Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 10, 2017

CJNG is going for control of all national territory after breaking alliance with El Mayo Zambada

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Noreste article

Subject Matter: Territorial expansion of the CJNG
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

(Otis: this article makes some fairly big claims about CJNG, and should promote some good discussion in the comments section.)

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion will dispute more territory with the Sinaloa Cartel after breaking its alliance with El Mayo Zambada, and taking control of Fuerzas Especiales de Los Damaso.

The Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion is vying for control of the entire national territory. Unofficial sources from the Centre for Research and National Security (CISEN) presume that the break up of the organization led by Nemesio Oseguera Gonzalez, El Mencho, with the faction of the Sinaloa Cartel headed by Ismael Zambada Garcia, El Mayo, with whom he had an alliance after the recapture of Joaquin Guzman Loera, El Chapo, in January of 2016.

The breakup of the two cartels, the two most important in drug trafficking in Mexico, could have been motivated by the recent delivery to the US authorities of Damaso Lopez Serrano, El Mini Lic, head of the Los Damaso faction of the Sinaloa Cartel, after the capture of his father, and head of the Fuerzas Especiales del Damaso. FED had allegedly been transferred to the control of the CJNG.

The hypothesis that the CJNG has broken their alliance with the Sinaloa Cartel was reinforced by a Manta hung last week in Saltillo, Coahuila, in ehich the CJNG places all cartels operating in the border area of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon with the warning that they must "leave the state in a maximum of 72 hours....".

To that narco manta were added others in the states of Colima, Guerrero, Veracruz, Baja California, Baja California Sur and Nayarit, which warn of the arrival of the CJNG to take control of the plazas dominated by the Sinaloa Cartel.

The current narco map

The CJNG's claim to expand its presence throughout the national territories not only announces an open war against the Sinaloa Cartel, but also confrontation with other groups. At least this is established by the narco manta in hung in Saltillo, where the members of Los Zetas, the Cartel del Golfo and Cartel Del Norte are warned of the intention to appropriate their territories.

According to an official response issued by the Transparency for Open Government Unit of the Attorney Generals Office, the predominance of the Sinaloa Cartel is concentrated in Chihuahua, Durango, Coahuila, Baja California Sur, Baja California, Sonora, and of course Sinaloa.

The Los Zetas Cartel, according to the PGR, maintains its preponderance int he North of Tamaulipas, while the Cartel del Golfo predominates in the south of Tamaulipas and in Quintana Roo.

Until the last survey by the PGR last year, the CJNG registered full domain in Colima, MIchoacan, Jalisco, Nayarit, Guanajuato, Guerrero, Morelos, Veracruz, but now intends to expand to at least nine other states, which would be 17 states in total under its control.

Of all the Cartel that remain active in the country, it is the CJNG that, according to sources from the PGR - registers a greater presence in national territory, since its cells currently extend to all states, including Mexico City.

Minor but important alliances

In order to fulfill its mission, the CJNG has begun to use local alliances with armed groups and gangs that at the time acted as executing arms of the previous dominant cartels which it now faces.

In Chihuahua, the CJNG was annexed to the local groups before serving the Sinaloa Cartel, such as La Gente Nueva, Los Cabrera and Los Artistas Asesinos. He also had agreements with a dissident section of La Linea, Los Linces, and the Nueva Cartel de Juarez.

In the states of Durango and Coahuila, the CJNG succeeded in severing the self proclaimed group from the Poniente del Poniente (CDP) and or De La Laguna (CDL), from Sinaloa; In Baja California and Baja California Sur he supported the groups of El Tigre and Los 28 from FED formerly led by El Mini Lic.

In Sonora the groups of Los Salazar and Los Memos, former allies of Sinaloa are now estimated to be on the side of the CJNG to dispute territory with El Mayo Zambada.

The economic power of the CJNG, has also surfaced in Tamaulipas, where CISEN sources estimate that it already controls factions of Los Zetas, such as Zetas Operative Group (GOZ), and the Zetas Special Forces (FEZ), as well as Los Metros and Los Dragones, who were at the service of the Cartel del Golfo.

He also added Los Pelones and Los Talibanes, who in the last three years were in the service of the CdG in Quintana Roo.

Also against Los Chapitos

The differences between the CJNG and the family of El Chapo had already been marked since August of 2016, when an armed group from CJNG, on the orders of El Mencho, abducted in Puerto Vallarta, Ivan Archivaldo and Jesus Alfredo Guzman Salazar, children of Joaquin Guzman Loera.

The fact had been endorsed by the CJNG in the Saltillo manta, " we are people who know how to respect the population and we are not like you... we do know how to work and you Mayo and Los Menores, should be ashamed of how your organization has fallen....", which points to a more open confrontation between CJNG and the relatives of El Chapo, who still maintain some degree of control in some sections of the Cartel.

.According to CISEN sources, the CJNG already manages most of the local gangs that once were with the children of El Chapo.

CJNG growth plan

Below are some of the strategies of the CJNG to compete for new plazas.

An alliance with the remains of the Knight Templar in Michoacan, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro and Tlaxcala.

Forge an alliance in Nuevo Leon with the Knights Templar to face Los Zetas and Cartel del Golfo.

With LFM, it has consolidated in the southeast, mainly in Oaxaca, Tabasco, Chiapas and Campeche to confront Cartel del Golfo.

Has gained a presence in State of Mexico and Mexico City in collaboration with LFM and local groups such as La Empresa, Guerreros Unidos, Cartel de Tlahuac and La Banda de El Gallito.

Dispute territories with the Sinaloa Cartel in Puebla and Veracruz by joining with the Totonacapan Cartel, the band from El Tonin and split from El Bukanas group.

Original article in Spanish at

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  1. I thought zetas had plazas in tamps? Amd CDG in Nuevo Leon? The map needs correcting.

    1. Why would a person want to have a patch of dumasso.

    2. 4:56 it is a beautiful patch, but the zetas did it best, patches and coins that tell where they came from, proud sky jumping GAFE paratroopers from the School of the Americas and the Kaibiles from Guatemala,
      "not that the SOA or the Ks have ANY responsibility for the deeds of the killing dogs they kept unleashed and let loose.

  2. "The Los Zetas Cartel, according to the PGR, maintains its preponderance int he North of Tamaulipas, while the Cartel del Golfo predominates in the south of Tamaulipas"

    Its viceversa z are nowehere near Reynosa or Matamoros they are more to the central part of thr state fighting CDN. The only northern plaza was Nuevo Laredo but CDN took over it.

    1. And the metros and dragones be working with CJNG? Metros are independent. That's why they are fighting( Panilo, Betito, and Pelochas) cuz they don't want to take orders from someone.

    2. Metros are indepent but under CDG

    3. That's what I'm saying cuz there's even a video where ppl from betito o pelochas say that they are also gente del Cartel del Golfo... this article really doesn't make any sense.

  3. Replies
    1. R.I.P. to all major cartels no more cash cow.

  4. Jajaja! This is total propaganda. Citing mantas as credible intel is as credible as citing a corrido. This is a royal setup for the destruction of CJNG. Like _^^_ has been writing for a year; Menchos days are numbered - because if Mencho had any pull with anyone important in gob these "hypotheses" would not make headlines!

    The glee the professional Mencho nut munchers will get from this is going to be entertaining - but hey; they don't know any better!

    1. The article sites sources in CISEN as well as the PGR, not just mantas, while I dont find all of the information in the article credible based on what I currently know, in reality, neither you , nor I , or anyone that comes here, in reality knows exactly what is going on and who is working with who. The best placed to know that are those with sources working directly in the cartels, and thats not anyone that comments on here.

    2. How do you know who comments here to make such a bold statement? Oh, I forgot, you are an expert on everything, and do not take well to opinions of others which differ from yours.

    3. Everybody is entitled to their opinion here, as long as it doesnt conflict with the commenters rules. But your answer makes my point for me. Your view is a valid as anyone else's , since unless you are directly working for a cartel or have confidential sources inside a cartel, everything you think you know or say, is third party information, and that includes me. Im certainly not an expert, nor is anyone else that writes or posts here. However I have spent the last four years reading a huge amount of books and articles on the subject, by acknowledged experts like Bowden and Grayson. From all mainstream and social media.

    4. Main stream media and books?!

      You have got to be kidding:)

    5. So why even comment if we do not know anything certain? Let's just call it a creative writing at best and that is all.

    6. Everyone is entitled to have an opinion

    7. He never said MSM 5:34 so quit trying to put words in Otis mouth to win an arugument. Would you consider BB MSM? Have you ever gone into the forums section of BB? It's filled with lots of info that doesn't always make its way here. Very, very rarely does MSM media ever talk about cartels. In the US it's only used to demonize arrested locals with suspected cartel affiliations to garner views and attention. Anybody who frequents BB knows more then 99.9% of any American aside from actual mafioso members. And most Mexicans know about their state but other then that probably not much (cause not reported in news)

      Let's be realistic, probably more then half the comments on articles is 'chapo snitched' or 'Mencho days are numbered' so let's relax with the attacks on Otis.


    8. Otis you can't believe the government. Look at the USA, crooked Democrats be lying to the people. You really think the Mexican PGR is going to tell you the truth

    9. This Article can't be farther from the truth. CJNG is about to be on the losing end of this war. Most of Los Damaso's are now under the command of "M" Grande. Los Salazar would never align with Jalisco. There might be a couple factions that changed loyalty within CDP but not even close to what this article is saying. This is a propoganda campaign created by CDS/CDP to take all the "eyes" in the world off them and create a situation where Donald Trump and the U.S of A, go after Jalisco with all there resources. The POTUS and his team are really focused on this opioid epidemic right now and it;'s just a matter of time before Mexico get's pressure to take out CJNG as the "biggest cartel" in Mexico which is causing a danger to the citizens of the US. Meanwhile, while all the HEAT is off CDS/CDP, they will continue to grow and make more alliances then ever while strengthening there infrastructure. "DON't BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU HEAR" my friends.

    10. 6:09 r u Otis's lawyer? Im sure he can speak for himself and can do a good job. Alow him to show his point/s as you dont add anything of value to r
      This matter and only fuel the fire...unnecessary might I add.

    11. 8:32 bingo!!!

      Finally someone with the ability to see through the smoke. I have been saying this for some time now but some are stubborn and belive media and gov. Agencies blindly. This is SunTzu at its best.

    12. 8:32, 11:56 - Second that bingo!

      I've been reading BB thoroughly since 2010 or 2011 and there is most definitely at least one person that posts with inside intel and I'm 100% confident as is a friend working El Paso DEA intel. Their posts are infrequent but they're definately in the know and their posts are careful but telling. They've called several events well before they happened or before it was public info, and many times said things that were laughed at only for it to prove true months later when facts come out. The information they offer goes against conventional US perspective and keeps proving true as this "drug war" or more accurately drug business evolves. I'm very suprised you've not noticed this Otis because their comments are 99% of the reason I even glance at comments because most are unintelligent raw raw cheerleading for trump or a cartel, or maybe stating the obvious of what everyone already knows.

      The most relevant thing I've learned from their posts is that conventional news, corridos, and gossip in both America and Mexico is 99% premeditated propaganda and I'm pretty certain 3:17 hit the nail on the head.

    13. I assure you that many that come to this page know way more than you do

    14. Mencho & cjng are being prodded up as a strong dangerous new gang by the pgr and mex government falling into epn timeline as his time ticks away. Like chapo was gifted to trump on the eve of his first day mencho will be gifted also as a departing gift to trump showing their military are not cowards and do confront the big wigs because in the end the spoils of the money from the merida initiative are better than the mordidas by drug lords

    15. 8:32 knows. Perfect example is when Gen Gutierrez (líder of INCD) told periódicos, US drug czar and DEA that Amado was not a major narco but other narcos is who he made news about and used INCD to capture. While this Amado was the biggest narco in México.

    16. These dumb comments ppl talk about is the comedic part of mexican politics. We know what time it is, we just play dumb using sarcastic comments. If you cant stand otis then just go read blogdelnarco and really get how these kids call it TRIGGERED

      Keep up the good work otis

    17. @1:45. Yes there are some on here with inside information. Information is cryptically passed for various reasons. Law enforcement posts information to elicit cartel insiders to post information about their activities and cartel post dis-information to throw them off. Then of course there are all the know it all's who think they have a better understanding of what is going on because they heard it from the neighbor's comadre. In short there is a whole lot of bs in the comments and the articles that are translated as well as some truth in both.

    18. The one thing I know in all my years in law enforcement is that when you or your group becomes identified as public enemy #1 your days are numbered. Propaganda and false information is what feeds the frenzy for the demise of said group. Articles like this will be the ammo for agencies like DEA and homeland security to focus solely on CJNG whether the info is credible or not.

    19. The Mexican government knows so much about who is aligned or allied with CJNG but has no way to stop them. How ironic!!

  5. Mencho is one bad hombre.

    1. Mencho ain't the leader, he's the figure head, just like el crapola

    2. You mean Peña Nieto.

    3. Mencho is a real bad hombre, but as long as he pays his masters and stay low key he is protected. He seems to be getting too much intothe limelight for hisown good though.

      There is no reason to worry though: once he caught and delivered as a trophy his masters will already have appointed his replacment.

    4. 2:43 until La Mencha tells you live on TV or in a smuggled video in person, you need to consider the possibility that somebody is using La Mencha for their own dirty pornographic purposes, like demonizing La Mencha and make him the sole source of all the evils of the world in mexico.
      Don't let pinchi propaganda Comunista get to you.

  6. If you ally yourself with groups that switch sides to fight their former allies how can that possibly be a stable foundation for your own organization? Even without rivals interal strife is bound to happen, groups splintering once again as they did before.

    1. It worked out fine for mayo when los teos switched

    2. Those are small cells and it's convenient for them to go under a big cartel like cjng. It's either that or die, cjng have a bigger line up of sicarios tgen most cartels.

  7. This is all bullshit!
    I would of loved to see Mencho trying to take out Sinaloa when Arturo and Chapo were playing nice nice... Arturo would have ate that menchita alive... heck ppl in la perla claim that mencho was a little bitch when Nacho Coronel was alive and owned GDL..

    1. Without question , the CJNG is the richest cartel in Mexico. Pretty much all sources , official and unofficial agree on that. y con dinero bailar el perro.

    2. You really think CJNG is the richest? Really?

      Not that it matters to me, but if there is such a thing as richest cartel, it must be Sinaloa with Mayo at the helm. Sinaloa is old "money", CJNG while powerful is new, Sinaloa has been around for decades with powerful families and gov. behind it, besides, you do not get to be the oldest narco who is free the longest for being second in anything. He has the backing of the richest and most powerful people in Mexico and abroad, and that what makes Sinaloa the richest...if we are gonna rank cartels.

      It is only my opinion based on logic and facts.

    3. My opinion is based on information released by the Mexican Government and the DEA and INTERPOL, as part of my research for articles I have translated and or written myself.

    4. Otis believes the crooked government and the DEA who favors Sinaloa. Their cash cow is heating up, so they want to bring the attention to a new person. Here comes the ScapeGoat Mencho

    5. Psyops and misinformation is a very powerful tool, maybe the most powerful if you read SunTzu.

      That is all I am going to say.

    6. @5:36 the DEA and INTERPOL do have credible sources.

    7. I agree CJNG is hyped it just means the goverment is making them appear invisible so the that when Mencho fall it will be a big deal , i think Chapo Isidro and Chapos sons will last longer than Mencho

    8. Yeah that's why I'm telling you it's all smoke and mirrors. The DEA's Cash cow is Sinaloa. Do you really think they would want to take them out, and have their yearly budget to fight them lowered. Bring the heat somewhere else, and keep making your cash.

    9. CJNG ha always been underestimated by the press, actually ignored by the press. Mencho IMO is the scariest, best strategist I have seen in Mexico. Whereby CHapo was exceedingly successful, his opportunity was literally handed to him, Mencho had to think his way to power. I would love to write a book on CJNG/Cunis but many could do better and I am trying to encourage some of my fave journalists to take on the project. As for being the most wealthy cartel in mexico - I think that is premature...but they are closing in on the title.

    10. @ 6:00 am, if thats the case why do they keep arresting and prosecuting Sinaloa operatives? DEA information would be prevalent in the extradition requests for most of the Sinaloa cartel currently in USA awaiting drug charges.

    11. operatives not people that would put a dent, A guy will fall from time to time because not everyone in government is part of the plot. If everyone was part of it, there wouldn't be enough money to go around. So from time to time you will have a mistake where someone falls for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    12. Lo malo es que la Tierra ya se trago a tu papi Arturo y el chapo anda buscando abogados.

    13. cjng will nvr come closed to even 1/8 of the money cds has. cjng is jus hyped right now cuz the bosses dont want any attention and found un pendejo makin to much noise and direct all the attention to him

    14. People will keep commenting that DEA favors Sinaloa until they capture/kill Mayo, his son, and all their lieutenants...and probably after that, too.

    15. 5:53 having reliable sources and reporting to the public are two separate things. Government has been known to colour the truth a BIT...

      But since the murder of Kiki Camarena investigations brought out their dirty laundry, CIA TRAINED directors have been put in charge of the DEA to control the damage and even decorated loyal agents from the DEA have been demonized and kicked out.
      Héctor Berrellez, Phil Jordan, Cele Castillo among them, and mexican collaborators of the Former DEA, have been murdered, --- one of them Guillermo Gonzalez Calderoni, former friend of Juan garcia abrego and the salinas de gortari and chief of the mexican federal police...

    17. 4:41 OTIS; "in reality, neither you , nor I , or anyone that comes here" knows that. But lets step back and think logically. CDS has had tens to hundreds of loads crossing 24/7/365 through numerous transportation channels hitting the US for 30+ years. I mean before Mencho was even selling ounces in California with his brother and before he was even dreaming of working for Ignacio Coronel! Lol! Mayo, Azul, Chapo have moved more weight successfully than and likely had more money decay than CJNG has ever made, or will make before they're destroyed.
      I really, truly enjoy your comments - your no doubt among the brightest contributors here but I am flabbergasted that you would say "Without question , the CJNG is the richest cartel in Mexico". I believe there are cartels we've never heard of that have made more than Mencho ever will, and to suggest they have more money than CDS is mind boggling!

    18. @Chivis and Otis: if CJNG is the richest they will not last, because that would mean they are stingy and dont pay their bosses enough plata.

      That CJNG is incredible well managed and ruthless I totally agree with though.

    19. 12:32PM he strikes again... All hail you my friend

    20. @2:46 , lets for a moment discuss the logistics involved in CDS vs CJNG drug trafficking. First CDS primarily supply heroin, cocaine, marijuana. Marijuana has low monetary return for weight of cargo, needs to be grown and looked after for a minimum period of 10-12 weeks before drying and packaging. Cocaine has to be bought from south america at whatever the cost is and has to be transported to the USA through a few countries who are presumably paid to turn a blind eye. Heroin again like marijuana has to be grown, and the yield is little product for large hectares of crop. Takes time to grow, then process and package, but can be done in Mexico. Primary market USA , Europe and a smaller percentage to far east.
      Most of Mencho's and Los Cuinis money has come from crystal, Iron ore stolen from mines in Mich, shipped out to China via Lazaro Cardenas port, who have a steel shortage, and receive precursor chemicals in return, plus what CJNG steal/extort from chemical producing companies in Mex. This equates to low outlay. Making meth takes next to no time, has fairly good return per kilo supplied with little outlay, demand can be met immediately, and CJNG have the lions share of the far east and australasia markets, which have the highest return per kilo out of any drug shipping destination.
      If you analyse it, CJNG are better able to meet demand from their market than CDS, they lay out less money, and get higher returns. This is why analysis I have read says that Los Cuinis and CJNG are the highest earning, richest cartel. You can believe what you want, and if CDS or CJNG are richer, actually make very little difference to us. Who it does make difference to are crews that are willing to work for the highest bidder.

    21. 2:46 and 2:32 Otis. Thank you for having respectful different opinions and they were both interesting. There is no reason to insult smart people who both volunteer and present realavant information and smart opinions.

      All I will add is mota is very cheaper than what I think Americans understand and to purchase and conceal professional in a large truck in Sinaloa costs 50,000 to 60,000 usd, $10,000 usd paid to driver to drive to Chicago, and the total investment of $60,000-$90,000 turns to $1.1-1.3 million within 48 hours leaving Mazatlán or Culiacan. Yes as Otis sayed mota is bulky but believe or not most trucks do not get stopped because maybe they pay USA customs. Also I don't know who has more cristal distribution or how the accounting works but there are too many places in Sinaloa it is made and too many places where the trash and chemicals remains. I hate this because the sierra is my heaven of the earth. Cocaine accounting is very simple but depends on where Mexicans assume ownership, but prices do not change much for the different cities throughout USA. I am not in drogas but it is part of the economy like oil in Houston or leather in Leon, GTO and you just learn.


    23. 6:26 Is that the same DEA that says Chapo is godfather of cartels? Is it the same DEA that says Chapo is the richest?

      Which DEA to belive, from ur c/p or mine?

    24. Mencho and cuinis were going hard in the the 90s with the crank. I hate when ppl say Mencho was nachos bitch, well chapo and mayo were once someones bitch too.

      Im just saying

    25. Mencho was nachos bitch thou
      Mayo Chapo and Nacho were a federation


    26. Well it is true mencho was nacho bitch that's a fact nacho was the boss after he got killed that's when mencho decided to take a chance and he took control you can't deny that

    27. There is a reason why el mayo has never been caught , persecuted and is always low key , and if u think el mencho is the richest well damn you really must not know how these capos really operate , the only way el mayo had been able to out last every major capo is because he has what the other capos dont and thats political power here and in the US , why do u think they made el chapo the big boss , then los arellanos where the main ones , amado , arturo, el lazca, el 40 , and the list goes on , they all made them into all this big shit that ran mexico blah blah and for what to put the hear on them and get caught or killed , when have u ever heard of el mayo in those contexts? el mencho is like el chapo and ect , they are the face of the cartel just to bring heat on them , the problem that really makes el mayo scary is that who knows how much money and power he really has and how far his power reaches and by the looks of it its pretty far cuz look at his sons ? didnt el niño claim he had been a cia informant or that he had contact with the us gov ? Then all of a sudden his files courts and everything are sealed. ?

    28. CDS also smuggles meth/crystal and they were number one at it when nacho was alive he was called el Rey del crystal why do you think mencho knows about meth He worked for nacho both cartels have money point period

    29. Also don't forget like the Flores traffic organization that just got put out in the public eye been around longer than mencho and like them there are others with money and power

    30. Nah el mayo has made or broken alliances but he is hes own man probably hasent taken order since the guadalajara cartel days.

    31. I like Otis, but he kinda contradicts himself here. A DEA or interpol source is much like a narco manta. It's sheer propoganda, used to acquire funds from politicians to fight the new more savage drug cartels on the block. To say that CJNG is the richest cartel isn't true. Most profitable likely. They don't pay nearly what Sinaloa pays in bribes, and have maybe 25% of the heroin business, 30% of the coke business and to say they have a bigger meth business is a stretch. Plus the price of ice has fallen 70% in mainland Mexico and 45% in the states. Sinaloa has been pushing metric tons of ice per month going on 10+years worldwide. Coke, heroin, and mj since 1989, and while both do have contacts in China and India for precursors, the triads, Myanmar, laoatian and thai gangs, the gov't of North Korea have controlled production and inflated the price of precursors as of late and have dominated the Australian, Asian and European markets, along with Sinaloa through Spain, so this is highly debateable. Clearly, everyone is making guesses based on whatever they are told by the governments of the US and Mexico, rather than deciphering the info and facts provided, separating the BS propoganda, logical reasoning, and having a comprehensive understanding the territory of all the world's crime syndicates for both production and distribution.

  8. "In Sonora the groups of Los Salazar and Los Memos, former allies of Sinaloa are now estimated to be on the side of the CJNG to dispute territory with El Mayo Zambada."


    1. Can you quote your sources that the information in the article is incorrect? To be credible it would have to be 1st hand information. The sources the article quotes are the PGR and CISERN. Both have access to 1st hand information.

    2. You tell them Otis, all these CDS fans can't except the fact CDS is falling. I honestly hope all cartels fall so Mexico can be the beautiful country it once was...

    3. exactly! frustrating. share info, don't just spit out blanket statements with no backup, and when telling us about fotos and articles PLEASE SEND LINKS... or probably good info will not be accessed. you can help us in that way

    4. Sinaloa nuthuggers are always going to say that Sinaloa is both neither breaking up and always expanding and winning all it's wars in the plazas! Chapos hide like roaches in most plazas like in Chihuahua and perhaps do move some weight but nothing to the extent they once claimed at least in this state which means that if this turns out to be a patern in more states then people shouldn't listen to CDS nuthuggers here. Also most nuthuggers info is hearsay and or brainwashing which is actually how they grow in their territories. They use both tactics to recruit anyone from peasent farmers to orphans to native Tarahumaras - the least educated people in Mexico in order to fill their ranks within CDS. This is how they expand in other words and they never site sources of course just sell the cartel!

    5. seems to me like cjng is falling

    6. That will be an impressive accomplishment if they gotten the sonora crew to jump ship.

    7. AGREED, Please keep in mind that alliances with CDS/CDP have been forged in blood and family ties for generations. They aren't just flipping sides bc the Viejon got snatched up. Please use your heads mi amigos...

    8. 6:03 falling how? with chapo gone cds is on its highest point

    9. All of the sudden u guys acept cisen & pgr word how convinient !!

    10. CDS little nina fan narco cheerleaders are going crazy, foaming at the mouth LOL...LOL

    11. Los Salazar with CDS los memos might have pact with cjng

    12. 11:52 its more credible than the corridos 4:42 right? Lmao 😂

  9. At the end, mencho will ne killed or deported to the States. To much heat in mx and the DEA will stop investigating. To big to Fail will not work.

  10. CDG&Z should merge and make truce with Mayo othervise they will be exterminated by CJNG and allies(proxy groups)

    1. Yea, they been saying zetas were done since 2009. CJNG is all hot air.

    2. CDS does not have enough juice to exterminate either CDG or Z so neither do CJNG so no worries

    3. 10:09 Zetas in the form of their prior business model is long gone...extinct like the dodo bird. Now their s little smarter and work with others to save costs of war and keep heat from plazas and most important they don't terrorize the people and they try to stay anonymous. I don't live in Nuevo Laredo but I have second wife and kids in city and have been there almost every month since 2007. Life is good in NL now.

    4. I dont think jalisco has any cells in nuevo laredo.

    5. And by the was el zeta 33 el zeta 43 and few others kept what was left under their comand. Theyre the closest thing to the zetas before and theyre allegedly cdg old school in afiliation

  11. Everybody ragging on Otis is just butt hurt cuz they got their info from Gerardo Ortiz and motherfuckers like that about how badass and unstoppable Sinaloa was... realize motherfuckers that whether or not you or are in the game, history and history alone shows not a single one motherfucker ever stays in power forever, in the dope game or otherwise; the only real power here is the Mexican government, and just like Pablo fell, Felix gallardo fell, fonseca fell, el AFO fell, OCG and the spawn that was los zetas fell, el chapo fell, los beltranes fell, they all fall, and someone else takes the spot. Don't act all butt hurt about the fact that your Sinaloa corridos are a bunch of bullshit. Unless you personally are moving housanda of kilos of shit handed to you by some motherfucker with the right kind of cell phone and then you jumped on the plane to go smoke a motherfucker right after, you don't know shit, just like everybody else here. Fuck what Gerardo Ortiz tells you. Keep up the good work Otis.

    1. Calm down 7:12am your idol mencho will fall too but I think faster than all the others you named just saying because of the violence he is bringing to take over fast and try to be the king when people close to him have been getting arrested even his own son so relax take a chill pill stop listening to menchos corridos.

    2. This has nothing to do with cheerlading for anyone, it has to do with Otis lately being rude to folks on BB, he comes off condesending to others who might have different opinions and that is why a lot of folks get short with him.

      I used to like reading his articles but since he chaned it isnt much fun...that's all.

    3. I put a comment calling out these posters, but because I said they live in sector 8 housing in sanctuary cities. They didn't accept my comment cause it's to truthful

    4. @7:12 lmfao REAL SHIT I agree with your whole comment.

    5. @8:25 , since becoming an admin I have seen rude, disrespectful, even death threat posts against every reporter here at BB, for doing nothing more than giving up their spare time to translate articles. I will never post these.

      If you come on here to flame the hard working reporters here because you get a kick out of it I'm going to give you both barrels verbally speaking. I'm sick of idiots coming here trying to get a rise out of me. If you have some constructive criticism of the article matter, ill post it, if you come here to flame, with no supporting proofs, Ill give you something else.
      I'm sure Chivis and DD know exactly what I'm talking about. Be pleasant, polite , and keep your comments about the article matter not the BB reporter and I have no problem with anyone.

    6. Otis, alot of us appreciate the time you take to translate, report. You dont have to respond to the haterz although i can understand why. Just let it fly by and some of us anonymous commentators will back you up. Its too easy to get burned out.

    7. Hey, Otis.....
      You just please keep up the good work and don't let these haters drive to
      taking another hiatus! then those same ones will be the ones with a beef;
      hey wazzzup w Otis ?
      Geeeez , people why kill the messenger ? A Volunteer messenger at that !

    8. THANK YOU 7:12AM! for your colorful support.

      To the haters: These personal attacks are pointless. If your opinion differs or if you have supporting evidence to challenge the facts stated...then bring it on, but to arbitrarily make a blanket statement is plain ignorant and has zero value. We work hard without pay and no one has worked harder than Otis these past months.

      You do not have to give us praise, or even thanks, but if you want BB to close down keep up with the BS and you will lose us. it is the reason that 90% of reporters leave. You would not believe the comments we delete against us. They are beyond rude. and your imagination can't begin to get a grasp of what we see. Not only death threats but sick, really sick comments.

      Enough....I know the overwhelming majority gets it and appreciates our work. But the trolls sure are a pain in the ass. Paci sucking Willies... :)

    9. I apreciate the hard work you put on these articles. Good job otis. It's information but there is a big cds fan base that don't like when it's infornation about cds falling or Mencho taking over new plazas. If your not part of the cartel then why do people get mad? Weird

    10. Yo Otis...just b fly and keep doing what you do.. haters gonna hate....i have familia in in the game in Jalisco (Tepatitlan, Ocotlan, Zacualco, Guadalajara) and Tijuas, and most of What you write is legit. Like you said no one on here is 100% correct unless they are actually in the maña....and even at that, estakas are kept on a need to know basis. Cheerleaders put your pom Poms away and just enjoy the articles. No one wants to hear your whining...

    11. Otis I heard you were starting law school this fall. I hope you're not mixing this work with law school work.

  12. Mexicanos here in the state don't call your self a Chicano. That name was given to Mexican peasants who lived in pig shacks called chiqueros. My dad used to be a bracero and said Chicano is not a good name to call yourself.

    1. Then what should I call myself?

    2. CHICANO: Well my dad was a farm working bracero also! and he was very proud of his daughter's advocacy with the UFW and Cesar Chavez. My cousins and I marched and peacefully protested effectively in the central valley. And we were proud to call ourselves Chicanos. We did not like the term Hispanic. Because not all Mexicans were so ready to embrace the “Spanic” side of us, and felt it did not represent accurately who we are. Because in reality we are not a race. We are mixed with this and that or this or that. Some have no “Spanic”.
      Originally, wealthier Mexican-Americans used the term as a pejorative against lesser haves, in the 60-70s the movement adopted the term and it became popular. The term flourished in the universities as a point of pride overturning its original derogatory meaning.
      Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzáles was a Mexican American boxer, poet, and political activist convened the first-ever Chicano youth conference in March 1969. Politician's like Tx Paul Moreno refer to themselves as Chicano. And many universities feature Chicano studies.
      The stigma is long dead. Chicano is an accepted term of pride. if one chooses.

    3. I like the term Mexican even to the Mexican Americans. At the end of the day we are Mexican to the world. I been in the military and been to many parts of the world and that's what the world knows us by even to white and black living in the U.S. I like the term Mexican BETTER

    4. 8:16 ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽 Respect Chivis

    5. 8:16 But the world doesn't define you, only you know how you feel, and it sounds like you are taking the pragmatic approach, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is what you are comfortable with. As I stated "if one chooses" .

      I am white on my birth certificate, my father is Mexican, ditto Mom on theirs. I am NOT comfortable with that. My marching days are over and somehow I think of Chicano, as kids and young folk embracing the culture and working as activists, probably because that was my experience. And it was an amazing journey. My cousin became a judge in Los Angeles, and I became an owner of an international company, later a humanitarian. I think both of us were drawn to serving society, because of our early experience, and at the prompting of our immigrant grand parents telling us it is our duty to serve society if opportunity presented itself.

      Now I call myself "Mexican-American" it represents what I feel I am. And I am just as proud of being one as the other.


    6. You are considered white because it benefits the white Americans. I could just imagine dark skin Mexicans that have white on their birth certificate. The majority of us are not white.

    7. depends...go to NE and white the south dark skin. but we are not a race. try this. 4 or5 mexican friends, not blood related, take the DNA profile test. you will be shocked. mine was two pages long. complicating fact is both my grandparents are euro, one Italian and the other is criollo -full blood Spaniard first gen born in mex. my abuela is half Maya. and on it goes. do the test it is fun and perplexing. bujt you will see how it is difficult to define us

    8. Chivis is correct. Chicano was first termed as a derogatory name for Raza living in el Norte. The brown berets adopted it and flipped the switch on them...hence Chicano Power....and though my parents are from Jalisco and I am proud as fuck of my Mexican blood, I prefer to be reffered to as American. We need to fight for power and our rights here where we live without letting the Caucasians diminish our American rights by classifying us with hyphens like African-Americans. When have you seen whites get referred to British-American, Polish-American, Russian- American etc... Puto Trumps grandfather is German. You think that puto would let someone call him German-American?...fight the power!! We are Americans of Mexican descent.

    9. Chivis @ 12:08am thank you for sharing that...sounds like you were gifted a remarkable set of grandparents...ones who surely know by now from their celestial vantage point how they themselves TRULY served society simply by speaking their truth y living their words under the impressionable gazes of their lil opportunities...their grandkids. Not a legacy; a continuum.
      Thank you Chivis, to Otis y all the other contributors, whethrr it be here on BB or in lil Colonia corners, i dont speak up much, here,but you all often fortify me when i feel like closing my eyes ears heart humanity. With appreciation, affection y respect...uhh...go on, have a fckng epic, beautiful weekend! ♡♡♡

    10. Thank you for the nice feedback. It was mostly my Maya Buelita who encouraged us to help society when possible. She had such big love for U.S. became a citizen when she was 59. Loved election days. and no one told her how to think... she was a registered Republican.

      Have a great weekend

  13. Funny how you guys accept any comment making fun of Sinaloa supporters.
    But when I call them out for hating on people with facts and that actually work/live down in Mexico. You guys deny my comment. Funny stuff, silencing people that don't agree with your views.
    But let it be someone making fun of Sinaloa, it gets accepted in no time. Bunch of white washed chincanos never even stepped foot in Mexico trying talk shit. Come down to Tegoripa and find out the truth boys

    1. That's funny? Funny is that cds fans believe a corrido but totally disbelief facts

    2. I, am a CDS hater but even I, have to admit CDS is far from being done. I, live in Juarez and know a thing or two about Cartela also. If you want to call someone to go to the heart of Sinaloa to do anything then why don't you also travel to the heart of Tamaulipas and or Jalisco and even Juarez and talk your support of CDS and find our how ir goes though tough guy?!

    3. Its because there Beltran supporters that's why they hate on CDS

    4. 8:29 I would not have posted your useless, self righteous comment.

      Grow up Willie....

  14. The only logical point to make is why would anyone make an alliance with the CJNG when they've basically broken every alliance they've had? I get the whole if u can't beat them join them reason, but when their strategy is to befriend, learn the lay of the land, and shoot people in the back of the head, why would you still make a deal with the devil?

    1. All cartels made a deal with tge devil,only outcome is d3ath or pruson. But it's either you go to war with cjng and get killed or work with them. Unless you are a big cartel like zetas then you can't stabd a chance.

  15. OTIS, you are great, and doing an AWESOME job stating the FACTS!! Keep on keepin on. I appreciate ur hard work.

  16. There's always gonna be critics and people who pretend to be in the know. Makes them feel important. BB catfish or NARCO catfish.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This is true
    But the ones operating in nuevo leon for cjng are in the area of sanicolas and they already sell their merchandise mabeled with cjng and a i.age ln thr siploc bags

  19. Cjng dont have all of mich the viagras and gallito dont want truce with mencho so they are at war for michoacan

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. EPN owns cjng and La Mencha, but MAO osorio chón seems to be cleaning up on his way to the presidency, he will be using puros militares y policias like the gestapo, and murdering all the narcos he can, specially those in the know as he did to El Lazca from his own state of Hidalgo.

  21. CJNG is fighting a war they won't win As long as Pena Nieto is in CDS is pocket

    1. CJNG is called the "cartel de sexenio". Who does EPN support again?

    2. Having Peña Nieto in their pockets really helped when El Chapo was in trouble....oh wait.

    3. U:12 La Chapa was a refugee while El PAN was in power,
      --EPN and La Huasetca Mafia, (tamaulipas, veracruz, hidalgo, san luis and all the friendly.states around them ) were working on their own to set up shop, rob the sinaloas and move on to their own house,
      the mafia from atlacomulco, agualeguas, pachuca, Saltillo nuevo laredo, chiapas, guerrero, Tabasco everything owned by EL PRI Because they are all oligarchs in the best russian billionaire oligarch style...
      myseriously they set rafael caro quintro free in the nick of time, he earned their trust after so many years of cooperation from Almoloya, specially as the first director Juan Pablo de Tavora got murdeed in pachuca in 2000 for having earned it from mistreating rafael caro quintero...the murder took place in the Universidad Autonoma de Pachuca, fiefdom of university porro miguel angel osorio chón on his way to becoming a congressman and governor of the state that saw his ascent to power at the same time the zetas rose to power and grew more powerful as the cjng grew with him.
      Now giving bad propaganda to cjng, why? It may be his new "FUERZA ESTATAL ON EVERY STATE, they are taking over from the narcos with help from the military the US pays for.

  22. an another 3 years will have a bidding war again for the President of Mexico so CJNG should just bid it's time

    1. 9:54 2018 will see elections for presidente de mexico, governorships, federal deputies to congress and federal
      senators, All are bitching bitting, kicking and stabbing each other on their backs for positions,
      It is like Pig Races Inc. (PRI)

  23. El Mencho snitched on El Licenciado to take control of Fuerzas Especiales de Los Damaso instead of fighting for it

    1. @9:58am
      You really think that lic gave mencho gps cordinates of his location. Lol

    2. el licensiados crew would of took out mencho if they had gone to war and lic lost the war to cds so now imagine cjng

    3. It's believed that when el damaso got cought he was looking to find mencho and make a truce against cds. Did he find him? Who knows....

    4. 8:38 El licenciado was at war with CJNG and was loosing.

  24. Mean whike cds groupies will say cds is not at war with cjng or itself... Give it up guys, getting old

  25. Those people started in the 80s when everyone brought mota to cali then they started the whole crank movement in California and after that came the crystal meth.. who do you think the money from el chino the 200 million dollar bust came from los valencias they were a click cuinis and all those fools from michoacan

    1. Exactly! All these imbeciles think cuinis lupe vegas menchos are new to the business these guys have been around since the 90'$ they are heavy hitters just ask the chino who got caught with 200 million of cuinis money.salute buddy

    2. LMAO you're kidding right.

      While Mencho was locked up for minor meth chargers ( have you seen his mugshot? dude couldnt even affor a hair cut), Chapo and Mayo were already pushing tons of coke into the US and building the empire that has now existed for over 2 decades.

      Not only that, Mencho has been fighting fractured orgs for the past 5 years. CDN, CDG, Zetas, Zetas Vieja Escuela. LAME
      Try AFO, a united CDG/Zetas, Arturo & BLO... etc
      thats what Chapo and Mayo had to deal with on during their reign. So OFC their org has taken major hits time and time and again, yet don mayo still reigns supreme in Culiacan and in Mexico


  26. For arguments sake if Cjng or any other DTO did gain majority control of the main plazas would that quell the violence to some extent...are the places (if any)totally dominated by cjng more peaceful?

    1. CJNG has a very bad reputation. This would only cause them to go down in flames. Oh well people never learn

  27. Mencho and its peps all came about when chapo was losing ground to los zetas and chapo needed help, chapo needed some ruthless savages to combat los zetas and thats when "los mata zetas" menchos team of savages was created,so you better belive menchos people are well prepared and ready for action....and I dont cheer for any cartel, I think all of them are crap.

    1. Yeah and the mata zetas were failures they never came close to accomplishing their objective so what does that say about Mencha

    2. Mencho people. Nacho was the leader lol this guy coming out with the CNN info

    3. You mean the vicious mata zetas that would butcher innocent people to scare people

    4. 1:31 actually cjng took out the zetas that were operating in jalisco at one point also took a zeta plaza in veracruz

    5. @3:33 yea they probably did do that,They are a cartel and thats what cartels do....evil.

    6. And for what ever its worth if cds and cjng ever have a intense battle I think sinaola will win, too much experience and generations in play from sinaola.

  28. All the states that supposedly CJNG controls are all disputed , wow the mexican goverment is good at boosting drug lords

  29. So is this the fall of the cds?

    1. cds will nvr fall they have to much money and power they basicly run the governmemt their partners with the dea and the dea does wat eber they want in mexico

  30. Jalisco has no power in tamaulipas. This article is b.s. jalisco no tiene ningun poder en tamaulipas.

  31. No one organization can control the whole country. So from the get go if this was true they will fail.

  32. Soon as i read los salazar and memos were cjng this article lost all if any credibility. I hit up my cuz in hermosillo and he laughed when i told him this bs article. Foh whoever decided to publish this blasphemy

  33. So Juarez Cartel controls Chihuahua 100%

    1. No mamen Chihuahua es del Los Zetas/ CDN y del Golfo.

    2. Y Tamalipas veracruz coahuila nuevo leon san luis potosi es de ncdj

  34. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  35. This article makes so many sensationalist statements like "CJNG controls Zetas, controls CDG Metros, controls Damasos." Makes me wonder if CJNG themselves wrote the article lol.

    They're having such a hard time in Colima, Guerrero and Michoacan, they might have better luck in the field of journalism.

    1. You sir won the comment thread for this one.

  36. CDG and Z vieja escuela are going balls deep on CDN in Tamaulipas. Also, Zs del sur Z37 Z43 are align with CDG y la Vieja Escuela not with Cjng as some people posted.It's Cjng last push before Nieto gets out

    1. Yeap true but they are click up with CDG from MATAMOROS not from REYNOSA.

    2. Si pues para ustedes who can't tell Matamoros is the real CDG with most overall control.Reyno nomas se dicen Metros de clave pero ya va cambiar todo ese pedo. Ya va gente de la Vieja Guardia hacer lo que el Panilo ni Pelochas ni El Gama pudieron hacer a controlar Rango Base y Rojo

    3. Los escopriones son cdg de matamoros tambien ?

    4. Los escopriones siempre han sido del CDG de Matamoros de la Familia Cardenas escorpiones tienen mucho mas en el cartel que los ciclones.

  37. what proof or source that los Salazar / memo / gn
    now work with or belong to cjng???????

  38. There's been a restructuring of CDS...But Mayo still runs the show...I'm sure Flacco handles the day to day business, but when strings need pulling the old man still has more strings than a guitar convention. Flacco being groomed, and well...Then Vicentillo back soon..Mayitos, and Chapitos are tight...they know neither can survive without the others. Damasos we're newbies, and Mayo had them busted. If Mencho fucks with Mayo directly, be will soon be hanging from a bridge...Never underestimate Mayo..he has proven to be the most successful trafficker ever. He and Chapo together couldn't be bested. Chapo brought his own misery on. But he earned, and was always loyal to Mayo..all these guys's business..they all sell their enemies out...but Mayo just calls EPN, and the army and Marina's take care of his dirty work...That's when you know who the biggest dog on the porch is. Never been arrested, or in a court room...That mi Amigo's is how you play the game for the loooong haul. Mayo and Chapo don't snitch...they just pay the right people the right price, and you don't have to lose 50 sicarios everyother day..Sure CDS has taken hits...any big organization does...yet they are still huge, and evolving...CJNG like Zetas are shock and awe...tough, and ruthless? Yes. But you won't last long terrorizing civilians..Eventually the people will get tired, and start talking. Are Mayo, and Chapo angels? Hell no..But, they have built churches, houses, hospitals etc..The general populus look at them as folk heroes. With Mencho it's just fear...Look up violent dictators in history...10-15 yrs is usually all they last. When you rule by fear and violence, and never give back, the people will kill you. They hide Mayo, no matter where he goes. Chapo too. Till he read his own Forbes article, and believed himself above the law..Mayo never has had aspirations to be famous...he just wanted to be rich..I guarantee he has more money than Chapo, Mencho, Cuini or Escobar. He just doesn't flaunt or seek out celebrities. As long as he's alive, He's always gonna be the biggest dog on the porch. Vicentillo, and Flacco are very much like him.....

    1. Well let's see how that old man does it, Mencho already called him out and killing his crews in Coahuila, in la paz And Tijuana. I think mayo is all hype, if he was so powerful i don't understand how he can't keep his crew in check? Why did he call a truce with mencho? and lastly, WHY ARE CDS CELLS SWITCHING TO CJNG? Got em coach!! Lol funny guys are the same that said chapo would never get caught, he was a clone, he would never be extradided bla bla bla bla

    2. I agree, Mayo is and always will be a mythical Don. Mayo's money has been legit for years, empresario money from all the drug proceeds for 10-15 plus years. So much weight moved, he could scale a couple mountains. He who doesn't believe Mayo is a Billionaire doesn't really understand drug profits. I know a few indelmege yahoos who became millionaires selling wholesale on both side of the border.

    3. You are correct that Mayo will never be captured. The American public is so wrong that there is a " war on drugs". The only reason Chapo got captured was ao that DEA and CIA could save face and also say that they are doing their job and capturing " threats" to America as well as to guarantee future funding they also had to capture the most GlAMOROUS narco of this time. Just like when Escobar was eliminated in his time about twenty years ago. Americans are so gullible!

    4. mayo owns a lot of legit business mc donalds santa monica milk brand hes friends with biggest beef exporter in mexico el senor de las vacas

  39. There was a truce between CDS and CJNG for a few years but can't imagine Mencho would have had a hand in kidnapping Los Menores had there been any alliance. Forming an alliance after the kidnapping would have been a spot in the face to Chapo. I'm not saying it's impossible but Cabrera's, GN etc...jumping ship doesn't sound very likely.

  40. I think they were talking about the zetas own the Nuevo Laredo plaza

  41. Many years ago a pact was made among the top narcos before rafael caro quintero went to was agreed that if and when rafa got out of jail,he would be el numero uno again..once rafa was released,el chapo went down hill..rafa is the man really pulling the strings for CJNG and basicly revived the guadalaja cartel..el mencho is just front man to take the fall..just like el chapo is the front man/fall guy for CDS..

  42. Mencho took down a fucken army helicopter and was still not captured. They didn't search for him up and down the sierra like they did chapo when he escaped jail. If CDS was running things chapo would've never been caught.
    You know you're running the show when you can take down a chopper and walk away.

    1. 1 helo down?....Wow...any goon with an RPG can shoot a helo down if it ain't shooting right at you..And to all the fools talking CJNG taking plazas...maybe retail plazas in Mexico...CDS always has moved weight to US..local drug sales in Mexico ain't the same..lot less money..More money in Heroin, and Coke in US and Europe...and ya CDS was in Europe long before Mencho...Retail in Mexico is the worst travesty in North America..dirt cheap and everywhere in a depressed country...Civil War soon

    2. El gobierno no olvida nunca nada y esa factura la va a pagar onemesio. Con el gobierno no puede nadie. Ningun cartel.

    3. So how you a big boss but your son in jail? Plus plenty of other cartels have shot down helicopters and killed soldiers not just mencho

    4. 6:45 mayo got 3 what's your point?

  43. The bigger you get the faster you'll fall. Your just putting a bigger target on your back. Dumb Mencho's ambitions will be the end of him. It'll be good once they catch him, the guy is mentally ill and a nut job.

    1. Your logic isn't bullet proof, mayo Zambada is as big as they come and has been around longer than the light bulb

    2. Last time I checked Mayo didn't knock a gov't helicopter out of the sky, threaten a police commander to leave his people alone or get killed, cause chaos is a major city. I don't think Mayo's ambitions are not too control all of Mexico, which is why he has stayed under the radar. This nut thinks he can control everyone like a dictator and all of Mexico, GTFOH. All dictator's are eventually toppled, this guys ambitions are to big for his britches, it'll be the end of him very soon.

  44. Michoacán has always been in charge behind the scenes Sinaloa has and will always be the loud mouth

    1. Michoacan will always be in the shadow of the sinaloenses dont be delusional

    2. 8:53 you just don't want to admit that that 10:54 is right. Even the U.S government knows this. Sinaloa is a bunch of school girls

    3. When has Michoacán EVER been in charge? Cmon you can hate on sinaloa as much as you want but that's just false. Sinaloa has always been controlled by sinaloenses, Michoacán has been under control of everyone. Michoacán competes with oaxaca, sinaloa competes with Durango. Period.

  45. Bueno lo veo fuera de contexto pero no hablemos asta ver los resultados. Y es el del alamo quien salga victorioso. Suben y luego los ve caer mario.

  46. If i have learned one thing from these comments is: Everyone here knows the REAL deal and any information to the contrary is just corruption and fake news. PGR and CISCERN? Lies conspiracy! DEA and INTERPOL? Propaganda! Anonymous commenting strung out statements? Real deal!

    1. All government agencies have ulterior motives. Common sense would say involved in illicit activities for longer=more money. Mayo has been working since the 70s. That's 40+ years. Mencho has been working since 2000~. Not even comparable. I wouldn't believe either anon sources or government sources. They are fattening up the cow that is Mencho so when he falls they can pat themselves on the back.

  47. The CJNG just took control of the Pontotoc Cartel as well. This will allow the CJNG to venture deeper into human smuggling and extortion of furniture manufacturer's wages. El Mencho has long south control of the CDP.

  48. bet the cjng along side cds move on Juarez by the works already.

    1. So your saying CJNG is making an alliance with CDS and the article says they broke there alliance. well we will see if you are right

  49. Y pasan pasan los años, y el M sigue operando. Puro Triangulo de Oro

  50. @ Otis great article..regarding your earlier discussion on who the richest dto is...aren't they made up of different clans and cells with their own trafficking networks...would it be a case of which cartel has the bigger/wealthier clans under their umbrella? Have some of these big fish families defected from CDs...the only one I can think of is the Quinteros..and it's like Caro walking out of jail coincided with cjngs more aggressive/bolder M.O?


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