges of mariguana trafficking being alleged are spurious than that they are true, meaning the charges are propaganda to demonize Dr Mireles in the minds of pendejos like you to justify the pendejadas of the Arco priista regime...

    8. 3:28 Why do you attack people personally?

  51. Poor man... he gave up his freedom to fight for mexicans and they have totally let a corrupt government torture and destroy him. Every mexican should be ashamed of themselves for being cowards.

  52. Dr. Mireles being in prison show's just how corrupt the Mexican government truly is. It would be a beautiful thing to see the Mexican people overthrow their treasonous government.

  53. Un verdadero heroe mexicano. Onta su corrido. El si que se lo merece. No esos narkitos de mierda

    1. En los 80s fue un narcotraficante.

    2. 8:45 you lie but:
      --bill clinton said he "did not inhale"
      --George w bush said "no comment"
      --Barack Obama said "he did inhale, that was the whole idea"
      --mexican police said they did not have a record of the doctor's drug trafficking or warrants for him, and then they planted drugs and weapons on his car to arrest him...
      --Only una niñita cagona would insist, but if he did, so what?
      Even jisis christ used to drinkk and party and hang with hos and vagabonds, and before dying on the cross forgave his "trespassers",
      --You are the kind of sourpuss that believes your shit don't stink, that I see

    3. 2:39 why the personal attacks?

  54. From Uk chivis i apareciate the da tanta tristeza todo lo que le pasa al Dr.
    Oración 🙏 es lo que puedo ofrecer para que el sueńo de paz se realiza... Xxx

  55. Bueno bueno bueno bueno

  56. How and why do u bring down the cartels in mexico in 27 towns and get no help from the mexico goverment to only be locked up by that very same goverment ?
    to stop the next guy from doin it and silencing him
    so not happy watching that doco from netflix land cartel
    free dr minales from prison give him medical attention for his heart he didnt run away but his supporters have


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