Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Texas Gang Assessment, "Tango Blast" tops numbers

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat material from DPS Texas Gang Assessment
Tango Blast 19,000 members in Texas

Texas Gang Threat Assessment, which was developed to provide a broad overview and update of gang activity in Texas.

“This report provides an overview of gangs operating in Texas, which gives law enforcement important information to help protect our communities from these violent organizations,” said DPS Director Steven McCraw. “Gangs and their associates remain a significant threat to public safety in our state, not only because of their penchant for violence and criminal activity, but also their relationships with other criminal organizations, such as Mexican cartels.”

The Texas Gang Threat Assessment is based on the collaboration between multiple law enforcement and criminal justice agencies across the state and nation, whose contributions were essential in creating this comprehensive overview of gang activity in Texas.

What is the differences between Gang Tiers?

The state’s latest assessment was released 6 weeks ago, with gangs like Tango Blast, MS-13, the Mexican Mafia and the Latin Kings all ranking as tier 1 gangs. The assessment is based in part on the number of members in the gang, their level of violence and criminal activities, along with their relationship with Mexican crime cartels.

The state of Texas ranks Barrio Azteca, the Crips and Bloods, along with the Bandidos, as tier 2 gangs.

In recent years, Barrio Azteca has fallen from being a tier 1 gang to tier 2 because of a weakening threat, its relationship with the deteriorating Juarez Drug Cartel and the encroachment of the Sinaloa Cartel in the Borderland.
click to enlarge

Executive Summary

The key investigative judgments of this assessment are:
  • Gangs remain a significant threat to public safety in Texas.
  • Gangs in Texas continue their involvement in organized criminal activity throughout the state, committing violence and maintaining relationships with dangerous Transnational Criminal Organizations.
  • We assess that as many as 100,000 gang members are in Texas.
The most significant gangs in Texas are:
  • Tango Blast and associated Tango cliques (estimated 19,000 members),
  • Latin Kings (estimated 1,300 members),
  • Texas Mexican Mafia (estimated 4,100 members),
  • and Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) (estimated 500 members).
These Tier 1 gangs pose the greatest gang threat potential based on their cartel relationships, high levels of transnational criminal activity, level of committed violence, and overall statewide strength and presence.

Violence is often inseparable from gang activity.

Whether protecting criminal assets and territory, carrying out contractual obligations, initiating new members, or targeting other members, gang member violence places Texas citizens ina perilous position.

More than half of all tier-ranked gang members incarcerated within Texas Department of Criminal Justice prisons are serving sentences for violent crimes, including;
  • robbery (23 percent),
  • homicide (16 percent),
  • assaultive offenses (14 percent),
  • and sexual assault (6 percent)
Cartel and gang relationships remain steady.

Mexican cartels and Texas gangs work together to distribute drugs throughout the state, smuggle illegal aliens across the border, and  procure and move weapons to Mexico. Cartels sometimes reach out to gang members to commit violent crimes on both sides of the border. The relationships between certain gangs and cartels fluctuate based on cartel structures and cell alignments, gang alignment with specific cartels, threats or coercion, and familial ties. As long as illicit cross-border crimes are profitable, the relationship between cartels and gangs will continue.

 Partnerships between gangs continue across the state.

 Law enforcement reporting throughout Texas shows members of different, and sometimes opposing, gangs will work together to fulfill common criminal objectives. These collaborations are frequently a result of familial and neighborhood ties, hybrid gang memberships, and temporary mutually beneficial agreements. In addition, some violent rivalries remain in place in Texas, mostly between street gangs in concentrated areas, such as the Texas Chicano Brotherhood and Tri-City Bombers in the Rio Grande Valley. Other examples include the rivalry between the Bandidos Outlaw Motorcycle Gang and Cossacks Motorcycle Club, which contributed to the May 2015 shooting in Waco that killed nine people. Their conflicts can result in the injury or death of innocent citizens,  particularly during violent altercations in public, such as drive-by shootings.

Gang members actively use social media to communicate, boast, and recruit.

 The  popularity of social media has not been lost on gang members, especially with younger generations. Gangs use social networking and video-sharing websites as platforms to brag, recruit, and antagonize rival gang members, while mobile messaging applications are used by gang members to communicate. These include encrypted messaging platforms whose use by gang members challenges law enforcement agencies’ ability to investigate and collect criminal intelligence information.

Read full report below:

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  1. Wonder what cartels tango blast & latin kings be dealing for.

    1. Tango Blast is more of a prison association-type gang rather than one that fits the standard definition. They have members from numerous other gangs that maintain those connections once they get out. Just shows they're really all about the money.

    2. they ARE a prison gang. most are, and recruitment begins young, in YA facilities

    3. Done time in the 90's in Texas . All the Mexicans hang together with their home town. Most of those groups like that answer to what I thought was tier 1 groups , Azteca's . Mexican mafia and Texas syndicate . The Houston people hung together . Told me its just sort of a tango . Made me think it was slang for a group that hung together because of geography was called . San Antonio was the same . Rio Grand valley "Valluco's" . In recent years I hear of Tango Blast.
      On the John B. Connally unit at that time they went after any Mexican that came from west Texas unless he was affiliated with MM or TS .
      Since then I hear of Tango Blast out of Houston . Know one kid that hasn't done time that's one of them . Knew of him traveling up to Chicago on drug related business . Dont know about in Houston but they are
      esquina's for the Texas syndicate in prison . All that being said . The real deal is they are all pieces of shit . Its hard to say one is better or worse than others . Any of them think they are powerful enough they get worse . In a gang many will do things that they would be afraid to do otherwise . Groups make cowards bolder .

    4. hola chivis!! SAFD here just saying hello!!

    5. Hey! I was thinking of you guys. Were you sent to Houston? My son sent a team first day. Now he is in Oregon for for fire near Medford.

      Take care, God Bless

    6. @9:38 am

      No seas pendejo. Tango was formed to protect themselves from Texas Syndicate and Mexican Mafia, not to be their "esquina"

    7. 1:47 Same old story about protecting the hood or each other from the baddies, same shit that never works, because the organizers soon see to it that the members earn their keep by pushing weight, no regulation complementing a lot of weapons, pinchis tangas cagadas are all the same wherever they go, ain't nothing new but the names.

    8. Thought the gang was formed by argentinians because of the tango blast dance but it's probably not the case Lol

    9. 7:17 Yea Pendejo but they were kicking it with TS to some extent . Everybody from san Antonio would turn out if the 13 13 had a beef with anybody . The valley tended to lean toward the toward the cuernos . When did they form ? the word blast has been added in recent years . Ask your daddy maybe he remembers . Saw a LK teem up with a TS . Ts hit a guy in the head with jack mack in a pillow case while he slept and Lk through a blanket over his head . Took his ear off. Sonny what ever you believe the rules are you need to remember , there are always exceptions and variables .The mexicles were prevented from getting a foot hold . They all went after them , especially a the TS . La unida was defiantly in the TS corner . Things change so I couldn't say now . Kido you probably know how it is now better than me .

  2. Gang threat and law enFORCEment. Expensive expensive and big tax payer funded billions dollar budgets.

    Prevention and addressing the root of the problem is the cheaper and effective way, BUT will not feed those big ENFORCEMENT budgets.

    Without a big and real gang threat these budgets will evaporate.

    The government must always nuture the enemy (both internal and external) to scare the sheep to believe that THIS is the only way to go!

    1. @1:39
      Until your money tree blooms, we (society) have to pay good money for brave people to do the job of apprehending, convicting & supervising the punishment of these serious criminal. Then you can cover the expense of nurturing each at risk child so they stay out of gangs, state & federal prisons and then we won't have to be burdened with these fake expensive jails, bullet resistant vests, or whatever else you see as useless. As a bb reader it should be clear what American would look like without dedicated police, judges and jailers with integrity. It would be Mexico!

    2. @9:04....great comment...couldn't agree more.

    3. the federal money tree blooms for the good ol' texas boys, they use the federal money to develop and nurture their troubled youth, then come up with "the results" blaming the newborn mexicans for getting born baaad, no mamen.
      most US born mexicans get corrupted since kindergarten making most of them speak mostly only english and uprooting them and creating a growing distance from their parents, they grow believing in their superiority until they end in prison, then they cry all day and night for the mamases and papases they grew used to despise.

    4. @9:04 as a BB reader it is painfully clear that I am covering the EXPENSE of a FAILED enforcement strategy. 30 years of WoD and drugs are EVERYWHERE in epidemic proportions AND corruption IS seeping into our system at a rapid paste.

      HELL we are heading towards Mexico!

      FYI: I do not propose abandoning law enforcement. It is a necessity BUT it is NOT the solution AND it should NOT be our strategy to win.

    5. @1:20 The root of the problem is cultural. Kids growing up being taught to get theirs no matter what, narcos being held as fighting the good fight against the government (in some cases), etc. The cartels themselves act very much like old tribal groups fighting for territory, holding their top killers up as heroes of the tribe.

    6. 6:37the problem is there are PROFITS IN CORRUPTING ALL THE PEOPLE THAT WILL LEND THEIR ASS TO CORRUPTION, and the experts in government always know where they are going to get their next government dollar, their lawmakers will make sure to attach some pork barrel to every little piece of legislation in exchange for their vote selling, if you stop for a minute and think, who is teaching these young kids their BS?

  3. What about ABT? Those guys are big into the gun trade with cartels; Golfos, Zetas, whoever's buying. They also reportedly have a big slice of the North Texas meth market.

  4. I believe there is no difference between Mexico and texas gang. All the same

    1. I would have to disagree with that perspective. Gangs in the US are a product of senseless behavior. An unnecessary engagement with no merit due to the endless opportunities to better oneself here in America.
      Where the opportunities in Mexico are harder to achieve but doable.
      America is a world of opportunities. How one achieves it depends on ones desire and sacrifice.
      Actually, this achievement can be done anywhere in the world regardless of circumstances.


    2. Yo E42, you are definitely one of the more cerebral commentors here, And I agree to a point. But, many of these kids are never taught different because their parents are were criminals. And ask poor African, Latino or Asians in America how easy it is to get outta the ghetto, or're right, can be done...but the vast majority don't see the opportunity. Great comment!

    3. Thanks.
      You make a valid point.
      They just need to believe in themselves!


    4. Exactly can one value another's life, if they see no value in their own??? That starts, and ends with their familia!

    5. Then the ghettos would be empty 9pm and that would be wrong, no?

    6. I would argue that they see too much value in their own lives at the expense of other people. They are bullies.

    7. And a lot of them probably have antisocial personality disorders. Which means they are sociopaths, psychopaths, and during adolescence, would have qualified for a diagnosis of conduct disorder. Conduct disorder (CD) is a mental disorder diagnosed in childhood or adolescence that presents itself through a repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate norms are violated. These behaviors are often referred to as "antisocial behaviors."

  5. Ms-13 takes orders from the mExican mafia.

    1. California Mexican Mafia not Texas Mexican mafia

    2. They are talking about the gangs that work with the cartels read it before you comment

    3. 11:33 you need to pay attention yourself.

  6. Unfortunately a sad situation for those involved in gangs. What a waste of talent. Moreover, the image they give themselves to live in a country of opportunity.
    However, it doesn't surprise me that cartels use such along these borders to move their garbage. However,one thing I totally agree with is if you cannot be a productive member of society and here undocumented .No need for you here.


    1. What makes you think they are undocumented? Most gang members are U.S. citizens dummie

    2. Not stating that all gangs are everywhere undocumented. We are aware of those who are not.undocumented. A subject of still unproductive and non- constructive individuals who need to be enforced by values.
      But then again the answers to the above are lack of parental guidance. Everything begins from home.


    3. Tell em E42...and to all the keyboard tough guys...keep it's ok to have differing opinions. But what's up with the name calling? opinion is, if you have to insult or call names, especially to the staff here, go somewhere else. The tough guys around this blog, are undoubtedly millennials, who've never been spanked, let alone been punched in the face for talking smack.

    4. ora si me jalle una pinchi yunta de gueyes cruzados con mulas, pero eso si, "muy sensitivas', despues de echarle la culpa a los padres de los american citizen chicano gangbangers than consitute most of the texas gangs...
      --i wonder what white supremacist school of tought you are borrowing from, but it sounds real full of shit and BS, stick to trying to deport Obama, trade his ass for some white russians...LOL

    5. I am an American/ Hispanic.
      No white supremacist bullshit here.
      Judging from what you are posting ( Spanish/ English) you are from Texas.
      How I know? Let's just say I have family from Texas.
      Moreover, as to your discontent to what? Still trying to sort out. Suggest you simplify your thought to words you can use to make your point!

      More than happy to have a constructive conversation with rebuttals. Better yet to be proven wrong. Willing to accept logical truths and solutions if merited.
      Enjoy your day.


    6. E 42 just over analyzes situations and takes sh!t to a diferent perspective. Why the fuck would he say something about undocumented people when it's a story about gangs. Two diferent subjects, E 42 , carretera durango and others are mr. No it alls but really don't know shit! I read their post and they always contradict themselves. E 42 just judge s and writes nonsense. I like this site so i ain't going no where and i ain't going to kiss no a$$ to anybody. Chivis and the rest of the crew are cool though.

    7. @11:27 am
      You are correct the story was about Texas gangs. My apologies for putting a categorization of others. Intentions were not to offend rather stipulate the unwanted behavior of individuals in America.
      This site is for comments along with criticism . However, as long as criticism is met in a respectful manner.
      We all have opinions that may not fare well with others. However, i find this site valuable for discussions to topics and issues many face.
      Moreover, probable solutions as a community despite origin of residency.
      I came along way from scratch to overcome boundaries which have hindering aspects.
      Trust me ; been there and done that.
      I strongly advocate education and other means of a respectable living .


  7. Barrio Azteca a tier 2 gang? Those guys are moving more weight than all the other gangs . Looks like the US/DEA continue being incompetent in identifying the real dangerous gangs or stopping them . What a joke

    1. This is a Texas Dept of Public Safety report, not the federal government assessment. The state is ranking gangs in how much they affect the state itself, not how much stuff they move through it. Sales are minimal instate (comparatively) because they can make so much more by moving it elsewhere.

    2. It is essentially the same. I chose to pull this out for easier reading. I am doing California also and then the U.S. The Texas report is the best have seen.

    3. A lot of barrio azteca guys were removed from the texas federal and were sent to other federal prisions. That might affect their power.

  8. It's sad that we can't put in end to all this

    1. Unfortunately, ignorance cannot be beat!


    2. 3:40 ignorance got beat on europe and asia during WWII,
      Hitler and Mussolini were no match.
      --as a matter of fact, their victims died due to their axial ignorance, but these days their heirs are still trying, and that includes the fans of El Loco Duterte, Porfirio Diaz, and many other Insane Clowns's Jugaloos like you...

    3. the people can take care of business, all they need is for the government and their acholytes to step aside with their excessively high salaries they get paid for categorizing themselves as "heros" to extort big checks from their politician masters.

  9. lol only in Texas would they have some lame ass name tango blast for a gang

    1. The word TANGO is a acronym Einstein. Blast means what it says. Yeah I doubt you would call them lame asses when there is 10 Tangos coming towards you with shanks in their hands. Because they how they will come for you. We are all tough guys until our mouth writes a check our butt can't cash.

    2. Together Against Negative Gangs Organizations

    3. 10:00 the wolf pack mentality of the american gangs has been well developed and organized by intelligence agencies that do nothing but fack it all up on purpose for their masters, please remember the "US Dep of Justice involvement in the Cd Juarez Houses of Death"

    4. 10:00 that's how it goes in the pen. I didn't make the rules. When you disrespect a gang or clique a green light will be placed on you. And no they don't come for you one on one.

    5. Both tango and blast are acronyms In Texas almost in every unit the Blast runs the show.. Which is good cause no more FAMAS around trying to get you to kill someone for them and what not

  10. I have commented here many times as someone involved with drugs. As long as idiots like me use drugs. It will never stop.

    1. Who let the dope fiend in?

    2. 8:38; Does it bother you that the millions of people like you are what empowers criminals to afford heavy weapons and corrupt Mexican society? Mexican Cartels do not survive in a vacuum and it is your and approximately 75-100 million Americans that enable cartels the financial power to terrorize innocents who want nothing to do with the poisons that are ultimately sourced from Mexican criminals.

    3. @08:38 legalization would end the negative side effects of your consumption for everybody but yourself.

    4. @8:38 Playboy get some help. Nobody was born with dope in their systems. So learn how 2 wean yourself off of it. - Sol Prendido

    5. 9:29 AM
      Drug consumption is never going to stop. So how about you let addicts get their drugs from doctors instead of criminals?

      You know the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing expecting different results. That's drug prohibition for you.

    6. @9:15 am
      Think it's not appropriate to call out someone out like that. Rather educate this individual of the perils and positive impact he can achieve.
      I applaud his efforts to admit his involvement of use . But ridiculing is by all means not the answer.
      Prayers to you and may god help you find a better way to enlightenment.


    7. 12:03; your right about insanity so rather than make drug abuse socially acceptable by legalizing as we have alcohol; let's educate our youth as the first world countries do with similar descretionary income but nowhere near the drug use.

    8. 8:38 as an addict, you do not matter a bit to anybody, just keep buying, and if you don't buy, somebody else will, all that matters is the big morlaco, and yours ain' no big morlacos, drug addiction is a big business, but not for the pinchis gangbangers, only the banksters that launder all the money and reinvest it safely for their masters know who the Big Chimichangas, they sure get paid, i know one guy that made off with about 250 million dollars in about 15 years to build nice garages for his cars, and that is jus pocket money, sadly other Harvard graduates can't replicate that performance,

    9. Its so funny. People used always drugs. You can educate them as much as you Want. Drugs Are part of human beiing.

    10. With respect to our government's current line of policy towards getting high, I wonder how prohibition is affecting our daily lives?

    11. 10:02 la prohibicion nos pela ala verga, el pinchi gobierno tambien, porque con dinero baila el perro

  11. No comparen a pandilleros con carteles los verdaderos narcos son gente de negocios no vagos callejeros.

    1. Correcto 100%


    2. No mames, fijate en la historia, y los chingones vienen de las calles wey, y del barrio

  12. These clowns serve Reynosa golfos y NL zetas. These nacos are undisciplined and disorganized and this always leads to rats and employees of HPD o DEA. Desperate groups will work with payasos to sell their inventory.

  13. Gangs are 70% latinos, 20% blacks and 10% white, right?
    Law enforcement (all agencies, street and desk workers) are 70% white, 20% latino and 10% black, right?

    According to very reliable demographics figures whites are not in majority anymore soon.

    Seems to me the lines of conflict to be in our society are being drawn.

    1. whoa...where are you getting your bad info.
      the demographics of gangs depends on suburban vs big city, vs small city etc. But Latinos are around 45 percent blacks 35%with asian and whites taking the remainder

    2. @Chivis: the numbers are from the chart above. Of all the gangs there are two black: crips n bloods, right?

  14. Barrios aztecas are very much in decline, they're only a threat to themselves.....tangos are worthless pukes who snitch their own off the minute they're caught.....the tier one gangs hold their people accountable for snitching where the tangos could care less, then they steal from each other, they have no honor among themselves.......tango is only strong in numbers but by themselves they're cowards......

    1. Barrio Aztecas in decline? AS long as Juarez Cartel controls Ciudad Juarez Barrio Aztecas will continue to be very useful and influencial thats because of the working history and agreement they have with the Juarez Cartel

    2. You don't know shit. All the fuckin gangs are cowards! You beat up one of their lame ass members and you get jumped in numbers by the rest of the gang. Don't let machismo in gangs cloud your judgement.

  15. Sureños = CJNG CAF Sinaloa Cartel

    Norteños = Zetas Gulf Cartel

    Tango Blast = Zetas Gulf Cartel

    If You Look At Northern Music Chicano rappers they're running to Texas to get they're supply from out there.northern california & Texans kick it together (I know) while in the Sur California they only conduct business with the white folks (makes them a lot of money) that's why the Sureños are kings & they will always be around.while the Sureños keep expanding business up north & other places of states (don't believe me) look up the cartels that are shining & look at the weak cartels. Thank Me Later

    1. Sureñas get the shitties drugs. Everything that comes from tijuana is TRASH. that's why Oakland gets its gear from the east.

    2. Where did you get norteños being zetas or golfos??? Lol you are one funny character

    3. False information.

    4. man get that wack ass cali norteño sureño bullshit out of here, what in the fuck that gotta do with Texas

    5. Lol tripping .. Tango blast don't work for zetas... Fck zetas lol.

    6. last time i checked people in northern cali were pumping dope out of sinaloa michoacan and jalisco get the hell out of here with that

    7. Also familia michoacana was once a supplier to the sureños until they got deminished

    8. Andas bien mal carnal, los Tangos en especial los Vallucos trabajan para las Golfas de Reynosa. Los de la Mexican Mafia de Brownsville jalan con los de Matamoros, los Cuernos y los Hermanos Latinos Pistoleros para los del CDN. Todas las famas y pandillas de la frontera de alguna manera trabajan para cierto cartel de la frontera.

  16. The female in the top right pic looks like 1 of the many females that could be working at Chulas Sport Cantinas out of Houston. Which is essentially a Mexican version of Hooters. She looks kinda hot. I just don't know about all those tattoos though. - Sol Prendido

    1. Few beers and tequila will take care of that!
      Just making a humorous comment!


    2. Women with tats are no good

  17. The juarez cartel is deteriorating? They let rapist in the gangs in texas? Over here in the west coast there p zetas or pc.

    1. Never knew there was a certain criteria to meet for gang membership? All are idiots!
      To evaluate idiots from idiots is quite impressive!


    2. Snitches rapists and pedophiles arent allowed in prison gangs mrs. e42. Its a world that exist. All are idiots but you sure do like to spend your time posting comments allday so apparently it fascinates you.

    3. 7:30 I don't know for certain BUT i have read multiple times from various sources that Tango does allow rapists. Not pedos

    4. PS Those who have nothing, those who know nothing, resort to personal attacks.

    5. 8:16 some very polite commenters that obviously know nothing or very little or are plain, deliberate and demonstrably ignorant, keep asking for it, time to do some personal assessments, love you...

    6. @ 7:30
      It's called taking the day off. So reading and writing besides small projects around home is what's been done.
      Moreover, stimulating the mind with some of poor excuses and comments posted. Furthermore, I am aware that there are requirements for membership. A panel of idiots who evaluate other idiots for approval.
      Guess its only right to call these individuals " DISTINGUISHED IDIOTS ".

      But then again you definitely have knowledge of such behavior.


    7. E41 explaining is for suckas, and yes here in cali pedos and rapist get dealt with.Texas wouldn't surprise if they all Roll together with snitches,pedos,rapists which are the lowest of lowlifes. Enjoy your day off btw.

      This tango guys look like taggers or jugaloos or what ever they are called.

    8. @4:17 in Texas there is a thing called the death penalty my homie from Cali. Kill a rapist or pedo here and your ass is toast. If Cali had the same shit I, bet you wouldn't be talking smack.

    9. pedos are farts, pedophiles are child abusers,
      i guess the slang is correct

  18. and CNN is not reporting this because?

    1. You gotta cry about Hillary Clinton

  19. aren't most Tango Blast 'gangs' just loosely associated thugs/drug dealers that have each others back more so than a gang in the traditional sense?

    Everything I've read and seen about them.. Sure I guess it is a gang but it doesn't really seem like it. No leader, orders are not given, easy to get in and out etc...

    Interesting though... Since they are having success in recruitment wouldn't surprise me to see a 'gang' like this pop up in another state.

  20. These guys are whats wrong in texas. Undisciplined everyone can join no command structured gangs. Most of the times the cartels or their people get robbed of material this are the guys behind it. Cant be trusted and some of these gangs let rapists join.

    1. They do allow rapists to join Tango. I saw gangland and two of the gang members speaking about the gang were convicted rapists.

      I was surprised but with no real leader or constitution what do you expect? They are more just a bunch of criminals who have each others back than a gang IMO.

      Still, they outnumber the other gangs by so much in prison it is pretty obvious they are the strongest. There is power in numbers when it comes to prison gangs.

  21. Alot of independent dealers out in the valley who sell product to gangs out in Texas.
    Golfos purchase mota and coke from michoacanos; whom they purchase from south america.
    Golfos also purchase coke from Sinaloa whom they also purchase from michoacanos.
    Too much reselling
    It all depends on factions too all different contacts and etc.

    Zetas I suppose have no treaty or negotiations with Sinaloa or michoacanos, so who are the buying from? Independent contacts all over central n South America???

  22. What does Tango Blast mean?


    2. Wow . That guy with the tattooed is something else. A normal person could shoot him dead and a jury would probably all want to shake his hand. Really , what jury would convict you unless you were a gang member ?

    3. @942 hahaha now that was funny

  23. Tango blast are present in some areas of nuevo leon
    The rumor is
    That the present clicka in nl
    Are the ones that run to the other side of the charco and have slim or none of the clica support
    And aparently they work with remaining zetas orphan cells

    1. Theres alot of dudes locked up from the valley that are from Nuevo Leon ancestry. They claim valluco and alot of them were deported back to the pueblos. One famous dude was el popo cdg but he was chicano, cherries de reynosa cliked it with the vallucos too so did el panochita.


    2. Bunch of low life wanna be narcos if you ask me ... 956 ain't shit

    3. Siempre lo dicho que las Golfas en Tamaulipas representan el CDG pero cuando los encierran en Texas muchos de ellos son "Tangos, Paisas,EME,etc." hay una canción del CDG en Youtube llamada "El Ojos" y veras lo que digo en esa canción dice la relación que tienen los sicarios del CDG con las pandillas que operan en Texas.

    4. Is Cherry y acido still alive?

    5. Well i think the valley exports more sicarios (excluding el paso) than any other city on Texas. One because the slang on both sides of the border are the same and two theres alot more family ties between the valley and its mexican counterpart cities. Alot of youth are easily corrupted to join CdG with the famous narco rap popular among the newly arrival paisa colonias in the valley (Las Millas, Lopezville, little Mex, el gato, las milpas and many other paisa colonias).

  24. Latin kings don't run in tdcj lol... Never ran into one while I was down ... We smash them fools on sight.. Ms13 don't run either... Them dudes always end up getting down with the tangos.. They don't run on their own ... Well at least not in any unit I was in...

    1. Don't let the keyboard warriors get to you Arturo. They don't understand the jailhouse etiquette. Just cause you been locked up doesn't mean you are a bad person. We've all got our skeletons and vices.

    2. Yea your a loser jackass. Not keyboard warrior here. Just pointing out the facts.

    3. 11:00 que chingaos trais con mi viejo pendeja!
      arturo is taken entiendes guey?
      ya salistes de la carcel y no se te quita lo caliente?

  25. I've done 16 years in Texas prisons and tangos allow anyone in, even child molesters....shit even tier one gangs have rapist and child molesters in them....gangs are the byproduct of this war on drugs.... Lmao

    1. Lol... I was having a bad day. Thanks for the laugh.

    2. What unit were you in ?? I don't ever recall hearing about a child molester being a homeboy...

  26. Wow. All kinds of sub groups in Texas. I did time in LA and there's only the mexican mafia and surenos all united.

    1. There are too many regions in Texas with different mentalities to be united. Tejano gangs are like a scaled down version of the Mexican cartels. They group together by their region most of the time. Barrio Aztecas control the West, TS control the Austin area and some parts of the DFW. Texas La Eme control San Antonio and parts of the valley. HPL controls Beeville down into most of the valley. Raza Unida has turf in the DFW. PRM and Mexicles are mostly Mexican nationals located in the valley. Then of course you have the Tangos who reside all over the state. Even within the Tangos you have division according to area code. The only Tangos that are considered Tango Blast are the ones from the four horsemen which are Dallas, Ft Worth, Austin and Houston. All the others are just Tangos. They will all come together under the same banner if one is attacked by another gang.

  27. Do some research for the guy that said in Texas we pretty much abuse federal aid.
    Texas puts in more than what is given, unlike other states.

    1. Texas is the most hated on state in the US. East coast hate us, West coast hate us, the Southeast hate us and even the Midwest folks hate us. We do things big and bold so what can we expect.

    2. Dear 5:40 NO! not folks that know better. When I bought a home in a little dusty border town I wondered WTF am I doing here? It was nothing like my posh surroundings elsewhere! A super walmart was the highlight of the little town. BUT man was I stupid. It's the people who are special. Turns out Texas has beautiful places to live and visit, and the people are the same everywhere. They are the most friendly, helpful, charitable, good people that the U.S. has to offer. I was astounded. and told everyone. When Harvey struck the world got to see for their eyes what Texas Strong means. I love Texans.

      Texas has 100k gang members. they are an anomaly, out of 29M. If people hate Texas they are being prejudice because to go there, live there, work there tells the true tale, no finer people live anywhere. shitty weather though jaja)

    3. Just went through San Angelo yesterday. At the WalMart on Sherwood Way someone actually paid 2 have a billboard erected. It says : Pray for Florida. Normally you see these messages in front of churches. I thought it was interesting considering that no profit was being made there. Texans are some of the coolest people I've met. Very helpful as well. - Sol Prendido

    4. That is a great story, thanks for sharing. I learned to find my inner Walmart self and loved that it was 24/7 open for business. texans love their walmart, you will drive by this tiny ton and wham, up from the fields, there she is, a dam walmart superstore. I renamed the 90 hwy which I drive flying into san antonio to the border and into Mexico I named it "The walmart highway"

      I was able to gain super ground fast when establishing my foundation in Mexico because of Texans.

  28. guy is scary, damn. but all these gangs: bullshit. they want quits after a year of banging.


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