Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman retains lead attorney of Alfredo "El Mochomo" Beltran

by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

El Chapo Hires legal Dream Team....

Among many complaints from El Chapo Guzmán about his treatment and case, Guzmán’s wife Emma made it known the family was shopping for a new attorney. So it comes as no surprise that a new lead attorney has been retained. The surprise is that the attorney, Eduardo Balazero was the lead attorney that tried the case of Alfredo “Mochomo” Beltran Leyva. “Mochomo” was expected to become a witness against Guzmán, if ever the case went to trial.  It was wisely expected he would cut a deal with the feds in exchange for testimony . However, that never happened, Mochomo cut no deal, pleaded guilty and offered nothing.Balarezo notified the court in May that he had no intentions of going forth with Mochomo’s appellate case.

Balalarezo is not the only new legal hires for Guzman, among other criminal defense heavies is Attorney Jeffrey Lichtman.  Lichtman past work included beating Manhattan federal prosecutors as they repeatedly tried nailing John A. Gotti, son of the Gambino boss, on charges.

Rounding out the new legal team is Marc Fernich, who represented Gotti with Lichtman,  and William Purpura. Purpura represented Richard Anthony "Richie Rich" Wilford in his drug trafficking case.

Asked how Guzmán is doing,  Lichtman said Guzman is doing as well as anyone would be if they spent about half a year shut off from the world, Guzman is "scared, confused and deteriorating rapidly," said Lichtman. "In short, he's being treated significantly worse than the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detainees."

There will be an extensive Chapo update posted on BB this week. Below is the press announcement from Balarezo.

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  1. El Senor will be going home soon.

    1. No your señor is getting ready to snitch snitch snitch. This is the end of CDS. It will be Mini Lic trying to save his dads life. By snitching away with a deal that includes extradition for his father. Vs chapo snitching trying to save his sons. This will only open the road for cjng. So peña is all for it

    2. You are the same guy that said he would never get caught again, and that he would never be extradited.. and so on and so on

    3. Well said compa- atte: el morronis de la palma navolato sinaloa ajuua ( BTW I'm still alive, and didn't get arrested) lol

    4. El morronis, it says on twitter that there's a new corrido out and it's all about you

    5. Lmao 9:21 got em

    6. Poor chapo he's never getting out.

    7. Going home???? Not sure what he is thinking but isn't he aware that Mochomo got life without parol? First Capo to do so for the type of charges he was facing.I would get another lawyer.

    8. orale hermano we hav shrimps and beef waiting for el patron wen he return to La Tuna

    9. No, pos WOW!
      Con ese pinchi abogao, pos pa que quiere mas la Chapa,
      Plead guilty, no contest, agree to receive 10 life sentences and the death penalty and 10 billion dollar fine.

  2. Bullshit..
    El chapo has disappeared in to the night..

    How long will they keep taking this.)?

  3. This will not help him. It didnt work for el Mochomo, dient it?

    1. Mochomo wouldnt play ball with the bullshit charges laid on him,no doubt hes moved gear etc,but some of the charges?They can say anything and most people believe it,most people think cops and government dont lie and exaggerate

    2. All the gov cares about is wins and not getting losses. Your guilt or innocence does not even factor into their calculus. People say Mexico is corrupt?! US prosecutors trade freedom for ficticious testimony all day everyday. Mini Fresa will be a well paid beneficiary of this bullshit USA government disregard for justice.

    3. @8:40 the reason why it didn't work for Mochomo is because HE CUT NO DEAL!! That's what happens TO REAL MEN! When u MAKE the choice of entering the game these MEN are in you don't start pointing fingers if u are caught. I bet it didn't even cross his mind. Waking up and going to work 5 times a week 8 hours a day is ALOT easier than what these guys are doing And I don't think a lot of ppl understand that. This ONLY IMPLIES to a FEW MEN like Mochomo I AM NOT SAYING DOPE PEDDLERS ARE MORE RESPECTED THAN THE WORKING MAN OR WOMAN. 99% of these dope paddlers are LAZY PUNKS! But my respects to Mochomo

    4. We all respect la Mochoma, but the smart man gets away with murda, I'd recomend La Mochoma to reconsider,
      "...hace falta en Culiacán...

  4. What's wrong with this picture? Isn't there a grand conflict?

  5. Don't forget about Gottis former lawyer as well Litchhman or something. He's representing El Chapo

  6. Sinaloa real man mochomo said nothing Wow That some big sinaloa pelotas it wount surprise me when chapo says nothing to the police and gets a life sentence , thanks for this report bb love this blog
    Puerto Rican El Sicario

    1. @854 hahaha, I'd bet he squeals. He's already crying and he hasn't even been sentenced. He gonna snitch

    2. Best comment here 👆👆

    3. 11:44 La Chapa is Goin' out of his mind,
      And out of prison in 2 years.

    4. Mochomo no es nada pendejo, he stayed quiet so that his entire family lived.


  7. This is going to be hilarious, I expect the US goverment to block any payments to his lawyers as 'tainted funds' from the Narco trade. Just where did Chapo's family get the funds for his new lawyer? Once the high priced lawyers do not get paid, how long will they stick around?

    1. I am sure old chapster has a "few" secret socks full of $ under some secret "beds" that he can have at his disposal ;-)

      As far as the lawyers getting paid...there is more than one way to empty a bottle...lawyers dont have to get paid in US, there is a reason for offshore banks and such and I am not even money weasel expert, imagine what they can do :)

    2. Where the gottis get there money? Seemed to be fine for them

    3. These guys have so many legit businesses stemming from the drug trade. It's like expodential growth. I'm sure they will always have money.

    4. Lawyers LOVE offshored money, that fer sure,
      helps do volunteer work Pro Bono.
      We have to steal chinese Chicken on the US.

    5. money stuffed in sox and legit businesses will not fly, all funds must be in prove the money to startup and operate is 100% clean. it is not easy.

    6. from one of many families who owns an applebeas in chihuahua, the money is everywhere my friend...


  8. Thanks for keeping us updated Chivis on the Chapo case and in advance too for the future updates!

  9. The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

    ALVAREZ MONTELONGO, Julio Cesar (a.k.a. ALVAREZ, Julion), Paseo de la Hacienda 443, Fracc. Los Mangos, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico; Ontario 1102, Col. Providencia, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44630, Mexico; Coras 3644, Col. Monraz, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44670, Mexico; Av. Manuel Acuna 3497, Col. Rinconada Santa Rita, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44690, Mexico; DOB 11 Apr 1983; POB La Concordia, Chiapas, Mexico; citizen Mexico; Website; Gender Male; R.F.C. AAMJ8304112F0 (Mexico); C.U.R.P. AAMJ830411HCSLNL05 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (Linked To: JCAM EDITORA MUSICAL, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: NORYBAN PRODUCTIONS, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: TICKET BOLETO, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: FLORES DRUG TRAFFICKING ORGANIZATION).

    MARQUEZ ALVAREZ, Rafael (a.k.a. MARQUEZ, Rafa), Calle Popocatepetl 2907-1, Col. Ciudad del Sol, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico; Toltecas 3134, Fracc. Monraz, Guadalajara, Jalisco 44670, Mexico; Av. Patria 2085, Mezzanine, Col. Puerta de Hierro, Zapopan, Jalisco 45116, Mexico; Moliere 330-303, Col. Polanco, Mexico, Distrito Federal 11560, Mexico; J.J. Martinez Aguirre 4248, Ciudad de los Ninos, Zapopan, Jalisco 45040, Mexico; Blvd. Adolfo Lopez Mateos 1810, Col. La Martinica, Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico; DOB 13 Feb 1979; POB Zamora, Michoacan de Ocampo, Mexico; citizen Mexico; Gender Male; R.F.C. MAAR7902132V4 (Mexico); C.U.R.P. MAAR790213HMNRLF03 (Mexico) (individual) [SDNTK] (Linked To: ESCUELA DE FUTBOL RAFAEL MARQUEZ, ASOCIACION CIVIL; Linked To: FUTBOL Y CORAZON, ASOCIACION CIVIL; Linked To: GRUPO DEPORTIVO ALVANER, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: FLORES DRUG TRAFFICKING ORGANIZATION; Linked To: GRUPO DEPORTIVO MARQUEZ PARDO, S. DE R.L. DE C.V.; Linked To: GRUPO NUTRICIONAL ALHOMA, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: GRUPO TERAPEUTICO HORMARAL, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: GRUPO TERAPEUTICO PUERTO VALLARTA, S.A. DE C.V.; Linked To: PROSPORT & HEALTH IMAGEN, S.A. DE C.V.).

    1. The singer and the athlete?

    2. Argentinian futbol hero Diego Armando Maradona declares himself a comunist and offers presidente Maduro his life to help save the Revolucion Bolivariana, in response to US offers of US military intervention to steal the venezuelans oil in the process.

  10. Who's paying if all his accounts got frozen? 100% of his wealth is confiscatable. Who is paying the lawyers?

    1. The problem for the new team and Chapo is that prosecutors have not given any assurances that they won’t require the new dream team forfeit their legal fees. This is according to Guzman’s current Federal Defenders of New York lawyers.
      Supposedly, The new lawyers are “reluctant” to formally become involved in the case without assurances, said attorneys Michelle Gelernt, Michael Schneider and Edward Zas.
      The Federal Defenders of NY asked the judge to give prosecutors a deadline.

    2. @Chivis: for real a defendant's legal counsel can be prohibited to charge for his/her work???

      Can someone provide more details on this kind og ruling please.

    3. Sorry for my ignorance chivis can you detail more about the attorneys I'm lost on what you said

    4. This is wrong the law states person has a right to an attorney so this is contradictory

    5. it is not wrong. he had public defenders. now he wants 4 at apx 3500-4500 an hr for the four. why should tax payers pay? that is not typical. take mochomo's case. only 1 atty. as for his money...he can't use any funds because they are illegal monies. gained thru unlawful activities.


    Mexico soccer star Marquez among 22 sanctioned for drug ties

  12. Remember kids! It's not how well the lawyer knows the law, it's not how outspoken he is in the courtroom, It's who he knows from the government and what kind of backroom deals he can make ;-)

  13. El Senor debe de estar protejido asta donde llega. Nueva York es la plaza mas chingona de todo el mundo. Se llebaron un agricultor humilde creando que hayee no eva tener hente. Ves como piensan los democraticos. Ese pedo no vola con los Republicanos. Ay puro webo los arrancamos. Siguen luchando.

    1. Humilde seguro no sabes que es ser humilde Este tacuache mato mucha jente con su cartel y con Las drogas que traficaba you think that's being humble estas bien mal tus abuelos si eres de rancho eyos si son jente humilde que te daban hasta el Ultimo taco y cuando yegabas a su casa agua era lo que te ofrecian eso es ser humilde no Este trafikante que tu le besas Los huevos

    2. 4:43 este sr has done more for the ppl than the mexican goverement. he build schools churhes roads transportation and had light and water installed to ppl n la sierra ppl that the governmemt doesnt care of he has cared for them. ppl n la sierra give their lives for him for everythin he has done for them siempre asido un sr. humilde with everybody. yea his ppl had many ppl killed. but its been for the honest hard workers benifet. his ppl dont alow kidnaps extortion or robberies like other cartels.their all about work not messin with the honest ppl.

    3. They do a lot for the people but want something in return. Nothing is free. Esta clase de gente no perdona ni asu propia sangre. En el negocio es pura traicion. Darle un comida o dinero es como darle de comer a un animal.

  14. Free El Chapo! its all hearsay! you can't convict someone based on the court of public opinion

  15. there is only so much money can buy. at this point el chapo is just throwing a hail mary to see how bad his last days will be in prison.

  16. Si del infierno se a escapado las cadenas rompera de USA

  17. Chapo snitched...


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