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Saturday, October 7, 2017

Ex-Governor Eugenio Hernández Flores Captured

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from Riodoce
Looking relaxed during capture
The former governor of Tamaulipas, Eugenio Hernández Flores (2005-2010), was arrested Friday in Ciudad Victoria by the State Attorney General's Office, who filed an arrest warrant against him for embezzlement and money laundering.

Through the alias Alberto Berlanga and the company GMC S.A. de C.V. of Altamira, Hernández Flores made a 2007 purchase transaction of $16 million pesos for a 1,600 hectare plot of land located in the Industrial Port of Altamira, which is property of the state, and actually valued at $866 million pesos.

According to the agency in a press release, the purchase and sale transaction involved the companies Materials and Construction Villa de Aguayo, owned by Fernando Cano Martinez, alleged alias of Tomás Yarrington (predecessor of Eugenio in the government of Tamaulipas) and GMC, SA of CV of Altamira, property of Berlanga Bolado, ex-secretary of Public Works and Urban Development under Hernández Flores.
Both the Cano and Berlanga construction companies became favorites for projects and for obtaining million-dollar contracts in order to carry out projects during the six year period of Tomás and Eugenio’s time in office.

It should be recalled that both ex-governors face arrest warrants in the United States. While Yarrington is awaiting a ruling on his extradition in Italy, the US has also asked Hernández Flores to be tried in the United States.

US Accusations

Against the Mexican ex-leader, two arrest warrants are being filed in the United States, where he is accused of money laundering and facilitating illegal money transfer operations. In June 2015, the State Department reported that the Southern Court of Texas accused the PRI member of conspiring with monetary instruments along with his brother-in-law Óscar Gómez Guerra. The complaint was filed since May 27 of that year.

The indictment included a $2 million USD confiscation notice on four properties, three of them located in McAllen and the other in Austin.
happier times, with EPN
Last August he obtained legal protection against any order of arrest, search, location, presentation or summons in relation to his September 2017 research file, with a set warranty of $6,500 Pesos.
Hernández Flores is the successor of Tomás Yarrington who is currently imprisoned in Florence, after being captured on April 9th in Italy.


  1. Que le den por el chimuelo.

    1. 9:52 ya es muy tarde, le han dado por atrás desde antes que se asociara con el poder, igual que Yarrington and everybody else.
      that the admission price if you wanna make it in mexican politics, las aflojas o te las aflojan, lo que quera el jefe.

    2. Only one person in the United States uses that word as a Simile and that is a goodfella by the name of Humberto but likes to be referred to as "LoLo" you motherfucker you ahahaha

    3. 7:32
      It is common to some Spanish speakers as a type of "albur Mexicano" which is a type of playful doublespeak.

    4. Delen por culiacan

    5. Wuuuh, dressed in black military looking garras, must be a paramilitary looking zeta trained piece of caca, a shame, he could have been a contenda for the PRISIDENCE.
      Ora le van a dar pura verga por el overthere
      por andar ahi nomás de caliente con tomás y epn.
      Ojala y se la metan doblada, sin saliva y con toy greñas.

    6. Actually I think that is a motorcycle jacket. He was a bike enthusiast. T.M.

  2. So Tamaulipas is all of a sudden corruption-free? Why did this arrest happen?

  3. Yarrington must be talking.
    This guy has an uncanny physical resemblance to ex-Governor that came back from Spain!

    1. Hope talks a lot . A lot buddies (rich). Live in texas

    2. 11:13 El Ugenio looks younger than el bertie boy moreiro, round fack face, while El bertie boy's face looks skinnier, and longer, the worry, and the exercise keeps him fit, while Ugenio all he do is eat tacos, no style, like RCQ, he will be free soon, epn is on his corner, all there captures may just be sure de ring to have a nice deal of "Mucho ruido y pocas Nueces" with their comadre EPN, MAYBE EVEN PRESIDENTIAL PARDON, after all the mamericans are doing it since Iran/contra's Affairs de Boudoir...

    3. Doesn't look a thing like Moreira.

    4. 2:49 don't looks stressed in spite of having been hiding in Vicky Coca, motherfacker must have been running shit big time

    5. 12:43
      Es "coca vicky" puñetas
      Cuidad victoria

    6. 9:48 es que te puse al revés pa que te voltiaras.
      Ora Levanta el jabón, make it easy, or don't.

  4. It's the same old Mexican tale of corruption at the highest levels of government yet the citizens are so accustomed to this malfeasance that they are incapable of taking action to stop it since they know these criminals will be released by their fellow associates known as judges. That's why only 2% of every 100 criminals arrested actually go to prison!

    1. Be American tourist and get arrest it cost the shit out u

    2. Because they know you have money!
      Time to pay the piper!

    3. All the while Texas keeps their real estate and laundered money safe.

    4. 12:34 GOOD JOB, for once in your life you hit the nail right on the head, Tejas sure found a nice source of resources, after all their oil wells have been empty for dozens of years, all the pemex pipeline milking done by their huachicoleros in mexico was not going to be enough...
      Google: "American companies that have been buying illegal stolen pirated mexican hydrocarbures" I saw like 5 in tejas only, of course, there is nothing like buying yourself a nice million dollar residence in tejas for peanuts from municipal fire sales.

    5. 6:38 only fools are American tourist in Mexico . I saw a group of fools last week going on vacation down near Acapulco . Told them they were fools and informed them Mexico is a murderous lawless piece of hell . Also told them Acapulco is the murder capital . At least I know they were warned once . Its all I can do . They will be spotted immediately as marks . On the other hand they will not look like the competition .

    6. @9:26 when was the last American killed in aca?

  5. We'd like to know MORE about the looong political careers of these former governors of tamaulipas, I am sure they did not start with their indictments, narco-governorships or captures, and who were their masters, sponsors or their Godfathers? One clear pointer is that no one becomes governor without a tight relationship to his presidents and governors, not even zeta governor ricardo monreal avila who still is a heavy hitter.

    1. I think Voltaire best describes the true history of nations.
      Quote; In all nations, history is disfigured by fable, till at last philosophy comes to enlighten man; and when it does finally arrive in the midst of this darkness, it finds the human mind so blinded by centuries of error, that it can hardly undeceive it; it finds ceremonies, facts and monuments heaped up to prove lies. History, he concludes, is after all nothing but a pack of tricks which we play upon the dead, we transform the past to suite our wishes for the future, and in the upshot , history proves that anything can be proved by history.

      This writing has always stuck with me from the age of 16 till present day. A clear knowledge of human nature and a Nations history.


    2. E42 You always seem 2 have some good comments. Keep up the good work. And don’t let the haters get 2 you. - Sol Prendido

    3. What's the context of Voltaire's quote? It seems like he's describing the sociology of certain peoples view and interpretation of history. It's so vague you can make a lot out of it.

      Read Jared Diamond's masterful Guns, Germs, and Steal for a different, modern, and more thorough approach to nations history's.


    4. E42 nice to see some reason invading you, even your novia Chole Soledá agrees with me,
      Of course I ain' red me much voltaire, I would not like to have my head chopped up in the guillotine after a successful life as a philosopher and scientist that robbed the ministry of agriculture to pay for his laboratories and equipment, and to buy influence to help the likes of womanizer old coot benjamin franklin whose country (the US of A) later realigned with the brittish to screw their benefactor the french king whasis name and have the french monarchy electrocuted in the guillotine to pay them back, with help of Scarlet Pimpernel.
      You see, I am not deep in philosophy, but I like the way John Paul Jones sank the best the brittish had to offer from a whisky barrel that was the US navy back when the US navy used to win battles at sea instead of losing battles in the corridors of power in the pentagon and the WHITES' HOUSE and staging state coups on banana republics or arab springs.
      --Thanks for elevating the discourse a little, it is nice to have people that want to get it right...
      Atentamente Don Juan, Chole's first and only love until you.

    5. Thanks everyone for the kind comments and responses.
      Unfortunately,like most great thinkers in life. Persecution and exile seems to follow.
      However, I must admit I look at things in black and white. Always looking for truth to everything.

      @ 2:40 pm
      I have read many bibles.
      Having a religious upbringing in life and an alter boy early on. I found contradictions of truths. However, I must say a true conception of Gods existence is best stated by Spinoza.

      Please note; I embrace freedom of religion.
      And in no way persuading my beliefs upon others. Rather one must find his path of enlightenment!


    6. 2:53

      Voltaire was not decapitated.


    7. 10:26 great find, I hope he was not electrocuted either,
      However, I'd like to know more now about his tortured death, was it poisoning? Or STD?
      related to his scientific works, accident, intrigue or a spurned lover?
      The above quote refers mainly to how hard it is to go against the brainwashing religion and traditions produce for modern philosophers to work with or against, and really, books and monuments are used to prove the most hideous untruths, that is why some people erect their own FAKE TIME COVERS to hang from their public walls, that people believe their greatness, and pay for the "art works with charity collections or political ckntributions..."

    8. 1:34

      Voltaire was not a scientist and despite being a "French philosophe" of the time he was primarily a writer and, like Bertrand Russell (a real philosopher) noted, an enthusiast of the theater. I know of only one intro book in philosophy which includes Voltaire as a philosopher and that's Will Durant's Story Of Philosophy.


    9. @ Prudencio
      You are correct as to the book by WILL Durant.
      And yes despite his efforts of trying his luck in theater ( which unfortunately unsuccessful).
      He is rather to be a great writer. However, due to his logic of expression he omitted a philosophical perspective.


    10. Ok, I guess his voltairesque shit was the Scientific Method, not much room for philosophy.

    11. 9:24 try harder.

  6. Read this on Mexico News Daily yesterday..
    Another politician who like many before him
    steals , embezzle and assists cartels.
    A common practice in Mexico it seems.
    I'm sure some form of injunction will be filed on his behalf to halt any prosecution and extradition.
    A theme so familiar that one sleeps whistling to it unconsciously.


  7. Tomas really talking. When they get Juan Miguel

  8. This guy and Yarrington are the ones who are truly responsible for the rise of los Z.

    1. All scumbags w/ cartel collusion. Punish to the max extent possible or please find ‘hanging from his cell’ LOL

    2. You're correct, Moreira was overall most responsible for the national prominence of los Z. I guess I meant Yarrington, and especially Eugenio Hernandez were responsible for giving the original Zetas the political infrastructure to expand their power beyond Tamaulipas, which led to the Moreiras and a national syndicate.

    3. I say the opposite, Coahuila was always Z's "state" correct that state an municipal heads in tamps accommodated their operation, in certain plazas but never solely as coahuila. When I moved to Coahuila they were still with cdg, but it was clear who was in complete control of coa

    4. That is correct, until Pelon took over the state. as for tamps, as long as everyone stayed in their lane they were protected for a price. Some were killed if even perceived one cartel was getting favored over another. tamps is a strange place.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Maybe not. But if we go get a few of the xgovernors locked up? They will sing and the paper goes straight to the top. Then what...? T. Montana

    7. Yarrington was pre-z. The split came when E.Hernandez was governor. Who sold Victoria to the Z? Cabeza was mayor of Reynosa when Z had Reynosa but still worked for the others. So now what for Tamaulipas? T Montana

    8. 6:20 now pura cabeza for tamaulipas, eliminate the commanders that know too much and take over all the land and business you can while the drug trafficking goes unabated, american citizen francisco javier garcia cabeza de vaca will be allowed all the opportunities to make business with tejas across the river.

  9. Mexico will never, ever let a governor be extradited. Especially when EPN is the one who decides.

    1. It will take time, but it's likely that they will serve time in Mexico first then then be extradited. US is likely to go to mattresses on this one. Ending government complicity with organized crime is the US government's biggest priority.

    2. Well if not extradited? Freezing all assets and forfeitures of real estate in the US should put a damper to his day.
      I am aware of legal proceedings regarding such stated above. However, any legal action should require the wanted individual to come forth to US to deny claims.
      Oh how I wish this to be the case. Maybe then some of these low-lives will reconsider what one does. Not to have profited from ill gotten avenues.


    3. 9:54 the dead will not be made good again, that the only problem.

  10. Let it be known. If you're a politico in Mexico and u take money to look the other way, you don't take money and look the other way, or you just stand around and don't act against organized crime, you will be indicted in the US. You will face money laundering, drug trafficking, and drug conspiracy charges, you will do hard time.

    1. Very cool 9:36.Should have happened much sooner.

  11. Prestanombres and aliases have been used for decades. When is the government gonna do something about it? Oh I forgot, the government benefits from those practices.

  12. I almost feel sorry for that fool! Beautiful wife and kids. Played with the devil and now feeling the heat. Sold out his state to the Z and Tamaulipas is still burning. Probably the new Governor was in on this one. He probably has a lot more to uncover. Keep up the good work! Salvador Sanchez

  13. Talking about corrupt assholes. Theres a mexican navy commander who actually protects the guy who is fucking up reynosa. To all the motherfuckers that think the mexican navy is so great. There are families disapearing. Women being kidnap men being burned alive. And the men doing it all protected by the mexican navy. The man taking money from a piece of shit like that shld be killed by hanging in the biggest plaza in mexico city as an example. Greed is a bitch and the civilians are the ones that get fucked.

      Or whatever.
      However the argentinian Navy ESMA, (escuela superior de mecanica de la armada) was used by admiral emio Eduardo Massena to torture and murder thousands ds of argentinians for the crime of having posessions, he needed those resources to feed and clothe his vedette girlfriends, to furnish them with properties and apartments, expensive furs, jewelry, dinners and fine wines, his masters on the US did not pay him enough to betray his uinform and his country, and his banana republic dictator, jorge rafael videla, Operation Condor did not contemplate such exquisite tastes, still granted him impunity to the day he died, barely touched by a few courts that allowed him to claim his innocence and to have saved chile from an imaginary terror of communism, I mean argentina, that people could dance their tangos in peace and do their trafficking with freedom. While his beloved Montoneros helped with thousands of dollars in contributions, and a few guerrilla activities to prove the dangerous situation that required hard hand "to save the country".
      There is nothing much new in bistory, you need to bring your navy commander to justice yerself, what's his name?

  14. Tamaulipas and Coahuila governors are the only ones getting arrested for selling out to drug dealers (not charged though so it makes no difference) jalisco , Michoacan and Sinaloa governors are doing the same but looks like more low 🔑.

  15. This gobernor paid to media lot of millions of pesos and now is in the cover of newspapers

  16. what about expresident Carlos Salinas de Gortari

    1. @ 7:40 My exact thoughts. You read my mind. Used to be the outgoing president could hand pick his successor partly to cover his back. A little harder now but it's the same old game only in a different method. Thanks to Salinas De Gortari one of the richest men in Mexico is extremely grateful.

  17. I feel very sorry for the citizens of Mexico....if the Mexican cartels aren't robing and extorting them the Mexican government is. Who the hell can you trust in Mexico? May the good Lord protect the innocent citizens of Mexico.

    1. 10:03 the "Lord" is too busy preparing for halloween, dia de los muertos and christmass, then there is that easter capirotada and getting ready for all that cheering

  18. Very sad these people would steal from their citizens

  19. Shit runs downhill, and money goes up! String these politicos up!

  20. No matter there. Is another crook to replace him


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