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Thursday, October 19, 2017

El Chapo denied contact legal visits

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

On Tuesday, the court ruled against Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán in denying his request for contact legal visits.  This translates to Guzmán’s attorney visits will remain behind glass without privacy and without the ability to review videos etc with his attorneys. 

I wrote an article regarding the denial of Guzmán’s privileges but the ability to have contact visits is the most important in defending his case fairly.  For those who insist on making it about Guzmán, instead of an uncompromised system of justice, one would think a successful appeal may be of concern.

Read below:


  1. Who care if he is being denied due process!
    There are more concerning matters and issues that take much more precedent!

    Come on already people!


    1. Agree. E42 is a hot air balloon.

    2. If they do this to el chapo means it can happen to anyone its the government geting away with due process dumbass

    3. Amen brother!X?!!

    4. That’s not the point who he is the matter is that they are violating rights that people are entitled too now imagine how many people they have done this too but it never comes to light?? Chapo is chapo but still no visits no calls no letters and especially no contact with your lawyers Guantanamo seems like Disneyland compared to this

    5. That’s not the point who he is the matter is that they are violating rights that people are entitled too now imagine how many people they have done this too but it never comes to light?? Chapo is chapo but still no visits no calls no letters and especially no contact with your lawyers Guantanamo seems like Disneyland compared to this

    6. annoying as all hell

    7. There are more concerning matters and issues that take much more precedent!

      Well, state these matters. Evidence and fact are more valid than opinion. Otherwise it is just anti-intellectualism.

    8. The point is the law is the law and everyone should be granted a fair trial. I couldn't give two fucks about Chapo but for a country that claims to be the leaders of the free world it's a bit hypocritical and a bit of a disgrace to bend the rules when it suits them. If they can do it for one than they can do it for it all, it may as well be a dictatorship, get of your high horses USA gov and give fair trials instead of accusing other states of not doing the same.

    9. The leaders of the free world have degenerated into "the leaders of any and all authoritairan dictatorships around the world" that will sink Men and Material to protect themselves and their own, I suspect the US government will never represent real values of real people again, only 1% matter, the uber rich.

    10. @11:21 beautifully put!

  2. Oh well . Shit he could win a appeal and be dead of natural causes before the process is complete . They are making it impossible to run anything from outside . Probably has lost all control anyway . Drag shit out the way its going for a few years and then let him meet with his lawyer and give him cavity searches in and out . Pretty soon talking through the glass will be his preference . Maybe

    1. I once did 2 years and then 4 in the fed system when I finally got it in my rosca. After that Ive been leaving a clean lufe.

  3. Chapos Attorneys should appeal he is not being given due process and not given access to his Attorneys I hope they read this this is the USA you are innocent until proven giulty

    1. I think they have to wait until a conviction is handed down.

    2. He was EXTRADITED, so he is guilty til proven innocent

    3. Extradition would imply they have enough evidence to convict, but he is still entitled to all due process, and fair trial. He is not a terrorist.

    4. 416. Tell that to OJ Simpson

    5. OJ worked the system to perfection..then he screwed himself, and did time...he got away clean with dbl murder. That's a big reason the gov is limiting Chapo his ability to defend himself. And he has way more money than OJ. Oh, except neither gov can find it...this plot is way thicker, and bigger than OJ.

  4. Chapo has a good treatment on Mexican prison and yet he decided to escape. This is what he gets now. It is his own fault.

  5. Due process. I agree, he is being treated unfairly. But how long is the stretch between a serial killer and Chapo, who has killed tens of thousands of folx with his drugs? By his own admission, he provided up to 80% of the drugs into the US. Living in Los Angles, you cant pick up a paper or listen to the news without hearing of a drug related killing. How about the untold number of thousands killed in Mexico under his drug empire. Perhaps new rules should be drawn up, specifically used for large scale drug traffickers who ruin thousands upon thousands of families with their poison.

    1. Chapo or no other trafficker killed those junkies. They killed themselves the first time they shot up. Quit blaming suppliers for supplying a eager customer.

    2. It doesn't matter the person or what they've done, it's about a justice system that is supposed to be fair, if you make an exception once than it can be made over and over which defeats the objective of 'justice'

    3. 6:58 excepting criminals because their president "owes it to them" has done more for the failure of the War on Drugs than all the mexican narcos put together, and worse, it gets reported that Big Pharma is guilty of the overdose deaths of about 200 000 americans over the duration of the fee for all OXI-OPIOIDS epidemic, more than heroin, Cocaine, grifa speed or the day after pills for men...
      --the drug trafficking narcos do not have government budget, no law is on their side, thousands of lawmen persecute them, with powerful helicopters and airplanes and cars, trucks and ships, what the hell is wrong with the government?
      Is they having their cake and eating it?
      Well, only some influential rogue elements, yeah?

    4. 9:56
      all OD figures include street drugs and heroin.
      For example in 2015 there were 52k OD deaths. of which 20k were Prescription opioids and the remainder street opioids including 13k heroin.

    5. Those #'s will nearly double by this's really bad. Big Pharma and our own gov are to blame...They let the drs get millions, not thousands of people hooked on ox I-9 poss, and anti anxiety, and anti.depressions. This starts a vicious cycle. The patient becomes dependent, needs more to get same effect. Dr gives you a higher you're hooked. Then when you run out before your script comes in, you buy off street. Pills are getting harder to get, and then the Dr cuts you off, or try to taper you down, allot turn to heroin. You snort it, or smoke it for awhile,.but sooner or later it's a spoon, and a needle....Millions.....I live in the Pacific NW, and heroin is a huge problem..meth as well..junkies are junkies, they' anything to get that someone will supply them...these guys are entitled to due process. Not a terrorist..this abuse of federal power. This will not end well for not only Chapo, but big boys too..they've declared war, and Chapo doesn't back down...this is gonna get crazy.

    6. 4:35 the thing with statistics is not all the meta data makes it in, most heroin and street opioids deaths of addicts started with legal prescriptions that were later terminated leaving them at the mercy of street peddlers and without government controls or assistance, even NALOXON is not provided, approved, available, because it is cheaper to let peepol die.

    7. Do you blame the makers of alcohal with all the alcohal related deaths that happen daily? Alcohal kills more than all the drugs combined and no one seems to care as well as cigarettes. Why dont you blame the owners of liquor stores? Sounds about right, people are nothing but sheep and cannot think for themselves.

    8. Blame alcohol death on alcobol,
      Blame cigarette deaths on cigarettes, but the Opioid is to be blamed on Big Pharma, and their lobbyists that bought a d paid lawmakers in one of the most obviously corrupt scams full of influence peddling and honor for sale ever, glad they made off with a whole lotta money.

  6. Good article augustine self defense leader arrested in 2013 one of micelles most trusted friends was released from prison


  8. jail house lawyer n 206October 19, 2017 at 2:32 PM

    Upon conviction, motions of appeal will undoubtedly be filed. Obviously, at this time it is impossible to discern which of the existing Federal charges will bear fruit for the US Attorney's office. Word on the street is that 3 or 4 major capos, currently in US custody and awaiting trial, will be convicted consecutively during the next presidential election campaign; for obvious effect. Even when allowing for the eventual appeals processes; the main focus in Washington DC, at this time, is arranging for asset confiscation, from the assumed holdings, of these alleged kingpins.

    1. "Even when allowing for the eventual appeals processes; the main focus in Washington DC, at this time, is arranging for asset confiscation, from the assumed holdings, of these alleged kingpins."

      Maybe unknowingly a good thing, as forced women of the night received?

  9. Was Manuel Noriega treated like Chapo in prison?

    1. Nope, only terrorists were denied normal rights of prisoners

    2. Noriega paid a handsome price for holding on to some porn picshures, and for dealing frugs on his own for his own benefit, that the worst case of corruption, robbing from your masters, after they made you a paratroper for jumping out of a plane a few times and killing your boss Omar Torrikos to make room for your banana republic dictatorship? NOT NICE!

  10. Who cares, he will never get out.

  11. If they can convict ABL on shit evidence then they can do anything they want with Chaps

    1. They didn't, he pleaded without a deal

    2. Arturo beltran leyva was not allowed to testify on his behalf, the dead don't talk, and he wasn't allowed to talk, but if you mean Alfredo, he is being abused on the US for not talking,
      Much like el güero palma, juan garcia abrego, and John gotti.

  12. The usa is openly admiting that IT is not into Democracy. DOWN WITH THISE IN CONTROL OF THE USA!

    1. Information Technology is neutral, some use it for good and some use it for Baaad, Maria, because the world is Baaad, maria, hyugely tremendously Baaad, Maria, very very baaad.

  13. Regardless the fucking rat has rights!!

  14. All those millions and you get to eat dog food. They tell you what to watch on TV, what to read and when to go to sleep. Wait until the Aryan Brotherhood gets to you if he ever get to walk mainline.

    1. Exactly Maria they couldn't be any more contradictive if they tried, the world is going in a bad direction.

    2. You mean the mexican heroin brotherhood?

  15. Fyi if Chapo was the person he is pictured to be then he wouldn't be the damn bitch he is potrayed to be in this story.
    Fuck Sinaloa and everyone who thinks like drug lords!

  16. Many folks relate to federal laws whenever things like this happen. However they fail to realize that these prisons in the United States are like states within states. A warden in a prison can implement policies as they deem necessary to assure the safety of their staff and the inmates. Some prisons are private and not property of the government. With all this being said, this can happen and won't change. Chapo is not the first and is definitely not the last. With the US having a president that has no regards for the Constitution, this is Chapo's new way of life.

  17. Not that I am a chapo fan but not even at gitmo in Cuba do they get treated like that due process is due process and he should hire a dream team like OJ.and at least he did not commit mad murder on the innocent people like the Trevinos did in coauhuila a few years ago they should be extradited and locked up with yarrington
    At supermax.colorado in.the same.cell.

    1. How can you blame what happened in Coahuila to one family: 1) Nobody is not that dumb to not know using multiple cell phones and/or destroying cell phones settles one phone tapping and GPS issue, 2) CDG was/is larger and worked/works with CDS, sought revenge, and recently like last month the federals found "kitchens" owned by CDG with multiple burnt body parts, 3) All cartels set up other cartels-surely you have read here on BB how other cartels hang signs in disguise, exposing other cartels, 4) You make the Trevinos out to be former bosses, and in actuality they never really were.
      Trevinos did learn something from Lazcano. So whoever was behind what happened in Coahuila and knowing what kind of people are on cartel payrolls from lying to killing could be cops for all you know. Many or even one witness can make lies true. Never offer over-inflated prices

  18. He betrayed his old masters los tejas.and.had.chacho.killed in Nuevo Laredo and let the old zetas take over and then he betrayed lazcano because of his greedy ass Nuevo Laredo will never be the same hope he gets extradited so he can sing let's see how tough he is without his goons and stolen trucks around todos caen tarde que temprano you all know that's what happens when you mess with people and don't lye low.

    1. Remember Lazcano was shot in the back in 2012 by who AFTER the incident in March 2011?

    2. Cops and politicians in mx are just errand boys for the cartels but with all the heat in mx rich Mexicans and low level workers for them are running to the USA like cowards not that tough over here girlies and usa citizens stupid enough to work for cartels as errand boys and girls and crash dummies que pendejos.

    3. 1201. Right. And with the name Garza based in Europe by first generation also, you are writing the errand boys and workers run to Europe too? Does it really take a genius? How about answering if you would send trained and experienced former military and police or non- trained or -experienced non-military or -police from even other states in other countries? And after answering, then ask yourself, who 8 out of 9 times, drops, covers, and holds on?

    4. If you go to Europe you are either operating over or hiding from your enemies or the Law and if you drop and cover you had training in the military or law enforcement But what does that have to do with crash dummies who are stupid enough to take the fall for idiots who only use people like on the border they use 18 yrd.olds if they are so tough why don't they take a load up north or go whack someone themselves.thatll never happen as long as they prey and manipulate and threatened people but once they get caught they cry and sing like cowards they when they are on the verge of being extradited .lastima que seam Mexicans they are a disgrace to the mx race.

    5. 752. Not bad if that was more than half the truth. Europe is more organized and advanced than the U.S.of A, leaving Mexico? If you drop, cover, and hold on, you had training in Elementary School Mr. Watson. When one grows up, do they still drop, cover, and hold on to risk death from the falling debris in the name of population control or sign of innocence until? Globally, age means something, whether symbolically, culturally, biologically, theoretically (key), or lawfully, it matters. There are innocents in every prison in the world, and the gap to the fight to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own actions is quite wide, too wide, which likely falls on what some call bullies. Unfortunately, there is a diverse and over abundant amount of bullies in the world. So, when one is innocent, and can be proven religiously one way or another, who benefits when accessory is a crime?

    6. Well of course Europe is more advanced we saved their asses during ww2 with American lives just like in Korea Vietnam and Iraq I don't see them telling us thank you but our gov will always be full of idiots sending us into harms way I like to see them send their kids overseas and those same kids will always have an appetite for drugs which mx will gladly supply well at least keep us dllrs in mx and in the us border towns to keep the economy going and confiscating narco profits just don't kill innocent people just business.but some dumb asses don't know the diffetence.

    7. 424. Good conversation. It does not take going to a University to know American's were not the first ones to have arrived towards or at the end of WWII. It was the Russians. American's took scientists from Europe after WWII, and brought them to the United States to build nuclear weapons, hence the start of the Cold War. There is clear evidence. So, Americans taking credit for others good doing does not follow with a thank you whether kindly or not.
      During WWII, former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos had access to more than the 640,000 metric tons of Gold (, and what did the United States do to Marcos when they learnt he was worth in the range on up to the trillions? Marcos accounts were frozen, and he was exiled to Hawaii, living off of loans from his friends up until his death. His wife, Imelda Marcos, is in the Genus Book of World Records for having over 3000 pairs of shoes. What does that say? Hypothetically, Mexico is not the only country that fights the United States from confiscating monies that don't belong to them. How much did the United States steal from Iraq during the war with Saddam Hussein? Weapons, cars, statues, jewelry, money, etc. Imagine the riches stolen during WWII, and Europe remains wealthy.
      People will always have an appetite for drugs. The reason many don't know the difference is possibly to the reason of how every drug one can think of enhances
      every emotion one can think of, whether the drug be in order as drugs, sex, media, money or power. Power is placed last for euphorically stereotypical reasons, as the one, who is straight, generally has more power. The U.S. dollar appears down, however the stock market keeps it up. And How does the stock market keep the dollar up? Corporations. Are you seeing a familiar pattern?
      A means to an end follows with resilience, and sadly this, resiliency, is something the world mostly sees or sees mostly in kids.
      Either way, lines can get blurred even without a breath, and drugs have been around before even mankind

  19. Well that's what they said in federal court in san antonio.tx

  20. chapo doesnt deserve rights, hes a dog.


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