Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, March 20, 2017

Brady’s Super bowl Jersey’s found in Mexico, at La Prensa Director's home

video released of culprit posing as international press stealing the jersey...

Jersey's found in Ortega's home

The NFL issued the statement that confirms that in a joint operation the Brady Superbowl jersey was recovered and now in the hands of the NFL.

“"Through the cooperation of the NFL and New England Patriots’ security teams, the FBI and other law enforcement authorities, the Super Bowl LI jersey worn last month by MVP Tom Brady has been recovered," the NFL said in a statement released on Monday, March 20. "Also retrieved during the ongoing investigation was the jersey Brady wore in the Patriots' victory in Super Bowl XLIX against the Seattle Seahawks in 2015.”

With the help of Mexico’s attorney general’s office PGR, and the federal police, Tom Brady’s stolen jersey's, was recovered in Mexico. This came after a request by the FBI for collaboration in the search, an informant came forward leading investigators to Mexico.

Federal Police and the PGR recovered the stolen jersey, at the home of Mauricio Ortega, a director of the newspaper La Prensa, federal sources confirmed.

The theft of the jersey valued at 500k USD, is a federal crime in both countries.

Video of theft: 

Ortega resigned from his position last week. (read letter from editor linking here-Spanish)  La Prensa statement in English:

  1. On March 14, 2017, at approximately 8:30 p.m., Mr. Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos arrived at the corporate offices to present his resignation as the Director of the Newspaper LA PRENSA, citing personal reasons.
  2. That resignation was accepted, since on multiple occasions, Mr. Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos expressed he was undergoing difficulties, related to the health of family members close to him.
  3. With complete surprise and disappointment, today we have received the news of the alleged behavior by Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos on February 5, 2017, inside NRG Stadium in Houston Texas, where Super Bowl LI took place.
  4. Editora La Prensa S.A. de C.V., if these allegations are true, strongly rejects the behavior of Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos, who took advantage of the position he held, used the newspaper La Prensa to obtain media credentials to access the field of play, press conferences and probably other areas of NRG Stadium.
  5. It is worth noting that none of the managers of Editora La Prensa, S.A. de C.V., nor of the Organizacion Editorial Mexicana, had any knowledge of the unfortunate and reproachable acts that Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos allegedly committed on February 5, 2017, since no local or federal authorities sought information from the legal department of this publishing house in relation to Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos, much less over his role during Super Bowl LI that took place in Houston; for that reason, this is why we became aware of the alleged actions by Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos at this moment.
  6. Editora La Prensa, S.A. de C.V. will seek information from the corresponding authorities in relation to the acts that were revealed today, so that if it is appropriate, we can initiate a legal response to help the authorities in the clarification of these regrettable actions that are being investigated, which will become public knowledge to the Mexican people, and in particular our readers.
  7. Regardless of the truth, these alleged acts committed personally by Martin Mauricio Ortega Camberos could have happened while he still held the position of director of the newspaper La Prensa; Editora La Prensa, S.A. de C.V. offers a public apology to our readers and the Mexican people for these regrettable acts.

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  1. I know....not organised crime connected...that we know of, but many will find interesting all the same....

    1. This is the second time a Mexican official does something like this.

    2. Seemed organized n there was a crime. Where there's smoke there's fire

    3. @6:22 you mean to say 'the second time it is discovered that a Mexican official does something like this', right?

    4. 8:14 Sure. That last time was when one of Calderon's assistants was caught stealing cell phones in the U.S.

    5. Second time??? Where have you been..omg

  2. Tom brady my idol

    Sinaloa Wars

  3. What state and town/city?

  4. Waste of taxayers money if you tell me.

    1. Waste of taxpayers money?

      There is a reason why the FBI got involved. This wasn't the first time it happened. Thefts of jerseys involving Brady's game jersey from Super Bowl 49, Super Bowl 50 MVP Von Miller's game jersey and cleats from that game, as well as Brady's jersey from a super Bowl 51 were stolen. This wasn't a one off occurrence.

      The NFL connected the dots as the thefts were too coincidental. Once they connected the dots and came to the conclusion the thefts were related. They got the FBI involved.

      Why get the FBI involved? Because Super Bowl 49, Super Bowl 50 and Super Bowl 51 took place in different states. Thus the crimes involved crossing state lines. Once a crime involves crossing state lines it because federal jurisdiction.

      "But it's just a jersey." Sure. Do you think an original Picasso painting is "Just a painting"? It's all about the monetary market value of the items that were stolen.

      These game used jerseys have significant value. In the hundreds of thousands of dollars. So you have felony theft of items values in the bundr do of thousands of dollars occurring in multiple states by the same individual. So it's a waste of taxpayers money to go after a criminal who has stolen valuable goods?

      You can't not go after a thief in this situation. They knew there was a connection. Had they not done anything that would be a signal to the thief and others that they won't face any legal action or be arrested for a crime which then means they and others would do it again.

      The Feds were doing their job. You can think it's silly all you want simply because it involved jerseys. But those jerseys happen to be extremely valuable so there is nothing silly about it.

      This guy is going to face some serious jail time.

    2. "This guy is going to face some serious jail time" clearly, this guy doesn't know how shit works in Mexico. - El Sol Parido

    3. CITY BANK, laundered trillions of dollars of drug money, also lost more than 2 trillions of dollars, in the crash before Obamanos took over, AND they were GIVEN BY THE US government more than 2 trillion dollars of american taxpayer money, to bail them out, and CITI BANK was only one of the smallest banks bailed out by the US government.
      --Talk about burglars...

    4. FBI got involved because it crossed international boarders.

  5. They can't find people but a jersey? Come on!

    1. read informant came forward, that makes the search simple

    2. Are you aware of how many imformants law enforcement have to bust all the top dogs in the drug wars?? They just choose not to do anything about it if they did many politicians would be behind bars.

    3. The American government knows exactly where Caro, Mayo, el azul etc are at, for whatever unknown reason they decide not to capture them, a white boys Jersey from a Superbowl game is more important than camarena I guess..

    4. @ 3:02 - there are informants for everything. A lot of times they still people

    5. 6:36 agree reason why they don't go for them because the BIG MONEY FLOW will drop immediately for them and if we think this is hell what's going on with OgZdCrime then by capturing them hell will Really let loose ZERO control whatsoever

  6. Hey thanks chivis, U.S. not saying much about where found. don't be so sure narcos are not involved.

  7. how was the jersey taken by the international press reporter? they knew right away it was missing, seems a search of those in the locker area was in order

  8. don't worry chivis, it has been pretty dry at bb for days. anyone complaining will never be happy

  9. there is additional items stolen from multiple places and recovered in Mexico. the story is much bigger than first glance

  10. Trump is gonna have a field day with this one.

    1. 3:33 Yea that's what I was thinking . But I really cant see him being able to go that way with this . He was referring before to illegal aliens as criminals . This man broke no law to get here . Of coarse this day and time its not politically correct to refer to the ones that crossed illegally to be law breakers .
      Like I have said many times before
      Times They Are A Changing

  11. Chapo snitch he was the informant now he can get special visit

  12. So they can find Brady's Jersey but Can't find Chapo in a Decade and yrs LMAO Goes to show you how this government is so pathetic

    1. Right. Mayo still laughing

    2. Lol, really guys.?? You still believe they can't find these"big" mafiosos?? Are you serious... Nevermind I'm not gonna bother...

    3. 10:06 it's called sarcasm and yes we know they know exactly where there location is at My sarcasm led to They prefer A f***n jersey then to capture a drug boss sad how these gvnmt works when we have millions of people dying killing themselves over DRUGS, but hey let's facts more on Tom Brady's jersey

    4. 6:43 Please mark the "sarcasm" with a warning,
      Just to make sure we don't miss it,

    5. 8:43 ok I will next time, for the slow learners

  13. Wow Mexico helped recover it . So I guess this means they want Santa Anna's artificial leg back ...... Never !!

  14. Tom Brady,American hero..they'll find anything for him..if El mencho had his jersey,they've had him by now too..

  15. Linea and federal police clash in cuauhtemoc,chihuahua;10 dead including 4 federales

    1. La limea infighting and later federales joined in to put a stop to it

    2. Wasn't it línea vs línea. El 80 de Namiquipa vs Cuauh. That wasn't Feds. Toda vía se llevaron a unos. And dropped them down the road executed.

    3. It was a suicide mission. By namiquipa They did an ambush and hit. But they succeeded, killed Cabo but they were on them quick and took out the whole hit squad. They took some of them. 80 him self might have been taken.

    4. Looks more like a trap, pendejos are easily provoked into a trap all the time, les pusieron un cuatro.
      Mexican narcos and gangbangers are not into "suicide missions"

  16. Not a word of where it was found is being mentioned in the American Media. Something shady is going on..

  17. Off topic, would being a bounty hunter in Mexico lead to good money? I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard to find some drug lords and make some money at the same time. Who's with me?

    1. Youll get a stolen car, a couple churros, a busted ak, 2 maruchans and 40 bucks every week

    2. 4:47 If you sell the churros you make 41 bucks.
      Look for US army ret. lt col James Steele in texas, he may help you find a job, but if you find Blackrock or some other private contractor it may be easier, ask to be paid in pesos to make sure you are hired.

  18. El cabo from cuahtemoc has been killed 40+ deaths in a heavy gun fight, why isn't anyone posting on this.

    1. 40? It was like 10. Don't exaggerate.

    2. 40 dead is highly possible. Mexican press is highly censored by the government and other forces.

      I was in Rosario, Sinalao late last summer visiting family. There was a massive gang battle in town the 2nd day I was there, mid September I believe. Over 30 dead. Newspapers reported just 3 dead.

    3. Well it was like 10. Not 40. Era un topon chico

  19. And these acts is what ppl judge countries with.. Just like the Luckly (U.S Olympic member) in brasil.. Pls.. Dont generalize juat Judge that 1 person..

  20. As if Mexico did not have enough media attention to begin with. Meaning cartel violence, corruption, kidnappings, etc.
    Mexico has been negatively impacted with the labeling of bad people . Example, wife and I went to see Logan this weekend and sure enough the negative depictions of Mexicans .
    It's becoming a stereotypical view to many.
    Truly unfortunate and unfair.

    1. Thanks for the reporting Chivis.
      Know we have to bear with being thieves to the public as well.
      However we all know sports memorabilia can fetch a pretty penny. And some will go to such lengths to aquire such. A Fetish to some.
      Nevertheless thanks for the great job of information.
      One of many reporters here on BB look forward to reading.
      Enjoy your morning.

    2. 5:19 New Jersey governor Chris Christie, was found to have eaten hundreds of thousands of dollars in foods at the patriots games, charged to the state, he also pays billions of dollars to private investors to "manage" the state pensions.
      --After BridgeGate, forgetabout crime and punishment...

  21. Pffft. A jersey. The gringos stole texas and followed up by stealing the west.

    1. Treaty of Guadalupe says other wise, partner.

    2. "Pffft. A jersey. The gringos stole texas and followed up by stealing the west"
      Err,someone say negative pre-conceptions.
      Mexicans get a pass with racist hate every time?

  22. They can find a fucking jersey but they can't find Duarte. - El Sol Chiludo

    1. Eso le mi chavo! Que desde lejos lo reconozcan todas las mujeres beautifuls. - Sol Prendido

    2. 8:48 The Mexican government is looking for Duarte . The US FBI was looking for the jersey . See the difference ? All those cartel members are hiding in mexico for a reason . Its much easier not to get caught in a 3rd world country .

    3. Mexican government officials have Duarte under concealment. My opinion is due the political elements under way can harm others involved in their party. Elections for Mexico where turmoil exists can severely damage reigning parties.
      He is well hidden or already been dealt . So no need for investigation. Only his cronies who do not have any knowledge of the other higher culprits.

  23. Just give him Aaron Hernandez's jersey. It has no value anymore. It is idiots like this who stoke the fire of the inaccurate perceptions of Mexicans. With our current president, we do not need anyone feeding him more ignorant perceptions. None of my friends from Mexico would ever do this crap.

    1. C,mon man,you dont have pre-conceptions of gringos do you,much?

  24. When I heard Brady's jersey was recovered, I immediately flashbacked to the image of Victor Manuel Rivera Galeana, aka Gordo, one of the founders of "La Barredora". Rivera Galeana was captured in 2011 wearing a Tom Brady jersey in his perp walk.

  25. let's use the FBI and other LE resources, because there is no greater crime than stealing a sweaty shirt. Terrible waste of money to aid the vanity of the super rich... y una verguenza al periodista ladron por mantener el mito en las mentes del yanqui, que la cultura al sur del borde es mentalmente inferior e immoral.

    1. seriously both countries have their priorities messed up like they can't even go look for missing kids or persons but go crazy over a missing jersey

  26. That's a very, very bad hombre, big league!

  27. Chapo snitched!! Lol 😂

  28. Why don't they show the thief's face?

    1. They have now, here is a good play by play of what happened.

  29. Here's another play-by-play

  30. Okay. How do you not hide or stash those jerseys? Come on man those jerseys are worth more than any cartel head or criminal. All I have to say is that this dude takes the cake for the dumbest Mexican award besides me.

  31. I would have dedicated on the stupid t shirt and mailed it back. Tom Brady's a jerk.

  32. What the fuck FBI involved over a jersey. But yet they can't find missing people.

  33. How does the saying go in Chilangolandia? No transa no avanza.



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