Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sinaloa: Two bodies thrown from plane in El Dorado

Two bodies thrown from a plane in El Dorado

In the stillness of the moments right before daybreak, in Sinaloa, before the golden dawn, as the overwhelming sun casts across the ranchos of El Dorado, they heard the soft whirring of a small plane overhead. 

Such planes, such sounds are not uncommon in the area, they aren't discussed in open conversation, the small single engine planes, that land, fly, and transport cargoes of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, meth, or men known across the the world, like Chapo Guzman, Mayo Zambada.  

Private planes, private pilots, to destinations like Los Cabos, across the shimmering Sea Of Cortez from the roads of El Dorado.  Places like La Paz, where gunmen arrive on ferries, from Sinaloa, and fight for the plaza, under the orders of these men, including Damaso Lopez. 

Lopez, who came into the spotlight when Chapo Guzman was detained in Mazatlan, has allegedly formed his own group, Cartel De La Baja Sur, and declared his innocence in the escalating feud with Los Chapitos.  These are rumors, passed quietly, whispered the propellers on the small plane flying low over El Dorado....

The bodies fall silently, each about 175 pounds, picking up speed, as they rush through the beauty of morning clouds, and sweeping sunrise.  They hit the concrete with enough force to shatter every bone in their bodies.  Did they die upon impact, or before they were thrown? Did they scream helplessly into the nothingness of the clouds?  Did they pray for redemption, for safety, before they were pushed out?  

The sun rises, over El Dorado, where sugarcane is produced, 54 kilometers from Culiacan, the birthplace of Damaso Lopez, his rancho, his home, his people..... The bodies lay on the concrete, bloodied, bruised, broken in all ways a man can be broken....underneath an unforgiving sun.

Sources: Rio Doce, El Sol De Sinaloa 

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  1. Can this article by more glamorous to the narcos lol almost poetic.. nothing like when zetas or other cartels are in the story. Also look how they put damaso in the spotlight, sounds like chapitos paid really good for this info to be written lol I got $30 that damaso will take them out this year. +Mr. Obvious+

    1. My thoughts exactly!! Beautiful and poetic!!!

    2. 6:22 obviously not every article is posted by the same reporter, and obviously every reporter has different translation skills and style, or the same favorite narcos, which bore me.
      --But I love to find me a pendejo once in a while, obviously...

    3. Just was thinking from reading the last two posts: this is turning into a decent quality poetry blog.

    4. Well you owe me 30 bucks cuz damaso was worth caca

  2. Can this article by more glamorous to the narcos lol almost poetic.. nothing like when zetas or other cartels are in the story. Also look how they put damaso in the spotlight, sounds like chapitos paid really good for this info to be written lol I got $30 that damaso will take them out this year. +Mr. Obvious+

  3. El mini lic thrown from plane

  4. 3 bodies --- One landed on the roof of a family health clinic and showed signs of torture, according to police. - See more at:

  5. Not 2 long ago I was about 2 do an airborne static line jump at night over a d.z. ( drop zone ). But the mission was scrathed because of a freak accident that took place. The first jumper at the door had his spring loaded reserve pop out on him. His hand should've been over that Velcro flap 2 prevent this. But it wasn't. His canopy snaked a bit inside the C-130 before quickly filling up with air. He tried jumping out in time 2 avoid the inevitable accident. But by then his reserve had filled up with enough air 2 enable it 2 suck him out of the aircraft. On the way out his head hit across the door frame. And the skin of the aircraft sheared it off. It took us a whole day just 2 locate the body along with the head. 4 the most part if you've ever jumped out of an aircraft you automatically know the seconds that you have 2 count off before deploying that reserve should that main parachute not open. It's only a few seconds with combat jumps at 500 feet. At higher altitudes it's a bit more. Either way it always lurks in the back of your mind: What if it all fails at once? How would I go? The fear is always there. Sometimes I can beat it. And sometimes I can't. - Sol Prendido

    1. Badass story, Terminator 🤘

    2. My old drill Sgt would smack you for that bs.

    3. "Dime de que hablas y te digo de que careces"... Words of advice for you.

    4. thanks for posting...Dangerous work, amigo.

    5. You don't fool me.

    6. The point that I'm trying 2 get across is this: I know what it's like 2 be inside an aircraft with FEAR running through the back of my head. Fear that grips you. Therefore I can imagine what these victims went through before their deaths. As men we posture so much 2 the world. But in all actuality EVERYONE 1 of us knows fear. 2 say otherwise is POSTURING. - Sol Prendido

    7. 957 - that was a cold shot. How true, though. M

    8. And you feel the need to post that irrelevant, and untrue, story here why?

    9. So, Sol Prendido, you felt a need to write that in order to relay your dabblings in quasi psychological self analysis about fear in an aircraft, and, because of that, you had an epiphany that enabled you to imagine what men thrown of a plane went through? From there, for good measure, you offer words of "wisdom". Um...ok.

    10. Wow such a big response from comments that I made. Very few likes in my favor. 2 the haters I will say this. Think about the seconds of your lives that you wasted because you actually took the time 2 read what I said. When you could've just as easily ignored me once you saw my moniker. Are you guys as much as a masochist as I am? No se amarguen sus vidas por mi preciosas. - Sol Prendido

    11. 10:03pm
      Attack the reasoning behind your detractors comments but never them personally.

    12. @Sol Prendido, don't listen to the haters. I think you bring some good stuff to the forum. Besides, nobody has all the answers, nobody knows everything, and we are all here to learn and share information and opinions. As for the snide commentators, "fuck em and feed em beans"

    13. It's never a waste but a pleasure to expose a poser.

  6. Thats some next level savagery. Should have recorded it.

    1. Dam crazy shit

    2. @7:00 pm. What like Snapchat? Thats the real next level

  7. So romantic.. the clouds, the sun, the stars... awww.... so cute and tender.

    1. Lol 7:12 that's how I read it

    2. Think! This is a more glamorous death than getting murdered by tablazos en las nalgas, encobijado, made into a menudo, pozole or carniasada, or butchered like a pig, by the mexican melitary or their narcos.

    3. "The sun, the stars, and other things..."
      There is a movie or a song about that,

  8. Looks like los chapitos can't get into El Dorado

    1. If anything chapitos are getting closer, they already took navolato. Damaso jr now calling himself nueva generacion

  9. For, or against, Los Damasos?

    1. Against. Liebre might star in a new video soon

  10. Just like the scene from the movie scarface. Maybe that's where they got the idea. Also el Dorado is Damasos territory that's his hometown.

    Tommy Vercetti

  11. Daaaaaaaang...crazy...........I wish drugs would just disappear so mexico could return back to normal....can't even go visit in peace anymore.....the whole world is going to......poop....sad

    1. It's not drugs, it's greed. These Mexicans love their pesos ads tacos.

    2. Greed. Drugs. Its a bit of both. Mexico is poor. Always has been, but its humble...most of it still is....much different values from here in the united stated. Here people value money more than their own family..

    3. B4 that the gringos need to stop shoving up there nose n veins but won't ever happen

    4. It's the gringos drug addictions.. don't get it twisted, the problem here are the gringos consuming so much drugs.. just like Chinese are responsible for all the whale killing since they love whale meat and all the shit they do with them, get it?

  12. I read it was 3 bodies. Two got picked up by armed men. One landed on hospital roof unable to be gathered by those armed men

  13. Man that's cruel...looks like no truce or peace in the new war...the only way to stop sinaloa cartel is to turn it on its self...

    1. That's how golfos got out of control and even zetas

  14. Was it a message to DAMASO?

  15. I was expecting this article to surpass new heights but It ended up kinda "plane"...... :-)

    1. Lol. Little over some heads I guess.... those people must be "grounded"

  16. El chayon hermano del wero quinto did this

    1. Relax fantasma

    2. 10:20pm -
      Really?? With his decor 45 strap to his belt and 5 clips ready for use? The best part 10:20 is that he is untouchable cuz he has white grips for good luck! Or maybe he's a ghost?

      The world may never know

    3. 1208 - I see what you did there you clever devil.... I see what you did hahaha

    4. Hahaha keep dreaming

    5. Lmao ok YouTube narco

  17. These cartel killers are brutal. They are not human but children of Satan spawned in Hell.

    1. 10:38PM

      This was done in the U.S. back in the very early 1980s. Mickey Thompson's nephew ( yes, the one from "supercross" fame and offroad tires) was thrown off a plane because a drug deal went bad. Strange huh, how a lot off this has already happened before in the U.S.

      -Sarai Fan Club

    2. No so strange. I call it selective memory. USA is great at it. Like when most forget their ancestors were once immigrants.

  18. Love your work J!!!! Thank you for this elaborate and eloquently written article :)

  19. how many times did the sun rise?

    1. Thats some cold shit

    2. Today? Or since you comprehended the article??

    3. 11:28 as of today, the sun has risen too many times for you.

    4. @1128 today or this year???

  20. Ugh terrible writing. Pompous and narsacistic can't even begin to describe this article. You try way to hard to "set the mood" when you don't need to because this kind of story and it's savagery speaks for itself. Everyone knows what you are trying to do, but the execution is extremely lackluster. It seems like it was written by a middle schooler who picked up a thesaurus and wants to impress some girl by showing how "deep" he could be on paper. I say this because it's the way I used to write in middle school.

    1. J only translated this article, if you didnt like the writing style I would suggest you write to the Chief Editor of Riodoce and complain. By complaining here you are just shooting the messenger.

    2. Well, do it yourself the next time, Monday morning quarterback 1246.

    3. Good Translation and well it by your own...oh no you are too lazy

    4. All the writing I do, with the exception of maybe one article two years back is written by me. So, I can't use that as a defense here, but I appreciate your support. I am interested in the layers beneath the crimes, the settings of where they occur, the impact of the victims, and the killers, what lays behind each killer, or victim, so these are themes I explore in the writing.

    5. I dont understand why these comments get posted. Those of us which frequent BB know the business. These "intellectuals" only remind me of the ignorance and arrogance we deal with on a daily basis

    6. The article reads well enough, for me.

    7. 12:46 AM
      "Ugh terrible writing. Pompous and narsacistic can't even begin to describe this article" wanna check your own writing Einstein.
      Who the fuck are you?Tolstoy,you namby pamby little pussy,go wash your knickers,fuck off and stop pointing inane shit out,it doesn't make you look intelligent,just an old whining fart

    8. @12:46 if you dont like what you see then go read your daddys penthouse but dont mess with J all he did was translate for your ass..

    9. 8:11 that would require a whole lot of imagination.
      @12:46 can only post dumbass comments...

    10. 12:46 Bro you still sound like your in middle school trying to impress a girl. You have no point just comment on the topic and keep it rolling
      Atte: CJNG keep it rolling crew of Nutt Huggers

  21. Definitely thrown out alive. Why would they throw a dead body from a plane? They'd have little control over where the body fell, can't pin some shitty manta to the body, and, most importantly, the cartels have a million easier ways to get rid of a body/place a body where everyone can see, without resorting to dropping them from planes.

    1. I agree, where is the fun in tossing a dead body when u can have more fun watching the shear terror and horror on the victim knowing he is going to be a human pancake.

    2. 713, what a gruesome response. Hopefully doesn't happen to you or your family.

    3. @7:13 yer right that was some cold shit, dang, some readers/commenters on this site are sum sick-ass fux

  22. I'd love to see an article on the feud between Rogaciano Alba Alvarez, head of the Guerrero Cattleman's Assoc., and the recently captured head of Los Granados, Ruben Granados Vargas (El Nene). Nene had 40 of his men attack one of Alba Alvarez's homes in 2008, resulting in the death of two of his sons and the kidnapping of his daughter. Rogaciano responded by ordering the murders of two of the children of El Nene. I think this case highlights a lot of the criminality associated with industry/agriculture in Guerrero and the connections between industry and narcotrafficking.

    1. Definitely sounds interesting!
      A piece worth reading.

    2. Nope u are wrong it was the pineda brothers who had beef with Roga! Due to the split of beltran leyva and Chapo/Mayo

    3. @7:54 I'm currently in the beginning stages of putting an article together from the numerous Debate, Processo, and Reforma articles about both men. Hope to publish via guest reporter soon.
      @8:42 please explain. Still trying to get my head around the numerous connections between industry and narcotrafficking in Guerrero. If the Pineda Villas had a hand in the feud, that would only make the story that much more interesting.

    4. 7:42 maria de los Angeles Pineda Villa wife of Abarca the mayor of iguala, was getting it up the overthere with angel aguirre rivero, former governor of Guerrero state, in his private fun houses, by then her brothers "had been murdered by the beltran leyvas" and her mother and father had been kidnapped and "confessed to that" on video, blindfolded...
      By coincidence, angel aguirre elected as a PRD candidate had been a life long priista, was acting governor when ruben figueroa alcocer had to resign over some gruesome murders and massacres were carried by his own and his state fuerzas delictivas, in times of zedillo, about 20 years ago...
      A looong campaign for such a little impoverished state, no wins to be shown in spite of tens of thousands of soldiers and polesias...

    5. Still don't see what that has to do with the Roga/Nene feud. I understand the break between the Pineda Villas and the Beltran Leyvas came when Arturo had El Borrado and his brother executed for stealing or some other form of betrayal. So what does Luis Abarca's wife's connections with Angel Aguirre have to do with Roga and Nene.

    6. This sound like the new season of desperate housewives

    7. 2:06 you and 8:42 mention the pineda villas, who were friends with angel aguirre rivero and epn until the iguala kidnapping and disappearance of the 43, of course, epn took down the beltranuses and would steal their turf, money, drugs, and people, and made up thstory of el barbas killing the pineda brothers with genarco garcia luna,
      Just trying to make sure the alliance:
      epn-aguirre-pinedas-abarca is taken into the account and don't just blame the beltranuses...

  23. It takes skill and practice to make a body or anything else land where you want it. Objects don't fall straight down due to aircraft speed. We used to drop tightly wrapped one pound pkgs of flour because you can see the white puff on impact. We never exactly hit our target!! Gruesome bastards!!

  24. Someone been watching too much scarface

    1. The mexican government threw hundreds of their victims to the sea after Tlatelolco massacre, chile did that too, perhaps you could locate the CIA's de-classified reports, there are so many massacres all over the world you could check for the whole encyclopedia of government sponsored mass murders.

    2. *@911 government sponsored disappearances

  25. This is way more common then you guys know

  26. This has chimales written all over it, i doubt los 20's will leave culiacan but maybe pena is supporting pancho chimal. Why would damaso dirty up his city like that

  27. Great article keep it coming!

  28. Not sure why everyone is hating on the writing, whether translated or not, it wasn't bad to me. I didn't feel like it glamorized the narco either, or tried too much. Sounds like people wanted the fast facts: "2 or 3 people thrown from plane by Damaso area, possible message?". Lol, you will drive yourself mad trying to please all of the people all of the time. I'll bet most negative commenters did not lift a finger to help BB after Chivis request. I'm guilty as well, but I don't criticize those doing what I won't.

  29. They were training to become elite in the fuerzas especiales damaso, it was just a training accident.

    1. Jajaja loooool was waiting 4 sum1 to say tht

  30. Off topic; Beltran just got a stay from any extradition from federal judge in Mexico. Hindering his extradition to US.
    By all means a last ditch effort from Beltran to avoid guaranteed life sentence in a US prison.
    Interesting how this will play out in the courts.

    1. Its only to do a DNA test to scientifically prove its him before they send him to us here in the USA to cage for life.

    2. Same happened with Cuini and he still being sent,doesn't mean he's not being sent later on

    3. El H Héctor Beltran Leyva has never been to the US neither has el cuini, why are they wanted in the us?

  31. Flying with style, better than getting dragged out by United Airline security

  32. Its obvious its a message to los Damasos!!! Since the split they dont stand a chance no matter how many many cartels they align with Sinaloa is chapo and mayo

    1. El Mayo all 100 supreme leader, los chapitos have mayo full backing

    2. Ivan is playing his cards right, it seems the only power player who opposed his inherited leadership was damaso. JAGL told cds leaders operate in your region with open lines of communication at all times to run the cartel smoothly, it seems Ivan is continuing the status quo and damaso is the nuisance

    3. 839 how is it obvious? Hella on Chapo and Mayo's nuts,Chapo ain't even in the mix any more,go to sleep!

    4. 8:39 You narco assholes can kill each other and nobody will give a rat's ass on your deaths but the worst part is when you bastard cockroaches start killing innocents for your stupid propagandas. Nobody cares how many narcos or their corrupt government officials are killed. Viva Mexico and the ordinary hard working people of Mexico.

    5. Chema you must be kiding Chapo still runs that cartel his kids and brother have a bigger role them mayo himself just because of the money Guzmans people move dont be an idiot by calling someone a nuthugger when you dont even know how things work chemita vete a dormir por favor

    6. Chapo is long gone, sorry kid. You probably still believe in Santa Claus lol

  33. This of course regardless of who the victims where is a publicity stunt meant to both impress people that work for narcos and then terrorize authorities that they (narcos), control this corrupt state of Sinaloa!
    After all the infighting and or betrayals within narcos in Sinaloa there was a clear message thst needed to be sent that some group (most likely CDS of course), still has control over anything in Sinaloa! Enemies can see this as a real threat and authorities as boldness so as not to face the narcos! Sucks for the victims though.

  34. The same thing happened to Raul Enriquez Parra "El 9" de los numeros (Gente del Mochomo) hace tiempo. Creo que calentaron la Plaza en Sonora cuando mataron al reportero. Segun por eso El Darey Castro mejor se desafano y se vino Para USA porque because he was there to as he was related through marriage to Los Enriquez Parra (Los Numeros) donde tambien andaba El 24 El del corrido. Los mandaron matar sus mismos jefes creo (Mochomo and Arturo). El Darey tambien le querian dar cran y mejor se pelo...Old story but still interesting.

    1. I heard it was Los Salazar trying to get him for singing el corrido Del Chapo "Trini".

    2. Just please tell me wats the purpose of telling half the story in English and Spanish

    3. @4:26PM I haven't seen any stories half in English and half in Spanish. If you are referring to comments I have seen a lot of them in both Spanish and English. I don't like it either. Makes my job harder.

    4. I doubt it Darey still sings for last letra B and from what I heard he's was really good friends with El Puma Washo

  35. Dam this sicarios get crazy and crazier only some sycopaths will do something like that this man have no heart at all smh

  36. No wonder el mencho scared to take over sinaloa his man will get slaughter like nothing I'll give him he a smart man not to sacrifice his man to the sinaloa hit man that pure intelligence
    Tommy Vercetti

    1. Mencho's intentions have never been nowhere near Sinaloa,not in he's plans..

    2. What's in Sinoloa that he needs to take it over? It's not a border state,it's not a port,it's not in the middle of Mexico! Sinaloa is garbage there's nothing their to take over

    3. @11:01PM Wrong Chema. Part of Sinaloa is in the "Golden Triangle" which grows A LOT of poppies. According to Washington Post a kilo of the opium paste used to produce heroin fetches $1,500 in the region, almost double the value in 2012

    4. Haha Sinaloa scared!? No mames I can almost guarantee you that Chinolas have and still have people in those states you mentioned 9:33 for fact in jalisco and michoacan, few in tamps but non the less have people there. You think because you hear a few corridos about a few cats don't Mean they don't have hitters making a man for themselves in other places. Sinaloa wasn't scared to bring the war to tamps and kill a few polis and political cats. Stop thinking small my dude Sinaloa cats are like Roaches they are everywhere and where ever they land and step up shop people want to work for or with them thats a fact my boy.

    5. 1:21 true, just like Mencho has people in sinaloa. Mencho was working with cds at one point after all. It's michoacanos sinaloenses guerrereses and so on that work together and have ties in different states in Mexico. It's business, but as far as taking over plazas, everyone knows Mencho is the best at that. If anyone takes a plaza it's going to be mencho. Cds have been fighting beltranes for many years and still haven't taken them out. When Mencho joined Guadalajara cartel he took control of all the state of JALISCO and those that didn't work with him he got rid of them and changed the name to JALISCO cartel. Facts son

    6. Capitalize menso and jaliskillo???

      Menso part of Guadalajara cartel???

      That was a group of Sinaloenses in guadalajara if i recall

      Any more obvious nuthugger

      Sinaloa wars

    7. 5:53 it was what was l3ft of Guadalajara cartel with nacho colonel. There are sinaloenses that work with mencho because of that but mencho took over and made a change all over Jalisco. Something cds can't ever do, take over the state of sinaloa Even though the cartel is nam3d after a the cartel but only have about half of it under control, beltranez have the other half. Mencho on the other hand has Jalisco on lock. Yes, there is a few cds, beltranez, zetas in Jalisco snooping around but not there plaza. You get it kid?...

  37. Sinaloa is no joke when it comes to war they are like the USA of cartels but has a tourist who visited Mazatlan and most of sinaloa I can tell you people are very nice hard workers and best woman beautiful girls God bless sinaloa love from Poland brothers

  38. I Will be scared to walk the streets of sinaloa at night

    1. Sinaloa is actually one of the safest places in all mexico if you're not involved in the drug game. Kidnappers and extortionists get smoked on sight in Sinaloa..

    2. Sure, I love these sinaloa nutt huggers lol Sinaloa is one of the unsafest places in Mexico. Isn't there where a surfer from Canada got killed a few months ago?

  39. Chimales sending a message....

  40. I don't understand why everybody is saying this is gruesome or savagery. I'd much rather die instantly from impact then be dismembered alive. This is about as humane as it gets as far as cartel executions go. Ya, it would be crazy being thrown from a plane knowing you're going to die, but a much better way to go then other commonly used techniques employed by cartels.

  41. Maybe their parachutes just didn't open

  42. You know . Every time in the past 50 something years I ever heard of people being thrown from a plane , it was drug dealers . You think they told what they were being questioned about ? FUCKIN DRUG DEALER . I hope for the best in this situation . Maybe they were just more drug dealer dying rather than people that matter . SLAP !

  43. Is that pic of the body on the rooftop a female?

  44. Quiero que me den por culiacan.

    1. Dale para San Francisco allá te pueden dar por Detroit.

      On a side note I'd like 2 add that it is in understanding what's being said that goes a long way in comprehending so much. El mentado doble sentido se ve seguido aquí. Yet very few notice this. - Sol Prendido

    2. @11:13AM A corollary to what you just said is a favorite of mine. "Word are powerful weapons, be careful how you use them"

    3. I mentioned how codes go through here a while back. And many said I was lying. This person said a coded message. And I returned the message in code as well. There are so many ways a code goes through. What was said was nothing actually meaningful. Nonetheless the codes appear every so often. Pay attention. Because even when something appears 2 sound like total nonsense there is a message there. - Sol Prendido

    4. Los pinchis albures no son "code" no pinchis mamen.
      I guess you are paranoidos because of all the grifa que se inyectan,
      --people still ponder what the Beatles meant by that song
      "If I Fell" and all the others...

  45. They did this to los numeros de sonora. Who worked for los beltranes

  46. Thx for the article, very nice.

  47. Pura Gente Nueva Air Force .El Sr Mayo has approved dropping a MOAB on Damaso territory

    Atte : Putin el Antrax

    1. Alucin no such clave or apodo name or code name named putin from sonora and live here and be in culichi every other weekend with the antrax and no such name exist jaja

    2. Watch out everyone we have a genuine anthrax among us lmao

    3. @10:02 are you bragging about being a hang around? No mames

    4. @10:02 no seas mamon antrax

  48. Why are so many anonymous readers on this site that criticize ad nauseum the work of others? Yet, these same opinionated, bloviated, gaseous blowhards never contribute their own posts. Could it be because the work and effort one must put into translating an article from Spanish to English is harder, more involved and requires tremendous effort than the one or two minutes it takes to scratch out negative comments? 12:46, it you're such a great writer or translator, then submit articles. Otherwise, put up or shut the hell up asshat.

  49. This brutal act of aggression was done by the men of El Mayo Zambada, sending Damaso Lopez a clear message. Damaso is believed to be working with cells of Mexican intelligence as well as american cia.

    1. You must be stupid. It's Mayo and Chapo working with the USA and CIA

  50. Overcast with a chance of...

  51. High life's only direction is down.

    I know this from first hand.

  52. Heard around the way that Comandante Perro was on a plane flying south from Culiacan moments before the first body hit the ground. I cannot confirm that he was involved with this terrible incident.

    1. i thought comadante was from los mochis, sinaloa

    2. I saw perro in mexicali a couple days ago I even say Wass up to him he a humble person we even took a pic together don't Know if I ever see him again
      Diana Estrada

    3. I saw comandante perro in a club in Tijuana last week. He stepped on my crocodile boots so I uppercut him on his glass chin, he went down for the count.. after he woke up, he apologized and bought me a beer

  53. Se dice que uno de los que tiraron era pariente de los licenciados

  54. Stunt doubbles for the new el chapo tv series.

  55. HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND BB Y TODA LA RAZA READING BB..un cabrito unas tecates familia y camaradas y party time subele a la troka q se oigan las bocinas ...desde la frontera

  56. My sources tell me that it was a scene for a upcoming movie stay tuned

  57. Loved the article and keep them coming

  58. El 20 Peña anda con todo por P.U. , El Obispo, El Dorado, y Los Llanos.

    Van en busca Del damaso pero por alli se dice que estan atras del liebre primo de damaso

  59. PANCHO CHIMAL R.I.P. lo mato la marina en tepuche

  60. Pancho chimal killed by marines

  61. Thanks j. Good stuff


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