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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Cartel de Sinaloa search for the leader of la linea in Chihuahua

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a milenio article with additional material from youtube

Subject Matter: Sinaloa Cartel, Gente Nueva, La Linea
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Members of Gente Nueva, the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel, stormed the village of Gomez Farias in a search for Jose Luis Gonzalez Montes, El 32, but didn't find him during the search of two houses.

Reporter: Milenio Digital and Juan Jose Garcia Amaro
Members of the Sinaloa Cartel stormed the town of Gomez Farias, Chihuahua in a search for Jose Luis Gonzalez Montes, El 32, leader of La Linea, one of the groups that operate in the state, informed the Prosecutor Cesar Peniche Espejel.

"We know that we have a problem, but it is not exclusive to Chihuahua but is implicated in other states as well, what occurred yesterday in Gomez Farias was the incursion of an armed group in a search for an antagonistic criminal leader", he signalled.

On board various trucks, armed men came into the town, that caused fear for the inhabitants, who abandoned the streets and closed their businesses, they hid until the Police arrived", he pointed out.

The members of Gente Nueva, considered the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel, vandalized two municipal patrol vehicles, and wrecked two houses that allegedly belong to El 32, La Linea plaza boss for this area.

The members of the groups made an incursion into Gomez Farias, came across Municipal Police patrols, and after kidnapping them, beat them and let them go.

He added that according to intelligence information, the wave of violence that has been generated is because a criminal group has entered the state to reinforce one of the two organizations that operate in the state, who are disputing for control of drug trafficking in the frontier.

"The person they were searching for is known by the nickname El 32, this subject has moved around various points of the state, and we did not know that he had been here", he said.

He remembered that the said subject had be detained by the Attorney General, but for errors in the judicial system he was set free and lamentably provoked confrontations, like in the case of El Caso de Madera.

Finally, he recounted the deployment of more than 150 agents of the State Commission for Security and of the State Agency for Investigation, as well as a helicopter, to ensure the security of the inhabitants of Gomez Farias.

It is also noteworthy that yesterday they found the bodies of five persons at the entrance to the village of Ignacio Zaragoza and the highway that leads to Gomez Farias. The bodies had signs of torture and gunshot wounds.

The Municipal President of Ignacio Zaragoza, schools and businesses suspended business after the discovery of the multiple homicides.

These events happened in the middle of a climate of insecurity that for three months has affected the north east regional towns of the state, where advice has been given by the judiciary to not go out at night time.


  1. Linea wouldve killed the whole town looking for a cds leader. They dont have the cajones to confront the sinaloas in parral,guachochi & uruachi. They are forced to confront the sinaloas when they run into them but end up getting their ass handed to them every time. Lineas kidnapped a old man to justify los putazos que les dan only to get hunted down like dogs leaving them to run like cowards like here in gomez farias. Gomez farias was linea territory but look how easy the sinaloas enter without reprisals by the broke marucheros que son lineas

    1. Don't get too happy MF. The former leader of La Linea from Cuatemoch jumped ship and went to work with CDS. He is the one cruising inside Linea territory or better yet, his former territory looking for this guy 32 with backup now from CDS people from Sonora and Durango. This is in retaliation for the kidnapoing and perhaps murder of his father about a week ago in Cuatemoch by La Linea.
      If this fucker wouldn't have jumped ship CDzs would have never entered this place.
      FYI this town and Madera and possibly even Cuatemoch are almost becoming ghost towns due to this CDS incursion. Local people in these places only know that armed men from outside Chihuahua are causing deaths there including of innocents and they have no one to protect them!

    2. And sinaloa will kill you for refusing to joining them

    3. sinaloa doesnt force u to work with them like other cartels. ppl actualy want to work for them.

    4. 6:44. Maybe but they don’t make you enter the biz🤡

    5. Bro it's not that shinolas have more cojones or vice versa what sinaloans are es puro Lacra que a donde van arruinan Las comunidades donde se meten como lo han hecho en baja california y ahora la dur pero tanbien sonore y aqui lo vemos en chihuahua

    6. All the "aboves" forget to mention the opportune disappearances of "the brave and the free" mexican armed forces, soldiers, marinas, air force, and polesias from all corporations just can't do shit from far away.
      --and it is worse when their heroic "commanders" have been ordered to sit and piss by their shitty pants ginirals and admirals...

    7. I kill everybody,
      first I give you the evil eye ♾
      bola de garrapatas.

  2. Hopefully this is not where el Farías lives? You tube would hurt without his videos.

  3. Just throwing a curve ball to new governor Javier Corral, pa que se eche ese trompo a la uña.
    A menos que Corral les está echo do los perros a la linias de cesar duarte "el Capulina" former governor arrested in El Paso,

  4. Respect for letting them guardse go, 9.9 out of 10 they would of being dead by now by some sick bastards just to prove "his" toughness, stick to business.

  5. Es muy grande y poderoso ese cartel del CDS

    1. De que le servio el poder a chapo???

    2. el chapo no manda todo el cartel. son varias familias en el equipo

    3. todo ese monton de narco jrs les parecen poco, en todo lo que andavan correteando el chapo por todo sinaloa, esos de seguro ya andavan por ahí formando la nueva federacion bajo las aguas prietas de las llamadas guerras de los narcos.

    4. 5:43 Al Chapo le sirvió el poder pa tener paz en su tierra y decencia pa los amigos, por 40 años, sin robar las arcas municipales, estatales ni federales, como la ves güey.
      Todavia les mato el hambre a muchos politicos y generales y jefes de la polesia y a sus achichincles, y ni las Pinchis Setas Chorrientas pudieron con el, respete cabron.

  6. dam sinaloa dont play lets see what excuse cjng come hoyes have to say about this.
    Also otis B thank you for your hard work and dedication like other people reporters on bb you post the truth and dont take sides you keep it professional god bless you chihuahua is sinaloa period

    1. La Linea is far from done pal. This incursion was made by a former member of La Linea who jumped ship and went to work for CDS. CDS lent him people from Sonora, Durango and Sinaloa- three states all together-in order to make his move. He was however formerly in charge to prevent these kinds of incursions from CDS into Chihuas while working with Linea. Had he not been a chapulin this incursion would have never happened.

    2. It don't matter if he was or wasn't with la linea.

      As for him being a "chapulin," and if one, he only knows the real reason(s) why he jumped flags.

      What matters is he's under cds and their/his actions from here on.

    3. 12:32 and 5:10
      What's a matter? Once no one cheers for CDS and you get bent out of shape? I, don't recall fuckers like you telling the same crap to CDS nutthuggers????
      Guess only CDS cheerleading is allowed on these threads.

    4. @ 1:03

      Simply calling out inaccurate info is not cheerleading... fact is a lot of ppl from chihuahua hate linieros and support cds ... only children think that cartels operate like street gangs where you have to claim where your from .. that has nothing to do with the cartel war .. especially when the cartel is from the same region of Mexico.. Sinaloa, Sonora, Chihuahua , Durango is one region ... Coahuila Tamaulipas and nuevoleon is another ... Michoacán Guerrero and jalisco another ... do I have to break it down to you further mocoso

    5. 5:24 I, know exactly how cartels work chavala. Lot's of people from northern Chihuahua hate CDS also. This is the reason CDS hasn't completely taken over cd Juarez.
      There has to be reference to people from Durango and Sonora also. This is where big bad ass Sinaloa state gets it's manpower. Just throwing it out for nutthuggers that listen to corridos and claim Sinaloans themselves are all the people that form CDS.

    6. 5:24 Caln down Mr. Professional here! CDS is hated people in Northern Chihuas to a great extent. Letting cheerleaders like 7:36 understand that Sinaloa does not own Chihuahua. A cartel by that name has a strong presence but not people entirely from Sinaloa dumbass!

    7. 9:14 lookihere, wicked witch of the castle, manlio fabio beltrones, on the NorthWest, manuel cavazos lerma, on the NorthEast, tha atracomulco on central mexico, and carlos salinas de gortari are the capos that matter, there are other partners and wingers, find their names, and forgetabout the chieftains of grameros and maruchaneros and shoeshiners.

    8. @4:20 once someone attacks CDS directly nutthugers attack the government and or politicians.
      Why don't CDS clean the corrupt government politicians if they are so "helping" communities?
      Because they don't help shit!!!

    9. The CDS has been displaced by the army and the marinas that are conquering turf for the "people" on the federal government, because OWNING the business exclusively garrantees more bullets and power.
      Zhenli Ye Gone was robbed of 205 million dollars,
      The Sands Casinos Corp was fined about 50 million dollars for money laundering related to Zhenli's gambling, never mind how much money he 'lost' there.
      HSBC got fined about 2 billion dollars for money laundering derived from the investigations.
      Mexican politicians and others have found about the great amount of peisos involved, that is why they are trying to get rid of all the mexican capos and steal their dirty businesses, because of all that money will be better off in their pockets.

    10. @6:19 then you take care of the "wrong' the government is doing in Mexico if you really believe it is worse than what CDS does to Mexico.
      Sounds like you just jealous or envious that the govenment is stronger-and rightfully so-than your favorite cartel!!!

  7. hombreriegos de la nueva generacion van a decir que el cds nomas en corridos i que la linia va ganando jajaja worry about el marro y el cholo they making your god look like a skonka la mencha became menchita

    1. 7:37 las Jaliskas y las Mariposonas Monarcas, "ya eran",
      please don't go around spreading the blame,
      just love them the way they are,
      asi los hizo diosito, y ella no hace errores.

  8. Chapitos are the hunted not mayo the chapitos.

  9. Wow .Most of these comments up to now sound like a group of cheerleaders . This group would do it this way or that . Gives a person some insight into who you are mentally . I got news for you . THEY ARE ALL A BUNCH OF LOW LIFE SCUMBAGS ! It makes them scatter worse but I don't understand why all these gofer boys are the ones targeted by the government .They need to start killing from the top down . Caro Quintero would be a good start . Kill that low life bitch just like we did Bin Laden . Then move on to the next.

    1. That sinaloa is one of the most respected man in the drug trade dummy El numero uno o El narco de narcos

    2. Agree!
      Apparently cheerleading tryouts are underway
      to appease those bosses for employment.
      Sad to see our humanity go so low as to lowering ones self respect and dignity.

      Nice observation 9:53am

    3. Jajaja...cheerleading tryouts..good one amigo!

    4. Educating cheerleaders is not cheerleading itself. Just that some folk think CDS is big bad ass yet don't even know half the truth!

    5. you talk alot because you hide behind a computer screen tough guy

    6. 5:10 as opposed to those that talk alot because they carry guns and or have friends.

    7. 9:53 "we killed bin laden", and terrorism ended?

    8. 1:31 It sure as hell ended for him . Problem is the dumb ass president dropped the ball . If you will notice kill them out seems to have had great effect in recent months . The new president has taken a different approach . I don't think he plans to be selling yellow cake to our adversary's either .

    9. 1:31 forget out Bin Laden, WE threw a HOT POTATO on Obama's campaign in 2012 in Benghazi,
      ambassador Stevens got murdered, we still don't know how,
      and Obama still won the 2012 election,
      --Talk about failure, but the taking of the US embassy in Iran worked wonderfully against Jimmy Carter, the Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini was grateful afterwards, he kept buying weapons from the Great Satan to have a war for profit with iraq, also supplied by the Great Satan, never mind the 500 000 war casualties on each side, total 1 million dead...
      --Both also paid for their weapons with oil, sold on international waters and which money got stolen by the weapon dealers, some by "financier Mike Rich" who stole his share.
      The weapons for oil were the property of the american people, not of the diplomats and statesmen that trafficked them and pocketed the revenue and privatized it...

  10. Yeah but even among scumbags there some that are better than others mtfkr

  11. Whats funny is Chapo Guzman is such a shy little recluse but he came out for the prospect that a famous woman was interested in him . LOL the oldest trick in the book . Bet Chapo never even heard of Mata Hari .

    1. 10:59 I have, google Mata hari, then bring me a coffee, and take dictation.

  12. When Will you understand cds siempre a tenido gente de chihuahua... Y la linea gente de Sinaloa ... This is not about state pride... Son carteles entiendan igual que los otros z cdg tienen gente de muchos estados y países ... Se pelea el negocio,rutas,dinero, cultivos no estados.


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