Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Soccer star Rafael Marquez named in Largest Mexican Cartel Kingpin Designation

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Mexican soccer star and a Norteno band leader are 2 of 22 sanctioned 

As a result of several long-term DEA investigations, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today identified Mexican national Raul Flores Hernandez and the Flores Drug Trafficking Organization (Flores DTO) as Significant Foreign Narcotics Traffickers pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act (Kingpin Act).

In addition to Flores and the Flores DTO, OFAC also designated 21 Mexican nationals and 42 entities in Mexico for providing support to the narcotics trafficking activities of Raul Flores Hernandez and the Flores DTO and/or for being owned or controlled by the Flores DTO, its members, and trusted associates.

This action marks the largest single Kingpin Act action against a Mexican drug cartel network that OFAC has designated. As a result of today’s action, all assets of the individuals and entities designated that are under U.S. jurisdiction or are in the control of U.S. persons are frozen, and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from engaging in transactions with them.

The Government of Mexico’s Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) seized diverse assets today belonging to Raul Flores Hernandez and the Flores DTO, including the Grand Casino in the Guadalajara area. This joint action is the result of a multi-year OFAC investigation undertaken in coordination with DEA, Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Government of Mexico. This designation is part of a larger collaborative effort with Mexican government agencies, including the PGR and Mexico’s Finance Ministry’s Unidad de Inteligencia Financiera (UIF), to use financial sanctions, among other tools, to disrupt Mexican drug trafficking organizations.

Although he operates independently, Raul Flores Hernandez maintains strategic alliances with the leadership of Mexico’s Sinaloa Cartel and the Cartel de Jalisco Nueva Generación. His relationships with the leaders of these drug cartels have allowed the Flores DTO to operate since the 1980s in Guadalajara, Jalisco, and Mexico City, Mexico. In March 2017, federal drug trafficking indictments were returned in the District of Columbia and the Southern District of California against Flores Hernandez.
This pic was on President Pena Instagram.  He had just visited Chiapas and is shown with the Governor, and
the singer Julión Álvarez.  When the kinpin designation was released Pena deleted the photo                      
The Flores DTO includes a significant number of Flores Hernandez’s family members and trusted associates, upon whom he heavily relies to further his drug trafficking and money laundering activities and to maintain assets on his behalf. Family members of Flores Hernandez designated today include Maria Icela Chavez Martinez, Felipe Flores Gomez, Kevin Sebastian Flores Chavez, Sendy Flores Castro, Moises Flores Esparza, Saul Flores Tinajero, Oscar Armando Jimenez Hernandez, and Irma Lizet Damian Ramirez.  Associates of Flores Hernandez designated today include Fernando Gustavo Alvarez Peralta, Diego Ayala Romero, Linda Elizabeth Campos Tirado, Efrain and Omar Caro Urias, Hugo Ivan and Victor Manuel Carranza Zepeda, Jose Antonio Cordero Cardenas, and Mario Alberto Fernandez Santana.  Several of these individuals own or control a number of Mexican companies within the Flores DTO’s business network. Today’s OFAC designations also include Mexican professional soccer player, Rafael Marquez Alvarez (Rafa Marquez), and Mexican singer Julio Cesar Alvarez Montelongo (Julion Alvarez). Both men have longstanding relationships with Flores Hernandez, and have acted as front persons for him and his DTO and held assets on their behalf. Also designated today are Mauricio Heredia Horner and Marco Antonio Fregoso Gonzalez for acting for or on behalf of Rafa Marquez. 

The 42 entities designated today cross a wide range of industries and services in Mexico, including
sports and recreation, health and rehabilitation, restaurants and bars, hospitality and tourism, gambling, and music production. Several key designated entities include a Mexican soccer club, Club Deportivo Morumbi, Asociacion Civil; the Grand Casino in Guadalajara, Jalisco; Camelias Bar, S.A. de C.V. and Nocturnum Inc, S. de R.L. de C.V., which have run popular bars and restaurants in Guadalajara; a sports rehabilitation center, Prosport & Health Imagen, S.A. de C.V.; and a music production company, Noryban Productions, S.A. de C.V. Most of the entities designated today are registered in the Mexican state of Jalisco, although two are registered in the state of Sinaloa. Several entities operate locations/branches in various other states, including Michoacán and Coahuila.

Since June 2000, more than 2,000 individuals and entities have been named pursuant to the Kingpin Act for their role in international narcotics trafficking. Penalties for violations of the Kingpin Act range from civil penalties of up to $1,437,153 per violation to more severe criminal penalties. Criminal penalties for corporate officers may include up to 30 years in prison and fines of up to $5 million.  Criminal fines for corporations may reach $10 million. Other individuals could face up to 10 years in prison and fines pursuant to Title 18 of the United States Code for criminal violations of the Kingpin Act.

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  1. Uncle sam wants his cut. $$$$

  2. Well... Looks like he wont be making his 5th world cup appearance in 2018.

    1. Greedy bastards...earning millions with monaco, barcelona just by following and kicking one stupid ball, he still had to get more that secret bank account must be real ffat from drug deals with cronies. Just another fine example why the current situation down there.

    2. Looks like he did son!!

  3. Oh no! Now comes the hysteria from everyone that's never heard of the Flores "cartel" and the questions of "which cartel are they working with". Jaja! There are so many drug families, organizations, cartels or whatever you want to call them that you gringos never heard of. In Culiacan alone I know of 3 or 4 billion dólar revenue organizations and many bringing in hundreds of millions whose names have never hit news print...unless it was for their legitimate businesses

    1. I always suspected there must be many many more organizations at this level. I've never been to a city or town in America where any hard drug wasn't available at a moments notice. When friends who are addicts travel they literally just find by asking around, usually takes them no more than a few hours to find someone. Also some of these skid row open air markets with many dealers like the Tenderloin in SF for instance have been studied by researchers that found they at times sell 50k a day in a few block radius. Than you have the super rich party scenes in Hollywood, the Hamptons, Miami..etc. It's staggering to try and conceive the math involved here.

    2. So which cartel are they working with??? Please tell us! I want know what you know. Pleeeease tell us will ya?

    3. Hahaha! 3 or 4 billion organizations? You wish!!! That comment right there is propaganda within itself! Maybe Chapo and or Mayo could have amassed a billion or two dollars but that could very well be the value of their entire organization, not necessarily their own personal wealth. Weak minded fools that believe everything that other people say.
      You should follow the advise of the lyrics of the famous Tigres del Norte music group in their hit song Pacas de a Kilo - "Me gusta que me platiquen pero no todo les creo!"

    4. 1:22 You are ruining the fun for people that believe every assasination or drug confiscation belongs to a cartel they have heard of.
      But you are correct - the most wealthy organizations are not known because they are smart and insulated from everything. The cartels that periódicos write about are in trouble or else only pointing the attention away from where the drogas are really moving.

      Americans - your politicians tell you they are cutting off the head of snake but in truth the snake no longer has head because business has evolved. War cost money and lost revenue, and publicity the recipe for extinction.

    5. 2:24 You missed the point of their post. Can you read or are you just tweaked?

    6. Everyone knows someone they say

    7. Flores we're working for the Sinaloa Cartel they weren't their own cartel

    8. They probably do make 3 4 billion.. My boy was pushing wight he ended up getting indicated with his fam. hes in prison now but this dude had money. A lambo, buncha cars, like 8 houses. Just that alone was worth about 600k..and he was just one dude here in the imagine his higher ups down in mexico..they must have billions..

    9. La guera PAISA tko y piensalo

    10. 1:22 No doubt about it, there is clans of families who been running their organizations since the 80's some even longer than that but you don't hear of them, you only hear noise about the same usual suspects who sometimes have ties to those families.

    11. The herreras are a another example of families that are independant but allied. How about don pepe who was called the heroing king in mexico. Operating out michoacan no one knew who the hell he was till he got arrested.

    12. yup i live in cln and here theirs thousands of ppl or cliks or how they say here "equipos" that work on their own. multi millioners that have nvr had their names heard of and prob nvr will. cds is based on thousands of drug lords and organazations. and thousands of independent oraganaztions right here in cln

    13. @2:24 -- it is widely known, and proven, that the drug smuggling market in the US is worth roughly ~$40bil a year...

    14. 8 houses a bunch of cars and only worth 600K.
      My 1 house here in SoCali is worth 450K.
      Where did your boy live, a trailer park?

    15. @6:20 & @5:42 you two miss another point between Mexico and the U.S. which is the dolar to peso exchange rate. This means that for the 450 thousand that a let's say 2000 square foot home costs in Cali you can by a home three times that size in Mexico for that price although cars are roughly the same price. This means that firsf of all a narco does not live in a trailer park but second what appears to be a $600 thousand dolar home in Mexico could actually be worth less! Way less!
      Lastly 40 billion dolar a year estimate drug problem in the U.S. also includes narcos living in this country which means that not all or perhaps not even half of those 40 (possibly inflated figure), billion end up in Mexico.

    16. Im actually from kansas lol and so was my dude. Not cali or anything. Even though cali is bad ass.

    17. The drug market according to natgeo was estimated at around 80 billion dollars back in 2014 since then drug use has increased in many places and the mexicans still live in a 3rd world country.

  4. For a minute I thought it was the Chapo Isidro's Flores Meza network.

  5. @1:22 PM. Hey big bad internet hombre. Are you sure you don't live in your mommy's basement and have an active imagination?

    1. Lol. You mean crawl space where they hide the salsa!

  6. This Flores outfit would seem like a legit enterprise. So when they approached celebrities and offer them deals and sponsorship they go with it. It like corona in Mexico. We don't know who's really behind it and who you think owns all of the McDonald's in Sinaloa,Sonora and puerto Vallarta? Uncle Sam just wants to get its feet wet

    1. Look into Elektra. Where they are from, how they started, the politicians in the family (current Gob de SIN), the other businesses the family NOW owns. Then look at PINSA Group. My primo worked with Carranza when he had one "shrimp" boat and now he has 20 ships with 3 helicopters each, hundreds miliones in real estate proyectos, and there are many many more "respectable" families in Mexico almost everyone here has not known of

    2. You have you expressions wrong.
      Getting your feet wet is like taking your first case a small one or assisting just to get your feet wet in the profession.

    3. @ 4:00 pm

      getting your feet wet means you want a little in on something pr testing something out bro bro

    4. It's called credit my friend. Even in Mexico you can borrow millions from banks over the course of some years and go from 1 tiny fishing boat to many. Plus investors can invest just like in American corporations their own part of their wealth into your businesses so that it grows. You don't have to necessarily be a business owner in Mexico that started with one of anything but now has more AND be a narco. The problem arises when some of these "investors" are involved in narcotics and they invest heavily on YOUR legit business. Then it can be seen as money laundering which is the most likely culprit.
      Why or how would Rafa Marquez and Julion Alvarez be involved in all this? Because they willingly either by a scam or knowingly invested in false investors/narcos businesses that launder money through someone elses or simply their own. It's a bit complicated but not impossible to believe and or achieve this.

    5. 8:59 You do not understand the Mexican business system. First credit in Mexico was out of reach to any business without large capital accounts and collateral. This began to change in 1990s but interest rates were 20%+ and even today (thanks to US investor liquidity) rates are still 18% plus and you better have receivables or collateral to pledge to get loan.

      Anyway I'm speaking of my home town grown businesses and those of us here for generacións know exactly how those and several other hotel owners made their capital - and it wasn't from borrowing or having their company listed on la bolsa.

    6. Lmao that's why I just said, you want a taste at what's to come. What you said made no sense. That's why Latinos shouldn't use phrases, they fack em up. You're saying America wants their part? That's the first thing they take before they let anyone do anything. You really think USA doesn't know who's doing what. They can spy one anyone anytime.

    7. 8:37 getting your feet wet mea s testing the watter a lite bit, with the tip of your toes,
      Getting cold feet is getting out before even trying.
      "Getting your beak wet a little" means sharing of the bounty, you respect by paying the Don That supposes he owns the turf and he is happy you are a good respectful good son and he don't whack your ass out of his property.
      Most LatinAmerican narcos work for some "dons", usually well connected in US government circles, but they get in problem when they operate their own piggyback, get caught and start singing about entirely other organizations or partners.

    8. In mexico the banks will not lend you any money unless you put your land as collateral or are some well sponsored politician, narcos do not borrow money, unless it is from each other,
      Even on the US banks will not.lend to some people, specially after a few too many billion dollar bankruptcies, 5hat why some american dignitaries ended owing their businesses past present and future to intra-mobster lending and payments and fees with russian mobsters and Red Mafiya in russia, on the US and all over the world.

    9. McDonald's franchises for sale from Chicago il.
      Corona bought in parts by Anheuser-Bush Bev Intl. Is now fully owned by AB, Corona is only part of Cerveceria Modelo, all bought and paid for AB Makers of Budweiser(belgium) who merged with a Brazilian company and we're bought by Constellation from Chicago who bottles for another mexican corloration, planning to make more plants in mexican and other money laundering metropolis in mexico and around the world.
      You better google the whole story, they also.bottle Pacifico and.Victoria beers, I hope they never go so low that they start bottking Tecate too.

    10. keystone beer is buying Tecate.and nighttrain owns Pacifico.

  7. @chivis there is an ig with a picture of julion alvarez with a know cjng associate

  8. this a pure jalisco blood breed orginazation

    1. Yes and they had to pay piso to sinaloa cartel to operate in it's terrenos but yeah they are from jalisco

    2. Ok ladies but michoacan took over so hush lol

    3. Yes but they are playing it the smart way paying taxes or piso so they can move their products instead of fighting a plaza like sinaloa does in other states and not only losing but wasting way more money 💰, now thats a real cartel right there asiendo las cosas bien sin tanto desmadre

    4. 901 wtf was that. You just described CJNG killing people trying take over the plaza. Killing innocents to write a manta, Sinaloa they are the real business men. That's why they been around since the 70s/80s

  9. No news on CDG leader?

    1. Un CDG escapa para Sinaloa? Es por la madriza que el CJNG esta haciendo ya se les vencio el plaso jajajjaj (sarcasmo)

    2. theirs an allianze between cds and cdg since like 2012. thats y sinaloa hasnt gone to fight with zetas they have cdg fightin them

    3. It explains why cdg is a mess.

    4. Cdg aint running from jalisco. Jalisco only kills inocents and then they claim they killed contras.

  10. The truth is if these fools enriched their communities more than they did themselves and controlled the market by cutting off fiends, making rules, abiding by those rules and controlling murder they may actually end up somewhere other than prison or the morgue.

    - El Burro

    1. 5:43 papasitooo, money does not get invested in their communities because money managers from america or europe always have better offers the mexican money launderers can't refuse because they don't know "too pretty to be true" until they get nailed in the ass.
      "Communities" don't have much to offer, other than "Kickback Acceptance Exchanges" and graveyards.

  11. Despite being a hero and superstar among many. Unfortunately, the money was too good to pass up. Risking career and intergrity for wealth. A choice many undertake. An irrational decision blinded by greed. Which in the end an unfavorable outcome.
    The question is ? Will he ever get prosecuted? Forfeiture in the US is expected. But prosecution and extradition from Mexico may be more complicated.
    He is a star.
    This comment is in reference to the soccer player.

    1. 6:05 "who is a star"

    2. At 9:40 are you kidding me? He's one of the best defenders of all tike

    3. 1:24 le pasa la bola al güey, because "el Rafa Marquez" is a good boy, ow wait and see, "el chicharito" must be on the pipeline l, and shakira's boyfriend, all that movement of football soccer tournaments and championships and million dollar deal players stink to high heavens, like that David
      Bowie IMITATOR, beckham. Guess what? The hooligans fights are the only unstaged thingy about soccer, but they sure look meth fueled. what a coincidence...

  12. What's up with Chapo Isidro? Is he still active? If so is he BLO or independent? He is very interesting, and keeps a low profile.

    1. That's the only way to survive to keep a low profile, unlike all those linieros from cuauhtemoc who theyre asses handed to them for making to much noise.

    2. He learned from Arturo beltran leyva and Mochomo the good and their mistakes

    3. Lovely. So Marquez was in bed with both the Jalisco New Generation cartel and the Sinaloa cartel. Which one gets to whack him first?

    4. blo has a alliance with cds again

    5. Esta en la sultana segun las malas lenguas, el vato se la vive en San pedro, lo cuida el ex alxalde con sus conectas politicas y siempre se a savido que el ex alcalde era 100 beltran.

    6. Here on BB the homeless Bed and Breakfast, converge all kinds of cartels fans, detractors and huggers, and we don't become each other's corrupt selves, same with la rafa, he invests wit Julión Alvarez in the same money laundering house, but rafa doesn't sing or Julión plays soccer, capisci?

  13. Irma Lizet Damian Ramirez. Now that's a Tuesday night special. - Sol Prendido

  14. U freeze and never show off what u got went u know its over just countunie ur path and leave it for ur only ones and keep quiet.and work in that cold blooded world and it pays off for the ones that were there and ur lil ones.

  15. Los carteles mexicanos mamabichos no pueden entrar a puerto rico porque reciviran un fuletaso boyy. En los cazerios no se juega aqui si le metemos cojones!


    1. And Boriquas can't go into Mexico and own a plaza just like that. You are a clown

    2. That crew of ricans from new york that got busted with the bentley and the lambo some of them allegedly went and met with the bosses of sinaloa. Also a lot of domincans sell their kilos in p.r.

  16. NSA just emailed me that I need to stop posting so much info or risk being the next Seth Rich. Botched robbery

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. They caught Doña Lety in Puebla yesterday.

  18. This is one of many payment to come for the border wall he did say mexico was going to pay for it trump is going to tax all these people and bealive they will be many more now that chapo is in u.s soil the art of a deal this is chest not checkers or Mexican lotteria

  19. I wish people wouldn't hide behind "anonymous"- would be so nice to know who you are and where you're from.
    Welcome- I'm Laureal from Alabama (:

    1. Saludos (greetings) 2 old friends out of Oneonta. - Sol Prendido

    2. Tell it to the bad hombres who just come to lurk on this site... LOL

    3. why do you want to know?
      who do you work for?


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