Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Puebla: The Capture 'Doña Lety', Cancun narco leader

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat material from Excelsior and Quintana Roo Hoy
The Federal Police and the Navy Secretariat (Semar) yesterday detained Leticia Rodríguez Lara, aka "Doña Lety" or "La 40",  identified as leader of a Cancun cartel, which conducts criminality in different municipalities of the Riviera Maya.

Authorities explained that Doña Lety was detained in a coordinated operation by both authorities in the state of Puebla.She was arrested on the Mexico-Veracruz highway.

Investigations by the federal government indicate that Leticia Rodríguez Lara, a former agent of the Judicial Police, is originally from Veracruz. In Cancún she allied with the Cartel del Pacífico against the Los Zetas cartel to eliminate their presence in Cancún, Zetas had a lock on Cancún for years. Leticia Rodríguez Lara is investigated for homicides, as well as kidnappings and extortions committed in Cancun, and Quintana Roo, in the dispute for the control of the “plaza” (Territory, turf)The dispute is between cartels of the Zetas, Gulf and Nueva Generación Jalisco.

The dispute over Cancún; The struggle for control maintained by Doña Lety, led to the formation in August 2016 of the group known as Los Combos, organized to overthrow Dona Lety. A failed attempt to assassinate Dona Lety transpired last April.

Los Combos was identified by the Army in September 2016, who told local media the presence of a new cartel in the Cancún-Playa-Tulum corridor. At present this is fractured by internal problems.

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  1. Put Cancún or Quintan Roo in the headline so all the gringos with their heads in their ass/sand can see!! Por Pleez!!

    1. Many have been saying it for years now, but they don't believe it.

    2. Gra - see - us!!!

    3. Heads in their ass? I was just in QRoo for 2 weeks at the beginning of June. I was there when the shootout happened right near the main road to the hotel zone. Had actually driven the same stretch earlier that day. I was staying at a resort south of Playa del Carmen. I was pulled over in my rental car by the police on the way to Cancun because he just wanted to “check and make sure I knew what the speed limit was” ... sure he did. He went back to his patrol car empty handed because he could tell I’d been to MX many times and had a local with me along with my 2 children. But you know what? I still felt safe at the resort we were at because the resorts themselves are so isolated from all of the issues that plague the areas off the resort so I would still return to QRoo with my family despite what you are saying. I even have no problem driving to Playa del Carmen from the resort and walking around and doing some shopping. You know why? Because I’m not an idiot who hangs out late at night, doesn’t pay attention to his surroundings and use common sense with where I do and don’t go while I’m there. Don’t be stupid and you won’t have an issue vacationing in QRoo. Tons of gringos visit it every single week without issue. Including this one. I used to go to Playa every year. But now I spend more time elsewhere. But not because of fear. But because I want more diversity and whole the Riviera Maya has amazing beaches it gets boring when I stay there for longer than 1 week because I prefer having mountains, beaches and more geographic diversity... which I don’t get there because it’s too far away and I wouldn’t stray from the main highway between Cancun and Tulum to drive elsewhere and it would take too long anyway on top of being dangerous. I spend more time in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua now. I felt safer at a mega resort in QRoo than I do driving around plenty of areas in major cities in the United States. QRoo has major issues. But as long as you aren’t up to no good, don’t make stupid decisions and use common sense it can be perfectly safe for tourists. The same can’t be said for most of the rest of the country.

    4. @1018: you feel safe until you suddenly realize that you are not.

    5. Acapulco used to be considered safe until the plaza was fought over.

    6. Doña Lety got herselfa de during the governors mario marin, rafael moreno valle in Puebla and fidel herrera beltran and javier duarte in veracruz, accused pederastas some of them, others just corrupt rats that murdered or robbed their states with reckless abandon, miguel angel yunes linares, actual veracruz governorhas been accused of pederastia among other thingies too.

    7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    8. Why are people worried about other people traveling to Mexico? As long as you dont go to tamaulipas you will be o.k.

  2. Cjng has been trying to take her out for a while now. It was just a matter of time, they caught one of her sons last month too

  3. Wtf? Cartel de Pacifico belongs to BLO a they're allied with Zetas

    1. But it sounds good. Who really pays attention to those details?

    2. Allied at the top somewhere,
      doesn't mean everybody bends over anywhere, some people have kicking fights under the table, others rub knees.

    3. 8:54 pm

      Pacific Cartel is CDS

      CDP is CDS

    4. Ohh sorry it's my mistake I thought OP was refering South Pacific Cartel which belongs to BLO(They'r more like armed wing rather than CARTEL)


    6. 8:50 that is pacific south or sur..

    7. Sur Pacific or south Pacific Sheeba, lo que queras.

  4. She looks extremely similar to Griselda Blanco at that age

    1. --Griselda Blanco NEVER WAS a "Made Member of the Policia Judicial Federal Mexicana", and remember this pinchi cabrona has been involved in prostitution of minors among her activities.

    2. i thought the same thing @ 10:24

    3. Enslaving minors. They shld of let her get killed by another group

  5. I heard the Cartel de Isla Mujeres is about to cross the pond and battle for the plaza.

  6. Le calentaron bien feo la plaza a la doña lety, la neta yo si le daba

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. She had balls, she didn't want to run with Mencho so there was all kinds of killings there. Mencho heated that area bad so they got to her

    1. Shes lucky to be going away for a few years.

    2. Va a salir bien bigotona de la carsel la pinchi doña lety.
      Hasta patillas le van a crecer.

  9. Onother plaza mencho took from Sinaloa. Cds is going to end up with no plazas at the rate they are going. Cjng is too much for cds

  10. When you read these comments from years ago you realize how out of touch some readers and commenters are, and unpredictable the state of OC in Mexico is. Everyone talks about Sinaloa nut huggers and CJNG D-Ridaz, but nobody talked about how there is over 80 to 90 factions of over 10 cartels operating in the country. Or how desperate the cartels would get by battling over the plaza of Loreto, for the 2,000 peso per week haul. That's like battling it out for the best corner in Barstow, CA. Please someone, anyone, make a halfway accurate prediction. The keyboard gangsters are killing me, smallz.


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