Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Sinaloa:"El H2" participated in September ambush of military in Sinaloa

Guest Reporter Anasazi with material from Radio Formula journalist Omar Sánchez de Tagle,

Journalist Omar Sánchez de Tagle, indicated that the authorities do not want to say that "El H2" was the one who planned the Culiacan attack, but what the military sources say is that "he was involved and was at the scene at the moment when we were attacked (the military), but they stop short from giving him full responsibility for the attack.

According to sources from the Secretaries of the National Army and the Navy, all elements determined that Juan Francisco Patrón Sanchez alias "H2", alleged leader of the Beltrán Leyva cartel, participated in the military ambush in September of 2016 in Sinaloa.

Graphic foto on following page..........................

El H2 killed along with 7 sicarios in Mexican Navy shootout Thursday

On the program of Denise Maerker, the journalist Omar Sánchez de Tagle, indicated that Patron Sánchez was one of those disputed the territory of the cartel of Sinaloa "was one of those that was having confrontations, as much in Sinaloa as in Jalisco, And hence their importance, let's say, did intelligence work and from that intelligence work of the Secretariat of Defense, shared with the Secretariat of the Navy, they determined that he participated."

He also stated that "El H2" apparently initiated a direct fight with Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada and with the children of Joaquín Guzmán Loera "El Chapo".  And that it would be part of why these clashes  have been, regardless of internal clashes that there is around the Sinaloa cartel, he was one more factor that was part of the violence in Sinaloa.  

The Formula Group contributor said that the authorities do not want to say that "El H2" was the one who planned everything, but what the military sources refer to is that "he was involved and was in the site at the time they were attacked (the military)”

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  1. Excuses,they are trying to create havoc and splint everybody, good move, trying to get Guzman's money

    1. Did ya'll notice that le dieron un balazo en el ombligo y le bajaron los pantos como al Barbas en cuernavaca?


    2. Any news on H9 heard he got killed?

  2. Blame it on the dead guy. Total lies, H2 woudlnt leave nayarit.

    1. At least they are not blaming it on psychologists Carl Jung and Sigmund Freud, another couple of dead guys. Either way they are sleeping, so shhhhh

    2. 8:03 wasn't they philosophers? Well, at least jung.
      Not that it matters really, if I ever get to care I will look up their contradictions

  3. Why would he wanna save that famous cds member ?That doesn't make sense , does it.

    1. that....WOW you must be a tough guy if you asking such stupid questions. why would it be important to get one of the famous cds guys if you are working for the opposite guys.Start using your brain and not your balls.

    2. 11:54.
      Sorry. I didn't realize what a smart move it was to risk your entire crew, as leader of the BLO. To ambush the military to kidnap a wounded famous enemy sicario. The pros certainly beat the cons in this huh? Well your brain would have you laying next to him.

    3. @3:36 haha got eeem

  4. The clever see danger and hide. - Proverbs 27:12

    - Sol Prendido

  5. Almost as those even the official statements imply, went after military, went after chapos sons + mayo so was targeted. The transparency is eye opening I suppose

    1. 8:21 some times transparency is used to mask the darkest garbage or the biggest lie...

  6. It's official that Damaso and his son the boy blunder are behind everything going on in Sinaloa since Chapo's last arrest. They are the ones who funded Mochomito's incursions in La Tuna, the kidnapping of Los Chapitos and the attempt on El Mayo's life. Reports are that Damaso is an extremely bright and cunning person with direct links to South American cocaine traffickers. Stay tune cause this novelas is just warming up!!!

  7. I know this news sounds fake and made up by the government but H2 has a history of ordering and planning deadly ambushes.... not only on military but on his rivals. If I'm not wrong he's the one that ordered that ambush of his rivals the Sinaloa cartel in Ruiz Nayarit back when CDS tried to take the plaza of Nayarit from BLO . It was like 27 dead around there theres videos on youtube of the dead cds members .who knows maybe he did do the ambush in Culiacan los mazatlecos have done a couple ambushes

    1. En tubatuma where GN and antrax lost their lifes too. El diablo en H2 ambushed them sinalocos silly. Btw it was 35+ killed that day from Chapos side among them was el sargento popeye ex marino who worked for el chapo.

  8. 99% of Chapo's money is in the US

  9. Hey chivis or who ever is running this site you should post an article with the ambushes that the group of H2 los mazatlecos have done so we can get an idea of who this criminal was ?

    1. Hey 9:04
      What do you think this is ? A taco stand where you can just order 2 de lengua y 1 de cabeza? Get out of here with your bs request, my chivis and them got a life too ese.

      El Capitan Cavernicola

  10. If the SEMAR know and are so sure he was there why didn't they arrest him onsite?

  11. He took his shot and lost. He tought he was taking on chapos sons was a good idea cus ghe guzman clan looks at his weakest right now but they stil got power and if not el mayo probably will back them up anyways. Fucking fool

  12. He was involved but was not at the sene he lended people to help damaso free one of his men el Kevin was not his real name

  13. And the lying double crossing American government trying to pin all the mayhem in Sinaloa to RCQ when its been Damaso all along.

  14. Let's not forget, the little big man's sons wrote a letter stating they were not the ones behind the attack. Anyone else seeing a pattern here?

  15. Mex milatry got paybacks...with a freaking gattling gun...

  16. Isn't that guy that got rescued el kevin a member of the sinaloa cartel not the beltran leyvas they're just blaming it on the dead guy

  17. I wonder if Chapitos or Mayo ever watched the Godfather movie. In one scene, Vito Corleone warns Michael that the person who approaches him about arranging a meeting will be the traitor. Well, now you now dummies who is the traitor in your organization.

    1. So everyone that approaches them with a mtg is setting them up? Conspiracy theories

  18. Looks like there is no end to any of this.
    -Sarai Fan Club

  19. So.... does that mean more of El Chapo's extended family had betrayed him, alligning themselves with BLO?

    Because that attack was to save el chapo's brother or cousin or someshit....

    Thats why everyone originally thought it was Ivan, and Alfredo....

    No wonder chapo kept getting caught, and his sons kidnapped.

    1. No they hit the ambulance to get to an "enemy" but most are dumb thinking it was a rescue attack. That plus trying to take out Mayo was to much so they got taken cared of by the people Mayo and Chapo have paid billions to over the years. Old money beats young punks every day of the week :)

    2. What happened with the claim Chapos kids made about Damaso trying to kill them along with Mayo also? Nobody seems to know or comment about that other than some people saying CDS had no allience with the guy in this story H2 which has nothing to do with Damasos so called betrayel and some of the recent violence around Sinaloa.

    3. Or they were catching the guy they were fighting in the mountains that got rescued by the military.

    4. So then el kevin is dead presumably? Why no narco manta, or dead body glorifying the death of this "famous" cds leader? They recue a famous enemy, to kill him quietly?

  20. if they had infos that he participated at that ambush, then it's very possible that he has been executed by the marines. they have revenged their fallen compadres.

  21. H2 was Hector Beltran 100% .There were no aliances or pacts with Chapos

    Atte El Botas Nike

    1. Jajajajaja mah nigga you coming out with these funky names too ese? Jajajaja. That's my dog.

      El Taliban Boricua

  22. What they are "not" saying is H2 is a stupid idiot who could NOT plan these attacks. In other words, we was there because he was following someone else's orders.

    1. I agree. He is more of a follower

  23. They should use that helicopter with the gattling machine gun more often. Theres plenty of cash to go around everyone wants to be greedy and an ego

  24. Theres politics involved people, Mayo & Chapo have been giving millions to Mex Goverment payoffs since 1990s,& they still want their monthly payoffs and anyone enterfearing with that will get dealt with.

    Mex goverment will protect Mayo, Chapitos why do you think Chapo hasnt snitched on every elected official that took money to USA.

    Mex goverment wants it to be run like a business with no violence anyone causing waves & starting wars will be seeing that gattling gun

  25. And why would a BLO rescue a member of CDS?
    it was Guano, it's goddamn obvious.

  26. I doubt they were trying to save El Kevin unless he had already flipped on Chapo. Maybe interrogate him for Intel on cds locations then execute??? No one's ever mentioned what happened to El Kevin??

    1. If El Kevin was dead, he would be on display either in a funeral (CDS) or in a plaza with his head on a stake (BLO). CDS kidnapped El Kevin (El Kevin called medics)and El Kevin was treated and disciplined for calling the medics

    2. I'm sure there's plenty of other cds members easier to snatch up than hitting a military convoy. Cause from what I understood he was just a veteran sicario. I wouldn't say he's worth hitting a military convoy. Unless they thought it wasn't real military they were hitting.

  27. EPN and his people do not want the wall built. That is why there will be an all out war against the cartels. Mexico shows initiative, Trump might bend a bit. The Mexicans start going easy on the cartels, the US gets tough. One hand washes the other theory. Expect major players to be captured or killed very soon. Trump's war has just started.

    1. Trump Voice
      WRONG. Americans want a wall to prevent illegals from enterting. Not cause of Cartels. That another reason but not as big as illegals/terrorists

    2. 9:19 ROTFLMAO - where the f*@k you been. It's a political statement. The wall is an imposing threat to Mexico. In order for the US to not build it the cartels need to be crushed. This has nothing to do with illegals crossing. It is totally political. Wake up, this is the year 2017.

    3. What's funny to me is the majority of the citizens living on the southern border (Cailfornia, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas) could careless about a wall. The ones that want it are the White Supremacist Midwesterners and the out of touch Yankees who live 2,000 miles away from the southern border. The wall will end up being a flimsy and shitty fence that will be easily bypassed by desperate illegals.

      Señor de las sombras

    4. I too think this is more political then anything. For the Mexicans to save face they have to appease Trump and start going after the slime drug lords. Then with military cooperation Mexico can pull in the roaches and can also at the same time have better relations with the USA. No one really wants the wall but it is the ultimate political blackmail to run a tighter ship. I feel the real drug war is about to start and it is not going to be pretty.

    5. What will the wall do? People will climb it and go under it. It's not going to last forever and will need maintenance. I wish my tax money would used something for a longer term solution. I hate to say it but legal ways to people to do drugs. People have been getting high since the beginning of time, its time to recognize that and find a better solution than just trying to eliminate drugs or stopping the flow. The demand is the problem. Demand for cheap labor need recognized too. If we lose cheap labor from the southern border, employers will gladly start taking in cheap labor from other counties. We forget there is plenty of illegal Asians here too. And more will come if there is more work for them.

    6. On Thursday, President Trump signed an executive order declaring open war on the cartels as "a clear and present danger to the United States."

    7. Agree may increase price of the coke. Leave mexico alone is just a business
      Mexicans r pretty happen with there government

    8. Build the wall so drugs can be even more expensive and easier as always to get el sanwichero taquero

    9. 10:00am. If the us has that much of a problem with the cartels and is building the wall because of cartel violence in mexico,why dont they just say so? I believe trump and friends would have a lot more support from the American ppl if this were the excuse..Why would he use illegals as the excuse when MOST americans could care less who crosses either border..Also 10:00 with americas history and involvement in the drug business why would they all of a sudden stop the flow by Crushing the cartels?..

    10. No. There's a lot of racist people. I went to the Texas work force not long ago for unpaid wages. An innocent looking older lady was the person to help me. She said "they probably didn't pay you because the thought you were another wetback". I didn't make a big deal about it. I just want my money. That I worked for. And that now some people are gonna start doing this shit. Amazing

  28. So a convoy of about a dozen or so trucks with about 50 armed men from H2 went into the heart of CDS territory - Culiacan - and attacked the army without CDS finding out about this attack???
    B.S. This lame ass excuse is being used by the army in order to avoid having to justify them not going after El Mayo or Chapos sons simply because the top brass in the army and or police forces are all under CDS payroll. Always has been that way.

    1. 7:07 you are right on point bro. We all know El Guano's gente attacked the convoy to save El Kevin. Remember the municipal police officers who stopped the convoy and then they entered the ambulance where El Kevin was being treated.The officers asked the medics who were they treating. When the officers got the name they immediately left the area. Minutes later the ambushed occurred. It's obvious the officers reported to El Guanos people where El Kevin was. It makes no sense for the BLO to attack the military to gain access to one enemy combatant to extract information from him.

    2. Makes sense. Even if Julio telephoned medics for help, he likely paid for it by his own pressing on his leg wounds, bitch slapping him in the head, and giving him stern looks, another way of passing the buck to innocents of the ambush.

  29. He got what was due to him. Retribution is a M***** F*****. Think it's best to follow the righteous path for the rest of these individuals. Regardless of money can bet better night sleep.
    Nothing wrong with having a respectable job. Millions of people do it everyday. Nothing is given and everything has consequences and repercussions in life. Ones choices and dedication begins with one step at a time.

  30. There's a new boss in town directing traffic. Sr. Donald Trump. His way or the highway (in this case it is his way or the WALL). I am sure EPN gets the message.

    1. Sorry to ruin your wet American dream but Donald Trump has nothing to do with this. This was all work of the Mexican government and the SEMAR don't take that from them. Americans think the whole world revolves around their country but it's not like that.

    2. Trump is the President of The Most Powerful Nation in The World.
      But yeah he sure ain't shit. Lol

    3. I love this site. I love how a lot of these people think they know everything and to shoot down any notion that Trump may have a hand in some of the things going on. Is not a totally unrealistic thought. I'm not saying he does, but it does make you wonder.

    4. Yeah, and he is going after Nordstrom!!! Shows how much he care's about real issues.

    5. For 9:30AM. You might want to check out the executive orders signed last week by Trump. One is to crush and destroy Mexican cartels by any means possible. He declared them a clear and present danger to America. Very easy to verify, just Google it if you know how to do that.

    6. JaJa @ 9:03, EPN has a 5% approval rating, Trump gives the orders.

    7. New cartel leaders all over mexico. Make mexico great again

    8. @1:51 trump will get killed if he keeps sticking his orange nose where it dont belong. as long as the u.s. keeps abusing drugs the cartels will exist. he should instead try to help all the addicts in u.s. streets

    9. 10:29 are you threatening the president of the free world? You sound like a meth head or junkie with a needle stuck in your arm. Please seek psychiatric help.

  31. one less piece of shit .....NEXT

    1. Live by the 🔫.....
      Die by.........

  32. los damasos r dead da fake thugs who have never lived da street life him and his son have never had 2 work for it da come from a rich family

    1. You obviously don't know about el licensiado he grew up poor only to become rich and powerful hes gonna wipe the floor with Chapos kids and Mayo he's the one in charge of a great number of people for CDS

    2. Never underestimate a lawyer. Damaso has amparos hes cant be arrested.

    3. He is not wiping nothing away from El Mayo you are in a lala land dream world if you think Damaso has more pull than Mayo. Chapo pulled el Lic out of poverty and made him everything he is, such a show of disrespect to treat Chapos family like this. Biting the hand who fed him is a shame, nobody likes el mini lic he has never done anything to get respect his daddy gave him all.

    4. This comment thread obviously didn’t age well (no one can arrest damaso )🤡🤡

  33. ya! end is beautiful

  34. Gente Nueva x Antrax x Talibanes searching for Damasos by order of Ivan

    El Terminator de Badiraguato

    1. lol the warden aka damaso is up to his snake skin boots in crap.why would you put your whole family in jeopardy just to earn a few more bucks? vato is an idiot, running from safe house to safe house in Culiacan sicking his goons on people biting the hand that fed him for so long.

  35. According to the PGR Alfredo Beltran Guzman "el Mochomito "is still a fugitive ?? When they revealed the other 6 entities where Los mazatlecos BLO operate . Is this true ?

  36. Mochimito is a smart kid gets arrested cuz he knew all hell was going to break loose. He will be out after all the smoke clears

  37. I been a heroin addict to 43 years. No government can stop the insidiousness of addiction. Why not legalize it all. Those like me will continue on to the bitter end. Those that are not predisposed to addict will doubtfully run out the day it's legalized to shoot smack, sniff Cain's or smoke Meth.

  38. I have sifted through all the information that can be patched up to shed some light into the inner ongoings of this battle and the only conclusion that I have come to is that there are no actual up-to-date individuals on this or any other forum from which an informed individual can create a patchwork that will give the semblance of actuality. Everyone in here is an outsider, so I am letting you know that anyone that passes themselves off for a source here is just about as believable as the most infamous investigative reporter in MX, anabel hernandez. And the bullshit excuse that those that are in the know dont say dont cut it. Sooner or later when the dust has settled the real actors in this will shed light on these events and in hindsight some here will act as though they are enlightening us all but kid yourselves not, you will only be secondary or even more removed from the source. All of you are just as in the dark on this as the rest of know who I'm talking to.

    1. LOL that includes you! You ara poser.

    2. Best post on BB end of thread

    3. I love the dark because it's so scary. If I could I would stay in the dark 24/7. If I did it would be by my choice and not anyone else's. You speak in riddles but yet you are saying absolutely nada. There is no big secret here. These gun fights are nothing but a bunch of drug trafficking dumbasses wanting more money and power. There is no science to it or some conspiracy theory. So you are just like everyone else and that's you know absolutely nothing. In other words go have a Tecate and STFU.

    4. So your waiting for someone to do your job for you? Basically.

    5. Ahhh, can you repeat that but I'm plain English cause I lost you on the first paragraph.

    6. Most comments are madeup but some are the truth.

    7. 12:41 I was blind once too, and was confused for a deaf and mute, and spoken to slowly, because I was spanish speaking.
      Now to top it off you speak aot and say nothing, no names, no facts, nada, no mames, anabel hernandez has been wrong too many times, but she outs her name to her writings, and names of the people she talks about, PAN, PRI, PRD, NO PROBLEM.
      --what do you do other than honor your name, beech?
      At least BB has convinced more than 40 million visitors, last time I checked,
      --I wonder if you have ever had more than today's comments on this thread.

    8. Allow me to try & shed light on a subject & players you seem to not be aware of or recognice...Isaac Madera aka El Profe,Edgar Veytia,El Aguila,el 20,H2,H9,Jesus Rodriguez aka Sabanillas,El Diablito or El Corita,Cesar Gonzalez aka Bigotes,Ramon Cedano & places such as Tecuala,Atotonilco,Tepic,Tuxpan Nay & Los Mochis,Mazatlan or Potrerillos Sinaloa.

  39. Very sad!
    Mexican Lives Matter!

  40. Thank you guest reporter Anasazi for keeping the bb news going

  41. Why is is that Beltran leyva always go out shooting or get killed by the marina

    1. They have balls unlike la chapa thinks los politicos will always help him out. Jaja

    2. Because they are all crack heads that do too much drogas. Botas Blancas was doing more coke and crystal then they could find for him..b

  42. There is another soon to be adx supermax resident coming to the usa. Extradition has been granted for "mario armando ramirez trevino" a/k/a el pelon, x-20. This scum is also facing minimum of life. Lol. The scum are falling faster now that trump is in control.

    1. Yes.then donald can achive at least on of his objectives. But You habe to kill the bear bevor You Can sell his fur.

    2. 9:23 trump is in control of nothing other than trying to plug the many holes in his cabinet, giniral Michael Flynn resigned yesterday, to protect the donal's ass from the russian spying, the russian dossier fallout, and collaboration with the russian enemies to subvert the US government, because a senile psychitic megalomaniac power addict wanted it so.

  43. I've been a long time reader of BB, I'm from New Mexico. The Espanola region, well Ohkay Owingeh which is practically connected to Espanola. There was a great article that came out in the Albuquerque Journal titled "The Cartels Next Door"about the Juarez Cartel and how it survived the war plus the investigative side where they talk new leaders routes n all. Check it out if possible, if you send me an email I can send in the story . You guys will enjoy it

    1. @9:37AM Jude thanks for lead. I found what looks to be the second in a series of 6 stories and it looks like it would be a great story.

      I just finished moderating 170 comments and I am too tired to read it or look for the first installment in the series tonight. Expect to see the story up here on BB soon. It is readers like you that help us keep BB going. Thanks again.

    2. You may need some meth DD,
      it helps to keep working looong hours,
      and la mencha needs some friends in high places.
      Thanks for Putin up with us

    3. This is a great story thanks for sharing Judeg99. You're awesome!

  44. Orders have been received every one attack damasos, It's going to get ugly!

  45. Why would the people believe this? MX Govt and their police already corrupt as it gets. Complete scumbags that let even women and children get kidnapped for rape and murder. They even deliver children and women themselves to gangs. No one should respect a word any of these cowards say.

  46. What is the reason they don't use that one chopper they own on every gun fight?


  48. In short, damaso clan and blo have been in cahoots since the july incursion in la tuna, blamed cjng for the kidnaping in vallarta, blamed guzman clan for the military ambush and the major fuck up was trying to kill them and failed now they feeling the power of mayo and chapitos. Getting real in the field

  49. Hey I just read an article in Spanish about a current member of the Beltran Leyvas stating that they made a pact. that all of them will go down fighting and not live in jail. And really most of the Beltranes have gone down fighting not like their other paisanos from CDS that turn themselves in. These guys got balls y son gallos de pelea.

    Atte. Tommy Vercetti

  50. 7:03 pm viva Beltran Leyva!!!!

  51. Chapos nor Damaso had nothing to do with this.Edgar Veytia turned on H2 & his people.Thats why he made sure to kill everyone he knew from that crew.He then arranged a meeting with H9 under a false pretence of handing him the Plaza & took him out too.Isaac Madera aka Profe is behind this.He knew H2 & his people wanted him gone,along with Veytia,so he used his family ties to the Fiscalia Nayarita to try & apeace Veytia thinking that adding another betrayal to his already long list of them would put him (Profe) in Veytias good grace.Chico should have known Profe would betray him just like he betrayed Bigotes (Cesar Gonzales) back in 2012.His men (Aguila & 20) warned him about Isaac but he was blinded by all the ass kissing Isaac was doing at the time.The good thing about all this is that Profes' days are now numbered.If Veytia dont get him the BLs will.Isidro wont let this slide.Even though he wasnt to fond of H2,he cant allow anyone to disrespect the organization.H2 should have let Corita take care of Profe 2 yrs ago & he wouldnt be pushing up daisies right now!El Corita no andaba con mamadas,he took out several of Profes flunkies in his own town of Tecuala.

    1. I notice in almost every photo I look at Edgar Veytia keeps a gun on his hip, so what is he the governor of of that state

    2. Edgar Veytia is the State Prosecutor a true sell out with a greed that is deadly.Hes had his cronies & flunkies steal land from poor farmers who had neither ways nor means of fighting back.His kids live in San Diego because he knows that eventually hes going to have to make a run for it.He has screwed over alot of people,hence the permanent pistol on his hip.Hes going to get dealt with sooner than later,just like Guillermo Calderoni.Slimy pigs like him dont get to retire in peace.

  52. This is like the 3rd fucking theory about that ambush.
    First was Guano saving his sicario Kevin.
    Second it was Chapos son's or even Mencho trying to get him so he can be tortured for info.
    Now fucking H2 no mamen
    The Guano theory is the most reasonable given how everything happened so quickly with Kevin getting injured then transported the dirty cops gave the location and Guano's people could get there fast for the ambush..
    So what happen to 'el Kevin' ??
    Wonder if he'll ever pop up...?
    The public never gets straight answers from the Mex govt.
    Yet their soldiers risk their lives ...


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