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Monday, September 25, 2017

Three Identified of Four Executed in Coatzacoalcos

Last Wednesday's Attack Translated for Borderland Beat by El Profe from Noreste

Coatzacoalcos, Ver. —The four people who were murdered here last Wednesday were already identified and claimed by their relatives, though the identity of a male is still unknown. The security guard responded to the name of Jose Manuel Hipólito Mejía, 36 years old, and his address was in the Progreso and Paz neighborhood. He was executed trying to thwart the assault at a local pharmacy in the area.
Photo: Noreste

Meanwhile, those riddled at the "Coyote" Bar were Elda Elena Rodriguez Martinez, 21 years old, and Víctor Quevedo Flores, 54 years old. The last of those executed is a male, who according to unofficial versions was identified by his loved ones during the early hours of Friday. This has not been confirmed by authorities.

Photo: Noreste


  1. Great to have you on board El Profe.
    Looking forward to reading your articles.


  2. Thank you, much appreciated.

    1. 7:09 stick'em up and identify yourself "profe" some short bio would do wonders you know, at least the rank and name.

    2. not a good idea. I will just say we are fortunate he stepped forward to volunteer. excellent background, and is in the south side the border.

      enough said.

    3. Anonymous is highly recommended.
      Due the unwanted comments of organized criminals. Safety is a priority!


    4. What are those unwanted comments, mista eezy fo too?
      Also, can you identify who are the organized criminals? Because you were real careful not to leave us a clue

  3. vienvenido profe!! grax a borderlandbeat ke son los ojos de el ke no puede ver estas cosas


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