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Thursday, June 22, 2017

" El Cenizo " Arrested in Michoacán, Leader of the Caballeros Templarios

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Debate

WANTED : "El Cenizo"
Michoacán.- On Wednesday morning, June 21, the arrest of Ignacio Andrade Rentería, alias El Cenizo, in Parácuaro, was confirmed. The action was coordinated between the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena) and the Attorney General's Office (PGR).

CAPTURED: "El Cenizo"
The information on the capture of one of the most powerful criminal of Michoacán, after the fall of Servando Gómez Martínez alias "La Tuta", former leader of the organization Knights Templar  (Caballeros Templarios) in 2015, was confirmed by the PGR.
WOUNDED: " El Cenizo"
Shoot Out
Authorities moved into the community on September 1, where they had intelligence information about the presence of the criminal cell that supposedly was in charge "El Cenizo" aka "Nacho" Rentería.
The locality deployed the troops that at one point were attacked by gunfire and immediately repelled bullets detonated by the gunmen.
In the fray two soldiers were injured and were carried off for medical attention. The officers managed to retract several gunmen and in the end as a result of the operation  "El Cenizo" was apprehended.
This was the plaza chief of the municipality of Múgica, and also the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación.

Andrade Renteria was injured and was treated at the Regional Hospital of Apatzingán. Both were transferred to Morelia by air for presentation to the Attorney General's Office.
A security operation was implemented in the state against possible actions (disturbances) on the part of the criminals by the capture.

 Daniel Rubio Ruiz, aka "El Cabezas", CNJG also Captured 
"El Cabezas"
In this regard, the governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, in his Twitter profile, sent a message congratulating the Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena) and the Secretary of Public Security of Michoacán for arresting "one of the Main Objectives in our security strategy ". He stressed that they will continue to work "without respite or rest for the safety of the Michoacans".
Gov of Michoacan, Silvano Aurelos Conejo
Morelia, Michoacan after being arrested in the municipality of Parácuaro by members of the Ministry of National Defense and Police Michoacán , Ignacio Andrade Renteria, "El Cenizo" , leader of the criminal group "Knights Templar" and one of its operators, Daniel Rubio Ruiz, "El Cabezas" , were transferred to the premises of the Delegation in Morelia of the Attorney General's Office. (PGR)


  1. el cenizo look like he'd be apart of el tequileros crew. gawd michoacanos are so uglaay (not all)

    1. those nalgona michoacanas though

    2. I know me a flaquita Michoacana...
      Not everythno is abut the junk on the trunk,
      She left me a book of poems when she left.

    3. Don't hate lol my man is extremely handsome and he's from Michoacan

    4. First off:
      Cenizo tienes el culo
      Cabeza? "Me sobas"

      El Pingüino

    5. 5:46 you are just extremely needy,
      men too, 3 or 3 beers make any woman. Look 10 times better.

  2. These pieces of crap need no medical attention. They need to bleed out. Fucking scum

    1. 11:35 you don't behave like an immoral criminal without ethics just because your employer allows or demands, it.
      I wonder where you learned your " Military Philosophy", I am sure it includes rape as part of the bounty...any age 'enemy'...

  3. It is interesting to note, that is governor, of the PRD party, is going to take a leave of absence and attempt to be the candidate for the PRD party for the 2018 Presidential election.

    1. That will give Michoacán 6 Governors in 5 years. Godoy, Fausto, Reyna, Jara, Silvano and then the next guy.

    2. He was duly elected. The terms are 6 years. So while he is taking a leave of absence, he will still be paid his salary. Nice program, right? And after he loses the Presidential election, which he will, he will go back to be governor again (unless something scathing comes out on him and he resigns for "health" reasons.)

    3. Silvano aureoles Conejo "el que se hace pendejo" is working to fracture the opposition, get some votes from Lopez Obrador, help "El PRIISTA ELEGIDO" and go back to sucking ass for epn and co. We've come a long way since carlos salinas de gortari had more than 500 Cuauhtemoc Cardenas campaign workers executed or disappeared but still had to "break the system" to steal the election in cahoots with the PANISTA PANOCHOS...

  4. Don't believe it was wise to Twitter a congratulations for such apprehension. Sure retribution will be evident.
    Unfortunately such a pattern to intimidate those responsible for such apprehension is well known.
    Let's just hope security measures are in place.
    Nevertheless great job. But more apprehensions are needed for a safe Mexico.


    1. There will be no retribution, this happened to make peace

    2. 12:45 the good thing about "his" tweets is that you can track them to the source, el peinta is used to plagiarizing all his original writing

  5. So I'm confused, is the CT with cjng now? But yea, this was a big fish, he goes back to being plaza boss for La Familia Michoacana. Damn, cjng are super bussy trying to take over Michoacan, Tijuana , veracruz and baja California. Not a fan but that cartel is no joke when it comes to taking over plazas.

    1. CT is not with CJNG el cenizo was CJNG not CT.

    2. 10:43 he was CT 100% not CJNG, mugica is templario/viagra territory, plus an alliance with the CJNG and CT is like saying an alliance of sinaloa cartel and zetas is a thing of possibility. templarios and jalisco are natural enemies

    3. 11:54 He was 100% CJNG with Migueladas ect and El Abuelo Farias ect. CJNG is starting to lose in Michoacan as the goverment only wanted to regain control of Michoacan another deal was made and more betrayals will happen. I don't even think the majority of criminals actually know what is happening there it's a massive pile of shit. Someone needs to come in there and kill even as every group has bad habbits that they can't get rid of.

    4. Cjng is getting more ground in michoacan, it's Mencho's birth plaza and he wants that plaza bad. I am sure he will get it eventually, he's the best at taking plazas. No other cartel has taken that many plazas as Mencho.

  6. ahora si vas a sentir la riatona mencho ya va el babay ahora el cabezas ya esta arta la gente de tus manosadas poquito por poquito van an a ir callendo bola de ratones ATTE: LO QUE MAS IMPORTA

    1. lol those guys a 100% dispensable to Mencho, not a big hit at all

  7. Do you think the government would really pay the 10,000,000.00 pesos to someone. They would probably say a family member turned them in before the actual person that did it was paid.

    1. I:22 pos a Güebo,ariselaor ales y "la señora Wallace" used to finger people and collect rewards all the time, the presumed accused criminals did not have to be criminals or anything, all they had to do was get cogidos y se chingaron.
      Governor fidel herrera beltran, z1 #2 also had his wife win the ational Lottery like 5 times...
      EPN SURE will want to get paid his 10 million DOLLARS,
      you may have been thinking peisos...sorry honey

  8. So he was a templario that became a cjng?

  9. Y este tlacuache cuantos narco jrs dejó eh?

  10. Aside from missing a 'Hair Colour for Men' treatment Captured 'el Cinezo ' looks like his Wanted pic. Often these guys look chubbied up and bloated when arrested and not like their Wanted poster.

    Canadian girl

    1. The worst part is to be in a female hspital gown open all the way up and down on the back and no calzones!

  11. Caballeros templarios are seen as a nuisance by the other cartels with connections within the mexican govt. They're being hunted down with the help of a more well known cartel we see on the headlines more often than not. Governor of Michoacan has the audacity to still play "incorruptible hero". Such a fucking facade pa los gringos pendejos que no mas andan chingando porque se quieren ver como los Buenos del mundo. Ya se chingo mexico desde hace rato. Es similar a la guerra en Afghanistan. Pero ay que mantener la presencia de una pais luchando para sacar y acabar con la guerra contra narcos que trae dinero al pais de mexico. E.U. No mas quiere mantener dinero en casa.

    1. Getting La Chapa 2 times made the soldiers of fortune about 10 million dollars in rewards, plus expenses and fees; Dyn-corp,
      Black rock, black water, Black stone,Xe and other russian inspired "private security corporations" are making a killing in mexico's and all over the world with their wars for profit, drug trafficking, million dollar scam against peoples and governments, even the US is not safe from them and their russian friends, they come to "save mexico" and will end owning it...

  12. -Desde Tierra Caliente-

    Tomar el líder es un paso. Cuando llegue la investigación de los chofers de traylors del mineral de acero en La Mira Michoacán para la empresa Mittal entonces llegará un gran daño para CJNG. Es chiste que algunos de estos traylors transportan algo de mineral y mucho mota. Ni una sola vez el SSP ha buscado este problema.

    Para dañar CJNG es necesario quitarle dinero. Los chofers son puros empleados de los carteleros. Algunos traylors van a Mittal. Muchos otros van al puerto de Lázaro Cárdenas. ¿Qué cosas se descargan de los traylors? ¿A dónde van? ¿Por qué es el mineral descargado en barcos de Panamá que van a EUA y Canadá? El problema es una locura y llevar al líder de CJNG es alimento para noticias y política. Si quieres que llegue el gran problema en este momento. Ir a la entrada de la carretera de la mina en La Mira con una cámara.

    1. EPN's government took Puerto Lazaro Cardenas from the CT, and gave it to the marinas, guess what, now they control WORSE CRIME and drug trafficking than ever, and if you see cjng Jaliskas there, that proves even more that EPN and las Jaliskas are uña y carne, stuck like a nail to your finger's flesh.

  13. Wasnt this guy killed or arrested b4? Ke alguien mesplike

    1. I thought he was arrested a few months back


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