Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, July 31, 2017

Death at San Ysidro; border officers encourage teen to drink liquid meth at Point of Entry

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat
Cruz drinks meth as CBP officer smiles

Last Friday night, ABC news on their weekly news magazine 20/20, a report was presented whereby a 16 year old Mexican high schooler was encouraged to drink fluid the teen claimed was juice, but what custom border patrol agents suspected was meth. He complied multiple times. Four to be exact.

And within 2 hours he died an excruciating death, after congesting a concentrated form of liquid meth that was 100 times greater strength than normal.

The event transpired in November, 2013 at the San Ysidro Port of Entry.  The San Ysidro POE is the land border crossing between San Diego and Tijuana, and the busiest land border crossing in the world. 50k plus southbound vehicles, and 25k plus northbound vehicles cross the POE each day.  Once ongoing construction to modernize and expand is completed, that number will experience a   substantial  increase.

By all accounts, from those who knew him best, 16 year old Cruz Velazquez, of Tijuana, always was a good kid.  His future plans included earning a university degree.  However, his sister says he had recently begun associating with a group of dubious young people that were different than his regular group.

Cartels recruit high schoolers to work as drug mules.  Especially those with the fast track visa cards issued to people making regular crossings.  Most often they are allowed through without a problem.

In this case, he was spotted because he was acting nervous.  He was directed to an interview area known as “secondary inspection”.  

He was interviewed by two agents, a female and male.  In the search of his backpack, there was a discovery of two plastic bottles, one labeled Apple Juice the other Black Tea.  The agents noticed that the liquid which should have been different was exact in appearance.  Setting the bottles on the counter they questioned the teen about the contents being drugs.  He emphatically denied they were anything other than juice.

So far the story is indisputable by all parties concerned.

But, what the video, without audio, depicts are the agents gesturing to the boy to drink the liquid.  Witnesses say the agents told the boy that if the solution was not drugs, why not take a drink?

Another witness, a CBP agent, testified the female agent was distraught after Cruz was taken to the hospital wondering if she would lose her job for “asking the boy to drink the liquid”. Quickly she changed her story and denied ever instructing Cruz to drink the liquid.  Same with the male agent.  It is against Customs and BP policy to do such a thing.  Proper protocol is to request a drug test, available within a few feet of the counter.   And to test the suspicious substance which only takes a couple of minutes.

Why Cruz swallowed the meth four times, seemingly without hesitancy, is the guess of anyone.  This reporter having raised three children through the teen years, and having been a teen myself, can guess that he felt invincible. 

His brain has not fully developed at age 16, and will not be for another 6 years. The prefrontal cortex is the last to mature and it involves the control of impulses and decision-making. Therefore, teenagers still need to learn how to control reckless, irrational and irritable behavior of all types.  He in no way thought he would die.  He obviously did not know the lethal strength of the drug, or the consequence of the action.  

He was simply trying to solve a serious problem that was before him.  No thinking beyond that.  Sad fact is even if he would be convicted of the crime, his time in jail would have been about six months and deported.  That is another reason cartels select teens.

Cruz was warned by the cartel he was transporting for, that if, for any reason he failed to get the product across, his sister would be killed.  Before he became comatose  he screamed “my sister” multiple times.  As a BB reader suggested, maybe that is why he drank the “juice”.

In full disclosure, yes he was committing a crime, yes he should be held accountable for his actions, but that accountability should not have resulted in the death penalty.

The United States government paid the family 1 million dollars.  No apology included.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection promised the two officers involved would be punished, that it was only a question of what level of discipline would be used.

Neither of the two had any form of punishment or reprimand.

The majority of CBP and Border Patrol agents conduct themselves with integrity.  But, there are a growing number of bad apples, particularly at the POE’s that abuse their power in array of ways.

Body cams would go a long way to deter incidents such as this from occurring.

I thought this comment from a Borderland Beat follower was worthy of posting here with the article.  It is so profound and gives way to understanding that for some, perhaps many of us, the difference between ourselves and Cruz,  while making a horrible decision of our youth, was luck and not being caught and made to pay for our contraventions.  Cruz did wrong.  No argument there.  Very wrong. But so did the BP officers, and of the three only one is paid for his wrongdoing,  his sentence was a death sentence. Paying with his life at the age of 16.  
AnonymousJuly 31, 2017 at 7:40 PMI look back at some of the stupid decisions and choices I made as a teen. With one, if made to pay just consequence, it would have been barred from ever achieving the life and profession I have. I am Fire Chief in a city of over 500 thousand people. I could have been Cruz. That reality hits hard.

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  1. Wow how dumb to drink it. They would not have forced him. Seems he "was a good kid" (16) but not too smart.

    1. My guess is you didn't do nothing stupid when you were 16.

    2. 5:01; This is sad and unfortunate. The 16 year old boy was not aware of the potency of what he was encouraged to injest by USA border patrol and customs. I only hope other young people will learn from this boys mistake, and that customs and border patrol will exercise common sense and use drug testing kits they are all trained to use, and not use young people or anyone as test rats like they did this boy.

    3. Funny! I, think that people that consume drugs then get addicted and more are not that smart either! Why should we not allow people idiot enought to overdose consume drugs at their pleasure? Might even help with population control???

    4. It says the event happened in 2013???

    5. Drink stupid, now your ass is 6ft under. Way to go. Satans probably laughing at your ass for dying to easy.

    6. 7:28 Pendejo Satan is laughing at all of us be careful u or a loved one can be next....

    7. 7:28 you are a fucken moron...the kid was only 16...

    8. I have a bone to pick, first of all the LEO's involved are not BP they are CBP. As far as I know, no Border Patrol Agents were involved in this incident. Anytime a Customs officer (CBP) does something wrong, BP gets named in the article. Is it laziness or stupidity on the journalist part? Second, how the hell would body cams make a difference?? The whole thing is already on video!!

    9. Sad and ironic that this kid was killed by the same poison he agreed to take across the border. I watched this special and I wonder if he ever told the agents what he drank. It seems paramedics would have rushed him to the hospital a lot quicker.

    10. You are correct about the 2 agents being CBP bjut they are from the same agency. yes we have video... audio would have depicted exactly what the agent said...did he say drink it? cams protect all parties.

    11. The blue uniforms indicate customs officers, green uniforms are border patrol agents. Please learn the difference.

    12. 8:35 your not so bright my man and heartless in regards to human life.

    13. From 8:35 To 2:23 oh look :{ You hurt my feelings!

    14. Hey 7:59, I did a lot of dumb shit when I was 16. Drinking Clorox wasn't one of them

  2. Body cams?
    get real!
    That reporter is full of it.
    Very simple stay in Mexico!
    Oh, you're a US Citizen, then pay taxes like those of us that live in the USA!
    Close the borders, build the wall, shut the floodgates once and for all.

    1. The reporter is me. CAMs are cheap and an efficient method of not having to determine which party is guilty or not being truthful. By 2019 they will have them.

    2. Body cams protect all sides involved. those inclined to conduct themselves badly will of course object.

    3. 5:08 Ypu obviously don't live anywhere near the border.

    4. I hope they do give us body cams

    5. Well I million dollars goes long ways. I would take a sip of that shit for that amount of money if my familia was to cash in on it..inge guess at the end he did win at the end..

    6. What ever .border beats is a liberal site cheering for drug smugglers and saying ohh poor kid this and that. I DONT SEE ANY WRONG DOING. He volunteer to take a drink no body forced him..he broke the law he was stupid he drank under his own will. Let him cook despacito.just like the song. by way chivis your not god or the ultimate reporter what ever liberals. ..

    7. Why blame the Border Patrol? The Border Patrol wears a green uniform with a patch that reads U.S. Border Patrol. The guys in blue uniform are not Border Patrol.

    8. Dear "whatever"
      You are ignoring facts and testimony from witnesses. There was wrong all the way around. But you may have an opinion, and better yet write to me and I will give you the opportunity to write a rebuttal. Write an article to be posted on BB. This is your chance. Your writing is so colorful, especially when you are happy he cooked slow. How nice.

      I am not God????? What????? Damn I thought all this time I was. Nor the ultimate reporter? You are killing me. I can't go on. I bet you follow Alex Jones and Breitbart. I am a middle of the road conservative, who thinks for herself, who needs no one to think or speak for me..right wrong or indifferent, you will always get my opinion.

      Border Beats

    9. What is wrong with Breitbart ? I'm just curious as to what your opinion is about them. You think CNN is better ?

    10. Do you know how much trade is involved at the border? To even close a check point would cause disruption. You know how people are about their money. And you want a wall! Please!

    11. Breitbart is very unreliable and unethical. and much of their stories from the street are snatched from narco bloggers. or was, I don't really follow them at all. Breitbart used to be reliable.

      as for Counterfeit News Network I never watch the station. News is best from the internet anyway. Then research important facts ...television news sucks. mostly liberal agenda being pushed and hating on Trump and Russia 24-7 . Clinton didn't get it, and never does main stream media.

    12. Chivis, you sound very much like me.
      I have a very high IQ and go by the old saying.
      Don't believe anything you hear and only half of what you see.

    13. The problem is that any official can not be wrong in these peoples mind. BP and police are free from sin and cant do any wrong because they risk their lives everyday so they should get freebies. There is protocol for a reason and it needs to be enforced.

    14. Sure, all you "patriots" telling South Americans to stay out of USA.. For starters, the drug problem didn't start in South America, it started in the USA. The people who profit the most are the elite American families. They encourage drug trafficking. The evidence is already there. US Govt agencies paved the paths for drugs, they also outlawed the substances in order to increase the profit. Also, you white patriots aren't even indigenous to America. Yet, you idiots are preaching that South Americans need to stay out. Fuck off. Seriously, just fuck off.

    15. Unfortunally those are the first ones reproducing, more money making opportunities for the capitalist pigs...

    16. Close the borders?? Wtf you must live under a rock or in the dirty south get off BB fake ass

    17. Chivis, thank you. You are so professional in the way you responded to that fool's comment.

    18. Chivis, please do not publish anything from 10:38. I will feel stupid after reading any of his writings. No, ve nomas la ortografía que se carga ese tonto

  3. Hey chivis off the topic did u see the new picture of el mencho when he was young its looks like a mugshot and another when he is with menchito and a little girl maybe his daughter

    1. yes...but they are oldies..

    2. 5:37 Chivis you are one oldie but goldie yourself,
      worth seeing every second,
      post La Mencha, please plis plis pretty plis?

    3. Chivis is a racist.

  4. He wanted to prove it was just a regular drink and be free. But let's label it encouraging him lol

    1. But since when did they allow you to get rid of potential evidence by drinking it?..if it were weed would he have been able to eat it? NO! HE should have never been allowed to drink it without them 1st testing it...And 1 million dollars? Life is priceless but his family should have gotten more.

    2. His family would have chosen him alive over the million dollars if given the choice,
      I doubt some commenters' families would chose their lives over 5 dollars

  5. Unbelievable!
    An absolute disregard to border agency policy. And by all means negligence of health and safety measures.
    A young kid with little common sense and a bright future should have had been intervened .
    A tragic death and a gravelly mistake by peer pressure. Furthermore,Irrational actions made by individuals everyday from predators of a drug cartels working structure. Preying on those who do the bidding for their gains without consequences nor prosecution.
    Compensation from US government will not mend the broken hearts of loved ones. Nor ease the pain .
    Sad situation and heartbreaking. But we all know this is not the first nor the last victim of a criminal practice.


    1. Well, E42, sometimes you make up for all your other pendejadas, it shows why you did not really need to quit and could redeem yourself... go and sin no more

    2. Will take as a compliment and advice.
      Guess work and projects were getting to me.
      Enjoy the day.

    3. Maybe blame his mother and mexican drug cartels.

    4. 12:43 do you mean the drug cartels are his fathers?
      But mothers are rarely to be blamed for shit, look at you.

    5. E42, write for BB pls

    6. 3:08 Tás más güey, valeee!
      Please E42, don't, we have enough with a comment or two a day from you.

  6. Welcome to the border. They should change the law allowing minors to enter the country by themselves.

    1. Exactly . A child being allowed to cross a international boundary without adult supervision . This kid drinking poison is a testimony to the fact . Oh yea and don't give stupid children badges like the asshole influencing him to drink poison .

    2. 5:38 After all the money spent lobbying and getting one of our favourite laws passed, you wanna change it?

  7. Good to see your writing Chivis and i hope your feeling ok.
    Obviously this earth is full of people doing bad, immoral, and sick things to other people, and usually they get away with it.
    My question is this.
    Does this abuse leave a mark on the abusers soul or does their spirit get to fly as free as those who lived decent lives?
    Currently im hoping for some kind of punishment after death because they should know better, they do know better, yet they choose the path that leads to others being hurt, in this case, a sixteen year old boy.
    You dont have to answer, its just a thought.

    1. Been thinking this for 20 years. That kid looked I'll poisoned as his body shut down I don't like to think what went thru his head one bump of that shit keeps someone up for days and he had maybe 500 in one go. Damn.

    2. 5:40 forget about punishment on the other life,
      Their conscience never leaves the guilty alone.

  8. Hello! Remember border agents need a GED to get hired. Not the brightest of the bunch. What can we expect. Make college degrees a reauirement!

    1. Plenty ppl dont pass the tests even with college degrees. Unless the standards have lowered lately

    2. Plenty of uneducated people pass the test as well so whats your point? They need to increase their standards cus this display of proffesionalism was pathetic.

    3. Plenty of uneducated people cross the border daily.

  9. Good post chivis, but so damn sad. welcome home,I am happy to see you posting

  10. Hey BB read on yahoo that he was supposed to cross with that meth if not his sister was getting killed in Tijuana. So I assumed that was the reason he tried proving the officers it was juice.

    1. Cruz was warned by the cartel he was transporting for, that if, for any reason he failed to get the product across, his sister would be killed. Before he became comatose he screamed “my sister” multiple times. I had forgotten that part I will add.....

    2. Does anyone know of the sister was killed or not after?

    3. Yeah I think that's what i read that he screamed "sister" and "cartel"

    4. No the sister is still alive, for now and I don't think she stayed in TJ.

  11. They will live with the stupid dudes death in they're mind's forever.

    Worst part is they weren't even charged with anything.. reminds me of Justine damond.

    God bless this world.

  12. Replies
    1. you are an idiot

    2. The US government was the adult in the room, there are rules and resources, the BP facked up,
      , proof, they settled, and I am sure out of court like many polished criminals with union and clout.

  13. Sure the Border Patrol officers knew it was meth. Or they would have allowed him to go after he drank the "juice".

    I saw a report when the testimonies were going on, other officers said the two not only told him to drink the liquid, but were smiling and laughing when he did. they would not have done so if they thought he was drinking juice. some people are just evil and should never have power.

    1. Cartels laugh at the dumb Americans that do drugs. So why can't we laugh right back once the tables have turned?

    2. Very true 7:27

    3. 7:51 laugh all you want, who would want get between you and your happiness?
      But the adult BP agents know they were wrong, VERY WRONG.

    4. Definitely negligent.
      I'm quite positive that the million dollars awarded to the family was not a gift. Rather hush money!


  14. I look back at some of the stupid decisions and choices I made as a teen. With one, if made to pay just consequence, it would have been barred from ever achieving the life and profession I have. I am Fire Chief in a city of over 500 thousand people. I could have been Cruz. That reality hits hard.

    1. Wow...I thank you for sharing your experience. Truth is that many of us, even the most self righteous, could have been Cruz. A bad choice only has life changing repercussions if a person is "caught" in the act and held accountable. fact is most bad actions are not. and then there is Cruz.

      Ignorant people think my article says I am of the opinion that Cruz was an angel, doing nothing wrong. That is far from the case...he did something very wrong... and got caught in action. He should have been charged and prosecuted, jbut he paid the ultimate price. So sad.

      I am going to add your words to the post. thank you for taking time to post the comment chief. My son is a captain and and expert forest fire planner. He is in Norcal right now. his second forest fire in 5 weeks. FF...heroes

    2. AMÁ sometimes you manage look even more beautiful,
      i'm glad I read you, and never mind the embittered pendejos, let them cook in their own poisons.

    3. If we all thought through consequences before we acted then we could live far better lives here on earth. duh!

  15. Its a cruel world, but then their is People who condone the acts of these border patrol officers. And criticized the actíons of the kid with out knowing, r.i.p.

    1. Without knowing what? Please explain because all I see is two border patrol officers laughing at a 16 year old boy who drank what they suspect are drugs and are supposed to be trained to know the effects of drugs , and didnt get their lazy self up to get a test kit when it wouldnt of took them 1 minute . Its embarrasing how the US Goverment entrust such a position to unprofessionals. The border patrol agent knew what they were doing was wrong no doubt about it.


  17. thank you for posting the full video, it really shows the story. about 32:46 you see the male officer handing the bottle to the kid. The kid takes two drinks and seems to ask the male officer if he should drink more. the officer shrugs, all the while smiling broadly and looking at the female. I hated the cold self serving bitch after hearing her testimony.

  18. Thanks chivis
    Sorry bout my comment
    You are not full of it

  19. Seriously if he knew he was carrying liquid meth then he was dumb as hell.i wld of been like nah i got to piss. Also why the hell they didnt just take the bottle for a quick inspection im sure liquid meth cant smell like juice or do some kind of quik drug test. Like the cops do with them little testers that turn blue on the spot if its an illegal substance.

  20. Growing up here in the city of "LOST ANGles"
    We'd frequently go down to tijuas, w my pops and his compadre el Negro. Negro had a pad out there, so we'd go down there in the 1992 dodge van, pack it full of cousins , friends, even the white neighbor ROY would come, it was always cool as hell, but I'd always dread the line coming back
    Into the USA 🇺🇸..we all knew it sucked, if I was lucky I'd get my dad to buy me a "peluche" doll and some chirps, or better yet, some fireworks , but even as a kid I recall that these CBP agents were jerks, unfortunately I have to say it would mainly be the ones of the same race, they exhumed some sort of arrogance, and entitlement almost as if they were better than us, it seemed as if they were mocking us, as u can see in the video . bunch of pricks, unfortunately i speak only of the 85% of the agents I recall, because the other 15% were cool as HELL! Mainly the white agents, they seemed more compassionate and eager to listen, the pricks like these would clown and mock are family, just cause they had a "good job" when at home they were eating and listening to the same sh*t.. well now I make a good living, have a good nice family life and enjoy everything I have worked HARD for. I would like to thank all those honest, COOL agents that were quick to ask us stuff, and show us their guns and give us stickers , to those other PUTOS .. payback sucks.. y'all crying and playing "victim" denying any invlovement.. in the end only the good LORD will judge us, I hope they make their peace..

    1. 10:56 You are very right on many things. I an a very white American living in Mexico for many years. I cross the border once a month heading into El Paso. The Mexican American agents are the hardest to deal with but most are OK.
      Especially the Mexican American women. I find it better to smile and joke with them on either side, and it helps. At least on the American side they do not take bribes and say things I am crossing are illegal. I however dread coming back through the customs on the Mexican side. I have been sent to the main offices in Juarez for crossing things legally and they knew it. They just wanted money. I met Mexican nationals in the offices that were dealing with the same problems. They were being extorted over nothing. Really pissed off about the corrupt Mexican aduanas and being treated poorly. I honestly feel much more comfortable crossing to the American side even if there are a few jerks. But you do not know what will happen that can escalate into something far worse when crossing into Mexico and facing the Mexican aduanas. Most are nice, but you get one bad one and it can really cause major problems for doing nothing illegal.

  21. So this kid brings in liquid drugs, drinks them and somehow the police is guilty? Has the world gone nuts?

    1. Yes the world has gone nuts , if that was your son would you have the same opinion? Your a fool. The border patrol agents could of simply done their job , grab a drug testing kit and moved on with their lives.pathetic how such morally low people can still keep their jobs

    2. 3:21 . This is a world where a known menace like Michael gets killed while beating on a cop and trying to take his gun , but the cop is the bad guy .

    3. 9:29 "what Michael" pendejito?
      The Michael that got shot up with his hands up including one shot on the top of his head? Michael Brown?
      Because one cop was too affraid of him?
      --Please, stop eating cop cachuchas,

  22. Fucking border patrol suck, I know quite a few people who are border patrol agents and to even let him take a drink was wrong......

    1. Customs of not border customs is its own little world of stupidity...border patrol had nothing to do with this

    2. That's true. Customs has standards border patrol, well...

  23. 1000s die everyday from Mexican narco poison, No big show on that!

    1. 3:36 we rarely catch law enforcement officers facking it up.
      But when we do, we'll make sure and bite'em on the ass

  24. Poor pathetic drug dealer. No tears here. How many would've died or been destroyed by his drugs.
    Like all of them they would do hundreds of trips with their drugs!

    1. Probably no one would have died because that drug is expensive specially because its concentrated drug addict would of never afforded it . On the other hand these agents failed to their simple job , they are a poor example of human beings . The kid deserved to be punished in jail but not death

  25. -Desde Tierra Caliente-

    ¿No es verdad que hay gente mala por todas partes? Es cuando mi hija me lee esto y me hago una pregunta. ¿Qué le pasará a estas personas? Si no se cobran, entonces esto se convierte en un problema más grande entre México y EUA. Esto es matar a un niño por la policía del gobierno.

    1. Bueno desde tierra caliente..arregla tu pais primero o mas bien tu estado y luego abres la boca..En tu mexico matan a 100 inocentes diario a manos de narco gobierno ...y si fuera un problema mas grande que puede mexico contra estados unidos??? Ojala ubiera una Guerra contra tu pais me encantaria que mexico fuera parte de USA...para comprar una casa en acapulco guerrero libre de ratas y narcos mata estudiantes...tu que sabes!! Te habla. las novelas de la rosa de guadalupe...sumiso liberal.

    2. Y los narcos de tu pais que le diero la droga? Y los carteles que controlan todo aya y no les bale madre si matan as sus propios paisanos? No es culpa de los agentes esa droga pudiers aver matado o arruinado 10 mas vidas aka, no se pasen de mamones.

    3. 5:19 con ese hocico, te van a poner en toda la madre cuando vayas a mexico.
      Las drogas son otro problem credo por los US para robar a todo mexico,..
      proof: american banks launder all the money and keep it.
      --Lastly but not leastly, your cuntri doesn't want to add 130 million more mexicans to their citizen or vote lists, and all those food stamps and obama phones because they will elect another negro for prezident, or GOD FORBID, A MEXICAN TACO TRUCK EXECUTIVE...

    4. @203 am...mexico no gracias. Keep van a poner En la madre ni que estubiera amarrado o fuera estudiantes como los 43..ustedes solo son bravos con mujeres estudiantes y niños...yo estubo en la marina me la parti con salvajes en iraq esos si son locos y tirando plomo me excita cuando me estan sumbando las balas por la cabeza. Como dijo el otro atrevete para que veas lo que creo uncle Sam y los marines !!

  26. He deserves to die how many kids or adults die from drugs....yes he was 16 but he got paid fuck him die he killed a lot of people

    1. I don't think he got paid , and indeed you are a "CRAZy AMERICAN" one deserves to die at the hands of another human.. unless you're a child molester or pedophile, that's when u deserve a slow and painful death..

  27. Border patrol and customs are two complete different agencies...yes it is under CBP...but office of field operations (customs at ports of entry) and office of border patrol are different entities...with different policy and procedure...rules and regulations...that being said, if these two stupid customs officers suspected it was meth, all those retards had to do was a simple field kit yes this was completely irresponsible...regardless of the circumstances whether or not the kid knew it was meth or not...professional responsibility people! Ports of entry have plenty of narcotic test kits.

    1. They are both under the same agency...Homeland Security
      One wears blue the other green, but they work side by side in the same agency.

    2. OK...noted and edited throughout the article. Thank you for respectfully challenging my identification of BP vs CBP.



    3. Actually "cbp" is really called pro or field operations
      CBP consists of border patril and customs and air and Marine "AMO"
      All three plus ICE , HSI, TSA make up DHS.

  28. Comrad Chivis, your commie ass can keep denying my comments but the only person I care about reading is you. Hopefully my informed intelligent comments can spark a fuse up in your brain.

    1. Leave chivis alone, you loser.. you don't like the site, LEAVE!! "Informed intelligent comments" .. sound like a mentally challenged troll...

    2. Thank you sir.
      I expected many more to surface from the basement, but to my surprise of my commie ass, it wasn't so bad.


    3. Chivis I love your corny ass Komrad, even putin would agree.
      I mean commie, I know you get belly aches from the laughter, same here, you get the best fans and some desperate stalkers.

    4. Chivis!!! This is such an awkward question, but what zodiac sign are you?? :D

    5. En la madre I know one contrarian contrary wise LEO...
      After a while, and after a long time I still see her horoscope, she had nothing going for her, pinchi contrary mary, I was lucky I never gave her a call, never ever ever.

    6. Chivas I love you

    7. Chiva, te tás pasando, ya vete pa la casa.

  29. It is often use as an excuse to say if I don't do it the cartel will kill my sister. BS. Especially because of the amount of drugs. I know people who have done those things and there is a risk only when the amount is great.

    1. He didn't use it as an excuse he took it as a threat to his family. They interviewed another cbp officer who was also there and she said when Cruz was getting more sick he kept yelling "mi hermana" - my sister, and "mi primo" my cousin. Watch the whole program, and I mean everything, it might change your thoughts.

  30. Chivis, How much is worth such a bottle of meth, if they are paid 50$-200$ for smuggling it ?

  31. Great,!! We need more of these stories. The family got 1 million dollars, the trafficker died,and how many lives were saved because this meth got confiscated? Ignorance is not an excuse, money is the root of all evil.

    1. Not a trafficker. He was a mule paid a couple hundred dollars for his transport.

    2. Trafficker in Training...a couple of hundred dollars is a lot when the minimum wage is 5 dollars a day. Ignorance and Greed.


  33. The comment made by Crazy American is cruel because what goes around comes around would you say the same thing if it had been your son or brother drugs are a way of life on the border and will continue after we all die so do some research.

    1. Drug trafficker Oliver North makes his "WAR STORIES", I saw a few days ago his mockumentary about drugs and cartels, he was not reported on, of course...

  34. Those 2 murderers will rot in HELL you can be sure of that. They knew very well that if he dranked that he could die and didnt care. All because they were lazy to go grab a test kit.

  35. Dear Readers:
    after writing and posting this article I received a half dozen or so objections to my use of BP rather than the correct CBP. jI apologize and have made corrections. My guess is that those who wrote in, (manners intact) are BP or former BP. I interact with many BP and, sadly, CBP and know the difference.

    1. Yes, the BP aristocrats make too much loot, and their Union Had to allow second class members, next they will co tract chinese security guards, they do good work for 40 cents a day, but we are working on North Korea, they will only charge 1 cent a week and they REALLY can take care of criminals like the poster robbing american returned brain dead to the US.

  36. Just sad. This was someones little boy. I cant imagine my son being placed in this situation where he had to decide to smuggle or face some sort of punishment if he didnt. Poor kid.

  37. thanks Chivis for being open minded wholehearted and on the side of whats right. i cant stand the people who are saying this kid deserved that smh. he deserved to be held accountable but not death. thos agents acted as if it was a game or a joke in a profession that needs to be taken as serious as it gets and to go by protocall get the darn test kit instead of playing with this kids life even if he was trying to smuggle. this hurts my heart having a 16yo son myself who makes mistakes daily and alot of times makes the wrong decision i feel for his family.

    thanks again chivis for bringing us this story and letting us know what you think.

  38. Thank you..
    I knew some people would react badly against me, and on some level, I get it. Drugs has brought so much grief, anyone connected in even the smallest of ways is going to get little compassion, even a 16 year old kid who has always done the right thing in his life...until now. .

    I did not post comments there were pointless, just personal attacks, bjut there were far less than I anticipated. I was called "puta" "stupid" and much worse not to mention the "L" word (liberal). That is so ignorant. It is not a liberal or conservative issue, it is a human issue. Like your 16 yr old making his daily share, all 16 years olds do. and they test boundaries. and do not think in abstracts. Cruz was not thinking of the pain the drug...the consequences, he was thinking of his 150 or 200 dollars.

    It pains me that those officers said they did nothing wrong, and do not feel badly for their actions. and that they did not ever get a reprimand. That send a message, a negative message. I did not offer my personal experiences with the POE of which I crossed sometimes 3 times a day. But it has been bad. many people have written to me telling me their story of abuse. It will never change with a permissive attitude that prevails today.


  39. Estimado Chivis. Perdóname por hacer esta pregunta. ¿Cómo es posible que un joven de 16 años compre cristal en esa cantidad? Habiendo escuchado rumores de mulas, se les observa de cerca mientras cruzan la frontera. A menudo es la aguila es mujer con una celular. Cuando la persona sale por el otro lado se hace una llamada telefónica. La mula no puede huir. Existe una gran diferencia entre Aduaneros Amerianos y la policía mexicana. Uno gana $ 50.000 Sueldo legítimo. El otro tiene quizás $ 5000 de sueldo. Es nuestra desgracia tener policías que no pasan la educación primaria. Pero tener policía que no usa su cabeza pero gana $500,000 egual a MN anuales de sueldo no es perdonable.

  40. Liberal delusion

  41. All the customs officers had to do was follow procedure and do a field test. They have kits. Instead, they taunted the boy into drinking the poison and then they waited nearly an hour before they called for medical help. This poor kid died a horrible death, his heart blew up. The paramedics in the ambulance were crying when they got to the hospital.
    Put law-breakers in jail? Sure. But what happened here was torture and slaughter. They urged him to drink poison and watched him die. Bad enough when it's CNG taunting torturing and killing. But cops.......
    Chivis, thank you for telling this story. This kid shouldn't have died. They shouldn't have let him die. All they had to do was their job and their failure was grotesque, unconscionable and without humanity.
    And they're still working at the border. Any other bad animals in Customs now know the price of criminal acts against the public: a couple of awkward days and back to work.
    If you don't think that's terrifying, something's wrong with you.

  42. It's not always poverty or threats that make Mexican join the criminal organizations. Kids become addicted and need money to support their addiction. They get in touch with the cartel through the dealer.

  43. dejen de justificar a este chamaco pendejo si se lo tommo fue su voluntad no le pusieron una pistola y le dijeron tomale

  44. How much of the $ million was paid to the narcos for "losing" the merchandise? And how much to save the lives of the kid's family?


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