Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article
Subject Matter: Damaso Lopez Serrano, El Mini Lic
Recommendation: Read this article by BB report J
Reporter: Abel Barajas
Even though he was identified as one of the visible heads of a new generation of narco traffickers, there are no known arrest warrants for Damaso Lopez Serrano, El Mini Lic, in Mexico or the United States.
According to the electronic system of the Federal Courts of the American Union, until yesterday, there has not been a registered indictment or accusation of wrong doing against the son of Damaso Lopez Nunez, El Licenciado, operator of the Sinaloa Cartel.
In Mexico he was part of the list of priority objectives of the Federal Government, however, there is no registration of orders of apprehension for cases of narco trafficking, nor amparos against capture for crimes of any nature.
There was an order of provisional detention for purposes of extradition. But the last time the PGR carried out and operation to try and detain El Mini Lic, it was not based on an arrest warrant issued by a Judge, but an order from SIEDO according to Federal reports.
If he has an order under seal, Serrano Lopez could obtain benefits such as reduction of the penalty and the cancellation of charges, in exchange for information about the structure of the criminal organization to which he and his accomplices were part of.
If so, he will be under the guard of the DEA as a protected witness, and will have to appear in trials against other members of the Sinaloa Cartel.
Original article in Spanish at Reforma
Saturday, July 29, 2017
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» Mini Lic currently has no arrest warrants in Mexico or the USA
Mini Lic currently has no arrest warrants in Mexico or the USA
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I would say it again is this narco life Worth it at the end look at la tuta , osiel Cardenas ,Chino antrax, now mini lic this people are trash just like z40 who where supposly powerful but at the end surrender and end up in jail cowards because all narcos are only brave with innocent people
ReplyDeleteAnd yet .. you here on the narcos Nuts ... with your Opinion...go to TMZ
DeleteRead the article about mencho almost being caught in tepatitlan and then tell me if Jalisco has a lot of love for mencho "puro pinche jalisco" y de Sinaloa el único con huevos y de respeto " el botas blancas "
DeleteAnd everyone knows CIA has always work with Sinaloa.
DeleteThe cartels are the foot soldiers, cheap meat and 'cannon fudder'. The real winners behind the cartels are the officials bebehind their desks collecting bribes for letting them operate.
Delete2:41 From someone that knows and has lived the interworkings, I'll tell you your 100% right. The families making the most consistent and long term money from the drug trade are not even known by spectators or even DEA.
DeleteThey are only brave when they have several henchmen with them. Once the military is in front of their face they are cowards.
DeleteYou is obviously underestimating drug cartels on purpose. Is them who make vast amounts of cash selling poison, the officials particularly in countries like mx are just employees who sometimes are forced to work for them. It is known that in the past those 'foot soldiers' have been capable of putting rats to serve as presidents in some latin american countries. Therefore creating all that rampant corruption, mess seen in many places.
DeleteMencho was in jail in the USA another coward who surrender he no better dummy
Delete@06:00 you eat government and MSM propaganda for breakfast, lunch and dinner dont u?
DeleteEvery new plaza chief is vetted by the top police, top military and top government officials in whose area the plaza is located.
Each cartel is owned by different government officials to who they pay tribute (or 'piso') and when government officials must 'do something' about the cartels they are sure to fuck with one of the competing cartels to protect their own business interests.
Where is el 15
DeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Delete15 ei5her aligned with Ivan or he's exiled from Sinaloa
DeleteMencho is not from jalisco. He is a michoacano.
DeleteI could prove you wrong.
10:15 yes you could and you would if "you'd",
Deletemister Great Defective Shirtless Gomez
Cartel de sinaloa is so we'll stablish that now they stronger than ever with the elimination of two of them main rivals damaso and Chapo trini but cjng lambe hoyos will say mencho taking all their plazas lol yeah right he can't even control his home town lmao
ReplyDeleteLmao cjng is actually tricking innocent people into working for them. Apart from that, they employ under age minors. No threat to cds empire detected sir
DeleteDid you pendejos read the fuking article? Read it again. Mini lic is going to GIVE INFORMATION (snitch) against cds so he can take out the chapitos in exchange for freedom. Doing it twins style. and That's how the cookie crumbled. That's the new generation of cds at it's finest..
Delete10:23 yes because the top Jefes in sinaloa ain't aware that mini lic is with DEA now they probably gone change everything from Security houses to phone numbers and are gone double up their Security dumbass
DeleteRafa Alvarado Jr
El hoyo te puya el burro de tu rancho por andar de cola caliente vieja pedorra
Delete@8:31 all cartels/organized crime groups throughout the world trick vulnerable (young, poor, abused, addicted etc.) persons to work for them. Why? Because they are paid peanuts and easily replaced.
DeleteEntre Betty y la rafailita, ni a cual irle,
DeletePero total, aqui andamos todas de calientes, pos ya que.
De que les gusta les gusta, pero cada quien su libertá.
They're going to make him testify against El Chapo, what stops the Sinaloa Cartel from retaliating against Damaso's close relatives? The next person they need to get rid of is Mochomo's son Tito, I bet he's itching to turn himself in, unless he secures a treaty with CJNG he's a dead man. Sinaloa needs Sonora and Durango now more than ever, and launch an all out war against CJNG, if they defeat them, expand to the eastern states and wipe out CDG and
ReplyDeletethe Zetas. Hold absolute power, just like how one cartel ruled the whole country back in the 80's.
Bro tito is in prison since like two months, what planet do you live on??
DeleteThey arent gonna get rid of mochomos son because another war with BLO would put them at risk. It wont only be BLO chapo isidro that would join the fight also Carrillo fuentes and CDN so thats why they set him up to be captured , remember Hector Beltran Leyva is still in Mexico and can still organize his people from southern mexico its too much problem to kill him
DeleteI thought mochomos son tito was already in prison
Delete7:40 dude literally what planet are you on now, Damaso clan has abandoned El Dorado after Los Menores starting killing their relatives and throwing them out of from planes. Since he has no warrants he's not going to testify unless he wants to help out his pops by dea demanding he gets extradited too so he dont get put down in mexico
Delete7:40 sinaloa has always feared zetas, they never dare go past cauhila. The only cartel actually doibg that is cjng son
DeleteDid you forgot how did ZETAS kicked chapos fuck boys out from NL tamaulipas plaza in 2006?
Delete10:25 oh I guess it was CJNG who fought los zetas for control of Nuevo Laredo ? Calm down it was Cartel de Sinaloa who fought Zetas in Nuevo Laredo so stop spreading false information. Mostly Arturo Beltran Leyva but still at that moment he was part of CDS .
DeleteLol actually cds fought zetas when the Zetas Where the most powerful cartel they where hundreds of deaths from both sides but even tho they could not take tamaulipas they did hurt they structure but now did zetas take over sinaloa no
DeleteWere talking about the east coast of Mexico that was only controlled by zetas/golfos but now cjng is in the mix. Cds tried but got slaughtered and went running back to Sinaloa. Cjng is the only cartel who has taken a plaza from zetas in their own house
DeleteArturo Beltran took it to the Zetas in their Prime he was fucking them up, backed by Sinaloa before he left
DeleteAgreed letra B slaughtered plenty of Zetas they where the first to get video taped getting killed if you think Zetas where bad Arturo and his boys were worst Letra B respected no one not even the soldiers who killed ABL or the man that captured Mochomo Edgar Millán. They may have kicked them outta NL but they left them scars so they will never forget them. No one will ever hold clought like Letra B. People always talking about how they lost but who else had the balls to move into zeta turf? The Sinaloans say what you want about the new generation of Sinaloan traffickers but the old school ones made Sinaloa a house hold name. No one will ever take Sinaloa away from the chinolas. It's not lucrative? They have the port of Mazatlán, the sierra madre to plant, grow and produce not only opium and marijuana but also cook meth. Sinaloa is and will alway be a safe haven for "narco giants" aquí duras si te portas bien.
DeleteArturo Beltran didn't do shit, he was just ordering homeless sicarios into Zeta's territory and they lost.
Delete@10:48 it was barbie that video tapped the Zetas and his group was called Los negros as their sicarios were clothing black
DeletePeople DO NOT understand they only need the few witnesses they already have to convict Chapo. The governement has too much overwhelming evidence. 1000's of hours of recorded calls with Chapo order executions and kidnapping's is just a teaser. They also have video footage which will be played in court. Cahpo will get 2 dozen or more life sentences for this indictment alone. Stacked consecutively. The US needs nothing from any more informants or from Chapo himself. He will be convicted in a US fedral court. He will die in his dog cage at ADX Florence. Then the ultimate slap in the face of pure and total disrepect his body will be deported form the US and left at the Mexican Embassy. They can take out their own trash.
DeleteFor 8:27AM. AGREED. The US it says has 41 videos alone that will convict him.
DeleteThe only place they faught zetas was guerrero but it's because zetas were tring to take out beltranes. Beltranes or cds never had the nuts to take it to zetas territory. Cjng had the audacity to even call themselves zeta killers. Besides onother zeta take over was in Michoacan when zetas got eliminaded when la familia michoacana was creaded and kicked them out of Michoacan. Michoacanos ain't no joke
DeletePeople in another articlehere on BB say that this guy is going to squeal everything he knows about CDS to the U.S. and this is not true. First of all him and his father were leaders of a cell within CDS and this cell is being dismantled/destroyed as we speak. Second he might know a few names aside from the people within his vanishing cell but to say anything about people outside his cell is a guaranteed death sentence for his family left behind in Mexico. This is from the cartel that claims "we do not kill innocents".
ReplyDeleteThe Jr's used to be cool and hang out before chapos last arrest. Mini knows more information than you think about cds. I swear these cds fans have no brain smh give it up cds is going down the toilet
DeleteWas he some important figure in the cartel? Those are able
Delete7:41; He's gonna "squeal" on whoever the justice department is lacking evidence on and they can present a reasonable case that he had the knowledge he testifies to. Testifying isn't about what you know, or who you don't want to hurt. It's about getting all the concessions you can from the Justice Department to help them get their wins...rather their guilty or not. As far as his fam - he may care about his immediate fam but they'll get protection too. Drug dealers tend not to care about others; hence the reason they have no moral qualms selling dope and killing when it's good for biz.
DeleteHe's was suppose to take chapos throne when chapo went down but chapo sons started hating on him cause he more fame then them
Delete10:06 you must be smoking crack if actually believe el chapo was going to let mini pendejo run his operations. I've seen so many articles on it but its mainly from sites that have no real clue of what they are talking about.
DeleteSe hubiera "Alineado" este guey en Chihuahua y el y sus sicarios pudieran seguir trabajando. Pero como todo Sinaloense se creen que La Linea puro desmadre hace el pendejo este preferio dejarse capturar y dejar morir a su gente que juntarse con La Linea. Yo vivo en Juarez y La Linea ya se compuso un chingo. Todavia ay uno que otro malandro por ay regandola pero no todos son de La Linea tambien son de los AA y Mexicles y CDS que son tres grupos antagonicos a La Linea que causan desmadre en la ciudad tambien. Para que se hacen pendejos los de el CDS que no molestan a innocentes ellos?2
ReplyDeleteExacto asi mero.
DeleteNo vale verga la linea puro secuestrador traen, no respetan ala gente inocente.
DeleteEn Juarez la Linea secuestra a sus enemigos si pero a gente inocente ya calmaron mucho su pedo! Mucho caga palo de ellos los tumbaron o encarcelaron.
DeleteLinea la que tiene tu madre enmedio de la cola pinche paisa ignorante.
Deletepuro pinche zeta mugroso con la L...por eso nadien los quiere.
Delete@8:57 Si la Linea tuviera puro secuestrador se hubiera sabido en Juarez! Ya deja de propaganda para el CDS guey!
Deleteno has de salir de tu casa pendjo secuestros y extorciones es lo que traen los putos linearos zetas. igual que los muertoz de hambre aztecas todos saben lo que pasa en chiwawis no te hagas pendjo
DeleteAn de ser super heroes los de CDS para que haiga tantonlame huevos de ellos. Pinche Zetas ni existen en Chihuahua tampoco. Son puras mamadas de secuestros y extorciones de La Linea. Alomejor los violo un Linerio en el pasado por eso estan tan traumados.
DeleteCd Juarez es una ciudad de mas de millon y medio de habitantes pendejo! La Linea es duena de Juarez! Si La Linea hiciera puro secuestro de gente inocente todo Juarez no saliera de su casa. Pinchi vatos lame huevos de CDS!
DeleteSo will they move him to florida or some nice nondescript medium size city? Will he get married? have 3 kids? Work as a consultant for the DEA?
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell happens to these guys after the disappear into witness protection?
He'll either function as a member of society, very discretely. However he might go the way of Sammy the bull and Henry hill and stray from the righteous path. In that case he's on how his own.
Delete0825. That's right. No doubt bout it
DeleteBelieve that he gonna be living lavage on u.s $
DeleteWhatever, uno que no se cayó del sartén en la lumbre, ni se jué de guatemala pa guatepior.
DeleteBest wishes, al mamason, go and sin no more, güey!
Pemex workers' Union secretary and federal senator deschamps' son happily rides a GOLDEN FERRARI around MONACO streets, he looks like a pinche taquero botijón with his baseball cap, el hijo de la chingada. (Youtube) his sister also lives the high class life, they behave like russian plenipotentates kids, must have some thick investments on luxury towers apartments somewhere US and Europe too.
mini lic is already married with kids. hes married with emilio cazares daughter
DeleteMaldito, me engañó,
Deleteni tempo me dió de preguntarle,
nomás me rompió las medias
y bolas pa dentro y ora me sale casado
Pinchi mini-lic
-El Sol Perdido
He was lost already. he was causing to much noise in tacuichamona he threatened to come after lupe tapia on of mayos top guy causing roadblocks all over the ranch, extorting people, he was already kicked out of el dorado all his people gone he had no choice but to snitch
ReplyDeleteHis dad screwed him, because of his play his fresa son was left to the wolves.
DeleteArriba pueblos unidos compa
DeleteI am sorry that Gérardo Ortiz won't have his buddy around to kick the soap further away from each other, called "Shower Football", but televisa will still use him with Don Cheto and the coronel and Ana Barbara, until la Trevi is done with her. New batch of kids for the televisa pederastas and their friends in high places, it seems to be a great business and a source of billion dollar investments according to Jeff epstein and his buddies, some of them russians specialized in russian minors and teenagers they peddle from ships and Slave Love Islands and Lolita Express airoplanos.
DeleteY nosotros los pobres acá, puras gallinas y burras pardas.
Looks like he put two strips of black electrical tape to use as eyebrows.
ReplyDeleteWhat a straight out bum this tough guy turned out to be. He probably was advised by his father to do this instead of showing us that people from en El Dorado si pelean frente a frente like he claims in his fake corridos.
ReplyDeleteEveryone knows culichis brag more then they are worth. Los Mochis, Guasave, Mazatlán y toda su rancheras have not only produced but shown that they ment business, los mazatlecos, la mochomera, guasave cartel all have died fighting why? Because at the end of the day your word is your bond.
Delete@10:54 They take their chances fighting off the law enforcement because they know the government favors CDS in Sinaloa.
Deletepoor pathetic narco got poop in his pants and runs to the whiteman's country for protection!
ReplyDeletethey all want to destroy America with their drugs and they all want to seek protection there when the going gets tough!
Nothing different than you would do if you were in his shoes. It's all just a big game run my both governments. Too much money and power. The players change but the game stays the same.
DeleteJust like giving a friend a ride to the store, the tales get taller on down the line
DeleteMini Lic is white, also some of mexicos drug lords are white too Mexico is nationality and not race
DeleteLol 858 I bet you carry a size saying Make California Mexico again as well
Delete452 858 same person.
DeleteTanto corridos que traen estos chinolas que son los mas bravos para que al ultimo se entreguen a la ley para poner dedo. Jaja
ReplyDeleteJajaja muy sierto
DeleteHe was facing off against Sinaloa and made him turn himself in. They don't play
DeleteThey threw his family members out of a plane my boy shit ain't a joke to some of these Sinaloa cats.
Delete10:56 but still no que muy chingones, even if they did kill his family members why didn't he retaliate like the corridos say? He just another chinola coward.
DeleteWhat's the difference between a Sicario and estaka?
ReplyDeleteEstaca was a nickname given by Zetas to a small crew of sicarios.
DeleteSame thing just different monikers. Like hitman and assassin
DeleteEstaca is a truck with a few sicarios in it.
DeleteIf the boss says send 4 estacas to kidnap someone. It means 4 trucks usually with 4 sicarios each.
DeleteSome estacas don't have trucks or compas, they are in english a stake holder, a member of the miembrillo.
DeleteThe difference between a sicario and an estaba is that the sicario's machete is a smaller puñalito, estatal train machete and are usually golfas, members of a mexican sect that uses "stakes" instead of "diocesis", their crap is that of a communist cult, and they share the maruchan religiously.
Estacas have better machetes what? Hahaha nonsense people post.
DeleteSicarios are hitmen, estacas is a vehicle with armed persons inside patrolling/guarding a given section of their plaza. In the case of ICE agent Jaime Zapata, his killers were Zeta estacas working a section of San Luis Potosi when they spotted the agents vehicle. They called on another estaca team to help them with the agents.
DeleteMini falda is another studio gangster!
ReplyDeleteLmao serrriiiooooo
Deletelol Tito is just on a mini vacation he will be out soon he new the safe place for him would be in jail till this war got settled he's untouchable as long as hector is alive and his dad has too much respect
ReplyDeleteYou should know, your employed by tito que no???? Lol.
DeleteWhat happened to Los Montanas? What happened to the FED fuerzas especiales damaso?
ReplyDeleteThey are going to jump ship to either cjng or beltranes
DeleteDidn't they split Montana's wig in navolato in Feb?
Delete10:55AM and 4:10PM wrong.all aligned with los ivanes except 2 cells. and those 2 cells are already kicked out.
Jagl? So what happened to el liebre el 15 and el tigre? Just asking bruh not disrespecting.
DeleteI knew him and his dads days were numbered months ago. You dont mess with Chapos family.
ReplyDelete1132. You are a strange one
DeleteDon't have to be rocket scientist to figure that out, is like dwarfs fighting gigantic monsters, mayos, chapos, other unknown monsters against them because they didn't wanted to keep taking orders from nobody, they wanted to do their own thing after chapos capture.
DeleteEnvy lots of it, the mamasones were climbing the latter faster then other snakes who got bitter because of their position.
DeleteEl cds wanted to keep taking advantage of los mamasones & they didn't like it, is why they stopped taking orders from los chapos, then the cds didn't wanted to let them do their own thing, that's why they wanted to wack them.
DeleteWhat ever happened to el tito ? He still in jail or is he out ?
ReplyDelete... El Lic. (The Father) Wanted His Son Safe In The USA ... Now That Has Been Done, He Will Debrief With The DEA ...
ReplyDeleteHey, what happened to the guy who always posts "Chapo snitched?" on threads like these? BB, please keep him around for a little comic relief from all these narco-nacos and their corridos tan terribles
ReplyDeleteEl Oh El from El Lay
Corridos are doing people harm, when keeping it real goes wrong lol
DeleteMayo whacked him lol
DeleteVete a la verga puto
Deletethat dude was nuts he used to always be the first one to post too lol. he would spam it all over BB heh
DeleteCareteraDurMaz commented on what he thinks will happen with Mini Lic below the story that he had turned himself in, and I think he's predicted it accurately because Mini Lic not having warrants in US will make it politically expedient and less controversial to work with him. He'll be described as a victim of his dad's drug business and having no warrants, he'll make a fortune as a paid informant and walk. He may not even have to forfeit any ill gotten money!
ReplyDelete4;59. For real that's what's gonna happen. Don't matter what he knows they gonna have him orchestrate some creative BS as they needs it. This is as predictable as it gets b/c DEA corrupt as shit!! All they care bout is guilty verdict - don't matter if someone guilty - they career grows wit each guilty cuz I done been there
Delete2:59 the DEA even has offices in Colombia, right?
DeleteNo wonder drug trafficking is never done with.
The DEA also punished Cele Castillo, Héctor Berrellez and Phil Jordan for badmouthing the CIA POSERS that got Kiki Camarena abducted, tortured for 3 days and murdered on their Man's Word because he was an honest Law Enforcement all american boy.
the dea doesn't want to stop drugs from existing or trust me they can do it. if drugs were to stop existing the dea will also. i don't think the dea wants to loose their jobs anymore than you do. wake up and open your minds for once. this is the way the world works.
DeleteLopez Serrano also has an apprehension order against him issued by the District Court for Southern California in October 2016, and it appears that recent developments on the ground in Mexico may have prompted him to surrender.. ....
@5:29 - BI has excellent reporting.
Delete"Over the first half of this year, Sinaloa state saw 879 homicides compared to 524 over the same period last year, according to government data. (Though that data may undercount the number of killings.)"
Kudos to BI for noting that the reported numbers are questionable at best. Most media just report the Mex government numbers, which everybody especially the government knows are total bullshit. I believe adjustments of 15% - 50% are closer to the real numbers. For example when massive quantities of drugs are seized, they value the dope at retail dime-bag value. Jajajajaja as they say in Jajajajalisco. Everyone looks better when they confiscate a million dollars worth of mota rather than a few bales of sexi-mexi worth perhaps a couple hundred dollars a pound wholesale. Same thing for other powdered drugs whose value is also greatly inflated to make the busts look bigger, better, faster, more!
Also when they report body counts and number of disappeared, kidnapped, killed, etc. add at least 20% for crimes never reported and typical Mexican government jodido-ness, incompetence as well as corruption and outright falsification of data.
BI also did a good job of reporting what happened, who the players are and what their strategies are vis-a-vis each other and to deal with busts. Their fact-checking holds up and they don't descend into speculation about CJNG this and Zetas that and OMG the BLO.
Reuters also has pretty good coverage of DTOs. LA Times used to, not so much anymore. BBC Latin America has nada.
Consider the source, always. Discount accordingly. Vaya con dios.
Drug trade is runned by the same cartel in that state, same tactics they use in mx.
DeleteI bet Bi has never had anything to say about the american side of america or other nations drug trafficking drug lords and their money laundering, not even "The Chinese Money Laundering Laundromat", AND I don't think it is because of a lack of English speaking reporters.
Delete--the sellers of PEGASUS PROGRAM have been found to be a ghost company, fronted by some guys that live on a cave near mexico city, they sold to PGR Murillo Karam, there is contracts, and to CISEN and the mexican army, (no contracts), but there are maintenance bills according to Aristegui Noticias.
That's the reason alot of cds all over Mexico are switching to work for Mencho instead of these lame Jr narcos, happened in tijuana, Jalisco and colima
ReplyDeleteAnd that's why Sinaloa keeps advancing and CJNG abuses innocents right?
DeleteWherever you can blame La Mencha, be sure it is EPN behind it,
DeleteThe elite zetas friends of EPN made El Barbas have truce with zetas and move La Barbie out to consolidate their power, then stuck it up EL Barbas ass without Barbasol.
--Comandante Edgar Millan was assassinated after his trap for el barbas failed, his own kidnapping/death squad compas killed him, they had made a key to his garage, millan was one of Genarco Garcia Luna's favorite commanders, all of which knew all the dirt about garcia luna and his associates, and all of them died mysteriously, assassinated here and there and everyhere, many people suspect garcia luna got them murdered, me too. Google: "Los Comandantes Asesinados de Garcia Luna"
6:22 You are very ignorant in what your saying. The CDS doesn't trade sides like all the other meth head and coke head jefe's troops do. Here in SIN people are very tied to CDS by family, life long friends, etc. It isn't just about money with CDS workers. Its about respect for their bosses and the way they treat the people, and about their pride as Sinaloans. Quit spreading fake shit.
DeleteThere are articles here that said the cds are switching to cjng dumb shit.. Try reading a story here about cjng and cds in tijuas or la paz. One main reason they were going at it was because of chapulines (people whp switched sides)
DeleteOnce he's done testifying, witness protection will move him to Spokane, Washington. Flipping burgers.
ReplyDeleteHe'll fit right in on taxpayer money
Delete7:38 maaan, with his Obama food stamps, Obamacare and his brand new Obama phone, el pinchi mini-lic will feel as happy as a pig in a swamp full of muddy shit, until his mini-memoirs make his ass a millionaire playboy that buys his own Towers...
Delete10:11 daang, he better wear calzones under the apron.
DeleteOr chole will be eating him up with his lidibinous eyes
Chapo snitched. I mean lil lic snitched lol too much snitches in sinaloa can't keep up... Lol chapo snitched guy
ReplyDeleteYour not funny troll
Hilarious lol
DeleteEl PANU is the only narco that knows how to work without getting noticed period
ReplyDeletePanu es narco De 5 estrellas. Es uno De los narcos con mas billetes. El le presto a los guzmanes dinero varias veces.
DeletePanu es compadre y mejor amigo de Ivan
DeletePanu is heavy, what's up with el trebol he's part of that clan
DeleteAlrato se traicionan. Es question de esperar. Inevitable.
DeleteTrebol been caught a while back.
Delete@12:42 orale
DeleteYo le voy al tigres de uanl.
Libres y lokos
DeleteMuchos mariguanos y drogadictos en NL, they say too much money, comerce and industry there, but the state owes hasta las pinchis nalgas,
Delete1993--- debt 1273.1 million pesos
2008--- debt. 17 859 million pesos
2016--- debt 65 807.9 million pesos, 3.25 billion dollars deuda estatal.htm
Deuda Publica de Entidades Federativas de Mexico, acualizadas al 24 de febrero de 2017, Secretaria de Hacienda y Credito Publico, graficas del ingeniero Manuel Aguirre Botello.
5:23 tu sigues el futbol de la mls .debo no niegp pago no tengo,que quieres que haga embargame a mi .
DeleteEl licenseciado snitched!!! Hope that chapo snitched guy is ok somebody check up on him after finding out that el chapo was not the rat but the damaso faction
ReplyDeleteChapo is the biggest snitch and Damaso learned how to snitch from that dwarf Chapo.
DeleteSo you are ok we we worrying about you after the news of who the real snitch was.
DeleteChapo has never snitched gtfo you know nothing
Deletetypical sinaloa guy there at 1:07 chapo is the greatest lol
DeleteChapos not the greatest mencho is better .
DeleteBetter Call Saul. Slippin' Jimmy the man with the plan for drug defenses. LOL
ReplyDeleteI'd love to see Jimmy McGill handle the case