Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tamaulipas:Female kidnapper pleads for her life before being shot 14 times

Posted by senorjoe material from NuevoLaredoVivo

Female kidnapper/extortionist pleads for her life before being shot. She was accused of using the name of cartel when kidnapping/extorting.


  1. Good old Mexican justice.

    1. More like Central American lol "peraté"

    2. This woman was accused of kidnapping by the criminals who executed her, without any trial or evidence. This is a familiar occurrence for Mexicans, but there is nothing "good" or "just" about it.

    3. 5.41
      You got it first man

    4. México the death sence abolish so they say

  2. That's what she gets, oh well!!!!

  3. Desde Tierra Caliente

    Existe mucha confusión sobre delitos causados ​​por cartelerós y delincuentes comunes en el vacío de ninguna presencia policial.

  4. Dam that's fucked

  5. What goes around comes around....

    1. Viva El Julio!!

    2. Viva these nuts dumbass, quit glorifying these scumbag killers!!

  6. A lot of women get in on the action. Yet we hardly hear of it. Further proof that greed flows everywhere. - Sol Prendido

    1. That is true. I know women who are ruthless. It's money and power to many.
      This game has no discriminatory policies.

  7. Que le den plomo alv por pendeja.

  8. She didn't share the wealth.More than likely an addict.

  9. She was accused of using the name of cartel when kidnapping/extorting.
    This is what happens when you didn't get permission from the cartel, and if you did, this is what you get for not sharing the profits, or bringing heat to the cartel, this was the dangerous game she was playing.

    1. she knew better then to play with mothaphuckers that will chop your head off without blinking a eye and going to eat dinner after lol.

    2. Remember 40 and the Nuevo Laredo Zetas askin people to call them at a number on a manta they out up,telling the populace extortionists were using the Zeta name to scare people into paying?
      They were giving the real Zetas a bad name ?
      What a fuckin sick joke that is?

  10. The first shotime, a head shot, did her in, and the rest was overkill.

  11. She obviously knew "Julio".... prolly a discontent lover

    1. Yes !! Exactly what I was thinking. Macho alpha gone salty 😂

  12. It looks like she was chapos people

    1. You are a dumbass. Sorry to say but couldn't hold it in.

  13. What is there reason for the headline to claim that the murdered woman was an extortionist/kidnapper???

    I picked up nothing in the video supporting this claim. As far as I can tell she could just as well have been a kidnap victim.

    1. Yeah I know right. I mean, don't these evil evil evil men know that women are sugar spice and everything nice, and can never ever do anything wrong or bad! Don't they know that's somebodies daughter!!!

    2. A lot claim to be cartel

    3. Exactly what is the reason to claim kidnapper? Was the video provided by a inside source? Other than that how In the world can you make that type of claim? Please address

    4. I agree. Doesn't say anything about kidnapping. They are not Mexicans either. They sound like Guata-monkeys or other central Americans.

  14. This is how all cartel scum need to be exterminated. With extreme prejudice.

  15. Fucking putos just look for a reason to kill

    1. Tellin ye dude,we dont know what the fuck she did,but to be scooped up by these scrubs and shot like that?
      Fuckin animals killin cause they gotta act the part,we are estakas keeping NL safe and clean,fuck outta here

  16. Era los zetas quien la mató

  17. Bare in mind these motherfuckers have done things like burning bodies in barrels,kidnaps,executing people just like this countless times,and most bad-asses here are saying "so what" Yeah,what a good job their doing keeping Nuevo Laredo clean and safe from extortionists and criminals.

  18. Finally Borderland is posting videos again and showing the truth of what is actually happening in Mexico. This is reality! No need to censor it like most media do

  19. What makes you think she was a kiddnapper? What info at all points to her not just being a victim?

    1. Would you be asking for proof and more "info" if it was a man being executed???? Probably not, in fact you'd probably enjoy the video.

    2. That what I was thinking . Its not like credible agencies accuse her . You got bandits claiming theyre killing other bandits . She may have been the only kidnap victim here .

    3. 6.00
      Your exactly right my man,i couldn't care less about us dudes in most cases,its in our nature,its in my nature,but we know right from wrong and many times dudes choose to do it anyway,check statistics on violent crime.We all know i believe what we are capable of?

    4. Couldnt care less if it was a guy being murdered? Murder is murder.. your just as sick as the killer.

    5. 7.10
      "in most cases"
      Murder is murder,for real columbo?No in-between?
      We use our intellect and moral compass to discern what is right and wrong.Some people need killing,and us dudes are by far the most violent and trouble causing without doubt,it is what it is,without politically correct shit about equal rights.In terms of brutality and random violence we are not equal.

  20. Tienen acento de Centros. They have Central American accents. - Sol Prendido

  21. How do we know she was a kidnapper or extortionist? I didn't understand what was said but it looked like another execution. For all we know she was kidnapped and killed by the cartel. Seeing that video was hard to watch for some reason even though I've seen lots of execution videos. Poor quality and horrendous filming yet it was very hard to watch.

    Seems like terrible reporting just posting the video saying she was a kidnapper and extortionist without any proof. Does anybody have the proper backstory of this?

  22. and we have many prisons here in united states full, i should say over stocked with prisoners have have done the same as her or worse. is this justice? do you guys really feel we should clean house?

    1. If you make money off incarceration don't you have incentive to fill prisons?? Then you need to build another one and of course it will need filling too

  23. my family is from north western mexico and we do say esperate. in the underworld slang we also call eachother loco. like saying bro. Tamaulipas is under texas y'all

  24. 3:38 are you even mexican? have you ever been in mexico? esperate and loco are common words mexicans say.. you sound so oblivious

  25. Mexicans don't say perate. Or de un solo.thats a central american.not to say that they're not "working" in mexico

  26. They knew each other!

  27. Agreed. The guy seemed to be from Cental America. He says "Tírale loco" emphasis on the i. Non- Mexican for sure.

  28. 4:19.. Soledad.. Seems that u r knowledgeable that im starting to think ur Stupid... Lol.. U know it all..

  29. Title should of been label innocent Victim, kidnapped and executed for no reason, for it to make headlines, to prove that she was really innocent, but I have a feeling that journalist in Mexico can prove, she was a bad person, but no one is coming forward, due to the danger, meaning that she really wasn't just another innocent Victim.

    1. 6:17 People don't even know if she is mexican, but you have found the key to her guilt...
      --Nobody comes forward about the clandestine graves in veracruz, one of the latest discoveries, I guess they were all evil criminals in your world.

  30. This happened in honduras not mexico smh get it righth

  31. One of those fuckers sounds central american. The one saying tirala says it with a different accent as in tiralá with a long A in the end. There's alot of central americans that try to cross into the US and if they dont make it they stay in Mexico along the border just commiting crimes ranging from theft to murder. There's alot of of Guatemalan and Salvadoran people in Nuevo Laredo. And obviously this girl knew the killer she calls him by his name Julio.

    Tommy Vercetti

    Tommy Vercetti

  32. Buy a new camera when you get that money back Julio

  33. Those shots sounded like they were suppressed. With the urgency in their voices as well, this wasn't done out in the middle of nowhere.


  34. A lot of "experts" here displaying their ignorance regarding the accents.

    1. Sugar poo let me break it down 4 you. So that you understand how it all works. Every 1 here is good at something. Even the jokesters serve a purpose 2 break the monotony. When we speak we are essentially giving our knowledge based on what we know. None of us is getting paid 2 do it much like the staff at BB. Afterwards an analyst looks at this network of information and deduces from it what needs 2 be learned. Along with the rest of us. Think about this. - Sol Prendido

    2. Gee willikers, what hogwash.

  35. Damn Julio. You a ruthless vato. Ps - those a Central Americans. "Esperáte", with the accent on the "a", is not how Mexicans say "espérate", with the accent on the "e". Especially in an oh shit I'm about to see the baby Jesus moment - El Sol Chiludo

    1. Think your right man,people were thinking Turkey coup was in Mexico not too long ago ?

  36. The sad part is the cartel was only mad and killed her because they weren't getting their cut...if she had been paying them she would still be operating with impunity. Facts.

  37. The sad part is the cartel was only mad and killed her because they weren't getting their cut...if she had been paying them she would still be operating with impunity. Facts.

  38. They say "perate" instead of esperate in tamps for sure

  39. Esperate Julio porfavor" she new the people killing her.

  40. This video doesn't have to do with anything about tamaulipas or mexico this was in Honduras which Honduras has there own gang war

  41. She says te lo juro..not julio

  42. I was wrong they both say julio

  43. 5:35
    Yeah I'm Mexican. Yes Iv been and lived in Mexico. And from that conclusion. I know they don't sound Mexican. Just like everyone else here commenting on the Central American accent. And yes those are both Spanish words that both Mexicans and Central Americans speak. That is true. You get a point for that good job. Now when one of us get oblivious, is when you can't distinguish the accents of Spanish. So hurry along now and leave another dumb message below. 🤔

  44. I don't know it all. But I've had friends from Honduras and El Salvador. Their Spanish differs from Mexicans. Much the same way English from a New Yorker is different than someone from Georgia. I've said it before and I'll say it again. "Pay attention because something is being learned here everyday." If self learning algorithms can come here 2 learn so can I. - Sol Prendido

  45. live by the gun - die by the gun, homes

    1. Exactly . Women can get the business too. Bang bang!!

  46. Other news sources said it happened in Honduras 🇭🇳 and apparently she was killed for stealing money from the criminal group.

    So yeah she did knew Julio.

  47. Central Americans, these aren't Mexican...

  48. To all the women who love abusive macho 'men', and take advantage of good men, this one's for you. Lie down with dogs, wake up with fleas. You say, "He beats me... but he love me"... Well I guess she thought the cartel loved her huh? Right up until it was Lights Out London. Not even one tear.

  49. Both people speaking don't sound Mexican at all.

  50. julio says "perarte voz" NOT MEXICAN, unless southernmost mexico has a central accent

  51. no me importa de k pais era ,al fin de todas maneras otra lakra menos, next.

  52. This happened in Honduras 🇭🇳 and the killer "Julio" was arrested.
    It was the police the ones who pass the video to the news. According to what I read Julio was arrested and the police found the execution video on his phone.
    The woman was executed because she stole ransom money from the gang that she was working for.ómo-pandilleros-matan-a-una-presunta-extorsionadora-que-les-quedó

    1. Where is the indication that she herself was not simply a kidnap victim???

      Most kidnap victims know their kidnapper just like most homicide victims knew their killer!

    2. This was in accordance with the criminal confession. I wasn't there nor I was the detective so I will just go with the confession.


  53. She was accused of using the name of cartel when kidnapping/extorting.
    So, the criminal was killed by the criminal, she got her deal..

  54. This looks like a publicity and propaganda video clip of the scumbag narco gangbangers kidnapping someone innocent and casting them as kidnappers then executing them in order to show to the public that they are a righteous gang. All these narco gangbangers along with their corrupt government officials are parasites and a liability on Mexican society.

  55. She new the shooter, that is obvious... named Julio.


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