Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Reforma article with photos from El Debate
Subject Matter: Confrontation in Jimenez Chihuahua
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required
Reporter: Reforma Redaction
In an attack perpetrated by two armed men, six persons were assassinated, and in a later confrontation, the Military killed one of the attackers, in the Town of Jimenez, informed the Attorney General of the State (FGE).
The two attackers were travelling in an Expedition Van and after the aggression fled. "When they retired, they encountered the Military as they exited Jiminez, close to the Installation of the Federal Police, where they had a confrontation with the Military, who killed one, and wounded the other who they took in custody", assured Carlos Huerta, spokesman for the area.
The events occurred during early Monday morning in a place known as La Curva, according to the primary reports, the two attackers belonged to the criminal group Gente Nueva.
The FGE informed that during the investigation of the homicides registered on Monday morning in Jimenez, they had detained an alleged member of the criminal group Gente Nueva, he was identified Marcelino Alvarez Perez, 44 years of age and originally from Guamuchil, Sinaloa.
At the scene of the confrontation, the authorities confiscated two AK47 assault rifles, made by Norinco with additional magazines, also a Ford Expedition colored red which had been marked with symbols GN.
The primary indication were that the subjects fired against the Military, when moments before they had participated in the deaths of six civilians in the Mariano Jimenez Avenue, at the exit to Torreon.
Original article in Spanish at Reforma
Tuesday, August 22, 2017
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» Gunmen kill six in Chihuahua
Gunmen kill six in Chihuahua
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Off topic but this past days it's been ugly in San Luis Potosí CDN has killed rivals enemies in that state, for the first time we are going to witness a all out war between CJNG vs CDN. I want to see how much muscle and power does the CJNG have to fight against so many cartels at the same time specially against the CDN. Also it's been very bloody in Veracruz with the war the CJNG has against the CDG and Old School Z.
ReplyDeleteZetas ain't what they used to be, cjng is the closest to how deadly the zetas were when they STARTED. Now it's just a bunch of kids in the front line and the bosses flip on one onother each month like golfos. They are to busy fighting each other
DeleteCJNG Sends in the Government to do the fighting then they go in to do the clean up. They have control of 28 states in Mexico not full but close.
DeleteHow are jaliscas the closest things to zetas? THE JALISCO CARTEL KILLS INNOCENTS THEN THEY SAY THEY KILLED RIVALS.
DeleteTrue, even zetas vieja escuela is not really old school zetas. Just the name, they wish they had as much power as the original zetas
DeleteHahahha! How long has CJNG been fighting Z? I remember they said Z were going to be history by early 2009 back in 2008 when mata zetas were formed.
DeleteCDN are just kids and they are the ones desperate. Z/CDG Matamoros faction are the only ones with paramilitary training camps. Escorpiones, Dragones Chutas, etc. All those groups have been operating for DECADES (with memebers living like guerillas for years hiding on plain site).
CJNG might have it easy west of the Sierra madre. But please CJNG come show your might in Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, Yucatán Peninsula, etc. Have they taken Veracruz after all these years? No. Ohh and don't even start that time when they tried to infiltrate la plaza privada SAN PEDRO GARZA GARCIA. CJNG was HUMILIATED. But of course they have amnesia.
If cjng killed nothing but innocents then why are they in so many plazas now. Say what you say but you make no sense. Don't you think rivals would know tontito?
Delete@5:55 sad.. Original Zetas and Los Zetas Nuevos (Ex special forces or ex soldiers ex military that had excellent training dressed in military uniforms helmet baclavas armors, the ones that organised Prison breaks etc) that were around Osiel times before he got extradited ( are all in the graves, imprisoned or keeping low profile
DeleteJaliscas got plazas other weak groups left.
DeleteMexico must not have enough soccer teams. Too many cartel cheerleaders posting!
DeleteSo there is zeta cheer leaders too? Lol that's the lowest of the low... Only an idiot would idolize the zetas.. I respect the original zetas bit not these cliwns now 8n days. Lame
Delete2:50 PM
DeleteJust stating facts not cheerleading.
9:08 AM
Those guys are still around and they're LICENCIADOZZ. of course you don't know what that means. They work directly with the feds and the government. That's the reason they went quiet PAN is gone PRI is back. They don't need to play proxy wars and use all the cannon fodder like in 2010 to 2012.
And as i said CJNG can't even take veracruz, they've been struggling for YEARS. Just because they kicked CDS ass rhey think they're rambos now. Z/CDG have been there and done that at least a decade before jaliscas. Now, why aren't they coming up to Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Coahuila? How many plazas they have in the border? Not as much as the CDG.
9:59 they are already in Coahuila, there's an article here about it with a manta calling out zetas , golfos and talking sh!t to mayo and chapitos. Nothing special in that part of Mexico. If anything, it's way more disorganized than the rest of Mexico when it comes to cartels. Easier to take those plazas when they are too busy taking themselves out. You get it kud?
Delete2:50 anyone that respects the Zetas of old or new should be shot like a rabid dog. Not even their f'n mothers loves that trash.
DeleteHow many main bosses are in cartel del norte right now?
Delete8:32 AM
DeleteThey're not doing anything in Coahuila just putting mantas. Ohh and still they don't dare to set foot in nuevo leon, Tamaulipas and the northeast border.
1 :15 just putting mantas huh? Ok lol whatever makes you sleep better a night lol
DeleteShould have plugged and killed the second rat
ReplyDeletePura Gente Nueva gentes de los Chapos
ReplyDeletePuros narcos estupidos. They all need to be killed. Saludos from Douglas AZ
DeleteThings will get very funny when el mencho got killed or arrested
DeleteGn puro panochon. Es lo que son
DeletePero enterrados en la tierra
DeleteSuguen hablando gn han defendido sonora de todos los contras mas bien el charco m100 sigue siendo el bueno. Y doglas es puro gn sin esots estubieramos como todo mexico valiendo verga pero aki no hay secuestros ni extorciones d.e.p...r5
Delete@3:00 Ya no estamos en el 2012 wey
DeleteFuerzas Especiales del R5 seguimos activos a las ordenes de los Chapitos
DeleteG.N. #357
12:45 buena 😂😂 de pasa de mamon el de arriba
Delete7:17. Menchos days are numbered.
Pura Gente Nueva del 300 de Parral,, la plaza esta bien cuidada
Delete"Douglas es puro GN" jajajajaja aka no existe eso
DeleteAy Chihuahua!!! No pos wow...
ReplyDeleteFind it awkward as to why would you brand your vehicle when committing crimes?
ReplyDeleteEither the balls they have indicates impunity or stupidity?
must of been part of a convoy and got lost and separated or left behind, they paint their insignias on the sides of vehicles as to distinct friend or foe type of thing, they usually only do it when there's large fighting to be done or a push to take a rival plaza, and when they split into groups and not shoot each other when they meet up.
DeleteWhen there are caravana driving together, often outfitted with hard skin, steel over ventana, they will be noticed and called in before they arrive the enemy. It is strategy to intimidate the enemy to leave town before the fight and also to avoid friendly fire as they travel through their plazas.
DeleteHowever, many of us remember this tactic did not work well for CDS in Tubutama when BLO ambushed 50+ trucks one or two years after Mochomo was arrested and Edgar Guzmán killed.
To avoid friendly fire is one reason.
DeleteIf the truck was marked it means there was more than 1 truck around..they mark em so they wont get confused if they run into the rivals n gotta spread out..
DeleteTotally makes sense now.
DeleteThanks for the logic.
Sí piloto sinaloense -Creo que cada uno recuerda muy bien.
DeleteYeah BLO and Zetas put a big hurt on Los Antrax that day CDM. E42 if you haven't heard about the Tubutama attack look it up in the BB archive.
DeleteMencho continues to kill chapos people
ReplyDeleteCDS quiere andar en Chihuahua como andan en Sinaloa. Caminando con completa impunidad en caravanas de camionetas sin que nadie les diga nada. Como es posible que las autoridades los dejen andar haci preponiendose entre la gente y a huevo que haciendo lo que les de la gana??? Esto incluye robandose menores de edad para hacerlas suyas y o hostigando a gente ganadera???
ReplyDeletePinche Chihuahuenses pendejos si se dejan domar haci!!!
Al chile quien sea que andava matando mujeres en juarez o eran cartel o gobierno.
DeleteTas meco no hables si no sabes...estos weyes le temen a los de la linea..
DeleteLos que mataban a mujeres en Juarez hace anios ya murieron. Si muere una que otra mujer en Juarez aun pero no por las misma razones. Ahora si quieren defender a mujeres porke no les caen entonces a los doctores de Guadalajara y gente de dienero tanto Mexicanas como de el mundo que utlilizan organos de gente como eatas mujeres asesinadas para sus pacientes o para ellos?? El 80 por ciento de las mujeres que asesinaron en Juarez eran para trafico de organos y en el pais de Mexico nada mas en Guadalajara especializan en transplantes de estos desde hace mas de 20 anios. Murieron unas 450 mujeres en un periodo de 10 anios en Juarez y para varias de ellas este fue el destino de sus cadaveres!
DeleteChihuahuas siempre ladran pero no muerden, yo se por que tengo uno chiquito y orejon. La Lily
Delete@2:52 Pero muy bien te entretienes con uno
Delete2;52 haha
Delete@ 2:52 Otra ardida en el camino. De seguro eres fan de la Jenni y Paquita. - Sol Prendido
Delete2:52 too funny
DeleteKillings never stoo
ReplyDeleteEstos son de los ke kedaron del mando del mayito m10.el comando de la muerte sigue rodeando entre las brechas fiel a los del dgo.
ReplyDeleteThey killed six civilians?
ReplyDeleteNote to other side:
ReplyDeleteStep 1: Write GN in big letters on the side of your vehicle.
Step 2: Drive straight up to the GN hangout.
Step 3: Tell them all "Que Onda, vatos" Offer them beers to bring the rest of them out of their cockroach hideout.
Step 4: Take out your AK-47 and shoot them all.
NOTE: This applies to any side. You can paint CNH (Cartel de los nut huggers) and drive up the CRNH (Cartel de los rival nut huggers)
Must of took you a couple of hours to get that to sound right
Deletegood one
DeleteComo dice el de los modulos de Otay. De Jalisco a la frontera un café para tomar
ReplyDeleteJajajjaja. Tu sI sabes. El cafe siempre esta Caliente en tijuana. a Los contras solo cafe frio para llevar. Y en sabadito por que a todo puerco Le llego su dia....
ReplyDeleteWhat's going on in Reynosa with all the gun battles? Is it Zs vs Metros or Escopiones vs Metros? Heard there's been convoys of white vehicles
There's a internal war in Reynosa between the CDG that operates in that city. Panilo and allies vs Pelonchas, Betito, Loquillo, etc.
DeleteSame thing that has neen going on for years, golfos vs golfos vs golfos. Cartel mas tonto de todos
DeleteBien chingones los de la gente nueva pero ni asi pueden con los de cjng haha
ReplyDeleteAl cjng si los estan cojiendo en colima la barredora 24/7 y tijuana, baja california.. mejor callado compa porque aqui chingan mucho su madre los cjng
Delete4:57 esos culichis prepotentes, andan nomas por sinaloa y se cren los Reyes, solos se ensieran y creen todavia dominar, salte de aguachile y vente a pelearlo si tan chigon se creen son. Miedo tienen que se les metamos y mismos nos han dicho, asi que calladito tu pirata porque ni falta y aun asi andamos.
DeleteWhat a bunch of idiots why would you put a paint on the side of your vehicle claiming what organization your from? Especially in a place full of enemies... In Juarez La linea don't travel in convoys nomore, extort, or drive their flashy trucks to get attention anymore
ReplyDeleteThey must have used this truck in other assaults. When they attack, they usually have around 2-15 trucks with them. Prevent friendly fire
DeleteLineros obviously still drive in convoys; they did it when fighting against each other in Cuauhtemoc. Also, NCDJ love the flashy trucks with huge NCDJ decals on the sides, and love to post pics of them on social media.
Delete@7:59 In Juarez wey In Juarez Not Cuauhtemoc
Delete10:18 no se aga pendejo compa, en Juarez tambien ponen NCDJ en las camionetas, al igual que en casas grandes y acension.
DeleteEn cd Chihuahua Gente Nueva ni parecen como en los corridos son puros cholos El jefe de eyos ya esta atrapado y muchos sicarios que son chapos se pelaron de ahi y varios se vinieron a estados unidos xq es lo mas seguro para eyos
ReplyDeleteJajaja Cholos is just a code kid.
DeleteMcCormick Panu pura Gente del cholo
Gente nueva son unas mierdas! Se juntan con los Mexicles en Juarez y estos roban autos y matan gente a lo pendejo incluyendo inocentes nada mas para eso de robarlos. Tan pendejos que son que acaban de matar a una nina de meses de edad por no saber lo que hacen tambien.
Deleteeson son pistoleros de verdad no payasos
ReplyDeleteTu si eres payaso
DeleteA esos ya se los cargó el payaso 🤡
DeleteWinter is coming
ReplyDeleteWhen? Why? Says who? Unless you are a pinguin is too early for winter, you don't want your tail getting frostbites, Wait for it... wait for it..
DeleteSe andan agarrando mazizo los de Jimenez y Parral Villa Lopez tambien se puso bien cabron.
ReplyDeleteIf the military captures any cartel membership, they should be executed instantly just like ISIS does it. The cartels are responsible for tearing mexico a part.
ReplyDeleteYa no hay control desde que arrestaron a Kike la cumbia
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