Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Friday, October 20, 2017

CJNG Guanajuato Boss: El Cholo killed in shootout

Chivis Martinez

On Wednesday afternoon, Enrique Eguia López alias "El Cholo", alleged CJNG cell chief in the southern area of Guanajuato, was shot and killed. Local media reports reveal that he was a former Jerécuaro ministerial police agent.

At a press conference, Israel Aguado Silva, PGJE deputy prosecutor for justice, said that the events took place around 3:30 pm on Wednesday as ministerial agents carried out intelligence work in the community of El Terrero in the municipality of Jerécuaro.  They were shot upon by two men who were riding aboard a Honda. When the police repelled the aggression, the aggressors attempted to flee and  the pursuit began amid an exchange of gunfire.

"El Cholo" was hit by the gunfire from the agents and fell dead in the public highway, while the other man managed to escape.

According to the deputy prosecutor the chase was initially on board the vehicles and then on foot. Various weapons were discovered in the Honda.

"The subsequent identification of the deceased person was confirmed as Eguia López.   The PGJE confirms that there were ongoing investigations of homicides and other crimes against him.

Meanwhile, the state government the media and citizens not to broadcast the video in which a cartel in Guanajuato challenges and declares war against CJNG..

The request was a day too late.  By then the video had gone viral on social media and had been published by many media outlets.

The government explained the request by saying "It's an important issue because we should not provoke psychosis and panic. We must remember, as governor Miguel Marquez says, that we should not allow these videos and audios to enter our environment, and not take our peace," so said the statement attributed to the coordinator of social communication of the state.

The video is of an armed group in Guanajuato surfaced after the arrest of El Muletas, allegedly the second in charge of the criminal organization known as "La Unión Guanajuato. Also "El Muletas”, was the second target of the authorities for theft of fuel in Guanajuato. 

Use this link to Otis' additional  coverage of the GTO video 

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  1. Santa Rosa 1. Cjng -0

    1. Hey tontito, that was menchos's enemy in Jalisco. Big hit for cjng. Guanajuato sicarios aint going to do nothing, that's just a local crew that ain't going to last against a cartel. Puro Michoacan compa, just watch. I'm only repin because i see all these fools talking big about Guanajuato. Your people are more humble than that. Calm down homie

    2. This guy is a narco/cholo/paisa combo watch out he’s the most dangerous homie/compa LOL

    3. 1:37 not the same cholo buddy. That cholo is still in Guadalajara killing menchos people. This guys not even from Jalisco. The one your referring to is Luis Emmanuel Rodriguez

    4. 1:37 actually they are a cartel in Guanajuato they don't need to expand they make their money and less risky we got the money man and weapons plus we only got to focus on you loud mouth chutarros de michoacan boy you ain't gone win Puro Guanajuato compa true we humble but we got to speak when you osicones talk to Much homie

    5. @1:37. Actually, the real name of El Cholo de Jalisco is Carlos Enrique Sanchez Martinez. This is according to the mantas/flyers CJNG distributed when Cholo broke from Mencho. They also attached a photo and this guy in Guanajuato looks nothing like it. Who’s the tontito now?

    6. Es un rancholo the most dangerous of them all.

    7. Nice way to insult someone "tontito" clearly he's a Paisa from Huntington park.

    8. 5:22 there were 2 el cholos in cjng. the one you speak of was right hand guy to mencho, but he had cjng finacial chief killed. so mencho ordered a hit on him and cholo carlos decided to go after some territory of mencho. He was arrested but got out on bond.

      then there is this guy cholo enrique, he is as it says-- WAS the chief of the southern region of GTO.

    9. No mame compa cartel de guanajuato. Ahora cualquiera que tiene unas cua tas gentes ya es cartel. Vea la definicion de cartel.

    10. Forgetabout it, any sucka with a tank top with spaghetti straps who doesn't take a shower for a week becomes a "CHOLO"
      No mameeen!
      What is for sure is the continued pattern of neutralizing "regional capos" after their politician bosses promote them from "police chiefs and commanders" to help fill their pockets with money from the popó like grameros and huachicoleros and traficantes de personas on the land of Las Poquianchis...

    11. Why do Mexican sicarios snitch so fast the minute they are caught they start snitching an smiling away while they snitch I'm not understanding how such bad hombres sing like Thalia

    12. @12:24 cuz in Mexico they torture you to get info from you.. its not like in USA were they set your ass in a chair in a room and officers try to interrogate only with questions and treat you like a baby... over there they would beat ur ass, crush ur nuts or stick bat or something on your butthole if you dont want to talk they dont have compassion with this type of people and doesnt matter how bad you are ... i have family members on la ministerial estatal de Baja California so i know whats up.

    13. Pinchis Panzas Verdes contra las Pinchis Jaliskas,
      chismiando como todas unas tortilleras aventandose los jitomates podridos!
      The whole world is watching ladies.

    14. I guess el Marra wasn't playing huh?

  2. Pinche cara de planeta de los simios. Ojala y le den por el "over there".

  3. OMG de CJNG. will gang up, in 30 cars and shoot up the city, there coming, we need vigilantes to shoot back, we are tired of innocent people getting killed.

    1. Wow 30 Stolen cars driven by sopita maruchan eaters, with no aim or moral.

    2. In the USA there was 15,696 murders last year.

  4. Just another disposable . Go after the big ones.

  5. 33 confirm kills under his belt

    1. 33 hu, 29 amarrados de las manos y patas y cuatro niñas menores de edad. No pos wow

    2. A real Mexican Davy Crockett LOL

    3. 5:37 glad to made your sprocket smile.

    4. No le llega ni a los talones a Don Mario Almada. El tiene in chingo

    5. 11:57 Don Mario likes to brag,

  6. Oh great, like all criminal/ terrorists groups, I hesitate to use the word Organization,
    they have plenty of firepower and ammo to waste on photo shoots. Pues, I spose, thats actually good.

  7. So is this the Cholo que le estorbaba al mencho?? If it is not anymore

    1. The guanajuato government got affraid of becoming suspect of trying to get "independent" and grow a pair of their own on their own, for their own and themselves, burning one buddy is not going to be a problem, pa eso son...carne de cañon,
      or in inglish, Cannon Fooder....

  8. Hypothetically speaking I'm just using big words for no reason//the revolution will not be televised//

    1. 741. Past revolution(s) or a possible future revolution?
      Hypothetically, you must be either reading a book or managing a warehouse while some run rabid in the streets

  9. Based on the sole picture it seems these people are trying to flee and not attack. if you attack while outside of your vehicle you wouldn't try and make an escape with your windows rolled up? I think someone has out bid the current group and now LE is out cleansing for the new group to take over/back.

    1. 12:11 elementary Dr Watson, the modus operandi of the mexican meretricious law enforcement never fails the fack up test,
      The BS must be real smelly and show the paperwork.

    2. 12:11 the order was maten a ese cabrón,
      and if you shot up my car you will pay the Body Shop.

  10. One dead but the rest escap3d? Don't add up..

  11. Why so LOUD tho?? MOVE IN SILENCE! The loudest one is the weakest one. The last thing you would want is to alert your enemies you want to kill them. Now everyone knows what they up to even on how u make your money! BIG MISTAKE

  12. I guess that crew clicked up with cds to fight cjng

  13. De todos modos....cjng va ganando.

  14. How many El Cholo's are out there running around?

  15. Pensé que el vídeo del CJNG era una foto asta que un bato se movió 😅 están más chingones esa gente de Jalisco.

  16. Sex for business= prostitute.

  17. It tickles me to see these cartels taking "team photos". It's hilarious. It just shows their lack of professionalism. No wonder no one ever retires from the drug game. They expose themselves and make it easy for the DEA & US government to find them. And also, why are most of the guys in the "team photos" fat, but dressed like they are special forces commandos with skill sets?


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