Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Guerrero: Police ignore calls for help as 50 sicarios terrorize town

Javier for Borderland Beat material posted on Mx News Daily from Universal and El Sur

It was a night of terror for a small town (330 inhabitants) in Guerrero this week when at least 40 armed men kidnapped seven people, peppered homes with machine gun fire and robbed some residents of cash and belongings.

The attack on Chacotla began at about 10:30pm and wound up some five hours later and despite calls to 911, municipal and state police offices and the Army, authorities didn’t turn up until the following day. The town of is located 40 minutes from the state capital of Chilpancingo.

On Wednesday, five of the kidnap victims were found dead.

Upon their arrival in the town the gang blocked the main road before seeking two people in particular: sons of Gabriel González, also known as El Tigre, a 42-year-old man who no longer lives in the community.

The gunmen took González’ sons, aged 21 and 16, along with their mother before nabbing two of González’ nephews, 22 and 17, from their grandparents’ home.

A third man managed to escape with his daughter before the gangsters arrived at his home but his wife instead became the sixth kidnap victim. The seventh was taken from the neighboring town of Mazatlán as the criminals fled. ( click on image to enlarge)

Residents say they heard several of the armed men identifying themselves as members of the Union of the People and Organizations of Guerrero (UPOEG) community police but that organization later denied any involvement.

Other names were also mentioned: that of Isaac Navarrete, leader of the Sierra cartel, and Celso Ortega, chief of Los Ardillos.

Later Tuesday morning the kidnappers contacted the victims’ relatives, demanding ransoms that totaled 1.5 million pesos, about US $74,000. The amount was later reduced to 1 million but the families, all farmers, were unable to raise the money.

Early Wednesday morning, the two kidnapped women returned to their homes after being left on the shoulder of a road and walking for about two hours.

The fate of the five men was known an hour later: their bodies had been left by the side of the nearby road between the communities of Mazatlán,  El Salado, and   Lagunillas, each with two shots to the head.
The gang wasn’t done harassing Chacotla residents. During funeral services for the five executed men on Wednesday evening relatives received phone calls, allegedly from the kidnappers, threatening them with further violence and kidnapping.

Few people attended the burials as fear and apprehension prevailed in the community. Police presence in the town had been sporadic throughout the week so the bereaved residents asked authorities for protection during the funeral services and burials, but their request went unanswered.

Now, the people of Chacotla are not happy with the performance of federal, state and local authorities.

“This cannot be, we’re at the mercy of these criminal groups and the government has abandoned its responsibility of at least guaranteeing our right to live,” said one.

Late Wednesday evening, eight trucks carrying Federal Police officers turned up, set up a checkpoint at the entrance to the town and began patrols.

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  1. Read this few days back. Poor residents with no assistance from police whatsoever. They knew what was transpiring but ignorance permitted them to do otherwise. Just there to receive a check with minimum effort to perform duties. Fire all these guys and see what check they will receive now. Useless piece of shits.
    Citizens arm yourselves and protect your loved ones . Will not be judged upon for taking out the garbage. Fight and may God give you the strength to do what's necessary. Since the municipal officials will not. My condescense and Blessings.

    1. They didnt help Allende Coahuila when they took by force well over 100residents of the town an surrounding villages an towns into the back of pickup trucks an then they were killed in cold blood ages from 8month old fetus and the mother carrying it to an older women at age of 89yrs so babies kids teens parents grandparents great grandparents all taken by force their homes destroyed like murdering them wasnt horrible enough..calls wer made to every branch with athority yet for days every entrance was blocked an the last letter was allowed to do as they pleased no one came to help the towns policias just locked themselves up at the presidencia municipal..nothing was done an not one person was ever found alive again ppl from the town insist it was well over 300women men an children who wer taken..

    2. You said it right...may god give you the strength to do what is necessary. No one will judge you, I doubt even god would.

    3. Uh oh. EL TRUMPO & DC CARTEL gonna send seal teams down there shortly. the el police and the el army better grow a set of cahones. couple more reports like this & that'll b the excuse he needs to come for the oil, dope, land etc. watch & see doubters.

  2. Awful Just curious - why demand such a high amount of ransom, knowing the family can't pay? Is this done to just torment them further? Seems if they really want money, they would lower it to something realistic. Horrible that the police did not help.

    1. Kidnappings and ransoms are now businesses and industries. Insurance companies insure for it, and there are now "licensiados" whose job is to negotiate and work as an intermediary. Example: if they want 75,000 they will ask for 100,000. Because of they demand 75,000 people will counter offer 50,000.

      Sad but ill reality is like negotiating a used car

  3. we are white people from so cal who have been coming to baja and (own a house in the Ensenada area) since the 70's. It is so sad to see the aristocrat top class in mexico continue to take the blood money and watch their people suffer. 30 years experience tells me revolucion is near...

    1. That should be no surprise. Some of the biggest exporters are from America

    2. Why say you are "white people"? How and why does that have any relevance??

    3. 10.30
      Exactly my thoughts? What does that have to do with this story? Never ends.

    4. 9:08 Biggest exporters ? Elaborate . 3:51 White ? didn't take them long to jump all over that . They are calling you racist . Had a number on my caller I D a couple days ago . They didn't leave a message but could here another party in the background talking shit , Pinched gringo so on and so forth . Called the number back and got the most well mannered person inquiring about something they needed and somebody told them to talk to me . You know I probably tripped over myself to help them . LOL .

    5. @3:51
      I keep telling them que arriba la revolucion jijos del cocho but they don't hear me thoug

      Lil' Pancho Villa

  4. This shows either tacit sanction or fear by the authorities. Or both either way five hours for help simply unacceptable.

  5. Yup....and the people are powerless. This is just a glimpse of what is to be around the world. Total police states where paramilitary death squads are allowed to commit these sort of atrocities to benefit the interests of the powerful. Mexico is the laboratory of our future, dont think this could not happen to any of us. Its only a question of time when it it will befall us and maybe you wont experience it but your children will. I hope this doesnt become true.... but its already happening

    1. Pretty big stretch there...from cartel violence to police states...riiiiight

  6. One armed man in the States causes an army of 20 or more SWAT team members plus the same amount of police to show up at the scene. How many police would the U.S. authorities need to silence these same amount of armed men here in the states??? It's not as easy as it looks specially in a small towns where even the closest military base is miles away. The U.S. has at least the option of sending in helicopters with troops but even then to silince so many armed men there needs to be a thought out battle plan before making a real move on them. Think about it.

    1. most small rural American towns/Farmer type will have a small Police or sheriff department, and the majority of its population while have equal firepower.. BTW the Military cant be used to control crime(that pesky Constitution prohibits it..the same one letting those farmer above have ARs and AKs.)..The other aspect is try getting 40 guys together with a "secret" plan, and see how long it takes the FBI to be bitch slapping them, after one flips for a couple million $. we aren't Mexico..dww

    2. What a stupid comparison. In the usa they wld sent the national guard when shit gets real bad.

    3. @1:43 STFU. My point is that in Mexico they don't have the option most of the times to send in troops, National Guard or anything. The comparison is very true.

    4. @5:44 p.m here in north ga mtns we shoot back and ask questions later and alot of us have the same kinds of weapons they do believe that!:)

    5. @10:30. In Mexico it is illegal for the majority of the population to own personal guns FYI. So how can people other than criminals protect themselves? I'm not saying that getting a group of 40 or more people together is easy in the states either. All I'm saying is that if it where possible how would that effect the numbers of police responding to these threats?
      To make it clear also is that police in the states have to outnumber criminals encountered during a call by larger mumbers than them by a long shot. Numbers that small towns like those in Mexico they will not have.


    6. There is a big difference here in the US, we are armed. If the 300 people were armed it would of been a game changer.

    7. @11:28 Simply arming the people will not be a game changer. It's not enough to simply give the populace guns or allow them to own them, if the people are not organized and united it is still 50 sicarios against 1. If the people are organized and united and act in concert, it is 300 armed citizens against 50 sicarios. That is a game changer.

    8. Why is so many people insistent on comparing Mexico to the U.S.? Both countries are so different from each other.

    9. @4:49 without comparison there would be nothing more to talk about other than some "bad hombres" from whatever group they belong to stirred up trouble and got away without anybody doing shit! How lame a story is that???

  7. What a complete disgrace. Those poor people.

  8. A double tap 2 the head is a military tactic. These gunmen were soldiers. - Sol Prendido

    1. 8:07 Sol peyido, congratlations, you hit the nail again mi güey, that grifa must be getting better...

    2. 8:07PM
      That's not correct. The correct military tactic is a double tap to the upper body and one to the head. It's pretty standard training in close quarter combat traing which was once only taught in special forces but is now being taught in regular infantry.

    3. not that difficult to point a weapon at point blank range on a deffensless human, gi joe not needed. hasta el mas chimuelo mastica piedras

    4. Yes double tapping is a military tactic however we wouldn't need to double tap e specially if we shot them in the head at point blank range.

    5. Sol, did you read the article? The men were kidnapped. Meaning they were taken alive and later killed with two shots to the head. The double tap usually happens in indoor close quarter operations and is to the upper torso and one to the head. You sound stupid pretending to be a soldier.

    6. 6:48 The M4 fires a 2 round burst. I can't tell you which weapon they used. But I can speak 4 the M4 and its capabilities. And all soldiers out of Ft. Bragg learn this technique. Cursing me does you no good either. On the contrary I accept all those blessings sugar poo. - Sol Prendido

    7. 7:26am just admit you were wrong.

    8. Let's put some $ down on a bet. Pick the amount that you can afford 2 pay if you lose. $100 or $100K. The challenge goes 4 all the naysayers. I'm willing 2 prove that I am a soldier. Time and setting can all be arranged. - Sol Prendido

    9. 4:59 Why since you pretty much proven that you're not so from the onset you've already lost. Have some dignity and maturity.

    10. It's obvious sol prendido is one of those slimey stolen valor types.

    11. Lol, Sol Prendido was proven wrong about his knowledge of military tactics so now he changes the subject to one of him being a soldier.

    12. Maybe you WAS a soldier, and maybe you still belong to the melitary, chole, but they do not belong to you.
      Mad Dogg Mattis has the same problem as sec of defense, and his commander in chief too, for them their military casualties of war under their command are "heros" now, all the other ones, specially Mc Cain and Arab descent fallen soldiers are nothing to them...
      --Tricking your way to secretary of defense or commander in chief or NSA OR WHATEVER, with russian help and money and hackers doesn't really make your commission real, all that, or even fool Ritchie Nixxon found out too late.

  9. I saw this kind of stuff in michoacan with the Templarios and also in tamaulipas with the zetas now in guerro only place i dint was sinaloa the last respectful drug lord who dint mess with the people El chapo Guzman
    Canadian Boy

    1. Chapo Guzman is a mass murderer and butcher of innocents. Put your comic books away and come back to the real world. He is a prolific murderer.

    2. Please do not embarrass least sign off as 'MAN' not 'boy'. It's diff for females.

      _Canadian girl

    3. Fuck yeah Chapo kills innocents. He might not send people to do that himself but jusy say something bad or wrong about the narco lifestyle or just that Chapo needs to be in prison or so in Sinaloa and his fuckin nuthugger followers be then sicarios or not and they will kill you and or your families. Talking bad about narcos or Chapo in Sinaloa is like talking bad about Islam or Mohamed for those living there!

    4. Don't listen to 5:49 his probably a michoacaca hater

    5. Has chapo ever been seen actually taken someones life himself?? Yes we know he has ppl to do this like el cholo but i cant picture this guy taken a machete to someone or pulling the trigger i mean he doesnt even carry a sidearm ..yea why would he he has ppl but what person living this lifestyle would even take a shit without a firearm at arms reach..he looks like more of the poster boy for CDS..Lazcano Lazcano now that scumbag you could tell wouldnt hesitate to personally rip your faceoff with a rusted knife..just saying

    6. Stupid canadian el chapo was the most guilty mexican drug lord of starting shit with other cartels.

    7. 11:42, yes he has personally executed rivals and innocents. There are many a story of him pulling the trigger to murder people.

    8. The reason why is because Sinaloa's money was from sending drugs to the states.... While other organized crime groups like the CT and Z's had a large number of their revenue come from extortions and kidnappings, hence the level of violence on the populace. It wasn't that Sinaloa was not made of homicidal maniacs because it is, it has to do with structure.

    9. Canadian Boy
      Take no notice,there are so many nice people and fuckin half arsed experts gathered here.

  10. Tha army/polesia help took a long time and the wrong way before arriving, because they could not find the güebos, they sold them to the murderers, orders of the governor.

    1. They were the same guys they just had to go home put on their uniforms and comeback. Can't be in two places at the same

  11. Its as if call tracing technology hasn't reached Mexico yet. All the millions in drug money they seize every year should go directly to that and also as compensation to family members of the kidnapped.

  12. Damm pussies (police)

  13. Too little to late for the Mexican federal police to patrol or to establish roadblocks. Another example of the pervasive corruption that exists throughout Mexico's supposed law enforcement entity's and military. Yet, Mexico's government, led by the midget occupying Los Pinos, refuses to allow the citizenry to arm themselves, a right afforded to every Mexican citizen under their constitution. The PRI is so concerned that its' citizens would band together and start a revolution if they were armed that they prefer astronomical crime rates. Given the economy, the falling value of the peso against the dollar, Trump's plans to deport up to 8 million undocumented aliens from the U. S., and the continued rising rates of insecurity, it's only a matter of time before we see rising levels of civil discord within Mexico.

    1. Good. Mexico needs a revolution, literally. the honest and hard working common people should band together and over throw EPN. Take their country back. And only one thing for it...death penalty for all drug traffickers and armed bandits. A purge is needed.

    2. Mexico is due for another revolution, if Trump is going to deport 8 million illegal aliens they should all be handed rifles on the way out so they can defend themselves.

    3. What a revolution would accomplish? Can you please think before you speak

    4. @4:53 Well said. A revolution might make things worse.

  14. A small town of 330 inhabitants or 800 people ?

  15. Send in the US troops Trump promised!

    1. @6:53AM I didn't hear Trump promise anything of the sort. I heard that he SUPPOSEDLY told EPN in a telephone call that if Mexico military did not take care of the "bad hombres" he MIGHT have to send in US military to take care of them. Mexican officials deny Trump ever made that threat. Whether he did or not, that is a long way from a promise to send troops to Mexico.

  16. What are you talking about, that the police didn't show up? Those pukes where the first ones there. Who do you think escorted the criminal, maggots to that town?

  17. Looks more like 800 by the look of the road.

  18. It appears that Mexico is falling into anarchy. The old model of a central government run in a mafia style and managing the various large cartels is breaking down. As the government has fractured politically and so has the various cartels. There are now too many small scale gangs, each with their own deals with various corrupt fragmented governmental forces and institutions to allow for central management anymore. This is leading to the lack of basic security to large areas of Mexico. The leaders of the government while corrupt are not stupid and they truly fear a revolution or an internal civil war. They are more scared of the citizens arming and rising up than the general carnage the cartels and gangs are inflicting on the population. Besides the cartels are a revenue stream while the people are rivals for power and represent the true threat to the politicians.

  19. Send in the troops donald! Funk these crooked Mexican politicians and cops in Guerrero. Also, we don't know this isn't a beef between rival criminal organizations, in which case, funk em too!

    1. Donald should focus on his peoples consumption which would help Mexico more than sending troops

    2. Not really, they'll just extort and rob folks and the policias still won't help.

    3. 8.27
      And my country is better than yours,our flag is better and my uncle is bigger than yours.Pathetic,seriously.

    4. An ethnocentric post, viewed under the lens of the only frame of reference possible - Trump will fix it all, and all of the victims were probably guilty anyway. How short-sighted can some people get?

  20. Man guerrero keeps getting worse...pray for them...

  21. And if they arm themselves the government gets angry at them for trying to protect themselves.. sounds like a great place to live.

    1. Angry my ass, they go batshit crazy. An armed citizenry is their worst nightmare. Armed cartels, no problem as long as they pay the tax, armed citizenry = uprisings

  22. Im not going to be a "take Mexico back" hero..
    There is one road in and out,wouldnt it be good if the townspeople did the exact same thing these rats did ?
    Only next time wait for the rats with guns and weapons and disappear the fuckin lot of them,fuck the supposed "rule of law" 40 sicarios with guns,execute the lot of them and guess what? That town wont get fucked with again..Cant rely on police,army,gob,marina,whoever.Try and get guns and kill the lot of them.VIOLENCE is the ONLY way to deal with them


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