Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Only 16 bad guys left on most-wanted list

Posted by DD for Borderland Beat from material from Milenio and Mexico News Daily 

Ismael El Mayo Zambada still free
 Based      on a report by the Attorney General of the Republic, 106  offenders, all drug traffickers, they were located in 4 1/2 years,   Fourteen of those were shot and killed by the Federal forces and the report said the other 92 were behind bars. 

Los Zetas has been hit the hardest by Peña Nieto’s strategy: 44 of its highest ranking members have been apprehended and five have been killed.     Arrests that most stand out against Los Zetas are the brothers Miguel Ángel and Oscar Omar Trevino Morales, the Z-40 and the Z-42, respectively, considered the supreme leaders of the cartel. 

Of the 16 remaining free out of the original 122 "most wanted" by the federal Government, only two names are public:    Ismael El Mayo Zambada and Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, leaders of the  Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación cartels, respectively.  

The biggest hit against the Sinaloa Cartel was the arrest on two occasions of founder and leader Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera, extradited earlier this year to the United States.

Twenty more of its members have also been arrested or killed, including one of its most violent chieftains, Gonzalo Inzunza Inzunza, who was slain on December 2013 in Puerto Peñasco, Sonora, the case that led  the DEA to deliver it's first decorated purple heart to two Mexican, agents of the Federal Police, who were seriously injured in the clash.   

Four members of the Gulf Cartel have also been arrested since 2012, while Galdino Mellado Cruz was shot dead during a confrontation. Mellado, a former member of the Mexican Army, was an early member of Los Zetas, known for recruiting former soldiers.

Five members of the Beltrán Leyva Organization have also been apprehended or killed, including Juan Francisco “H2” Patrón Sánchez and Daniel Isaac “H9” Silva Gárate, who according to PGR were the leaders of the organization.

The Juarez cartel lost its leader Vicente Carrillo, the Viceroy, brother of the deceased capo Amado Carrillo, the Lord of heaven; also captured his brother Esteban Alberto Carrillo, the Ugly Betty, as well as five other operators.   

Nazario “El Chayo” Moreno González, leader and founder of one of the most violent organizations, Los Caballeros Templarios, and of La Familia Michoacana was killed in March 2014, while his second-in-command, Servando “La Tuta” Gómez Martínez, was arrested by the Federal Police.

The government has refused over the years to release the names on the list of 122 "most wanted" because it claimed that much of the list should remain classified “so as not to compromise ongoing operations and investigation by national security personnel as well as joint operations with international organizations.”

Government officials also believe that releasing the information could reveal the depth of the intelligence gathered thus far and perhaps help cartels and capos take measures in response, such as plastic surgery. It could also prompt violence between cartels if rival gangs don’t know the hierarchy of their competitors.

The report stated that the government had achieved a 87% success in achieving the goal set forth in EPN's  strategy arresting 122 leaders of organized crime or gangs announced in 2012 shortly after his election. 

However those success numbers are somewhat misleading in that over the intervening years the list had shrunk to 30 "priority targets".   Big names that were removed from the list are Sinaloa cartel under boss Juan Jose Esparragoza, alias “El Azul,” Juarez cartel leader Juan Pablo Ledezma, Knights Templar leader Ignacio Renteria Andrade and La Linea boss Juan Pablo Guijarrillo Fragozam.

Of the 16 remaining free out of the original 122 "most wanted" by the federal Government, only two names are public:    Ismael El Mayo Zambada and Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, El Mencho, leaders of the  Sinaloa and Jalisco Nueva Generación cartels, respectively.  

The report did not include any mention of new leaders that might be a priority due to realignment of cartels and the formation of new cartels or gangs.

As the most-wanted list dwindles, however, criminal violence has been on the rise, particularly in the form of homicides related to organized crime.

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  1. El Chapo is not The Founder of Sinalo Cartel
    -El Blanco Nieves

    1. So who supposedly do you think was the founder?

    2. Blanco your profile says you're a bit overweight. Can you confirm this 4 us. Dont take this as sarcasm either. - Sol Prendido

    3. Just because the media outlets claim chapo to be the founder doesnt make it true. The federation started in 2004 when rodolfo carrillo fuentes got wacked. The man that setup the meeting was azul. All the major drug lords from sinaloa decided that joining forces would be more lucrative for buisness. Chapo is and always had been the leader of his faction while all the other druglords were leaders to theirs respectively.

    4. @12:39 Not exactly. The Federation was started by Amado Carrillo. If you'll remember back in the mid 1990s there was no Sinaloa Cartel, it was the Juarez Cartel and they were the Federation. Azul, Mayo, Chapo, Arturo Beltran, etc were all under Amado. Then when Amado died, the center of power coalesced in the Sinaloa Capos. Chapo wanted to use the Juarez Plaza and this cased a split. The Federation was now Chapo, Azul, Mayo, Arturo etc and the Carrillos were out. So the Federation was the Juarez cartel under Amado and then became the Sinaloa cartel when he died in 1997.

    5. I thought the Sonora plaza was given to El Chapo when AFO got Tijuana and ACF got Juarez. El Chapo along with Guero Palma and Adrian Gomez thought it was safer to operate out of Sinaloa so hence the Sinaloa Cartel was born. Chapo was his own boss once the Guadalajara Cartel was broken up.

    6. 1:36 u got some wacko comments.. The federation began when dark vador betrayed yoda.. And decide to hang Solo with the emperor.. Daha

    7. I have always been under the impression that it started with Miguel Felix Gallardo. Guadalajara at the time but most of them we're if not all from Sinaloa.

    8. Well the founder were chapo and guero later zambada joined. What is called sinaloa cartel but as way back all could work any plaza. Arellano started the plaza tax. When the gringos started naming cartels they named it for chapo like thst. Before were called groups.

    9. Sinaloeses have always been the essential part of the cartels at the top, in califas, guadalajara, cd juareeez, , but the big great bosses have always been chilangos and politicians 5hat always betray their narco-puppets, except for carlos salinas de gortari and his partners in tamaulipas Jun n Almont and juan garcia abrego, childhood friend of Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni who grew to be commander of the federal police, help murder pablo acosta in Ojinaga, be DEA pullet, and get murdered in texas, but he died a millionaire, also arrested don neto and miguel angel felix gallardo.
      Los Sinaluenses siempre son gatos callejeros comparados con sus patrones owned by foreign banksters.
      Caro quintero may be in the list, I wonder if felix rodriguez mendigutia alias "nax gomez has ever been wanted by the mexican governme t, after all, dea agents have accused him of ordering the kidnapping, torture and murder of Kiki Camarena and Manuel Bartlett of helping carry out the orders of his amos. Then there is lt.col. Oliver North, John Hull, other iran contra conspirators whose cocaine trafficking through mexico to the US is well documented but has never been prosecuted. 5he there is the panamá investors, the Cayman Islands banksters and their magical money...
      These little mexican narquitos "without a name", fail to tickle, really,

  2. Read this on Mexican News Daily .
    Glad you posted.
    Question is why are only 2 names officially public? Who re the rest of individuals who have made the honors of sharing this prestigious title?
    How are the good citizens to be aware or vigilant of such individuals?


    1. @7:01 the answer is in the article, so clearly you didn't read it or comprehend it

    2. 4:05 the mexican government does not want the wrong people to get involved and rob them of the rewards and the bounties for capturing the mexican narcos before it's time and then clean their bank accounts before mexican police officers get their claws on the narco assets. Capisci Gomba?

  3. I'm curious to see el mayo capture I'm mean his history is gold that man is a legend a man of respect

  4. Was Dr. M on that list? What a mess DOWN there!

  5. Off topic(but a cautionary tale of a young halcon)who paid the ultimate price in this "war" between the Metros and Gama 3

    1. Just the same old story about another halcon who gets killed. BTW Matamoros is beating the hell out Toros crew. Matamoros CDG is the strongest since Cortez took over.

    2. I hear matamoros is the safest its been in that true..

    3. what ever happened to escorpion 2. i remember reading back in the day how tony and his escorpiones went heads up with zetas and marines for a whole month before they caught up to them. i also remember something like tony and his crew not being like by the rest of cdg.

  6. Just returned from BCS and things are jumping with the Navy down south.

  7. The list is a joke. You would have to add 2 names for every one caught that filled the power vacuum. It never ends for the most part. This was PR stunt but without real merit and it is one of things that politicians/governments do to justify a war without end. The US did this with the Iraqi’s most wanted playing card crap and we all see how that war has worked out. Ask ISIS, Al Qaeda and the other groups that filled the void on how effective that strategy was.

    1. You don't say! So Mexico is using the blueprint provided by the USA

    2. I'm sure certain revisions were made to keep those government officials from such unwanted scrutiny.
      Only in Mexico baby!


  8. Great news!!!

    Judging by the fact that there is almost no more violence and that the flow of drugs and the consumption thereof has been reduced dramatically it seems as if the 'Kingpin-Strategy' and the WoD is really working!

    Congratulations to all involved in making a fortune selling arms, filling up the prisons, collecting bribes and laundering money (banks) from behind their comforatble desks.

    1. The war for the drugs has produced a few billionaires, but few successes,

    2. 10:18 DOUBLE DIPPING is the reason, stealing the WOD budget and keeping your narcos "producing" is the name of the game.

  9. Tamps has been on fire for ocer a week and barely a mention of it on here... BB please give it some coverage

    1. 10:55 report, don't.complain.

  10. El M GRANDE. will be the last man standing. He eventually gone dissapear some time in the next 5 years. Never to be apprehended.


    1. El hippie is a famous gunman at the orders of MZ you sir are an impostor

    2. Am just california kid with my parents from sinaloa...

      El HIPPIE

    3. 5:37 If we could only know how many "el hippies" are still out there... not counting those that became millionaire yuppies or reactionary disenchanted red neck sell-out RINOS.

  11. New video out today showing MX army element shooting detainee in the head in Palmarito, Puebla, following violent clash there earlier in the month where 10 were killed, including four Army:

  12. You think it's best to officially publicate these individuals. May help Mexicos ratings from being the second deadliest country in the world.
    Mexican government can use all the assistance possible. That is of course If any such intentions of curbing violence is priority.


    1. Every news outlet in Mexico is covering this extrajudicial killing, and I mean all of them.

    2. Glad to see the media exposing such behavior from military personnel. Let's just hope that justification can be merited for such or prosecution if seems warranted..
      There are always 2 sides of the story.


    3. 1:47 The mexican army has its doubts, as usual...
      The department of defense concurs.

  13. Is Enedina AF still operating the AFO or she retired?

  14. So Chapo Isidro is not on the list? Damm that guys good back then all Los Mochis an north Sinaloa was hot, looks like being low key has its benefits

  15. was on the DEA website and saw that el mayito gordo was still on the list. not sure if he's still on because he's not in their custody or for other reasons...

    1. This is right, I saw the same thing few months ago.

  16. Reynosa is literally a war zone since last Tuesday..

  17. All ends eventually. Give it time. Rotten game with money for nothin'!


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