Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, June 25, 2017

El Rana, of the Sinaloa Cartel arrested in Baja California

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Milenio article

Subject Matter: Francisco Javier Peralta Reyes, El Rana, Sinaloa cartel
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Bernardo Cisneros
Elements of the Ministerial Police of Baja California detained Francisco Javier Peralta Reyes, El Rana, alleged sicario from a cell of the Sinaloa Cartel, headed by Teodoro Garcia Simental, El Teo.

El Rana is accused of having participated in the assassination of three agents of the Municipal Police in Tijuana in 2009, said Jorge Alberto Alvarez Mendoza, Sub Attorney General of the State.

He explained that the detention of Peralta Reyes, 29 years of age, derived from an operation from an arrest warrant that he had against him for the homicides of the Municipal Police officers Arturo Flores Espinoza, Marcos Samuel Kuk Sierra and Napoleon Garcia Perez.

Alvarez Mendoza detailed that the three uniformed officers were shot to death on the 18th of September of 2009, were found in the parking lot of a convenience store located on Paseo Ensenada Avenue in the Playas de Tijuana fraccionamiento, where minutes earlier that had been speaking with fellow workers aboard their respective patrol cars.

He added that El Rana executed the three officers in the company of another six accomplices of who, four of them have been arrested and received sentences of up to 30 years in prison.

"With a base in the practical operations of the triple homicide, could prove that El Rana who headed the commando of sicarios that took the lives of the three elements of the Municipal Police of Tijuana, utilized assault rifles known as "Cuerno de Chivos", or AK-47.

Deriving from sufficient elements of proof, the now detained El Rana together with his accomplices will be consigned to the 8th Judge of the Primary Instance Penal Circuit for orders of apprehension, who motioned the recall of the arrest warrant, which was presented in 2011 for the crimes of homicide, attempted homicide, intentional damage to property and organized crime.

He indicated that El Rana would be held in the State prison at the disposition of the Judge, who will resolve the judicial situation of the detained, which in case of being subject to criminal proceedings will be carried out under the previous judicial system.

Original article in Spanish at Milenio

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  1. Why not la Rana brother of Aguiles???

  2. Its a diffrent rana and its aquiles


  3. I would assume the others who were convicted gave the information during harsh interrogations( torture).?
    Expect legal proceedings to begin with accusations of hearsay and lack of evidence.
    Despite the loss of municipal officials which is unacceptable, such lenient sentences where carried out to those convicted.
    I find it odd for someone who carried out such an atrocity would remain in the vicinity to be apprehended . Moreover where his name was given by those who were captured and convicted.


  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. lol did u think it was La Rana too?

    2. Haha not if you keep up with who's who. Rene Arzate has never been referred to as EL Rana, always LA Rana.

    3. Is they trying to show some work by snatching of some low level drug dealing duck.

  5. The frog. Need I say more

    1. May be is el almorrana (hemoroid), thats how we called my friend. Now he just goes by rana.

  6. The delay on justice for those three officers needs to be applied and delayed twice when a diputado, senator, judge is shot

  7. Its not la rana brother of aquiles?

  8. Damn cds are going down

    1. 3:31 jijiji, yeah, heheheee.

    2. Yeh definitely it was a huge hit he is one the big fat pirañas out there do you know how many autos, mansions, businesses he owns? Ya calmate yepete...

  9. what happened to the other 2 guys that were with him when he killed those cops?

    1. If u cant read, dont post questions!

    2. Its all in the post above.just read AND understand. 6 guys and 3 cops

    3. it says 6 guys were with him, 4 have been captured, where or what happened to the other 2? are they fugitive or dead?

    4. 2:14 6 + 4 + 2 = 12 guys, maan, that's facked up...
      Nos van a chingar a todos.

  10. La rana is next. These tadpoles are going down one battle toads at a time.

  11. I like how just because whoever typed this called the guy "el rana", somehow that's supposed to be La Rana, you know, the one from the corridos... cheap clicks lol

    1. Have you seen any ads on bb? So they wont make much Money from clicks.
      El rana rene

  12. these same officers arrested chapo

  13. this is el arcy not la rana check out proceso

    1. "Preciso" aka Proceso makes propaganda for mexican politicians, they are the worst of the drug trafficking behind the drug traffickers, they are like russian mobsters that never give up.
      Once in a while Proceso throws us a bone just to keep us busy,

  14. I have some close relatives that go often to sinaloa and tell me that the mafia there is as ruthless as ever little kids pregnant women , innocents , cops , military anyone can get killed at any moment if they cross or somehow get involved or mixed in with the wrong people ... The image cds had is a bunch of BS .

    1. The image CDS has is always bullshit. Just accidentally talk to one of their girlfriends at a bar or cuz at them by mistake and you end up dead. If the family so much as seeks justice they are dead as well. CDS has always been a hell on earth but media censorship (once again by them), causes ignorant people to believe all that crap that they don't hurt innocents!

  15. La rana aquiles brother is a coward both of them tijuanense are some j()tos they stay in sinaloa if ramon el sinaloense was alive tijuana would still be nice and calm

    1. Lol fake News aquiles stays in Tijuana

    2. Hes hiding in the mountains with his tail tucked between his legs.


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