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Saturday, May 13, 2017

5 of the 6 bodyguards of El Mini Lic arrested this week are set free by a Judge today

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article

Subject Matter: Bodyguards of El Mini Lic
Recommendation: See link to article on their arrest

A federal judge released five people who the PGR indicated as escorts of Dámaso López Serrano "El Mini Lic", in concluding that they were arrested without a warrant and allegedly tortured.

Maria Elena Cardona Ramos, a judge of the Federal Criminal Justice Center of the Southern Congregation, issued a plea of ​​non-attachment to the accused, after finding that the police likely arrested these men without an arrest warrant.

In addition, she ordered the Attorney General's Office to investigate possible acts of torture against Ramón Arrellanes Almazán, Juan Enrique Rodríguez Acosta, Jesus Alejandro and Trinidad Francisco García Parra, originally from Sinaloa, as well as Jorge Tovar Calleros from Jalisco, who were released yesterday morning from prison. 

The attorney specializing in investigation of organized crime (SEIDO) accused them of crimes against health in the form of possession for purposes of trade, carrying and possession of weapon, as well as possession of cartridges and magazines, all for the exclusive use of the army.

The above, by the confiscation of 4 kilos 920 grams of methamphetamine, 12 grams of cocaine and 805.7 grams of a mixture of caffeine with methamphetamine, as well as a 2 rifles, 2 side-arms, 160  cartridges, 2 grenades, a grenade launcher and 8 magazines.

The Police report states that the past May 4, agents of the Ministerial Federal Police (PFM) performed a surveillance operation, when an armed subject outside a house, in the Jardines 

Sur colonia, Xochimilco delegation were detected.
"What do you want assholes? Fuck off ", that person  told the agents, according to the version of the PFM.

La police said that almost immediately another individual came out of the building with a rifle and then the agents got out of their vehicles, demanding that they dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

Instead, the suspects ran to the interior of the building and left the door open. Then the cops say they chased them into the property and secured drugs, weapons and other accomplices.

On Wednesday the suspects were presented to a bail hearing before the judge Cardona that started at 13:30 and ended at 23:02.

The judge concluded that there never existed an actual or imminent threat that jeopardized the lives of agents, to justify the intrusion into the home without a search warrant, as the suspects had not shot at them or tried to shoot.

Even if they had fired, it would have been concluded at the time that, after they fled to the interior of the home, the suspects subject to the exceptions which marks the current standard, would not present an imminent threat according to the judge.

During the hearing, the names of defendants were revealed but not other personal data. In their statements, they stated before the entry of the police into the building they heard a bang on the door.

Mauricio Rosas Martínez, defenders of the accused, also offered an opinion that established that the secured weapons had no fingerprints, proof that, the Judge granted no relevance.

SEIDO revealed at the hearing that the defendant Juan Enrique Rodríguez Acosta had been a prisoner in the Culiacan prison for firearms-related offences and that the brothers García Parra spent time in the Federal Penal del Rincón, Nayarit.

However, this data was rejected because it may only be given before the Court in pre-trial detention, which had already happened.

The fact that seems to have influenced the Court's decision, was an office of inspection of the PFM that recorded the existence of a blow to the top of the main door.

When the judges were available to determine the bail process, the prosecutors of the PGR were questioned as to why that document had been submitted at the hearing if the search warrant was requested on Monday.

Visibly uncomfortable, the judge Cardona agreed Wednesday night to give a break of almost two hours for the PGR submit it.

The document inspection, held on Wednesday at 8:00 in the morning, was sent by electronic means. Immediately, the judge issued her ruling.

"The door shows a blow, although there is no damage shown, this makes the presumption that the door was violated in this way so that agents could enter the home." If it is related to the statements of the accused and the police report, it is likely that the entrance of the agents was carried out as the defendants themselves say it.

"There is improbability in the police report and this finds support in what was said by the defendants themselves. For bail process are not only required evidence, but prima facie evidence. I believe that with the data and evidence, it cannot  be that there is veracity in the evidence", said the judge.

According to the national code of criminal procedure, the decision of the judge can not be contested. However, Cardona said he would not dismiss the case, which means that the SEIDO can return to investigate and accuse those released with the same facts.

The judges also gave the view that the prosecutors of the PGR should investigate acts of torture, since several of the defendants declared that agents of the PFM tried to asphyxiate them with plastic bags on the head, were kicked in the chest and shoulders, and threatened with death if they did not disclose the whereabouts of "El Mini Lic".

Original article in Spanish at Reforma


  1. One day in the not to distant future, I will be a real war against the narco scum!
    The elimination of narcos is now spreading around the world and will soon come to America and Mexico!
    The Punisher!

    1. The punisher is a narco passing sentence on his real and imagined made up narcos.
      Due Process is not a gift the prosecutors of criminal san "graņt at their own discretion" it is the law, and it has been violated repeatedly since before it was born.

    2. "Scum"? It's basically a victimless crime. You wouldn't try it unless you wanted it, trust me.

      Though I have heard stories of retailers offering high quantities at low prices to first time users. I assume this is an effort to get them addicted to whatever they are selling.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Typical incompetent judicial system as they had enough drugs and weapons to go to prison for years,and know one cares about the alleged torture of some thugs which is most likely the main reason they were set free because it was all over the media.Maybe they'll get lucky and Mayo/Chapitos won't be able to catch them,however unlikely that will be the outcome,I would give half of them a 50/50 chance.Also,I find all but one was released to be suspicious to say the least.

  4. What a joke. Collusion and impunity at its finest. Mexico does not want to stop narco killers.

    1. The judicial milking the cash cow!

  5. Not in mexico my friend, over there greed is above legacy on all levels of government institutions, counties, state and federal.

    1. 4:23 as a matter of fack, on the record, the US finances and nurtures the mexican government on top of the narco situation, and the US suppresses reports on the mexican corruption and inefficiency and any explanation or report that contradicts the plan, for some strange reason, the US has this need to "give" all this money by the billions of dollars to the mexican government in spite of their failures, or maybe because of them

  6. What a court system, funny how this case was pushed to the front of the line, a deal must have been cut with Damasco to save his crew, if theses guys are smart take the 2nd chance of life and get out the game

    1. There is no getting out of the game in Mexico. It will still be a life of paranoia and suspicion.

    2. Mini lic ya tiene mucho dinero

    3. 8:26 Mini-Lic no tiene dinero pá sacar del bote a su papá ni pá lo que se le puede ofrecer al él mismo. Heheheee

  7. they came in my office and asked "how much"! i have kids.

  8. Another judge gets to live another day, aye caramba

  9. Well people bitch when they say they kill them without a trial and they were set up. This just shows there is a reason to take street justice out and never let these criminals see a judge or the light of another day. Because that would be the only kind of justice to stop these ruthless killers. It appears there is no real justice nothing the judicial system. How can you fold these guys long enough to get a warrant? If the average citizen was stopped and his car searched and they found even a pistol in their car, they would be doing hard time in prison.

  10. What a joke.running round with automatic rifles an oz of coke,and their rights have been violated

  11. Shows how much power el cartel de Sinaloa has smh

    1. doubt it must of been sianloa, the damasos were exiled from the cartel.

  12. So what was the purpose?? You just wasted there time they could of been doing their job.

  13. interesting that Jose Manuel Mireles is in prison for almost 3 years for having or using military weapons for self defense and these guys have the same or most likely more powerful weapons and are out of jail in less than a week...

  14. they are probably the ones who turned in Damaso lol

  15. 7:47-Extortion and where Mini Lic is but now they are dead men walking.Better get out of the country but I'm guessing the man that paid the get out of jail card owns them and other 'justice' will prevail.

  16. Damasos are still running sh!t! Cds can't touch them...

  17. Those same criminals will kill the judge that set them free, you should have set them free but but in a cage of hungry lions. If they make their way out of the cage they get their freedom. Jeje not gonna happen.

  18. Goes to show that much work is still needed to improve the judiciary system. Despite the incriminating evidence of weapons and drugs and well known individuals of such, incompetence and corruption practices are evident.
    Moreover the the claims of torture addressed as an issue. Such elements of information should be implemented for interrogation practices for such individuals. A practice Homeland security applies to National security issues.
    Maybe such revisions within their constitution should be applied.
    Correct me if wrong, but they are terrorists!


  19. What kind of cartels is this? WHY are they cutting the drugs with caffeine? Just goes to show you that even higher ups are cheap!

    1. Wel u can mix meth in drink like cafe and drink it

    2. You can mix baking soda with waters too and never know the difference, but can you hide it under oil and gasoline? Since oil floats on top of water, that may be the idea behind the huachicoleros fuel thefts in mehiko.

  20. Lol all those drugs in the residence.. That could never happen here in that Tex

    1. Well, in that there tejas it was found that that gringo nalgas prietas sheriff Lupe Treviño used to rip off stash houses for a living, and his son and his gang helped, but they did not know they was facking up some real powerful peepol upstairs, heheee.

  21. They where released on orders of el mayo to continue to operate the plaza damaso left now that mini lic isn't even in Sinaloa Jalisco is a place where they might wanna look

  22. Only people that don't have cash go to prison,Mexico, USA or on the moon!

    1. @4:48PM Chema, your statement is not exactly correct as people like Bernie Maddoff in the US who is currently serving a 150 year prison sentence for operation the largest (illegal) ponzi scheme in the world. And Chapo Guzman would probably just call you a liar. For lesser known but just as rich people that are currently in jail or have been in jail just Google "rich people in prison". You'll find lists of not only millionaires, but also billionaires.

    2. There are more murdering billionaire criminals on the loose that will never be touched by Lady Justice, they just played their politics right, like the salinas de gortari, alvaro uribe velez, and many other unmentionable untouchables.


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