Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

I didnt shoot at the Guzmans and I am a friend of Mayo Zambada says Damaso

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Riodoce article

Reporter: Javier Valdez

The fight between narco groups causes death, pain and torment

The group headed by Damaso Lopez Nunez didn't attack Ivan Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzman Salazar, known as "Los Chapitos" or "Los Menors", neither have they broken with Ismael Zambada Garcia, "El Mayo", affirmed a member of this criminal organization sent by El Licenciado to be interviewed by Riodoce.

He said he was incorrect that this confrontation with Zambada, who he qualified as a fine person, respectable and a pacifier, of crucial importance to the Sinaloa Cartel, and that he was not invited to the meeting that took place on the Saturday the 4th of February, which was attended by the Guzman brothers and El Mayo.

Of this encounter, he found out on Sunday and the first days of the next week, when there were versions of that the gunman of Lopez Nunez had attacked "Los Menores". Unofficial versions indicated that neither Zambada Garcia no "Los Chapitos" were injured, like they said in a letter sent to Ciro Gomez Leyva this past week.

According to unofficial versions, the meeting took place close to the community of Paredones, adjacent to the Jesus Maria sindicatua, where there had been an agreement for a meeting between the 3 grand capos of the Sinaloa Cartel: Ismael Zamabada and the Guzmans, even though initially it had been said that Damaso Lopez Nunez would also be attending.

The date set was the 4th of February, to the North of the Sinaloa State capital. The sources said that to reach the site of the meeting, they had to cross the Humaya river in a panga, accompanied by bodyguards of "El Mayo".

Leading these was one of the security chiefs of "El Mayo", "El Ruso" or "The Russian", who he met and escorted the boat for those attending the meeting. The meeting was at a place where there was a strong presence of the Mexican Army, who after the ambush of September the 30th, in which five soldiers were killed who were transferring a wounded subject from Badiraguatto to Culiacan and a Red Cross medic was injured.

In the operation carried out by the Army in Paredones, which lasted for about a week in at least one of the farms in the area, the military and the Office of the Special Prosecutor for Investigation of Organized Crime (SEIDO) seized 41 vehicles, including five trailers , A camper type camper, 12 horses, a white lion, 278 cell phones, five Rolex brand watches and $ 12,220.

Also four ranches, three houses, a variety of tactical equipment, three AK-47 rifles, three more Barret-type 50 caliber, three grenade launchers, 49 magazines and 66 grenades. The area is known for the tight control of the Sinaloa Cartel, particularly the Guzman forces.

Before the meeting on February 4, there was at least one in which Ismael Zambada insisted that the groups reconcile. During the past year there was a first dialogue and apparently the differences had been set aside and a peace agreement was reached.


Damaso's envoy, whose headquarters is located in the Eldorado area and part of the San Lorenzo Valley, in this capital city - he also had command in La Paz, Baja California Sur, and Mazatlán - El Licenciado said he does not operate outside the Sinaloa Cartel, because he retains his friendship with Zambada, and clarified that he can not call as enemies the children of Joaquin Guzman Loera, the Chapo , whom he loves and admires.

He said that Los Menores have not respected the agreements and have provoked him violently for about a year, preparing with people and equipment, as part of a coup against Lopez Núñez, "taking advantage of my good faith, with treachery and Advantage, and they have said that the DEA supports me, but it is not true. I have pride and I respect the codes ".

"Did Damaso split with El Mayo ?"

-Of course not. Mr. Zambada is a fine person, who is always respected and respected.

"Is Damaso out of the Sinaloa Cartel?"

"He and the group of leaders are friends with Mr. Zambada, and logic and facts speak more than a thousand words.

"Friend of El Mayo and enemy of Los Chapitos ?"

-Iván, Alfredo and his uncle are sick with power, but it is through abuse that they forced people to support them.They support them more out of fear than because they are right. He (Damaso) is a friend of El Mayo but also a friend of Mr. Joaquín Guzmán. And Mr. Guzman promoted him to where he is now and always valued what support he could provide to him and his children.

"It can not be said that Dámaso is enemy of Ivan or Alfredo, although he knows that they are misplaced and at any moment they can reflect and mature. They do not want Dámaso, but Dámaso has said that he can not be enemy of the children of a person "whom I love and I appreciate".

"Can this be solved?"

"Everything is solved with a good talk. We have only been defended ourselves, but we have never provoked them. They have a year provoking the El Licenciado. Provoking us

He said that the conflict can be ended now, by talking. He warned that it has been painful for innocent people to die and that the families of those involved are suffering and remain in constant "torment".

He said that El Mayo has a crucial role in the Sinaloa Cartel, which for many are suffering a new fracture with the conflict between the group of López Nunez and the brothers Guzman Salazar, backed by his uncle, Aureliano Guzman Loera, Guano.

"Mr. Zambada is a pacifist and he has fought for this to be solved, but the boys and his uncle,Guano, do not obey him and feel they are more than Zambada, and do not respect Mr. Joaquin Guzman Loera's decision to keep Business as they were, everyone in their regions, and having communication and coordination. "

If Dámaso was treacherous, he added, "he would not have the friendship or confidence he has with Zambada."

Blood traces

Versions of the federal government indicate that everything began because both groups, Damaso and Guzman, were strengthened in Culiacán, after the recapture of Chapo and his extradition to the United States.

"The problem was that the people of the Guzman were taking over the market in every way: narcomenudeo, other drugs, gasoline robbery, etcetera, and that did not please Dámaso, who was also grown," said one An official of the federal government, who asked to remain anonymous.

Due to the control of the local market of the drug by the Chapitos or Mentors , he added, the drug known as crystal was scarce and increased its price, from 7 to 12 thousand pesos a pound, in this capital city during February.

The clashes include Villa Juarez, Navolato and El Diez, were between  El Chimalis, a cell of gunmen operating in the south of this capital city and serving Los Menores, and a man nicknamed El Montana on the side of the group of Dámaso López.

Among the clashes, whose death toll is unknown, is the withdrawal of the control that the El Licenciado had of the slot machines and minicasses, in Navolato, last year. The business, despite the bullets and murders, passed to Los Chapitos .


The envoy of El Licentiate said that during the early morning of February 4 three vehicles of unknown people entered the community of Sánchez Celis, near Eldorado. As the cells of Damaso could not identify them, they were stopped to identify themselves but instead  shot from the vehicles behind the convoy. The aggression, according to their version, was repulsed.

"A unit of ours made them stop to identify them, since a year ago the people of Ivan, commanded by Pancho Chimal , attacked our people and always they were saying that they were going to finish us," He remembered.

When the next car stopped, he added, the men in the two remaining vehicles began firing and at that moment the aggression was repulsed and the shooting began.

"Neither El Licenciado nor his people were warned that people from the Guzmans and Sánchez Celis would arrive, that they would enter. There is a radio line to maintain a direct communication between them and El Licenciado , but they never used it, and when that aggression occurred, there were already ten cars of them that left El Diez for Eldorado, "he said.

The letter

In a letter sent to journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva of Imagen Noticias, the sons of Guzmán Loera accused Dámaso López Núñez of having tried to kill them, after a supposed meeting that they had allegedly been asked for by Dámaso. Los Menores indicate that they were injured and that Ismael Zambada García also attended the meeting.

The attack would have been on February 4 and the Guzman Salazar reports indicate that it was in the mountainous area of ​​Badiraguato municipality.

"On February 4, 2017, the El Licenciado Dámaso López organized a meeting, inviting Mr. Ismael Zambada and the family of Joaquín Guzmán, on the subject of having evidence that Dámaso López ordered the kidnapping of the children of 'El Chapo ', "the letter reads.

Once in the place, they add in the letter, "they realize that Dámaso López was not there and the confusion began, soon they begin to shoot against the personal escort of the family, being shot dead instantly in the place, when realizing that they were betrayed by El Licenciado Dámaso Lopez when trying to assassinate them, in order to finish with everything from root ".

He also points out: "By getting away unscathed from the attack, Mr. Zambada and the family of Joaquín Guzman fled the place, finding all the way armed people on the orders of Dámaso Lopez, trying again to kill them, Thus getting lost among the mountain, without having a notion of where they were, when traveling several kilometres and coming across a small town and thus being aided by people of the place, since they were injured.

Harassment and burial

Versions close to the federal government indicate that a few days were enough for Dámaso to look for El Mayo again . Through the telephone, he told him that it was time to define: "I will offer support or not," said the head of the criminal group operating in Eldorado and part of the San Lorenzo Valley.Earlier, Zambada would have told the antagonistic groups that it was not in their interests, that they had to get ready but that he was not involved in drug dealing or gas theft.

"Those are not my business, so you have to fix it," he would have warned them.

Almost in parallel, Aureliano Guzmán Loera, brother of the Chapo , went to Rafael Caro Quintero, in the mountainous area of ​​the municipality of Badiraguato, where both maintain operations. Guzman approached with another pretext, but already being in front of the great capo he broached the subject. Caro would have replied that he does not want problems.

Also the Russian , head of gunmen of Zambada, would have received a telephone call from Damaso, after the  encounter. El Licenciado asked for support in the war that already is under way against the Guzmans, to which he replied that he would have to consult with his boss.

The hatred grew when Idalia Romelia Salazar was murdered in Guadalajara , aunt of Ivan Archivaldo and Alfredo Guzmán. The woman was killed while driving a vehicle, on February 9, after leaving a dental office. This assassination was accredited by the Guzman to El Licenciado, as part of the struggles between both groups, since today the deceased was very important to Los Menores ,she financed their activities, since she was the trustee for money of both of them.

"There is no choice. There is no going back: they killed my aunt, "said Ivan Archivaldo.

Everyone left

A couple of days after the confrontation in Villa Juárez, which had an official balance of five deaths - although versions of witnesses indicate that both criminal groups took several corpses - the Sinaloa Cartel leaders in the state began to leave. They left in small planes, through commercial flights or by land in private vehicles.

The goal: to lose oneself , and not to be in the middle of the conflicts between these two great criminal groups, with whom many in the cartel have business, kinship, compadrazgos and friendships.

"If you can get disappear get yourself out. If we know that they have taken sides, stop, support ... if they are armed or fighting, it will go bad for them. They manage, "Zambada would have told the Russian and his people, to prevent Damaso or the Guzmans from involving them in this new stage of war.

"There is a lot of harassment from both sides, which is bringing heat from the government, so they decided to leave, to go to other states," a government source said.

El Mayo doesn't want any part of this conflict and urges both sides to settle their differences and will not take sides against either group.

Original article in Spanish at Riodoce

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  1. They should just meet over some kind of Skype type platform. Saves them from bringing their security groups to meet. And don't give me any crap about NSA spying. These guys have enough money to hire the right people to have umbreakable encryption methods. They can buy fleets of sport cars, boats, planes, lions, tigers, but they can't afford a few good software developers?

    1. Sure... your psychology is awesome.. they'll start doing that right away, because you said so. Were you there to tell pablo escobar to use his cellphone to?

    2. Ok so mayo don't want no bs with this beef so sounds like chapo kids want bring mayo in to this beef

    3. Well, th mexican army murders it's own soldiers and blames los chapos, their uncle gjano, the beltranuses, la chapa chila, and here we go again, another shot out and everyone blaming everyone else. Like there is no control over who moves their death squads from point A to point B, or C or D...
      --Smells like one more old school "counter-intelligence" operation for dummies, from above...too much boolsheet.

  2. I can't list or name specific reasons, but I definitely am more prone to believing Damaso than the Guzmans. Seems any thread of old school honor and codes left that faction as soon as Chapo hit US soil. Just a guess, it the terrorized people of Mexico generally and Sinaloa in particular would have a quieter life under the rule of Damaso and Mayo. Just gut feeling.


    1. Damaso trying to save his ass now. he gave up Chapos location he helped with the attack in LA TUNA he kidnapped Chapitos.

  3. Chapo betrayed damaso making up shit

    1. Mini lic betrayed them not the dad but u know what side the dad is on

  4. So when do narcos call the media or write messages that they didn't do certain things,man the fuck up! These guys are pussys,it's like mencho calling the media and saying he didn't shoot down the chopper! U did or did not,the government is gonna get u,so stop calling the media all scared,idiots!

    1. La Barbie contacted the media years ago when he was in conflict with the Zetas.

    2. 1:40 if you're so tough...

    3. Like I said,pussys!

    4. 10:06 you talking about the same guy who turned himself in and is ratting on EVERYONE including the president, lol

    5. Sure you did not attempt to hurt or kill anyone? And Roger Rabbit is real, not a cartoon character!
      Like we really care if you all kill yourselves? No not into " Who has the biggest cohones " tele novela. Just looking forward to seeing one of you scumbags obituary readings.
      That's all many look forward to in truth.
      So you can stop with the love letters asking for forgiveness. Sure chocolate will make things right again. Stupids............

  5. Doest matter hes a dead man walking

  6. What a bunch of pussy drama queens! Ya partanse la madre y dejen de llorar! And I would gladly tell it to their face one on one before I beat the crap out of them.

    1. @2:02 Sure you would tough guy, want a cookie.

    2. @1:40's brother

    3. 7:22 no te la vas a cabar, cookie.

    4. of course you would now you better log off before your wife comes home and finds out dinner anit ready

  7. I know Los Chapitos are spoiled morons but it was their father who brought in Damaso a nobody in Sinaloa before he was brought in the mix. Regardless, Damaso and his idiotic son will be arrested or killed soon cause their damaged goods.

    1. I mean the guy went from working for the goverment to a top guy in the cartel with his own structure. So obviously the man has some skills.

    2. exactly, he wont last especially against a real og gangsta like mayo zambada

    3. He doesn't have beef with mayo and it's los chapitos provoking los Damasos so jus let them battle it out

    4. @11:05 mz will have to pick a side if the fight gets deeper

    5. Damaso has no direct bloodlines or links to the 3 original big-time traffiking Sinaloan clans or "families" aka Los Carrillo-Fonseca, Caro-Quintero and Felix-Gallardo. He is a politician's son with a privilege upbringing by Mexican standards but nobody special until he met Sr. Guzman.

    6. 10:54pm just as felix gallardo. Once damaso its done. Thats it. Its over unlime other families you mention . one fwlls theres another family member r3ady to step in.

    7. Félix Gallardo's legacy still lives on in Tijuana (CAF). Carrillo-Fonseca lives on in Juarez and well C-Q still lives on with those 'bad hombres' in the Sierra de Badiraguato.

  8. I like how bb edited the photo of El Lic to almost make it seem as if it was a new pic of him (;

    - BBadicto

  9. Damaso is more powerful than chapo

    1. Damasos were guzmans peasants just like the torres are zambadas peasants.

  10. now you can see who was the one with the most power in the sinaloa cartel. all you fuckers saying that mayo was more powerful than chapo. chapo was the jefe de jefes there, the most respected.

    1. There was a reason the US govt made such a stink about Chapo. He was the biggest capo to ever come out of Mexico. Not even Caro escaped twice, he had to rot on the inside for 30 yrs.

    2. Mayo is more powerful and not dumb he will give up chapo kids in a couple months just watch when there captured

    3. I am a chapo myself but. I got to admit that mayo now its the bigger boss. Before azul was. Them with th second escape chapo climbed to mayos level. But then fell again.

  11. Wow! I'm really surprised Mayo didn't respond for being ambushed when he tried to mediate in the first place. Fool me once....

  12. Sinaloa esta mas unido que nada no se crean todo lo k leen ni todo lo k oyen plebes unos mal entendidos nada k no se pueda solucionar saludos pa culiacan i el Dorado ay estamos al millon pa lo se ofresca

    1. No sea Mentiroso..

    2. A que bueno. Ya me tenian al pendiente! Jajaja Mejor ponganse a trabajar bola de putos huevones!

    3. No Andes De manila commandante perro

    4. 2:44 ai vas con tus mamadas tuvistes k desir una pendejada!

    5. este perro ni de sinaloa es.. tienes la cara de un centroamericano muerto de hambre... ya deja de decir mamadas ke kemas a mi raza...

      Arriva la gente de la sierra de Chihuas y Badiraguato!!

    6. No saves ni verga pinche fantoche ni culiacan ni eldorado as de conocer. Y esto no se acaba. Ya el tiro esta cantado. Puras idioteces dices. J.A.G.L

  13. No wonder mayo has not been captured MF has Russian hit man with him dam I new it Russian and Sina load both brave man greeting from the mother land Russia I love borderland news

    1. Damn you all in the russians nuts like trump.

    2. he is not actually Russian, Tonto....thats a nickname. In fact, there are NO RUSSIANS in the Sinaloa Mountains

    3. Thats his nickname lol

    4. Yeah Mayo has a lot of good looking young Russian girls in his harem.

  14. These cartel cockroaches are like "The Real Housewives" franchise. Better yet, the National Inquirerer. Writing letters like they have to explain who the murder and rape and who there alliancers are. LOL what a giveaway on strategy and a show of weakness. Funny thing, this is 2017 and they have kidapped many an engineer but yet they are cave man primitive writing letters and passing notes like school girls. So funny too, is if that process ever happened in the US, law enforcement would already know where they are at and the letter would be processed for evidence and DNA. Another laughable aspect is that anyone but Mexican Marinas and law enforcement can find these scumbags. Next installment of this sad soap opera.....

    1. LSo true. But what do you expect from illiterate alcholic slob killers?

    2. If these letters are true I suspect it's a tatctic to get info quickly to chapo to inform him of what's going on through news outlets

  15. This fool is Forrest Gump taking pictures with his eyes closed and crap

  16. They better all team up. EL TRUMPO & the DC CARTEL will be down shortly. 1 seal team will make short work of the whole group. FACT!! Now let's hear all the nonsense comments from all the wanna be gangsters....

    1. You mean alternative trompas people say

    2. 3:42 is Fake News
      9:24 is a Liberal so you're worse

    3. sure they would how mamy years have we've been fighting in the middle east now ?

    4. What about the wanna be law enforcement ? Hahaha...Their comments arent much better.

  17. Lol gangstas passing love notes in the woods!

  18. Is this the guy that always wore a cowboy hat and cowboy boots? Has he ever been in the USA?

    1. No. That's not Damaso. The guy your thinking of is short and thin, has black hair and mustache and always wears a cowboy hat, boots, belt, and jeans. Lives in El Dorado and has a church on his property. I don't know his real name or Apodo. Anyone know? I think he traffics meth up thru Arizona and California. Not sure though. Older guy.

  19. I wonder if the Russian is still alive

  20. Les garantizo que comadre perro attended the meeting y que fue un orgullo lmao GREAT ARTICLE THOUGH THUMBS UP!!!

  21. wheres all the cds is done bs that wachito and chivis like to publish. From all the articles that have been put online (not just here) all have saying thing then another. All i see is a cartel sending out mixed signals to confuse everyone when in the end the incarceration and extradition of Chapo is causing a reshuffle and the guzmans are trying too hard to keep whats currently theirs while everyone else is trying to come up without causing a major rift. No pasa nada plebes. Y los envidiosos que vayen a chingar su madre de una vez.

    1. Wachito likes Sinaloa, the borderland Instagram was like one CDS post after another. But I think he throws other cartels in now too

    2. "Wachito likes Sinaloa"

      Yeah man is that right ?
      On another post we got a lot of little girls sayin he loves CJNG and listens to CJNG corridos in his armored vehicle ? Then again who fuckin cares ?

  22. Nuthuggers got quiet.

  23. We are coming for you Damaso .

    Atte GxNx Antrax x Talibanes x Chimales x

    1. Poser, you never wrote chimales until they were in the news this week. Lol

    2. 9:12 Leave Sally alone! If she wants 2 wave her pom poms so be it. - Sol Prendido

    3. Fedamaso are coming for u

    4. 9.12
      Your right never mentioned Chimales before ?
      With the little Xs for GN

    5. Good one 😂😂

    6. We are coming for you Damaso
      Atte:Little sissy Chapo kids shaking their wee wees.

    7. Chimales and amce samething

  24. Palo chueco jamas se enderesa... can you really trust a crooked cop? I've heard stuff about el mini lic being shady, but then again, I've heard the same about Chapo's sons.

    1. What kind of shade about mini lic?!

    2. 2:21 Shade #41 for el lic and for you.

    3. Mini lic el rayo es un hombre De palabra

    4. Mini lic es una lacra que esta extorcionando

  25. it looks like the chapitos are inexperienced an power the world or narcos a good of reason of any to later turn on them

  26. I would love to see some comments on what people think of this article. I am a Anglo and don't understand this very well. I did see a comment about the Guzman kids being involved in gasoline and robbery and eat. Which I have to believe would be kidnapping, human trafficking and offenses of that nature. I just don't understand why kids supposedly filthy rich would need to do anything other than deal drugs. Also I don't understand why the dead auntie would have total control over all their money. Something just don't seem right. If these young men were able to coordinate huge shipments of cocaine, Meth, heroin into the US why they so desperate to shut down an associate. I mean there's never enough drugs in the US. As cheap as heroin and Meth is now, I can't see the price plummeting much further. Just a little of what I think some of the article said. Please don't beat me up too bad in your response.

    1. Just like old monarch times. There's a lot of back stabbing for pride, greed, and vengance. Power corrupts people, and these sick fks arent the exception. Chapos kids can do whatever they'd like but thats all they know. All there friends family are involved. Leaving it all behind might seem cowardly or letting the family down. Also they have alot of enemies that would take them out, so you might as well take them out first. They were doomed from the start. Seems to me there trying to step out of there fathers shadow and do there own thing. Unfortunately they didn't start from the bottom and dont know the struggle and key lessons. Thats why they're stupid and are flashy all over the Internet. Just a matter of time till there done. Don Mayo has survived a long time by being smart and being low profile. Thats my 2 cents.

    2. 6:38 you got a good answer from 9:20

    3. The biggest organized crime group left in mexico the sinaloa cartel lost its leader el chapo guzman to an usa jail. His family has been supposedly having problems with damasos group. In this article basically is saying that damaso states that apparently he has no problems with the guzman faction. And hes also stating his frienship with el mayo zambada whos the leader of the third faction and the most senior boss of the cartel. El mayo for his part according to this will not take sides with either faction.

    4. Instead of prices "plumitting " they're sky rocketing

    5. Don mayo will turn them in and mini lic click and will be the last man standing once and for all

  27. "The russian" sounds like ex spetsnatz to me! How you like that Mr. Send in seal team 6 to finish them off?? They should send them so we can see how they do against spetsnatz..

    1. It's a nickname

    2. Agree, lets see if they can bully the ruskys. Or come back with their colas between their patas like they mostly do. No fake News or alternative facts.

  28. Imagine if Carlo Gambino wrote to the new York Times and told of his innocence and how he has never been at war against the Bonnano, Luchesse, Colombo families etc this is an example of course but imagine it for a second. Some things are not made for public consumption. What a shame what once started as a thing of honor a means of protecting your family your loved ones against foreign entities i.e Mexican revolution, now has become a trending topic. It has simply become the next thing to do. Shame on you who enter these gates without knowing where you enter. And for those who are aware of the severity of it all and still march forward ever conscious of the reason why you keep going a'salud! "You never admit to the existence of this thing,never!"

    1. Imagine if you grew the fuck up. And stopped looking at the past with those rose tinted spectacles. And then remind yourself that the crime families you mention. Are nothing more than rebellious shool girls compared 2 Mexican cartels. - Sol Prendido

    2. Post this shit BB to 6:43 Shut the fuck up Cosa Nostra left this drug business to the Mexicans because they know how dangerous it is. Neuva Italia la MAFIA continua con La M de Mich, Mex asta La M de Califas E.U.A world wide for drug addicts. Gabachos love drugs marijuana meth heroine pills negros love coke bud and crack and the list goes on. Some body needs to run it. The Mexicans this the Mexicans that who grows your food who builds your roads construction clean your toilets etc etc work work work and we run that dangerous business at the same time because no one else can. If druggies were to have the guts to quit there would be no need to run this drug shit. El Chicano hijo del Mexicano

    3. Some crime familias had press on their books.

      El Nacho Libre

    4. Actually Al Capone wrote the commissioner numerous times to plead his innocence. Maybe do some research before you start spewing bs.

    5. 11:06. Actually the mob used to control most of the heroin coming into the USA. Ever heard of the French connection? The Mexicans were just middle men for the Colombians until they got smart n took over. I'm Italian and the mob controlled everything in the USA. And they butchered ppl just like the Mexicans. Except they did everything behind closed doors to not attract attention. Mexico is so fucked up n lawless that they can get away with doing things in the open. Obviously the mob is nothing compared to what it once was but for u to make dumbass statements with no facts makes u look like an idiot. Tflaim Tampa FL.

    6. None of the so called drug lords in mexico cld ever be compared to an Escobar or Gacha or an Orejuela much less to a Gambino or an Accardo or a Luciano. This narcos are nothing but gangbangers with money and high power weapons in a country were the goverment aint shit.

    7. @6:28 None of the fuckin Gambinos/Italians and many of the Columbians would not fight it out against each other in groups of 100 or more in broad daylight with high powered weapons and much less against the government like they do almost daily in Tamaulipas! Whatever these mafias had in the past is exactly that PAST history! Suck on a lemon all you fuckin haters!

    8. @4:36 and 6:28 what are you doing on Borderland Beat putas? Your mad because Colombians and Italians are outnumbered by the Mexicans and have more balls. The USA still belongs to Us generations from now. Cosa nostra is now cosa nuestra and Colombia well shit Pablo Escobar wearing a sombrero come on now that guy knew who is in charge. Lames talk alot of shit but when they are outnumbered they come asking for help from the Raza. El Chicano "We're gonna celebrate a special Mexican holiday together"

    9. Sol the Pendejo, school girls never wrote sissy crying letters to public or government. Your owners known as Chapo's sissy baby boys thinks it's macho to write letters or post bullshit pics on twitter and Facebook. Lollllllll

    10. thats why the Chicago crime commissioner said Chapo made Al Capone look like a school girl. The Italian mafia was and is literally minor league compared to the Mexican cartels.

    11. All those accounts are fake @2:57

  29. Damaso doing damage control! I am 100% sure this was staged by Mini Lic without Lic knowing until the end.

    1. Theyve been in conflict for a while now. Few months ago lic and mini lic were almost captured together in culiacan. Most likely guzmanes put the finger on them. This is war now.

  30. Is that only picture of Damaso? Its almost like the lone mugshot of Mencho.. step up your game DEA.

    1. DEA has tons of pics of Damaso but they're not going to make them public for your satisfaction... Step up your own game with knowledge of the DEA.

  31. Good job ottis me being a Mexican I don't like to translate articles...great job sir

    1. Very little help from Mexicans to translate articles here

    2. Callese y nomás lea güey. Google habla casi siempre puras pendejadas a lo pendejo.
      --Nothing like reports translated by hand.
      --Cuernos pa los critics and thanks again to the volunteers from anywhere.

  32. Last year around june and july ...around the valle de san lorenzo are El Licenciado sent his people to remove all of Los Menores slote machines and arcades machines....

    1. It was the other way around dont be commentin if you dont know

  33. Otis-B good read Bro! But every time I read your stuff, I have to read it 3-4 times to understand your style!

    1. Remember that Otis-B translates literally from Mexican print-media Spanish which is filled with flowery phrases and unnecessary, repetitive crimespeak such as "their liberties were deprived by so and so" and "said that El Licenciado does not operate outside the Sinaloa Cartel, because he retains his friendship with Zambada, and clarified that he can not call as enemies the children of Joaquin Guzman Loera, the Chapo , whom he loves and admires." One of the many problems in Mexico is the surplus of bullshit in any kind of legal documents and their longstanding tradition of Napoleonic administrative practices such as elaborate signatures, copying, stamping, sealing, etc.

      Basically, it's baffle 'em with bullshit. It's how lawyers, politicos and anyone with a lot of written stuff make things so complicated and opaque. The average Mexican does not talk like anything that appears in print media or legalese, carajo.

    2. 11:58 The English language from brutain alias gb, is quite scientific and to the point, the Spanish translations should reflect that,
      The american english may get full of gobbleddygook, but you can usually get to the point in a few words.
      --Regarding spanish, alias Lengua Española, 11:58 you don't know anything, cállate losico mejor güey...

  34. I would like too no more of this Russian and his hit squad

    1. They are all dead..

    2. Mist likely has dead and has not actually a Russian people got all happy LMAO

  35. They are at war but like to pretend they are friends, mayo and damasos are fighting each other. Mayo was taking loses from cjng and damazos so he asked mencho for back up.. this guy sending this letter to confuse his enemy Mayo like its all good but bet he can't wait to catch him slippin..

    1. Catch el mayo sleeping? Shit thats the one mexican boss that has never been cought sleeping once. Ask Ramom Arellano

    2. So Mayo was taking loses from CJNG , so he asks Mencho the guy hitting him for backup
      Hahahah. Grammar ain't you're strongest subject amigo

    3. 5:51 he made a pact with cjng like CAF in Tijuana. Now cjng and mayo are fighting damaso in la paz Baja Califas. Is that better snow white? Lol

    4. How many times has el mayo had the balls to go personally to look for his enemies in their own territories? Ramon Arellano died because of the way he was and the way he loved to personally hunt enemies down in their own state.He shot it out with cops in mazatlan while hunting for mayo. So don't comment on a certain player if you don't know the facts.

    5. Ramon was looking mostly for Chapo. How he thought he would get to him in the mountains shows you how stupid Ramon really was. He had no chance and the minute he got to Sinaloa he was a dead man walking.

      THE ARELLANOS WANTED EL MAYO DEAD...THEY paid $3million for a no call no show hitman

  36. El Ruso isn't Russian
    Most likely he is from Batopito La Apoma in that region..Muchos Rusos por esos rumbos
    Light skin Red Hair they call them Rusos

    1. El Ruso is from Sinaloa but was trained by Spetsnaz Russian Special Forces and he fought in Chechnya.He also trained with El Chino Antrax ,EL M1,El Fantasma ,El Bravo and el Macho Prieto

      now he does security work for El Mayo

    2. May be is a dark skin from puebla or d.f. and they call him like that. We have a friend we call huero and he is even darker than the african americans.

    3. 4:16 he also worked for the kgb right? Lmao

    4. Which cartel controls Puebla?

    5. Russia in the best specialists in this area(wars,special forces)Syria is proved it !!!

    6. It's a nickname ppl no Vladimir Putin running around chinola

  37. La gente en Mexico es muy chismosa

    the people in Mexico gossip a lot

    1. Pero segun muy mafiosos hahahahaha

    2. Iguales de chismosos como tu, pero no todos son asi. Nadamas los de sinaloa son chillones

    3. Corridos are like snitching. In every other country u put the name of a real ganster in a song and they will make the singer eat lead

  38. My homie was born in Russia and grew up in Mazatlán all his life maybe it's the same for this guy born there and grew up in Sinaloa + damaso looks like he didn't age well

  39. 7,000 pesos a pound of cristal?!? I'm calling bullshit I lived in Mexico and knew the prices no way they are that low, PERIOD

    1. Maybe not this second but a few weeks/months ago it was ridiculously low

    2. Maybe not to you, but to low level dealers that distribute then raise the price when they sell to you maybe

    3. Those #'s are right for Culiacan, saying how it's about 1500 in Tijuana.

    4. Yeah stupid the price rises as the pound crosses in the us then crosses check points. Duh

    5. If you go get it in the underground 'warehouse/labs' in the mountains...
      Go get @ least 20 & they'll front you like 30+
      -CDS nutthugger

    6. People sell pure baking soda, and tell you you need to go to detox because you are resistant to the dope now and you may die if you increase the purity.

  40. Wasnt Pancho Chimales caught last week,when they thought a chapito was with him ?

  41. Look at this pussy. he took a shot at the big dog and failed. Now he cries like a bitch in the media to save his own ass. Take away the meth and guns and one on one they are all dirty peasants and pussies that would piss their panties if they had to go up against a real man.

    1. HA!!! Bro we are talking about the CartelDeSnitches. If you haven't noticed all of the factions are crying to the media for sympathy. Tough guys are only tough in movies. Nower days mofos are hiding while they send their sicarios to do the dirty work. The CDS is weak like last week.

  42. Que bueno que los de Sinaloa tienen los huevos para admitir cuando la riegan! Jajaja
    Aon una bola de culos! Haci como este guey dice que el no ataco a los Chapos tambien dicen los Chapos que ellos no atacaron a el ejercito y mataron a cinco soldados en Septiembre pasado. Estando en su territorio y segun elloa controlando todo.
    Y luego tambien fue el periodico Rio Doce que los defendio! Que casualidad. Pinche periodico estq comprado por ellos de el CDS!

  43. OK, most of these comments are a joke by boys who are more clown that strategist. To the strategists here, what's to be gained by both factions publicly denouncing each other.are they trying to win hearts and minds of the general populace, which may be on the fence with who they want to support? There's probably a few other reasons that can't think of, but one thing I do know, is that I would look stupid to pretend I know and tougher for it.

    1. Last ditch effort to make amends.

    2. Hearts and minds like u said or to cause confusion in the war all tactics from the art of war but these babies can't fathom it brother

    3. To create confusion. Smoke n mirrors. To send communication. Dont believe EVERYTHING u read

  44. Which side is El Peinado on, I know he runs large part of Gente Nueva, and worked primarily under Zambada/Guzman. Will he honor Zambada or side with Chapos sons?

    1. El peinado is no damn sicario. He works at his dads auto dealerships in culiacan.a few years back they were the ones that sold all the narco juniors their cars and trucks. He would hang out with Los antrax and all of those dudes.. they wanted to smoke his ass for being a nut hugger and hes been laying low ever since..

    2. Wrong Peinado, this one is from Durango.

    3. @7:29
      Hmmmmm....Could you possibly be talking about el Cepillo (El 00) de la Gente Nueva?maybe youre confusing peinado with cepillo idk lol

    4. No, Dani "El Peinado" Rocha Martinez, Puro Duranguense compa

  45. Time to eradicate all these individuals. Maybe ones suggested post is best solution. Send in Seal team to clean house

    1. One seal team is dangerously effective, let's be realistic though shall we? Grow up bud!

  46. With all the $ this person supposedly has. You'd think he'd have had that chinstrap removed from his face. - Sol Prendido

    1. Lmao I hate your stinkin guts sol! But you just made a friend salud!

  47. El Lic looke as though hes chewing a willy wonka gobstopper,dayum boy you is ugly

  48. Like always none of you idiots know whays going on in sinaloa
    Damaso and his son are the biggest lacras from el dorado to navolato along with cesar carillo there kiddnapping and disposing bussnesss,agriculture men from there land and making them flee if they dont sign then they kill them,also for the moron that said about the slot machines and the mini casinos Menores snatched that from them dont be commenting if you donr know whats going on everyone in sinaloa knows this!

    Sinaloa Wars

    1. Sinaloas just claim they know but really don't know. Not just because your from somewhere it means you know how eveything works. Not just because you hear a corrido. I vet the average bb reader knows more than the average sinaloa guy..guaranteed

    2. You're comment is funny lol ..So they are lacras by doing to Sinaloa what Guzmans do to other states? Like kidnapping and stealing land. So in a way you're also calling Guzmans lacras.

    3. 7:27 you better STFU if you know what is good for you,
      a real "Snicker" bar...

    4. How u know this

    5. 11:24-Did 7:21 hit a nerve?Must be true then.That's absolutely horrific thing to take someone's life's work,their land and their house.Your gov needs to crack down on this!and throw away the key to guys like you!

    6. Did the shit you read sound like a corrido you fool

      Typical bb readers like you that are making the comment section trash with your ignorent posts offers nothing to the conversation

      All you Sinaloa Haters are always here because nobody talks about where ever your from

      Damaso is in los cabos

      Sinaloa Ward

  49. Replies
    1. Looks like this guy was making out with a moving semi

  50. Y Los Willy wonkas que no que estan al cien

  51. yup damaso is going to get it...
    ya estan preparados todos.
    saludos a Nayarit,Sinaloa,Durango compitas el ML.

    1. y sonora tambien, pura gente de trabajo serio

  52. Cant we all just get along dammit man dammit man

  53. jesus christ. even single one of these dirtbags has all the money in the world yet they all look like piles of shit.

    1. You like that Brad Pitt look right, sorry for you most every mexican is average. You should try People magazine, for them hunks.

  54. Off topic here there has been alot of killings in reynosa this week in search for comandante toro and now the Marina expanded there search area and are know working to capture toro in Camargo in the frontera chica where he most likely fled just tuesday and wednesday morning there has been 11 people dead in Camargo

    1. @1:46PM can you get me a link or a news source that has some coverage on that?

  55. Love to see the Mexican government just rid of them altogether. But that we all know is asking for a miracle. Mexico has been so embedded with these scumbags for so long that government officials work for them . Not that easy to just say I want to walk away from it. Plomo o Plata.
    The day you see El Mayo and chapos kids locked up is when hell freezes over. No government captures but executions to rid the parasites.
    Time for change of venue . Mexico will continue to be the powerhouse in drug trafficking. Moreover now than ever since trump is making economical mayhem. Mexico can legitimately make drug manufacturing hub of their GNP.
    With all the discriminatory actions from America, why not . Mexico will not be broke. And if they were smart flood the globe but restrict and enforcement of drug use within its own borders with incarceration.
    Tic for tac .

    1. 2:30-Good luck with that last paragraph,limit drug consumption in Mexico.Too late,the cat's out of the bag now and as long as they buy protection there's all the more money for the local Mayors then there ever was.

    2. Lovely sentiments,the eternal victim of the US and her "discriminatory" actions?
      How many think like you ?

    3. Horrible sentiments,you didn't use the race angle?

    4. You got to be kidding bro. Mexico is already flooding the globe with narcotics. Just saying.

  56. No savia que kiko era narcotraficante lol

  57. Anyone know why his jaw is deformed that way. I dont think thats Damaso.

    1. ... Yes, He Was Preparing For His Roll In The New "Dick Tracy" Movie For 2018 ... He Had Plastic Surgery But Now He Stand's Out Like A Circus Act ...

  58. Is "El Azul" really dead like some people claim?

    1. What happened to el chapo isidro?


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