Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, May 5, 2017

Dispute between factions of the Cartel del Golfo is causing the violence in Reynosa

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: Fight for Reynosa plaza after death of El Toro
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

After events of this past Wednesday, Reynosa has transformed into a ghost town. Businesses are closing earlier than usual, the central avenues are desolated and there are very few vehicles circulating in the streets at night.

Reporter: Juan Alberto Cedillo
The social networks have shared dozens of advice notices about the arrival in Matamoros of Los Ciclones, and other groups arriving like Los Antrax and Los Mazatlecos from Sinaloa, because they are disputing the plaza ownership.

Also circulating on social networks are communications of the Cartel del Golfo in audio format urging the population that during the night they should stay in their homes, because there will be more confrontations.

The hysteria generated by the social networks terminated by the collapse of whatsap, the system of messages most used in actuality by these groups to advertise situations of risk.

The Attorney General of Tamaulipas, Irving Barrios Mojica, confirmed that the violence of Tuesday night that followed was provoked by two factions of CDG who are contesting the plaza after the death of Commandante Torro by the Marines on 22nd of April past.

The information that we have is that which is in public domain and social networks, that there are criminal groups in the City of Reynosa and it because of them we have these violent events. In two violent days, there has been reports of no less than five deaths.

In social networks there is a video circulating where one can see alleged gunmen of one faction of the Cartel del Golfo assaulting a house belonging to a rival group.

The dispute for the plaza

Information from the portal Briebart Texas, specializing in the frontier security, said there are two factions of the CdG disputing the frontier plaza.

"The battles indicate a fight for control of Reynosa composed by the rest of the forces that were led by Commandante Toro or Metro 42, against the rest of the cartel.

Briebart, who have good contacts with Mexican police sources and United States intelligence agencies, have described the two factions of the CdG that are disputing Reynosa.

"One faction is formed by the nephew of Toro, Alberto Betillo Salinas, who has requested the support of other commanders in the cartel  like Luis Alberto Blanco Flores, Pelochas or M-28, Petronilo Moreno Flores, Commandante Panilo or M-70, and gunmen known as Metro 19, Metro 105 and Manuelito.

During the night battles of Tuesday and the morning of Wednesday, the gunmen of this faction were deployed in caravans of vans with the signs M-42 painted on the windows.

"The letters M-42 are identifying the gunmen of one faction, but all refer to their fallen leader Commandante Toro.

The other faction that is disputing the plaza, which is worth more than 3 million dollars per month, is headed by Commandantes Jesus Guero Jessi Garcia, who was a collaborator of Commandante Toro previously.

As well as Commandantes Armando Leon Garcia, Choco or M-90, Eduardo Ismael Flores Borrego, El Negro or Gamma 3, Miguel Angel Miguelito Alvarez Campos, as well as gunmen Visco, Surdo, and Beto Bavas, detailed the public notification by Breibart.

The dispute between these factions for the throne commenced from 22:00 on Tuesday, when one of the factions decided to visit houses and kidnap family members of a rival group.

With guerrilla war strategies, the group commenced with narco blockades in zones that they control, as well as engaging the military in diverse points of the city.

The sound of AK47 gunfire was reported all over the city, so that the Army and Marines had no idea where to concentrate their forces.

While the military were confused, one of the rival groups assaulted various houses, and kidnapped families inside them while some were assassinated. In one case, grenade launchers set the house ablaze.

These events carried on into Wednesday morning, when the attacked group, regrouped and went on the offensives starting chases and confrontations in diverse avenues of Reynosa.

The Group for Coordination in Tamaulipas informed that between the hours of 23:00 of Tuesday and until 02:00 Wednesday there had been reports of 10 narco blockades that were removed by armed forces, as well as vehicle robberies and confrontations with the military on the part of various individuals that were aboard various vehicles.

As well as the decommission of nine vehicles, rifles and a large quantity of ammunition, in the course of their labours or reconnaissance and patrolling by elements of the various corporations.

The authorities informed that two alleged criminals were killed by shots from the military, when they were carrying out vehicle robberies from citizens to use them in narco blockades.

Following on from the violence of Wednesday, private schools and the majority of public schools were closed for classes on Thursday.

The confrontations have no subsided and the city has returned to its normal activities.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso

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  1. Que les dije el padron C1 iva por Reynosa apoyando al Negro y Gama 3, Choco y el Comandante Caballo. La vieja escuala a lado de nosotros nadien de Sinaloa ay aqui. Ellos sueñan por tener una parte de Tamaulipas pero nunca se les va aser ontra vez.

    1. a Sinaloa no le interesan las plazitas pedorras de Tamaulipas... Tijuana y Juarez son mucho mas ke Reynosa, Laredo y matamoros juntos... ke les puede importar si por las Rutas del golfo ya no se mueve ni las hojas... por eso mejor ke se maten esos pendejos tamaulimecos por el derecho de robar y secuestrar a la poblacion... pinches corrientes

      Pura Sierra !! Puro TDO!!

    2. Las plazas de la frontera en tamaulipas hacen mas feria que las palazas en las pinches montañas pendejo. Por el dinero que se hace en la frontera es que comen los carteles.sino por que sinaloa por que siempre a querido entrar a tamaulipas pero no pueden.

    3. Aqui en tampas movemos a todos los sudamericanos son page seguro y no necesitamos de nadie.

    4. 9:14 Jaja te la aventaste carnal

    5. @9:14 estas pero bien buey tu jaja Las rutas de TTamaulipas son las puertas para todos los interstates the USA. Puedes mover lo que sea para donde sea muy facil. Por eso CJNG quiere parte del queso que los Golfos y Zetas tienen. El Mayo tiene trado con los del Golfo para pasar por Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon, Zacatecas y coahuila y el CDG puede pasar por Sonora, Chihuahua o por La Baja por eso CDG tiene gende in Jalisco. Si no sabes nada mejor callese.

    6. 2:44 sinaloa has a border plaza Nogales to Arizona probably worth $3million a month also

    7. Colombia has 7 US military bases, and a few secret ones, plus ilopango, and guatemala, panama, cile, Argentina and brazil. And the Atlantic and pacific floats, they back in business, and never went away, Who the hell needs "great mexican drug trafficking capos"?
      No wonder the black and mexican drug trafficking gang bangers are being slighted too, the cops are riding high too, and they know the business inside and out now, or so they believe.
      "All others is all fake news, is whut you seppos' to bulieiv"
      Robots, stop thinking. Robots don't think, they a just obey.

    8. Nogales is a fucking nickel thats why sinaloa always wanted better border plazas. Fyi the main cdg plazas lead directly to texas a big ass state with big ass cities that are the perfect drug hubs. What the fuck nogales has.Tamaulipas plazas are worth millions of usa dollars.drugs flow north and wepons ammo and ,american dollars come back in. That's why all them other cartels. always want to come in. And why some cell leaders say fuck it im try to take it over and go to war with other cell leaders.

  2. Lord, grant peace in Mexico's people, amen.

    1. And the world, amen.

    2. Looking the other way doesn't cut it,cheering for narcos doesn't cut it,hating law abiding people doesn't cut it,,,,

    3. 2:54 sponsoring narcos from a government position does not work either, but it is what it is, and results in deaths of mostly innocent people to show the higher ups some kill count to justify billions of dollars from the US spent in the war for control of the drug trade.

  3. Worth $3 million per month? Nobody gets out of bed to only make $3million US per month!

    1. That's pure profit of 3 mil, not toal including payouts. This is take home pay. Well worth the monthly lotto ticket.

    2. 4;37-OK gracias Senor Accountant de los golfos!

  4. Confused????Se están dando en la madre y pesado y el millón de marinos y federales que andaban atrás de toro ni por dónde los encuentras ahorita!!! Claro están dejando que se partan la madre para después pactar con el que gane igual como hicieron con toro. Y la gente pendeja de estos blogs jura y perjura que los marinos no se compran y que no son corruptos aki en la frontera pasa de todo solo
    Los que vivimos aki sabemos lo que pasa

    1. Sub-secretario de la marina mexicana acusado de complicidad con los Guerreros Unidos.
      Carlos Campos Hernandez "el Comando" acusa al almirante de la Marina Mexicana Carlos Federico Quito Guillen.
      Video en youtube.

    2. 7:56 compa siempre k pasa esto en Reynosa es la misma mierda, con decirte k hasta les sobra tiempo a los pinches mañosos de ir a recojer los cuerpos de sus colegas caídos

  5. ya se miran las caravanas de los Antrax X Gente Nueva . puras Ford Raptors y Hummer blindadas vamos por Tamulipas ordenes de El Guano

    1. Los antrax y gente Nueva will never set up shop in Tamaulipas they well be exterminated as soon as they get near the border fuck all them they ain't shit all they can do is dream and fix their problems in there state befor heading elsewhere.

    2. No one gives a shit about Tamaulipas .. lmao you think Mayo or Chapo cares about measly $3m a month that golfitas make from extorting Reynosa? Cause everyone knows that the big dope pushers move their shit outside of Tamps... I'll pi$$ on tamps.

    3. Los antrax and gente nueva don't even get along. There was an interview with a gente nueva leader a while back who said they didn't like Los antrax and even called them junkies who couldn't shoot for shit..

    4. 9:49? Did you hear that in a corrido or read a post on a blog? Muy interesante!

    5. 9.19
      When your right your right.CDS make the money,CDG,Zebras,kill each other ?

    6. Ni el mayo ni el menso pueden entrar a tamauilipas alv. Hablando de quienes se matan ellos mismos. Los de sinaloa andan dividos tambien alv.

  6. rotten game filled with rats!

  7. It'd be good if we could have mass drone surveillance. That's if it's not already in place in Reynosa. Just 2 see who all is complicit in the business. - Sol Prendido

    1. I don't think a small enough drone can actually perpetrate government and municipal offices in Reynosa.

    2. Hey solita. Voy Reynosa y tomo foto y video por ustedes k solo piensen y hablen. Tony M.

    3. 11:26 De a tiro deberías de acabar la escuela para que te puedan entender primo. - Sol Prendido

    4. Tony Montana is talking second language 'espanish' we are lucky to have him as a guest, chole.

  8. Can see why many infighting groups would love to get that plaza. The profits are lucrative enough for even Trump to get involved with. 3 million per month. Sarcasm ! Not to offend anyone.

  9. Thank you Otis! Your posts are refreshing to read on BB!

  10. One thing is clearly evident. The killing of Toro rattled the cage within the cartel bosses. Infighting always seems to arise within the organization. Creating a positive impact for a disorganized organization.
    Divide and conquer tactics are effective.
    However I will say that the strategic planning and operations of the cartel to bewilder military intervention are cunning. Then again such strategic training and manuevers were inserted
    from a paramilitary perspective.
    Question is how long will this impact the organization from conducting normal operations?

    1. I would think these are normal operations for Cartels. Selling drugs, killing for various reasons, and trying not to get caught

    2. No in most well orginized criminal groups a boss gets replaced without problems. In reynosa the cell leaders have devided into too factions cdg vs m42. Lets see whos left satanding at the end.

  11. Is reynosa the only city like a,war zone..matamoros isnt that bad is it...

    1. It all goes in cycles, these cities in Tamps are like a time bomb for the most part. Sometimes it erupts and we never hear about much because of the media blackouts.

    2. Matamoros cdg seems more stable now after they killed el gordo cherry

    3. Matamoros CDG leaders C1 & R1 are just like M3 & Osiel was to his people. Both C1 & R1 are loyal & respectful to their 35 "Sicarios" he follows the codes El Sr. Osiel had. El coss & Toro screw Reynosa up big time. El Coss killed M3 & blame R1 & started the War with the Cardenas & all of Matamoros & after all that mess Reynosa hasn't been the same. C1 & R1 are pretty much the real hope CDG needs to be stable ones again.

    4. Same goes for the zacatecas CDG, F1 likes to keep his plaza calm to keep the money flowing

    5. Whoever pays more to francisco javier garcia cabeza de vaca que es puro güey, a panista who has been a priista all his motherfacking life, a policia federal, and now has his former compadres in tamaulipas working as his personal polesia delictiva estatal as governor, he the boss, cleaning out the guys that put him there as governor is job #1 now.

  12. Metro 3 was boss of los Metros?
    what happened to R1 he was in charge of Zetas and Cdg assasins under Osiel Cardenas

    1. El Coss & Toro killed M3 & blame it on R1. R1 is in Matamoros with C1.

    2. El Toro killing M3 where did you hear that?

    3. 11:44 hey! Luck is 90% cold bood murdering and only 10% luck.
      All mafiosos better hold on tight to their tangas y si no train pos de los chones de sus agüelitas, pelenesen pal DF.

    4. 1:28 There is stuff that shouldn't be out there but yes it true. El coss took full advantage of the situation M3 & R1 was in. They where both arguing for a part of Reynosa & that's when coss seen the open window & went in. El toro was just a 35"Sicario".

  13. In the video have they murked someone or picking their people up?And many say these guys got no balls,fuck outta here.If they run into a patrol,kill or be killed end of story

  14. Rat fucking Bastard Jessi. U ratted Toro out. Burn inhell mmutha fucker

    1. Fuck el Toro & M43 he is part of the reason Reynosa is all messed up. Toro is the definition of a Rat & traitor.

    2. What happened to Osiel's next of kin and other relatives? Rumor has it they strong but that they running veracruz...

    3. Osiel's nephew is in charge of Matamoros!!! Got family there and everything is good not like Reyno

  15. Didn't the marina receive 3 million per month from toro for protection?

  16. There's a new video from Gama-1 (Gama-3 right hand) offering some big amount of money to the people of the Toros faction to kill Betito,Panilo,and other Metros under Betitos command. There's also a audio of Betito offering money to kill Gama-3, Gama-1, etc.

  17. Anyone know what happened with Anzalduas bridge yesterday? It looked like ot was on fire.

  18. Lmao!!!! $3million a month !! Lmao .. Sinaloenses won't even get out of bed for $3million a month... and these illiterate bastards killing each other for scraps ... you know the money is from extorting taxi drivers, eloteros, boleros, and elementary schools and not from pushing dope .. if it were from pushing dope the figure would be more like $3 million pesos not dollars, lmao .. we all now CDg is a nickel and dime cartel compared to the others ... even Michoacános have more brains and balls than golfitas and zebritas

    1. @9:54 you're fucking funny. I personally know of ppl trying to move in onto Houston CDG/Zeta territory. They rather risk a 10 hour trip through Texas than to go through Tamaulipas. Take that bullshit duffel bag back please.

    2. Golfos are pretty strong behind the scenes

    3. You make for a great cheerleader.

    4. There's a lot more than 3million a month in a frontera like Reynosa. I think that amount is low I know people who are small fish in a pond who move hundreds of thousands worth in product per week.They work independently, they pay the plaza boss couta per kilo. The plaza boss moves his product, charges all the other dealers to move through his city, including the stolen combustible sales which prolly make 1or2 mill by itself and all the local drug stores plus human trafficking which is huge in the rio grand valley. Before you speak up, read up please

    5. @ 8:09
      Sonora moves a lot more than silly ass tamps.
      Esa raza de la Phenikera esta pesada .. I suggest YOU read up!

    6. Don't get in your feelings 12:26 and start mixing shit up we talking about about Mexican border cities. Por k si a esas vamos compa San Antonio y Houston son mucho mas grande k Phoenix y toda la costa del golfo por el lado de Estados Unidos está inundada de drogas. A mi no me vas a contar de esto que yo en andado desde matamoros tamps hasta Tijuana baja.

    7. @4:21 entonces con mas razon as de saver que en califas se mueve mas merca que todo el golfo junto.. y que Juarez, Tijuana y hasta Mexicali son mas chingonas por el puro hecho de que hay chingos de tuneles por done puedes pasar cantidad de Merca y sin tener que mocharte con las aduanas.. en Tamal-iPas no existens tuneles por que esta el Rio bravo asi que no sueñen con que muy chingones pal narco ... conformense con ser polleros y secuestradores.. ratas y basura de la peor...

      Puro Zacatecas

  19. Ivan Archivaldo makes 7 million off weed sales just in Culiacan

    1. Awww really??? What makes them special? They still have been fighting like animals killing each other same way these idiots from Reynosa do

  20. Let all the animals kill each other no one needs these scum bag losers they're better off dead. A good criminal is a dead criminal. Keep up the good work.

  21. yo siempre he vivido aqui en la Reyna.. y la neta es que esta peor hoy en dia que hace tres años cuando el gringo y el pelon se enfrentaron.. aqui la gente cuenta mucha mentira.. pero es la mera neta que convoys del cartel de sinaloa andan en la ciudad.. pero no se sabe si estan apoyando a los metros o la gente de matamoros.. o talvez van a pactar con el bando que gane

    1. @7:35 son de los carteles unidos y vieja escuela.R1 y C1..los mejores

  22. El r-1 ase mucho k lo mandaron al infierno.asta cuando gente De mi Mexico querido vamos aguantar a estos no quieren pelear entonces denunsien cuando vean a los malandros. At. Zetas y cdg son la mismo popo


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