Subject Matter: Hernan Martinez Zavaleta, Commandante H, Los Zetas
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required
Hernan Martinez Zavaleta, is identified as allegedly responsible for the assassination of a family in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, which included four young children
Elements of the Criminal Investigation Agency detained in Tabasco, Hernan Martinez Zavaleta, Commandante H, identified as allegedly responsible for the assassination of a family in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, which included the deaths of four young children.
According to the investigations Martinez Zavaleta, 42 years of age, ordered the massacre on 24th of June as an act of vengeance for the death of a collaborator, Bernardo Cruz Mota, El Nino Sicario that happened a few days before.
The family, consisting of the parents and four children aged , 6,5,4,3 years old, were shot to death in the Nueva Calzadas colonia, after the events, Miguel Angel Yunes offered a reward of a million pesos to anyone offering photos of information of who ordered the massacre.
Martinez Zavaleta, originally from Martinez de la Torre, Veracruz, is considered the Plaza Boss in Coatzacoalcos for the Los Zetas criminal organization and has controlled this town since 2006, carry out criminal activities such as trafficking of drugs, hydro carbon theft, kidnapping and extortion.
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Slaughtered children in Veracruz |
During the capture of Hernan Martinez Zavaleta, his detention was achieved with the capture of two other persons identified as Juan Adiel Garcia Lezama and Victor Manuel Novales Cano, collaborators in the criminal organization of Los Zetas.
Original article in Spanish at Milenio
More than half of original 31 member Zetas are still roaming around free, not all been killed or caputured Media should put them on spotlight, they been keeping low profile, like el erotico, Z4 Carlos calva, etc
ReplyDeleteThis fucking guy aint no original zeta. He is definitely a piece of shit who deserves to die.
DeleteHe looks like a Politician or an American
DeleteThis piece of shit motherfucker and anyone involved in murdering children, should be lined up in front of a firing squad or gas chamber!!!
ReplyDeleteDidn't the white people slaughter many women and children when they came to the Americas. Not sayin its OK, but they got away with it.
Delete10:27 more indians were killed by diseases and pestilence imported by the pilgrims and the "conquistadorer" who arrived almost dead of hunger and in tattered outfits from the best european designers. The indians that survived was mostly because sexual contacts with indian women spred the vaccination, and nature imposed itself on the circumstances, while God tried very hard to not to witness any of it. Still does.
DeleteI agree it was wrong. If the seats kill ur family it's ok
Delete10:27 AM
DeleteWhat the fuck has "white people "got yo do with this story you hateful little clown.
This is exactly the reason BB is losing readers.
There are no killers in the world who don't kill kids, if they say they don't they are lying. Even back to the times of the egyptians romans you name it any empire when they took over an area they killed all the kids, even in afghanistan and iraq the US military kills lots of kids, what's so horrible??? killing?? or killing kids??
DeleteAgreed with all EXCEPT that the US Military DOES NOT kill kids, personally anyway (bombs and other 'mass' tech weapon accidents/collateral damage aside). This is NOT saying such mishaps are ok, just that they obv happen and everyone makes those mistakes, that's war. But as a 10 yr vet with combat in Iraq,I can say with absolute surety that American soldiers DON'T KILL KIDS!!! WE KILL THOSE WHO DO. GET THAT STRAIGHT.
DeleteNot true 2:27. I personally know a member of the US military that has killed a kid in Iraq. The kids will run up to military personal and some of them are pots really strapped with explosives. The have no choice but to shoot the kids that don't obey orders and threaten the lives of the US military. It's a sad situation.
Deletehow much lower can a person go?
ReplyDeleteAt least one more foot deeper than 6 feet.
ReplyDeleteYAY!! way to go.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Otis
Everybody in 'the business' is an hijo de puta. No exception!
ReplyDeleteAnd 'No' I would not tell them to their face cause I aint stupid, but that is nevertheless what I think.
8:18 A son of a whore is not at fault . Your phase is only a personal insult you can give to a individual to piss him of . Tagging these evil bastards as sons of whores is a insult to a son of a whore . there are many sons of whores out there who could read this and be hurt because you compared them to these evil bastards . Try and be a little more sensitive with your name calling . Now I have the same feeling for these pieces of shit that you do . In most places it is very rare for people to act and feel this way toward innocent children . I just don't get how they can do this . Then on the other hand I feel pitiless rage toward these people that do this and I think I could torcher them .
DeleteSometimes these evil guys just get demonized to get them out of the way, Miguel Angel Yunes Linares has a very long tail too, from pederastia to robbing mexico of resources as a life long priista that has always worked as a politician on government positions where he could steal something.
DeleteNot much left behind by former "governor La Marrana sin Cola" iavier duarte de ochoa to steal by yunes, he must rob plazas womehow.
Manolo Galván/ Hijo de Ramera/ youtube
DeleteWhy waste time and money in the judiciary system. Best off to have killed him in his apprehension.
ReplyDeleteThat will be justice!
Better yet this conception should have been applied long ago . Maybe then such practices would be a definite deterrent to all those involved in such.
What happened to the old code of women and children are to be left alone? The old school used to leave women and children when they wanted someone dead. They would butcher and torture the one they wanted, but they would never destroy the women and children. It wasn't even that long ago that Barbie captured those zetas, who were there on explicit terms to hunt and kill him I might add, and he never hurt the mother and kids. As barbaric and disgusting as Barbie was, even he had treated the wife and children with respect and dignity. He fed them and let them swim in the pool and then even gave them money when he let them leave. I can't stress this enough, this is the family of one of the men that was there to KILL Barbie. Those 4 zetas were sent to do one thing, find and kill Barbie. He didn't torture and dismember the zetas family in front of him, he didn't beat and rape them. He killed the zetas but had the balls and respect to let the innocent children go and even gave them some pesos and the last words of their father 'I love you'. Say what you want about Barbie and his men but that is how every group should do business. Barbies no saint and I'm not retarded enough to think he was, he really had a big part in the whole filming and uploading of the grotesque deaths that these cartels partake in on film these days. But what he did with that family really changed my opinion of him. I haven't researched to deeply into him but I couldn't find another case of Barbie doing that type of stuff to children or women. Maybe someone could correct me on that and I have no problem admitting ignorance. Unfortunately he's an extremely rare person in the mafia these days that still respected some of the old code. He gets an F though for the whole omertà chapter of the old book lol.
ReplyDeleteThese DTOs would make so much more money and less heat if they went back to focussing on trafficking drugs and stop with the terrorism. Whatever way you look at it, these groups have turned more into terrorist groups then anything. They use terror and death to control the media and population into doing whatever they want.
It's also somewhat of a zeta thing as well. Zetas have been responsible for some of the worst mass killings that have happened in Mexico. Allende(spelling?), the 72 migrants, the one incarcerated zeta that dismembered that 6 year old in front of his parents, the student teachers I believe were also 'disappeared' by a zeta cell. Fucjing horrible shit. Mexico is such a beautiful place and it's turned into a mass grave now. The .01% of Mexicans that are doing this shit, are destroying the lives of the 99.99% of the honest Mexicans just trying to live a life of peace.
The less DTOs the better the business, and eliminating each other with great savagery as a part of the state sponsored and imposed "terrorism of the narco", it has its rewards, last man standing wins.
DeleteFeudal Lords in charge should be answering for their
incopetence, that is the state governors, but their are too busy laughing their ass off on the way to the banks and real estate.agents on Niu Yor' and Tejas, florida, San Diego, canada, panama, australia, brazil, amsterdam, argentina, england, switzerland, make a deal and chose wisely, others prefer bankrupt banned and getting punished institutions like Deutsche bank of the US, Cyprus and Russia or the Dutch Bank of the Netherlands, the canadian got burned a while ago, but 5 here are new mini banks getting started all the time,
with clean records, and ready to receive the dirty money.
Most of you people in here do not understand the tactics of war at all. This is psychological warfare. It is easier to fight an enemy who is afraid of you, and if they believe you will torture and kill their entire family mom sister daughters even cat dog and goldfish, they will think twice before opposing you. Don't hate the player, hate the game!
DeleteThe kids prbly had it coming, hanging out with people like that , they shoulda known better.
ReplyDelete9:16 I hope you are being "sarcastic"
DeleteYour a moron
Delete@9:16 You idiot, kids of that age don't know any better and even if they did what could they do, look for different parents? By your comment I can tell you have as much brains as a door nob.
DeleteOf course I was being sarcastic , it cracks me up to see how butt hurt some of you get, all worked up spewing your self rightous bs when in fact you have no idea what u are even talking about . But any way they kill the kids to leave no one to come back later seeking revenge . A business as usual tactic employed by Ghengis Khan and the mongol hordes back in the day . Read a book .
DeleteThe leader of CJNG in veracruz was arrested recently too
ReplyDeleteJorge Lopez aka el Chuta one of the original Zetas is still out on the loose travels between cancun and monterrey and hides out in Algeria and Italy when things get hot with the help of the Ndrangheta Italian Mafia I saw a current picture of him with a cap on.
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw that picture too, how do you know that information? You seem like a guy I would like to grab a 24 pack of beer and talk. Is Chuta considered an Old School Z or his with the CDN? Or he works by himself?
DeletePrayer's for those children's n there family n everyone that has lost a love one in this stupid game of cartels - T P
ReplyDeleteDon't pray, find his associates higher up, like former governor Z1 #2 fidel Herrera Beltran "el tepocate"
Delete5:53 wrote: "Media should put them on spotlight"
ReplyDeleteDear, this is Mexico, not USA. The journalists fear for their lives. They have to be careful.
Yea, in the USA the journalists fear Trump have you see the video where he tweeted himself fighting against a CNN journalist?
Delete5:13 nobody is affraid of Virginia tromp on the US,
DeleteThe press el trompas calls "fake news" is more like nauseated by the big piece of crude ass and more motivated than ever to make sure.he.goes home early on a nice stretcher or a casket.
This is another reason Mexico needs the death penalty.
ReplyDelete12:17 mexico already has the death penalty, if extra-judicial, it is no problem, as long as they can blame it on the biiig baaad narcos, but if it is made official and the law, guess what, anybody will be put to death for any trumped up charges to clear the case load, to shift blame or just to get rid of rivals and enemies.
DeleteAmen to that brother!
DeleteYour right.. Death penalty to the 99.999% dirty politicians
DeleteYour right... Death penalty for the 99.999% dirty politicians
DeleteTorture this scumbag bastard and let him die a slow painful death.
ReplyDeleteSinaloa just keeps winning didnt n never deserve this cowards
ReplyDelete12:17 wrote: "This is another reason Mexico needs the death penalty."
ReplyDeleteIMHO with so many corrupted lawyers, judges, and cops, I don't think the death penalty is a good idea for this country :-(
2:15 como no, applied to the Commanders and political bosses after every violent incident, for fraud and embezzlement, drug trafficking, illicit association with the russians...
DeleteThey would all go soooooo straight in no time.
The old code wrnt out tje fucking window when felix gallardo killed el guero palmas kids or when the sinaloa cartel killed el niño de oro. Or when ramon arrellano killed a entire family because the man of the house a petty weed grower switched to work for sinaloa. Pendejo there's no code
ReplyDeleteA chingar a su Madre Mata niños
ReplyDeleteMuy hombre Cabron
Ojala te violen mil vezes
Must of done something really bad, for them to go to your place and wipe out the entire family, instead of just waiting to get the husband or parents out side and light up the car only killing the intended target.
ReplyDeleteThe sad thing is this guy will be out in a few years, witness and evidence will vanish, and a paid of judge, will grant his release due to lack of evidence, as usual in mexico.
Everyday there is a racist comment against "white people" on BB,and its allowed?
ReplyDeleteMay those innosent kids and theyr family rest in peace.... for that piece of shit garbage that did this and any accomplices may they face Jesus in the face and be rejected eternal life.... padre nuestro ayudanos