Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, May 15, 2017

Armed Forces Repelled in Tierra Caliente

Posted by Yaqui republished from Mexico News Daily

Blockades, Armed Aggression Greet Security Forces in San Miguel Totolapan

                    Burning tires block a road in Totolapan                        

A gunfight between criminal gangs in the Tierra Caliente region of Guerrero left eight people dead on Thursday, but when security forces tried yesterday to enter the town of La Gavia to assess the situation they were violently repelled by residents.

In the end, the deployment of over 400 soldiers and police succeeded in taking control of the municipality of San Miguel Totolapan, a longtime base for the Tequileros criminal gang.

But in the process 16 public and privately-owned vehicles were incinerated, 14 highway blockades were mounted in nine municipalities and federal and state forces had to repel armed aggression.

However, Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores said today that although most of the blockades were removed yesterday and today, three or four still remained in place.

Many of the blockades were erected by the self-defense militia group Movimiento por La Paz y la Justicia (Movement for Peace and Justice), which at one point prevented the forces from crossing a bridge and entering the town of San Miguel Totolapan.

They insisted that soldiers and police could only enter without riot gear and their vehicles.
As the state and federal forces advanced over the bridge one group of local citizens set fire to a string of tires laid across it, temporarily stopping their progress.

While a group of youths with their faces masked threw Molotov cocktails at the advancing army, a second group of people from San Miguel helped put out the fire.

Stones were then thrown at the armed forces, who shot tear gas canisters in response.

While all this was happening on the bridge, members of a self-defense group from the neighboring municipality of Ajuchitlán del Progreso tried to seize two armed forces helicopters, sparking a second confrontation that culminated with the arrest of 10 individuals.

The San Miguel confrontation lasted two hours, after which the military and state police took control of the municipality.

Twenty-two people were arrested during the fracas, but 20 of them were later released for lack of evidence against them.

In Thursday’s gun battle, three of the eight casualties belonged to the Tequileros. The other five are believed to have been members the rival gang Familia Michoacana. Their bodies were incinerated during the confrontation.

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  1. Is there a connection between the WoD and the supply of drugs?
    El Ekibocado

  2. Definitely chaos has engulfed that region. Where military personnel are not welcomed by gangs and some residents.
    Such a lack of distrust and stupidity from citizens.Times are definitely shifting towards a political and moral situation.
    How sad .


    1. And here you are pretending to be involved... e42

    2. 12:40 guess who provoked the "lack of distrust" and stupidity?
      The mexican soldiers earned every penny they got out of it for helping the mexican government steal every dollar they could out of it.
      Now the mexican people are looking for someone else to be the fool after being made the fool for more than 100 years this time around.

    3. @9:01pm
      Not involved nor pretending. Stating an obvious fact. Hopefully the senseless comment made you feel better.

    4. 12:43 some comments make their posters feel very good about their pedorros, thanks for being so understanding, and welcome to the club.

    5. @4:32 meant @12:23, sorry, es que andaba pedo.

  3. It's not the familia michoacana, it's cjng. Cjng have been wanting that plaza for a long time now, El tequilero was desperate last week getting the whole town together to do what they did, blockades and trying to keep the soldiers and federales out. By then end of the month cjng will have that plaza..

    1. 1:09 actually, it's familia michoacana but cjng is backing them up in Tierra caliente to fight against el tequilero..

  4. Sounds like the defence groups were fake and were narcos or why wouldn't they let the military in to 'clean it up'.

    1. Maybe they are more afraid of the military than the cartels.

    2. The melitary are like the Trojan Horse, they get in and fack you up from inside.
      --The cartel sicarios come and try to fack you from outside, to make you take the melitary in...

  5. And the ignorant citizens protecting the local plaza boss bacause los criminales nos dan centavitos y el gobierno no

    1. And once the military leaves the thugs will be back having noted very carefully who aided the military and who fought against it.

    2. 1:33 Pos a Güebo.
      But the melitary don't leave until they murder a few and rape to their heart's content, finding some money around is real important too, they need it for gas and maruchan.

  6. Thanks for the steady streem of updates, Yaqui!!

    1. Hey Yaquity Yak, post your mugs,
      O qué, no tienes nada que presumirn?

    2. @4:38PM Because of security and the risk of danger if she posted photos of herself, we have advised Yaqui not to post photos. But I assure you that she has much to brag about. You would go bonkers if you saw her.

  7. stupid people comaint about crime yet they allow it

    1. @5:12PM Just how would you advise these unarmed people to stop the criminals?

  8. Cjng is not in guerro those cowards won't set foot in there lmao in your dreams pedro

    1. That's what you said about Tijuana and veracruz.. lol there is actually an article here about el tequilero and cjng tonto

    2. Wow such an "expert"

  9. "Twenty-two people were arrested during the fracas, but 20 of them were later released for lack of evidence against them."

    As always the army risks their lives to put criminals behind bars, only to be set free by the ineffective judicial system.

    1. I luv it!
      Kharma is beautiful!

    2. 5:41 the mexican army, with their acknowledged lack of police skills usually kills innocents and captures the wrong people, some of them their business partners, or hjmm, their ginirals' criminal partners, that the traditional way.

  10. Three thousand people marched last week to kick out familia Michocana and the authorities, in order to protect the amapolo plantations(opium poppies). According to them, this is their only viable income in the region...Most people do not have problem with this.But for example, when you get a bunch of unreduced punks jacked up on drugs toteing Cuerno de Chicks ( AK 47 ) robbing and stealing personal belongings from the media. I mean they robbed the guy from Vice News! I say bring back public hangings..

  11. I just viewed a vidio of Marines confiscating the police municipal office, conducting drug testing on theocal police. Also I heard that the powers to be are cleansing Iguala of the extortionist, kidnappers ect... They are using extreme violence to do so. I will try to post vidio tomorrow.... Can someone one else please confirm.

  12. The Marines took over the mini police in Ixtapa

  13. 11:53 The marinelas won't be paid 3 pesos a day and whatever they abscond from the daily extortion...


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