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Thursday, June 15, 2017

Narco Manta in Michoacan, points to an alliance between Los Antrax and Nueva Generacion

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: Cartel Alliance
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Francisco Castellanos J.
In diverse points of the zone known as Occidente, narcomantas appeared this morning pointing to a new alliance of the criminal cells of Los Antrax and Neuva Generacion.

According to Judicial Authorities, the narcomantas have appeared in diverse points of the towns of Jacona and Zamora, where a dozen of them were located on bridges and other public places, such as the Monument a la Fresa, located next to the motorway from Jacona to Jiquilpan.

Other mantas appeared in the community of Santiago Tangamandapio, at the same time as the ones in Zamora were being hung on the health centre,  a kiosk in the community square of La Rinconada and some pedestrian bridges.

One of the narco mantas was directed at Romualdo Albiter Rebollar, director of Public Security of Zamora.

The mantas were removed by police authorities after an alert that mobilized security forces from both Federal and State municipal forces.

One of the criminal groups was founded and commanded by El Chino Antrax until he was arrested in Holland on December the 30th of 2013. After the capture of Chino Antrax, Luis Eduardo Zambada, El Venado, become one of the leaders of this cell.

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. Aliense los q quieran q con la nueva familia michoacana no ban a poder y arriba las pastillas y los lokos del cerro comandados por el señor q murio dos veces y nunka lo enteraron

    1. pastillas a la verga, no podian con el H3 , tuvieron que meter gobierno para que los sacaran del area, cuando oyen que viene el americano los sierra santana le corren, 15 vatos del metieron del CJNG a buenavista nomas a dar la vuelta una media hora y por tres dias ni un viagra se vio de lo lejos que corieron los putos. ya le mataron uno faltan los demas, no tarda

    2. Di no a las drogas we. Ya te están haciendo daño.

    3. This dude is not lying la nueva familia has been putting in work in michaocan they've been killing a lot of menchos guys around jacona.

    4. 3:30 that's a fuckN lie

  2. Fue entrenado para matar, levantar, torturar con estilo
    y con clase,
    patrocino su carrera sus gastos de escuela el señor comandante,
    se graduó con excelencia en colegio de calle con titulo en mano,
    varias empresas querían sus servicios pero el no buscaba trabajo.

    Cuatro años de aprendizaje metido de lleno 12 horas al día,
    sus maestros fueron maleantes soldados marinos y hasta
    le sirvió el entrenamiento y un enfrentamiento lo hizo debutar,
    dejando hombres en el piso con mensaje escrito se dio a respetar.

    Comenzó a ganar dinero y compro un plan de estudios y
    armo su academia,
    impartió licenciaturas en armas, negocios y ajustes de cuentas,
    rápido se hizo famoso y a la competencia la dejo detrás,
    fue fundador y así es como inicio la escuela del virus antrax.

    1. 7:23 se auto-exterminaron los pinchis antrax, ya quedaron en manos de un pinchi changuito muerto de hambre que trai de mujer el azulito comotuculito.
      Ponganse a estudiar y a trabajar pinchi bola de pendejos yno anden con sus pinchis mantas payasas hechas con los calzones de sus mamás.

    2. cayate wey vete de aqui a tu pinchi jale mugroso pagando 10 dollares la hora

    3. 3:09 hahaha. thanks your comment just made my day.

    4. 3:09 ya quisieras, a los mojados nos pagan 4 dolares la hora, pero nos dan una cama en un cuarto para 20 batos y la comida y nos deportan para no pagarnos.
      A ustedes los multimillonarios los meten al bote, les Dan una cama, pero tienen que ser la perra de la carcel hasta que llegue el relevo, les dan sangüich de pink baloney, pink calzomes, sugarless cafe, all free for many years at a time, sus viejas los dejan por sus amigos, sus socios les roban todo, hasta las hijas y el novio.
      Better to live on your knees on the street than on your knees in prison, mi "muletas".

    5. 10:01 No exageres buey. Si los cuernos y las traiciones están tanto en México como en E.U. Ademas nadie los tiene aquí a fuerzas. Se vienen para el otro lado porque no tienen los huevos de quebrar al gobierno vale madres. Precisamente por esto muchos del norte cruzan las fronteras a las escondidas. Para enfrentar la maldad al que ustedes se le huyen. Al final de cuentas la pinche puerta se habré por los 2 lados. - Sol Prendido

    6. Del Norte van a mexico bien pagados y bien tragados a prestar servicios "professionals" asesinando de dia y de noche a quien se atraviese, apoyando el terrorismo de estado.
      Mercenarios sabe que el gobierno les paga,
      pero "inversionistas extranjeros" les pagan más...
      Confiesa, Sol...

    7. Sobre aviso no hay engañó. - Sol Prendido

    8. 10:38 cual aviso? Puro engaño,
      Los mercenarios traicionan hasta a su madre,
      Por ahi anda Erik Prince arreglando linias secrets pal donal' y los rusos en las Seichelles Islands mientras le cay otro trabajito torturando y matando inocentes en otra guerrita por dinero, ya exprimió mucho las de iraq y afghanistan por 15 años de "no results"

    9. 12:45 Apoco crees que las broncas de este mundo se van a solucionar fácilmente porque los pacifistas hablan bonito? Lo siento primo pero estás muy equivocado. Sin querer queriendo uno tiene que a fuerzas atorar le a la maldad. Solamente así es que los mañosos entienden. Ya que andan chingando gente que ni las debe. Y mis respetos para el señor Erik Prince. Era lógico de que iba ganar buena lana haciendo contratos con el gobierna. Cualquier empresario listo hiciera lo mismo. Si te la vas a rifar en el teatro de la guerra porque no salir ganando billetes. Y aunque les duela a muchos de mis colegas el pinche Trompetas me la peina. Me vale madres quienes queden ardidas allí. Nunca e tenido pelos en la boca para decir las verdades. - Sol Prendido

  3. it does not say Antrax and Nueva Generacion as in 2 different groups .
    the Message states Antrax Nueva Generacion. as in one group.

  4. Normally Mexican gazebos are nicely structured and detailed. This 1 not so much. - Sol Prendido

  5. It's never enough for these degenerate losers,maybe if their backed up by mencho AKA "Valencias Bitch" or some other CJNG boss's they might make it untill Christmas.

    1. @7:45 velencias bitch? The real boss was Armando Valencia of the milenio cartel,Mencho didn't like Armando,so he couldn't be his bitch! U guys read that sinaloa made CJNG,fuck no,they got along but they weren't made from them! Armando Valencia use to kill people for nacho coronel,Armando Valencia was the BOSS of Jalisco even while Nacho was their! Get ur shit right

    2. y la puerca es fernandez valencia de los fernandez de sinaloa de don lalo es familia asi que viene siendo lo mismo.

    3. 5:40 o sea la misma puerca, nomás que revolcada.

  6. Could it be that this is just the "new generation" of Los Antrax announcing their arrival, as opposed to an alliance? Unless Antrax are allied with CJNG (extremely unlikely) or La Nueva Familia (and they misidentified them in the manta), it seems more probable that Processo misinterpreted the meaning of "Los Antrax-Nueva Generacion".

    1. I agree with you my friend unlikey sinaloa would ally with mencho when they at war in tj and other place new anthrax group i think

    2. This sounds more likely

    3. Creating confusion is part of the game. Reporting mis information

    4. Zeta tijuana have reported several times that CJNG have an alliance with Los Mayitos in BCS to fight Los Damaso. These alliances happen all the time all over the country depending on the need of any cartel at any time.

    5. they all have alliences at certain parts. while fighting for other turfs. antrax are finished. exterminated.

    6. Even on the US all the cartels and gangs hang together, and profit from it by keeping tabs and tracking each other for a surprise party once in a while...
      The "new normal" sucks, ain' no russian money left over to invest on us.

  7. US's Kingpin Strategy = Whackamole strategy!

    1. 8:28 kingpin strategy is all about Steal and Replace,
      El Mayate was wrong, one thing that changes all the time is the middlemen and their pelagatos,

    2. Who in the word is el mayate ?

    3. 5:15 Pos El Mayo Zambada güey,
      otros mayates 'como túhas de saber', no son famosos...

  8. Sounds like cjng is desperately trying to take out los viagras and ct. Won't happen, anthrax are weak and not even cjng could take them out, they been at that for many years. They did take out a santAna brother but conveniently his killer was captured. Viagras have Tierra caliente ( michoacan side) on lock and from the looks of it it's going to get extra caliente this few days.

    1. Does migueladas have presence there anymore?

    2. 9:29 Pos A Güebo,
      El amo del circo es el ultimo que se va

  9. Sounds like cjng is desperately trying to take out los viagras and ct. Won't happen, anthrax are weak and not even cjng could take them out, they been at that for many years. They did take out a santAna brother but conveniently his killer was captured. Viagras have Tierra caliente ( michoacan side) on lock and from the looks of it it's going to get extra caliente this few days.


    1. "Antrax never died we multiple"
      More like multiple dead bodies

    2. Hahaha that's funny

    3. Antrax are a failure.

    4. Having sex with each other isn't multiplication... Pollito...

    5. 8:34 sech a beautiful name, Asustame pantión
      But these days they don't even have a home, puras mamadas.
      Empty KKK mantas, Wuuuh!

  11. Looks like CJNG is practicing the "good neighbor" policy and making aliances with everyone. Can turn out to be a good strategy. Rememeber the old phrase "keep your friends close but your enemies closer".

    1. Time to kill "el cuñao cuini", after all the troubles he caused with his chaquetas and turncoating.

  12. I'm just waiting for the genetic damage from generations of meth use to take these losers down. They've been dipping into the supply for awhile and its just a matter of time.
    Do i sound bitter? Yes. Its just that these scum have just about ruined everything that was good about Mexico.
    You can blame the corrupt system all you want, hide behind the bible or whatever, but the lives you've affected/ruined thru your power trip mugrero will never be undone. So suck it up, smoke it, snort it; just remember, Your children will pay!

  13. I know mayo offered the AD's helicopters and guns but to set up shop in mich is crazy

    1. Do you really know that? -El fantasy

    2. I say we let miclo kill spider and el Gallo negro

    3. Yes, it's true. Mayo went to Dr. Mireles and offered guns and a chopper. Dr mireles said so in an interview

  14. What if zeta-gulf split never happend

    1. Zetas were needed OUT OF THE WAY, they knew too much,
      Their pretty boy "el Bertie Boy" moreira was dangeriusly too close to the presidential candidate epn, and was to get a highly important position woth him, it went instead to MAO Chón, owner of all the police corporations and all the law enforcement and all the government sponsored narcos and sicarios and private security corporations, good luck with his greedy greasy ass.

  15. Very professionally done like a sportsteam banner.No bedsheets.It goes to show the impunity in Mexico putting banners out like that.I guess criminals there like a higher profile because it's easier to intimidate.I couldn't see in a million years north of the border someone publicly threatening a government official.(only mentally off balance people would actua lly at tempt that).If they did they would be shut down so fast and that's what Mexico needs to do although easier said than done unless everyone stayed in line together the criminals would eventually 'get it'.

    1. I really hope that typing that did not hurt nearly as bad as trying to read/understand it. Get well soon.

  16. This story makes no sense. Something's not right. It sure doesn't look like a manta were used to. There's no threat written to anyone. It's possible this article is confusing some mantas that were posted in Zamora last year by La Nueva Familia.

    1. I agree seems like alot of chapo wanabes. Bb disinforms. Any comment calling them out is deleted

    2. 9:38 you made it this time, just to prove to you that some idiots can be wrong too...
      Man we are sooo facking good, we even have idiot fanatics and followers...hope you are not a stalker...

  17. Antrax should be disbanded already as many leader they have killed n caught.

  18. There is no alliance between them that's Mayo younger hitman version of Los anthrax same as for chapos side

  19. Close to chavinda...where my parents are from

  20. OFF topic, is it safe to visit Uruapan?

    1. uruapan has always been safe

    2. 12:33 carry along your favourite "carnitas" recipe,
      At least they will use it for your last will and testament when they cook and feed you to their enemies.

    3. @1233pm....I personally would not recommended..I have family members in near by towns and they say unleess is necesary aka weeding baptism funeral hospital jail visit...stay the fuck away..they told me is a huge gamble to walk around town cause of odds of running into wrong do as you please!! Sobre aviso no ahi gato enserrado!!!

    4. My mom and dad just came from there and said it was safe for the people who were not in the business. It was not safe when zetas were there and would kidnap shop owners and people with money.

  21. Was chino antrax ever sentenced?

    1. I don't think he's done singing

  22. Wow... Really making progress... This one is printed!!

    1. 1:40 Pos a Güebo,
      Computerized printing is all over mexico,
      0nly pumpkin seed vendors don't know that

  23. They get killed like flys anyways

  24. My lil carnalito told me that el pirata de culiacan esta al mando de Los nuevos anthrax...he also said chapo was a snitch

    1. Asi noma quedo...

    2. Ase wey lo ba tumbar el chanito de culiacan. El pirata nomas se la pasa pistiando y corretiando pinche tigres

  25. NO article on La Linea and cjng alliance. But this shit makes the news.....

    1. Make your own website and post it you crybaby. The administrators live normal lives and have stuff to do. They post what they can, when they can.

  26. Changuito Anthrax escaped not too long ago, maybe this is his new crew? He had enough time to regroup and train his people since he's been out.

  27. I believe the anthrax are against chapitos so damaso Jr got in touch with mencho to get sponsored, but first he has to show mencho something.. his dad was trying to find Mencho but he got caught. Maibe they made an alliance before he got busted

  28. El 20 Pena es lider de los Antrax y se fugo de la carcwl a las ordenes del SR Mayo Zambada .....

    Gente Nueva x Antrax x Acme x Talibanes

  29. Sinaloa been in michoacan forever Los antrax are still giving war and I rather have them the Los zetas when back then they took over michoacan por a couple years it was hell

  30. Cjng can't take over they no state that even su casa now they asking Los antrax for back up pretty soon El Menso will be 6 feet deep Sinaloa don't like to share the cake You Can't beat La Escuela De La Familia Culiacan that's where you get ur narco diploma
    II-La Sicaria-II

    1. Sinaloa ain't shit Any More, cjng is taking all their plazas outside of Sinaloa. Looks like escuela De culiacan needs to step their game up, maibe "how cjng is taking cds plazas 101" would be a start for a good class LMAO

    2. Totally agree....the tweakers can't win against the old school pros. Mencho will soon fall...he may snitch out Mini Lic to buy time, but he will fall.

    3. 10:12 good point, CDS is not what is was when chapo was running it. Cjng is taking their plazas like candy from a baby

  31. cartel jalisco gun man are fat ass with guns they can't control no state tijuana, Veracruz, michoacan,colima, etc are all under war lol

    1. It's because those plazas were controlled by cds but cjng took those plazas from them but not completely. Except for michoacan, they are fighting viagras to get control of the state

  32. The manta is for the new version of los anthrax not an alliance. CJNG already has an alliance made with La Nueva Familia Michoacana. Most cartels in guerrero and michoacan have made alliances to reduce the amount of heat by the government, well except the tequileros and whats left of the viagras, that's why they are being hunted by the military.

    1. Los Miagras andan asustaos, train un chorro mas grande que las Cataractas del Miágaras.

  33. El compa chino Y el jefe vicente ya mero regresan

    1. They both have beefs in Culiacan

    2. Los ratas unidos

    3. Pues si,esos compas echaron dedo a su propio cartel,no te da verguenza decir que sin compas? Son ratas

  34. Los antrax are the most pathetic excuse for hitmen i've ever seen. I don't think they have ever defeated any rival group in their 10 years of existence, they just keep getting killed all over Mexico

  35. Funny name for a cartel = Los Antrax. Every time I see the word I think of the bio-chemical Anthrax powder.

    1. And the old heavy metal band comes 2 mind 4 me. - Sol Prendido

    2. Err El Virus Antrax,kills ?

    3. @1145

      it is for the anthrax hence the reason they use the bio hazard logo.

    4. Son antrax porque se los chingaron por 'antrax',
      Por andar ahi nomás de calientes.

  36. There's is an old saying, if you can't beat them, join them

    1. Befriend. Betray. - Sol Prendido

  37. there we go, homes

  38. "Hello, Staples." "Yes, I'm calling from Los Antrax, is my narco banner ready for pickup yet?"

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Isn't los Jefes currently fighting with cartel del sur in guerrero? Man it's a danm mess in guerrero right now there like 2 major groups fighting then there's a handful of splinter groups while also having a fuckton of sub-groups within each other.

  40. I don't get it. These organizations are gonna end up dead or locked up and then start the cycle again and again.

  41. Anthrax is just the name that mayo gave to his sons to toy around... they are just a bunch of juniors good for nothing. the state police works under daddy's orders they get a couple of nobody's ,hand it over to them and then they pay like 20 K to a band to boast a narco corrido to tell a cartel tale about them, mfs never been to the Sierra and they said how hard life is up there,their Armani panties will rip over there

    1. Though I agree ántrax were a bunch of snotty nose brats that doesn't take away the fact that they were well armed and took care of business. People talk a lot of shit about chino ántrax but the man took out one of mexicos biggest capos and he did it in their territory without a problem say what you want but there is a reason chino got where he was

    2. 7:11 I doubt El Mayate has the sophistication or the interest on contemporaneous shit like antrax, anthrax or armani panties, that is all on the juniors with too much money and too little brains, ora ahi tan todos en el bote por andar de calientes.

  42. All this criticism and bickering for a bunch of idiots. Life would be much better and fruitful if only such individuals get a legitimate job and and an education.
    But such a notion is far fetched from a government who insists of destroying its country with criminals and corruption.


  43. Slap yourself if you ever find yourself rooting for or being "proud" of any cartel.

  44. Los antrax son pura carne de canon equi en culiacan

    1. En Amsterdam se junta muchos rusos, chinos, americans and even mexicans laundering their money by putting it on risky investments

  45. los antrax del chino ya no existen.

  46. I think it's pretty clear that Ismael 'el Mayo' Zambada is the new 'Boss of Bosses' and things will go back to the way it was in the 80s now that shorty a.k.a. El Chapo can't continue to mess up el negocio.

    1. 11:03 back for the future? jamás de los Jamases.
      The police corporations and their military parnas will not allow it, the middlemen on the ground are them and theirs, and they won't surrender, their masters are their ginirals and politicians, and the courts do not convict the military.

    2. @1103...what!? What fucken cave or moon have u been at!? Mencho is the owner of Mexico, every one wants to align with him,like it or not!!

    3. 11:03 el Mayo has been the top boss since he declined vicente carrillo fuentes 'hope' of bringing him the head of La Chapa.
      Way back in the 1995s after Amao passed away.
      El Mayo agradece el reconocimiento anyguays.

    4. You've been in a cueva as well Chemita. Don Neto is free, Rafa Caro is free, Don Miguel Gallardo is transfered to Puente Grande, Licenciado gets hit all over. Mencho is llamarada de petate, he better align to the real patrones.

  47. 8:22am - no offense but you really don’t understand the basic chemistry of "whose with who" and "whose against who". The belief that there are long-term allegiances and other syndicates that will not work with each other when beneficial is simply fantasy. These syndicates always join with previously sworn enemies and share muscle, routes, distribution, and political connections There is NO real loyalty and these psychopaths cooperate to make more money up until the moment one psychopath risks everything for the chance of coming out on top. There's a reason guys like Osiel are called Mata Amigo by those that envy them and willingly work for them and it’s because greed is all that fuels these syndicates. ANY delusional notion that there is some “old school respect” amongst criminals, “true gangsters don’t rat”, and that the evil acts they employ are somehow justified is crazy.

    Here's where you’re really lost 8:22...."you can understand Sinaloa but Michoacán doesn’t sound right?" Have you ever been to Lazaro Cardenas or Manzanillo? OK…what about looked at a map? LC is the largest port in Mexico and it’s also a quick flight on a Citation or even a Beechcraft King Air that will haul 4,000 kilos to Manzanillo; the second largest port in Mexico. With these ports so close to each other averaging 80,000-90,000 metric tons loaded and unloaded each day, and the ability to truck wholesale to both of Mexico’s two biggest drug markets, and to fly a couple hours with 5,000 keys to one of the world’s most ideal distribution hubs (Benito Juarez Int); there’s every reason in the world every drug dealer in Mexico would want to own Michoacán.
    The size of these ports coupled with the speed you can convert Peruvian fish scale into any world currency from Mexico City makes Michoacán a logistical and distribution wet dream. You have the two most active ports in Mexico near the biggest drug demanding cities, and within a couple hours flight to the best airport with hundreds of flights going each day to cities that will bring $40k plus per wholesale key, and hubs like Tokyo with $110k per kilo is a good wholesale price that people will pay all day every day. To conclude there’s more than a billion reasons a month someone from Sinaloa or anywhere for that matter would be down with wanting Michoacán

  48. 1:21 Good Intel. It actually puts all these SPECULATORS and those that fawn all over them 2 SHAME. - Sol Prendido

  49. @121am...that crack pipe have you supernatural entrepreneurs powers man!!!!! usually narcos are not that smart...they sub-contract all the thinking task to lawyers and accountants...but I'm impressed.

  50. The powerful billionaire rich Chinese wanted Michuacan, not because of the Mona4ch Butterflies, but The Bosses in England decided the name lender would be a third world name lender, India, now Lakshmi Mittal lives in England like a maharajashi rajá, HSBC also moved headquarters to the UK years ago, after 300 years in Hong Kong, "the chicken are coming home to rook"

  51. They still need that unregistered dolla' so the Mexican cosa nuestra will continue to move on.

  52. 5:59 - thanks but its not hard putting the speculating spectators to shame..and here's my take on both extremes of them (LOL):
    There are two polar extremes that make up the speculating spectator spectrum and the extremes on each side are pretty ridiculous.
    The far left side of the spectrum is the perpetual narco fan that romanticizes their favorite “cartel”, considers corridos to be credible news, and considers Tony Montana as the epidemy of success. This spectator wants so bad to somehow have some narco cred but they either don’t have the guts, can’t get the bank roll to invest, or doesn’t have the respect of anyone that could get him or her funded, connected, affiliated, etc. If this person does have any connection in the biz its always real quick b/c they’re head gets so big they get too reckless and get killed or jailed, they have a big mouth so they lose any credibility once had, and the fact they will tell anyone who will listen all he knows and all he has supposedly done; this too erodes any remaining credibility, freedom, or life they may have enjoyed. This spectator also advocates that there is such thing as an OG moral code, and will argue for hours as to why his favorite cartel is the “most respected on the street” for reasons like “because they kill more people”, ”they don’t give a f’k” (not sure how that makes someone a person to admire), and of course “they’ve done more hard time”. Yes this left leaning side is pretty much screwed and a liability to us all!
    The far right of the speculator spectrum is equally amusing because they believe that Mexico has developed its trafficking infrastructure for the express and sole purpose of getting American’s hooked on drugs, breaking up families, and getting young Americans locked up, and because they get off on watching Americans get dope sick. To this group everything is black and white and this person will go to their grave refusing to acknowledge that that America’s voracious demand for consuming drugs has any relevance to why those brown criminals from Mexico are selling poison to destroy America. (note sarcasm) This spectator group loves nothing more than reading about corruption in Mexico and they will on every occasion read a disturbing story about something in Mexico and both believe and swear to anyone that will listen that ALL OF MEXICO IS IN THE STATE OF CHAOS of what they just read, and they really get off (no pun intended) on calling Mexico a failed state.

    Authored at Joes Oyster at 10:14, 19 June 2017 watching the first spectator group described b/f they get on their buses and go back to Culiacan

  53. 1:21 los chapitos had a truce with NUEVA fAmilia in colima and Michoacan a few months ago to go against cjng. Anthrax is with damaso so it makes sense. Michoacan and sinaloa have always been partners with both benefiting from their alliance.

  54. 8:16pm LMAO - that's the most hilarious description and it's funny because it's true!


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