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Wednesday, July 12, 2017

CJNG leave narco manta in Apatzingan claiming it will be liberated soon

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Proceso article

Subject Matter: Apatzingan, Michoacan, CJNG, Los Viagras
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

" We would like to communicate to all citizens in general that in a very short time Apatzingan will be liberated", was the text on a narco manta hung by the CJNG that was discovered Saturday on a pedestrian bridge in this town.

Social networks gave account of the discovery, which occurred on a pedestrian bridge on Francisco I Madero Avenue, at the top of Amalia Solorzano boulevard.

According to authorities, this criminal group is represented in the town by Francisco Licea Figueroa, Paco Licea, and Tadeo Mendoza, El Arabe, supported by other inhabitants of Tepalcatepec. After the narco manta was discovered,, the authorities have stayed on alert.

The message read, " we would like to communicate to all citizens in general that in a very short time Apatzingan will be liberated. Extortion, kidnapping, robberies, arson of local businesses and vehicles, disappearances and all the deaths that Los Viagras have unjustly executed during their robberies of properties, and houses. etc."

"We are going to clean Apatzingan of all these rats that extort tortilla salesmen, lemon growers, and unions and those that sell gaspachos, to them we make a message to the all the government corporations, let us do our work and do not leave. Los Viagras are supported by local commanders of the Michoacan Police and some low commanders of the Mexican army, we ask that you let us clean these up."

"To all the businessmen who, under threats and pressures, financially supoport these lacras, we ask most sincerely that they keep out of our way to make our job faster. We are here already and have come for; El Gordo, La Teresa, Boto, Raton, Nacho, Doroteo, Chencho, Cebollon, chillon, Gaston and others."

Atte. CJNG

Original article in Spanish at Proceso


  1. liberated from whom? mexicans? stupido dummy

    1. From los viagras, like it says

    2. Liberated from people that reads but can't understand what they read, I hope.

    3. DR. mireles is backed by cjng smh sadly

    4. 3:28 at least Dr Mireles is not being backed up by the KuKluxKlan, by the way some "Fred Trump" living at the donal' father's address in the 20's was arrested for KKK activity in the 20's something the donal denies adamantly, but there seems to be news and other paper reports.

  2. We ask? What a joke!

    1. You have to remember these messages are purely cartel propaganda, that gives the illusion of choice

    2. Agree 110% Otis and narco manta's are not a credible source of information, but IF (and thats a big if) manta was placed at instruction of Mencho I believe the cleansing will happen.

    3. I agree your all stupid

    4. @3:44. It's you're not your.

    5. 10:07 you are a winner! You bit and took a bite,
      you are all stupid..

  3. I think Mencho is smart enough to follow the business model of CDS and stick to his trafficking trade so government does not interfere and citizens are not against them. I hope he does clean the rats and not allow his men to become greedy rats after Los Viagras are dead and gone.

    1. Too late for that.

    2. He's beyond cds protocol, he's in a different level. That's why people including other cartels fear him and rather work with him than piss him off, not like that with cds

    3. " Beyond cds protocol" these idiots commenting obviously dont live in mexico CJNG are abunch of low live who kidnap for ransom extort money and kill innocent people and present them as rival cartel members when in reality there just regular people. Mencho downfall will be the fact that he tries to expand acuerdense ke el que mucho abarca poco aprieta ,

    4. 11:05 tiene muchos a su mando y alianzas aunque las alianzas se ronpen facil mente.. todos los grandes caen en el bote o los matan. Don neto y caro se salvaron por que estavan en la carcel por la mitad De su vida y no tienen plazas como los nuevos capos..

    5. 8:10 pos en el bote nadie se salva de unos vergazos,
      ni aunque sea inocente.
      Menos por andar ahi de calientes.

  4. they have been saying that since they started cjng

    1. yes but do you remeber who they said it to los templarios and where are they now dead or in jail

  5. Dr. Mireles got himself involved in a little brouhaha yesterday:

  6. Cjng is no joke, they will have apatzingan eventually but it will be hard

    1. just like they have TJ or Veracruz? lol. Jalisco been fighting those plazas for years and still can't take them.

    2. 9:58 they are in those places already, cjng knocked on the door and cds or CAF didn't want to let them in Tijuana but Mencho broke down the door and now a bunch of CAF and cds jumped ship creating ctng, now cds can't get them out. Same thing happened in veracruz with zetas

    3. I see, "Las Poderosas de las Jaliskas" representing for La Mencha, good job muchachas,
      ora la mencha se va a Casar con ustedes de premio.

  7. After the manga we discovered, the authorities stayed on alert? LMAO. On alert only to make sure they got a piece of the pie and keep out any competition.

  8. We are all aware of criminal organizations throughout the world. But one this is necessary is the tranquility among its neighbors and those businesses trying to make a living.
    Yet it might be propaganda but if the intentions remain as posted maybe then can there be a safer Mexicos.
    Come on let's face reality here the government has yet to stop the unnecessary violence.


    1. You have to's so bad.

    2. Stop?
      the government will never stop their "money making enterprise" as long as they don't hang from a rope from their beloved governments' buildings.

    3. Hombres de poca Fé, entre menos Fé tienen menos se les acaba.
      Pero la perra no era arisca.

  9. That so called "limpia" has been going on since the days of the autodefensas -working together with CJNG they couldn't completely get rid of the rivals then they don't have chance now. Puras patadas de ahogados from the Jalisquillos.Michoacan is not like the other states,Mencho will never be able to go to his hometown in my opinion.

    1. No seas pendejo si cjng ya está asta La Cocina de michiacagada

    2. No sabes ni lo que dices compa, el Mencho esta más metido en Michoacán ni como te lo imaginas. El va limpiar su estado de estás como los Viagras.

    3. Tuta just gave subliminal speech from Altiplano.

  10. How many mantas like this have been hung declaring liberation i wonder???

    1. 2:05 the US navy hung one about 15 years ago, it read
      But US "contractors" with robust compensation packages and lots of steroids and money for their subcontractors, decided otherwise...and it worked, 20 trillion dollars worth of loans have been spent on their behalf, the manta was for free.

  11. These cartels suck at propaganda... They are worse than the Nazis...

    "We are coming to help you out, meanwhile we will kill your whole family if you snitch on us"

  12. Every other DTO is so weak rn. CJNG has free reign anywhere it goes. However, what goes up, must come down.

    Remember when BLO/Zetas were gaining ground all over the country?

    1. Not like cjng, they never had a border plaza.

    2. You're kidding, right? What about Nuevo Laredo(the most important) ?

    3. Lo que sube un dia algun dia tiene que bajar....

    4. Es como las chichis,
      entre mas te las puchas pá 'rriba
      Mas pà bajo te llegan.

  13. What a fucking joke.

  14. Translation: "It's our turn to extort, kidnap, make people disappear, commit arson and steal vehicles. But first, we have to get rid of the other guys doing it."

  15. La Famila Sigue RiFando...


  16. 7:50-Perfect translation!

  17. Mucha raza no sabe ni qué pedo, solo hablan por hablar. Pero el Trébol y sus gente empezarán la limpia y tendrán Apatzingán de nuevo. Ya verán cómo salen corriendo las pastillas de ahí

  18. Has any body been to jalisco lately? Almost have the state is controlled by cds

  19. Aqui en Michoacán siguen recio Los Caballeros Templarios, La Nueva Familia Michoacana, Los Troyanos, y Los Viagras. Todos aliados. Caiganle mariquitas aqui los esperamos.

    1. 8:40 las brigadas del CJNG les van a abujeriar todo el pedorro.

    2. Que se maten entre todos esos chilangos con botas .

    3. Tuta already giving chess speeches in Altiplano, sending subliminal messages to his "troops" or "pawns" about keeping on with the fighting for the king.

  20. la plaza es del Senor Mencho .

    CJNG Fuerzas Especiales del Alto Mando.


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