Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Narco manta left on corpse with threats against singer Miguel Comando

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Zetatijuana article

Subject Matter: Narco manta threats in Tijuana
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Isai Lara Bermudez
A narco manta was left draped around the body of a dead man with threats made against the singer of corridos Miguel Comando, who will give  a concert on April the 28th in Las Pulgas.

During the early hours of Sunday the 2nd of April, the body of a man was reported in the car park of a Home Depot store in Tijuana.

Even though the message is not fully comprehendible, some phrases can be understood such as " do not show yourself", and other which inform that they have pictures of him, and that if he does show up he will be "rolled up", inside or outside of Las Pulgas.

They also refer to another singer who was dealt with, on September the 1st the singer of Explosion Norteno, Beto Cervantes was murdered in Playas de Rosarito.

References were also made about the CAF on the manta, among the songs that Miguel Comando is know for are "Cabo 50", "Cafeteros Asociados" and "El Recadito", the latter two dedicated to the Arellano Felix Cartel.

One of the characteristics of the singer is that he does not let his face be seen, even in concert.

Typical Miguel Comando album cover

Original article in Spanish at Zetatijuana.

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  1. El mencho strikes again first he kill explosion nortena singer just sending a message to el caf
    El michoakano

    1. Um I think you need to check your facts and sources this is a message from Akilles to The CAF/CTNG alliance

    2. He a little bitch ... Why kill singers? Why not go after the bosses?

    3. Because the singers are the defacto mouthpieces of the cartels, Tontito

    4. yea the singers get killed because they dumb enough to around singing and praising how great some cartel is and in turn that is like telling all the other cartels they suck balls. not a great way to try to make a living

      ~~~el spaceio~~~

    5. I would keep my face covered too if I was narco band singer

    6. Dying isn't much of a living...

  2. Replies
    1. What happen to tijuano? Havent heard from him lately anybody have any info.?

  3. El griego and CDS in general in TJ are desperate, they are getting hit from everywhere, this and the mantas from last week just show how desperate they are.

    The day Griego bites the dust will be a good day for TJ, every dog has it's day or so they say.

    1. It does make you wonder, as no side seems to be stronger in TJ....the Cafateros/Grosseros are doing the same thing...

    2. Al pacino said that haha movie quotes are the best

    3. i wouldn't say it's great for any city when the dominant cartel operator in the area gets taken out because it gives rise to in fighting and warring cartels.

      ~~~el spaceio~~~

  4. This singer is a little smarter than most. At least he tries to hide his identity, though if they really want to, they can get to him.

    1. It is not about hiding his identity,
      It is all about making sure somebody sees all that ass and making it famous, gad give it to him, and him wanna give it away to the world too.

  5. Never heard of this hmguy who does he sing for, if he makes Tijuana music why is he being threatened there for?

    1. He sings strictly for the "cafetera"

    2. his lyrics are OK but strictly for those who like el cafe ya esta la cafetera sono saludos all kompa Andy puro damage krew

  6. CAF has always been the strongest cartel

    1. Mencho will kill him

    2. Again CAF and CTNG are together as one CJNG is backing CAF against the Akilles group in exchange of Plaza use and staging pointo cross product to the U.S. recheck your facts before you speak nonsense.

    3. Caf was never the stongest cartel. Even at the peak of their power they were always warring and havig problems.

    4. I agree @ 5:01. The strongest cartels fight the least and know how to work with others....

  7. Cartel putas probably killed an unarmed citizens. Stand for something or fall for anything!

  8. El mencho almost captured in tepatitlan jalisco

    1. 6:08 chema thats how it started with Chapo in early 2014 in Culiacan before he dipped to Mazatlan and was captured. Mayo paying the right people again..

    2. @2:22

      All b/s.. All they got was a gold 9mm pistol?

      Definitely propaganda to feed the people..

    3. @ 6:08, Mayo keeps his ass in the mountains. Thats why he will NEVER get caught....

  9. Mencho was spotted in Watts eating Morisqueta

  10. what do you know about the kidnapping of an American on March 13 in San Miguel de Allende and the denial of the city and state government?

  11. What do you know about the kidnapping of a US citizen and the denial of the issue by the Mexican government?

    1. I see you talking about a US citizen being kidnapped, I guess in Tijuana? A US citizen woman was also kidnaped in San Miguel de Alende two weeks ago.

    2. Do elaborate, my friend.

    3. She is an older lady who likes to rescue dogs and things like that. Her husband a old guy from France. She Got picked up by a Vouyager I think they say with Estado de Mexico plates like 20 days ago now. The goverment try to keep it quiet like always. Every year or so they been kidnapping rich Mexican here but never a gringa that I hear about. Is al on FAcebook More Security in San Miguel and some other pages

    4. Kidnapped in San Miguel de Allende Guanajuato, where Héctor Beltran Leyva el H was captured, looks like the replacements are worse than the BLO of el H who was not into kidnapping.

  12. This singer glorifies the narco lifestyle. He is hardly an innocent bystander.

    He will probably be killed within the next year or so, and the world will be a better place.

  13. El 3-20 de mocorito Ya anda en Tijuana pork LA Rana no puede con Tijuana art:genre del 020

    1. Pura raza de Mocorito. La gente anda bien pillas.

    2. Salu2 a las tahonas mocorito sinaloa

  14. Mencho is losing people everywhere, he has no more power.

    1. He has ppl working at Home Depot too

  15. Home Depot should have CCTV of the parking lot after hours...but then again this is Tj. It's been stolen.

  16. I just find it so ridiculous and senseless that this drug war has targeted performers. Because one band or singer favors another.
    These senseless killings are an indication of how low these cartels have become. As if there were not enough senseless killings of dogs and citizens to spread a message.
    Never in my lifetime that I thought I would see such ignorant behavior come about from my ancestors. A culture where one envied its beautiful humble generosity and hospitality.
    Oh how I miss that old Mexican conception of its people. Proud hardworking and respectful .

    1. You've stated it exactly correct. And a people of deep Catholic faith who would lead lives in imitation of Christ. Our Lady of Guadalupe, ora pro nobis.

    2. 8:33 I do too but get used to it cuz those days are over. How sad

    3. And it all started with a crooked government. One that gives no hope to its people. So now they kill each other for money, power and respect.

  17. From what I have been reading.. this guy is a member of the Logan Street gang in LA..Cholo wanna be Narco Singer..Caf connected with La Eme..k le den piso..a mi me vale madreee..

    1. Logan is not l.a

    2. Yah san diego has no say in la eme. LA runs the show which cds is directly connected to.

  18. Are there any corridos made for govt. people ( federales, soldados, marinos)? If so, can any link me some? IMO, the honest ones are more brave than our US soldiers overseas because they are actually serving and protecting their own people other than corporate interests.

    1. Yes after they flip and join a cartel

  19. 8:33 AM
    "that old Mexican conception of its people.
    Proud hardworking and respectful"
    Maybe one time,may have even been true,but it seems now there is a definite shift.Maybe the world as a whole ?

    1. Mexico has broken away from their principles now its a free for all

  20. Wonder if he will show. Its like challenging the cartel he sings for to a shootout.

    1. Its cancelled good luck getting a refund

    2. Not cancelled. He posted a video responding to the manta

  21. They was disrespected.

  22. Caf ya no existe son puro joven que se dedica a robar,droga,extorcionar,secuestrar,asu nombre los verdaderos gefes del caf estan muertos o detenidos los que disen ser cafeteros son jovenes inexpertos que solo meten su droga asia u.s.a y con su poco dinero lo gastan en musica de 100dlls por corrido y antros pero en si todos andan escondidos pidiendo tregua al cds como lo iso el flakito su unico icono fuerte viene mas gente y con ello mas violencia.. cjng vienen mas fuerte pero igual sin poder. Gubernamental ni operativo

  23. Veo que muchos comentarios disen que caf eso termino solo gente que se kedo con esoo con el puro apodo y vive de recuerdos sigan mandando sus cholitos de logan que aqui no los comimos con los ojos cerrados preguntenle al melvin. Y su hermamo kecho.. ya no estamos en esos tiempos aqui se ocupa cerebro poder del gobierno y una mente siniestra .. adrian beltran cabrera uno de los grandes homicidas deTJ se esconde en san diego jaja que ironico peliar el lugar donde jamas podras pisar saludos ala gente del CDS mas fuertes que nunca

  24. He put a video on you tube confirming he's going to show up


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