Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Tijuana BC: 105-110 Murders in 15 Days

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from Zeta

BC GOV "Kiko Vega " Formally announcing his Crusade for Security
Sept 17, 2017

The statistics of bloody events in Tijuana continues to increase and seems to have no end. Malicious homicides amount to 1,169 events so far in 2017. As of the close of the edition, 105 people had lost their lives in September.

On September 12, 100 days had passed since Governor Francisco Vega de Lamadrid launched the Crusade for Security, with various initiatives to reduce violence, however in those same days 511 murders were committed.

The murdered were dismembered, calcined, signed, bagged; executed by shots or blows and have increased the number in the last seven days to 50 dead. Monday, September 11 is considered the most violent day of the year with 13 homicides. Most of the crimes were committed in the Eastern Zone of Tijuana.

"Kiko" Throngs of  Mexicali Residents chanted "Fuera Kiko" at El Grito
Recent violent acts include:

Around 08:00 hours it was reported that inside a gray trash can, was the corpse of a person. The container was located on the sidewalk of Callejón Zeta and Avenida Revolución, in the Zona Centro.

Half an hour later on Tequesquitengo Street in the Torres del Lago building, in Cerro Colorado, was the lifeless body of a subject. The victim had gunshot wounds. At the scene of the crime were located at least seven spent bullet casings.

Crimes of the Week :

On Friday 8: at a local video game place in El Florido #3, two subjects were shot dead. A dismembered body with head and limbs wrapped in a black plastic bag was found inside a green van. A 35 year old man died after being shot in El Laurel.

On Saturday 9: in Loma Bonita a young man was shot dead in the head. In a red suitcase a man's body was found on the Tijuana-Rosarito highway. In Mariano Matamoros Norte, "Jaime" was shot in the chest. Among rubbish in Villas del Prado, the calcined corpse of a subject was found.

On Sunday 10: in Urbi Villas del Prado, a man was found dead with blunt injuries. José Amaro Flores, died after receiving several shots. Edgar David Navarro, alias "El Gordo", 30, was killed in Colonia Emperors.

SEMEFO personnel collecting another or other bodies
with nowhere to take them
On Monday 11: thirteen people were killed. In Mariano Matamoros Centro a young woman was killed. At the 3 Leones Hotel in Centro, a 40-year-old man was shot dead. Wrapped in a blanket and with traces of violence, a 30-year-old woman was found dead in the Libertad colony. Pedro Hernández García, 22, was murdered in the  Colonia Mexico Lindo. In Loma Bonita Iván Hernández was assassinated. Marco Montejano Hernández, 27, was  executed in the Altiplano. In a state of putrefaction and with firearm injuries, three bodies were located in a balcony area of the Hacienda Las Delicias Building third floor. Juan Cervantes Carrillo, 32, was shot dead. Manuela Alvarado, 58, was executed on October 3. In Villas del Prado, Gabriel Roa Hernández, 40, was murdered. Wrapped in a blanket in the colony Reforma, a human corpse was found.

On Tuesday 12: five people were murdered including Antonio Murillo Alba, alias "Brenda", 19, who died of knife injuries. In Colonia Delicias #3 were found half-buried bones remains of a woman. In the Colonia Emperors, a man of 30 was shot to death. In Urbi Quinta del Cedro II a man was shot dead.

On Wednesday 13: Héctor Cruz, 20, Jorge Miche Beta, 49, Héctor Rivera, alias "El Pelón", 41 were murdered in Villa del Campo, Generation 2000, Praderas de la Gloria, Villas de Alcázar, Sánchez Taboada, respectively.

On Thursday the 14th: in Urbi Villas del Prado, a man of 45 - 50 years, was shot. In the colony Monte San Antonio, the corpse of a woman, between 25 and 30 years old, was located. The calcined body of a person was found in the Cumbres Flores Magón . In a vacant lot of Colonia El Florido the corpse of Antonio Escobar Rodriguez, 38 years was found. Inside a suitcase, the mutilated body of a man with a severed head was located on the Tijuana-Tecate Road; the victim was between 30 and 35 years old. In Lomas de San Antonio at Urbi Quinta del Centro was discovered the body of a woman of 30 years which had blows to the head. In the Encino of Villas del Álamo building  a man between 30 and 35 years was found shot to death.

Understaffed and ill- equipped Forensic and Morgue Facilities in TJ
    Meanwhile over at SEMEFO, the agency cannot keep up with the volumne of bodies piling up.

The storage facilities are lacking, the refrigerated units over flowing and many corpses are in such a rapid state of decomposition  that they may never be identified or claimed.

Note: UnoMasUno reports 110 criminal homicides

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  1. the more facts on horrific daily deaths, the blinder and deafer visitors pretend. Dicen " pues eso le pasa a los que andan en eso" " no se meten con uno que no debe nada" . and the people who say this are the ones who commute in that area often. some go for food, party , weekend getaway.. tercos tercos.

    1. I suppose you live there and know...

    2. doesnt take a genius to put the pieces together... death is a probable event if you travel to that area. just look at these facts. people hanging from bridges.. decaps,encobijados, entambados.. Here where i live we live in a safer world. you might die in a drive by, if you are in a ghetto .. but other than that.. all good. rather take my chances here than end up as pozole in Adelitas bar and grill

  2. Its looks like efforts to combat violence has been met with more violence. A calculated move by those who wish to bear a permanent presence.
    So disappointing!


    1. 5:46 to borrow more from your master, "tremendously"

  3. May get worse now that jp is done....a lot of old school guys may be getting freed too , la perra is apparently with Caf, el chiquilin el cris and again el muletas may be getting out, muletas rumor has been going on for 3 months now maybe.

    1. JP just got replaced by a more violent blood thirsty sicario who was anxiously awaiting his turn to lead a pack of locos.

    2. He's back with them after turning on them ?

  4. Tijuana was a scary place when i was there in 01 with the police scaring me more than anyone- i wouldnt go near it now all psycho killers on crystal

    1. It's cartel vs. Cartel cjng vsn cds

    2. BOYCOTT, the people do not get anything but murdering and exploitation.

    3. 6:50 da polisia in Mex is cartel with a badge. Scary scary shit!

  5. CNN isnt interested!

  6. Well, I was thinking about hitting Adelita's and Chicago Club. So much for that idea.

    1. 9:12 no seas cobarde perra, aqui te esperamos, van a venir muchos marines de san diego esta semana, y no se los vamos a dejar a la bola de putas que nomas no se mueren las cabronas porque esos son nomas para nosotras las verdaderas mujeres, a ver si me agarro un capitan aunque sea, esos no son tan vulgares como los sargentos.

  7. As i Said Mexico is a graveyard (doesnt matter if you dont like it, chivis)

    1. Are you high? Did you even see what I wrote in your defense? A couple of complaints regarding your immature statement and I guess others you have posted. I don't even know who you are, don't flatter yourself.

      I said your comment did not bother me and it is an opinion.
      see below
      " anyway He is allowed to express his opinion, over the top for sure but it is based on fact, just exaggerated. Probably to get his op noticed. No prob by me."

      Now where should I send your Paci?

    2. Shame... I think the president of Mexico is Cartel!

    3. What government isn't a cartel!
      All have the same characteristics ( money, power, immunity arms and products).
      The only difference is how one applies itself!


    4. @8:28 What about all those idiots dying of overdoses in the U.S.? Which is what causes the "war on drugs" in the first place. Aside from the executions of drug dealers themselves here in the States. My guess is that if you ad up all the drug executions and the deaths casued by overdoses here in the states each it will amount to a pretty significant number anywhere in the thousands if not tens of thousands. No small number itself. If this is the case then the U.S. itself is a graveyard asshole!

    5. Your comments are weak

    6. 4:54 whose comments?
      and WHY are they 'weak'?

  8. El diablo paga plaza al caf

  9. no ?I guess my opinion won't be published on this website site! thank you.
    Good bye forever.

    1. I hate being the messenger, the bearer of bad news , ie.
      Where is the compassion for all the good honest Mexicanos that live with not like they have a lot of good options.
      There you go , worrying about yourself.

    2. How long is forever? - Sol Prendido

    3. 5:46; Thanks for being the messenger Yaqui. That's the most reletive yet under recognized discussion on BB! Very worthy of discussion as are the earthquake victims still being sigh from the rubble in Mexico.

    4. 4:17 'rocket boy' at 2:12 will come back as soon as he loads up another fart.

  10. Mexico is a failed state. Too bad for honorable and honest people of Mexico.

    1. 2:20. A failed state? Really? The article was about an excessively violent period in an excessively violent city of Mexico that is not coincidentally adjacent to the USA. If it was a failed nation there would not be billions of dollars of foreign investment from first world countries, a sophisticated highway, rail, and air transportation system, a functioning tax collecting entirely (Hacienda), a banking system, more Federal Reserves and less foreign debt as a percentage of GDP than the US, 90th place for per capital income of a total of 230 countries (top 40% of all countries) ahead of Costa Rica, Brazil, Egypt, India, Lebanon, Barbados, Jordan, AMERICAN SOMOA.....

      Your either not well travelled or not well guess is both. Get your facts straight before you throw dangerous and totally inaccurate comments like that around.

    2. 4:14 - ouch nice counter punch.

    3. mexico is a bankrupt state,
      but mexico does not owe 20+ trillion dollars to china...

  11. 4:14 .. i heard the pozole aint that bad either

  12. All these people saying Mexico is a failed state. The US being the #1 illicit drug user in the world is the root of the cause of the violence in Mexico. Not to mention most of the weapons the cartel have originate from the US


  13. I've been reading BB for over 5 years now and I'm at a point where I ask myself, "What is the point of reading all of this?" It is depressing. I understand that there is a moral/ethical obligation to bring out what is obscured by rampant corruption to light but where is the discourse to finding a solution? The people of Mexico need to rise and take on these circumstances.

    1. me too, i still remember the first article i read from this site is about the death of manuel toress felix. I am from Indonesia a country in southeast asia. I have forgotten why I can get to this site, but this is the only non indonesian site that I regularly visit. SALAM KENAL civis. Love and respect from indonesia.

    2. 8:03 allowing yourself to burn out is weak...

  14. How will you feel approximately the Great Wall
    of America? Build one on the Canadian border too and save people
    from Americans? They might be better behind a higher wall...


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