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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Sicarios leave Sinaloa and form cartel in Mexico State, dramatically named: "New Empire"

Translated by El Profe for Borderland Beat from SinEmbargo
 "The Plaza has an owner CMNDTE", ''charging floor" and taking credit for attacks, signed "Nuevo Imperio"


According to the Security Atlas and Defense of Mexico, in 2006 only six drug trafficking organizations were identified in the country, and four years later increased to 10. Thereafter, PGR reported in 2014 a total of nine cartels controlling 43 criminal groups. Today, however, there are 14 criminal organizations operating in 96 of the municipalities of the Mexico State, and 10 have presence in the 16 delegations of the country's capital.

Mexico City, October 15 (Infobae / SinEmbargo) .- The drug cartels in Mexico are like The Hydra. In a decade that has cost the country 193,000 deaths and 30,000 missing - according to official figures - criminal groups have expanded and fragmented.

There is no official figure or consensus among specialists. But recently Francisco Torres Landa, secretary general of the United Kingdom Against Crime Foundation (MUCD), said that the number of criminal gangs operating in the country has increased from six to 400 in 10 years.

One of these groups appeared recently in the State of Mexico, which borders the capital of the country. Authorities identify the group as the New Empire cartel and attribute its appearance to the breakup of the Sinaloa Cartel, which at the time was led by Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman Loaera, now in prison in New York, United States.

"This is part of the fragmentation, having removed the big heads, the only thing that it creates is the dispersion of interests and even struggles to reach higher distinction in different geographical areas," said Torres Landa.

The New Empire began operating a few months ago, after the arrest of "El Quinceañero", operative for Dámaso López "El Mini Lic", son of another Sinaloa Cartel leader of the same name, explains a research journalist specializing in organized crime in the State of Mexico, whose identity he prefers to conceal for security reasons.

                                    "The Quinceañero", operative for a Sinaloa Cartel leader. Photo: PGR.

This group is linked to at least 13 recent murders in the municipalities of Huxquilucan and Naucalpan, and with "narcomantas" that appeared in different suburban areas of Mexico City.

"The day after the capture of 'Quinceañero' appeared the first narcomantas of the New Empire cartel, in which they threatened all the other groups of that area", says the Mexican journalist.
As a result of the investigations that the authorities undertook in the wake of the killings and these narcomessages, on October 9 Alejandro Gómez, Attorney General of the State of Mexico, reported the arrest of seven possible members in the municipality of Cuautitlán Izcalli.

In their possession were handguns and long arms, gun clips and magazines, cartridges, drugs, cell phones, tactical clothes, posterboards with threatening messages and three cars.

This new cartel is possibly headed by a man whom they identify in the "narcomantas" as "Commander 7". However, there is no official information.


The authorities detected this criminal group from a series of messages on posterboards located in different areas of the State of Mexico, where New Empire allegedly operates.

Authorities say that members of this group extort traders forcing them to pay "derecho de piso" - as payment is known, in exchange for "security" - and are responsible for various homicides over the last year.

Just this August, in Cuautitlán Izcalli, police found a message placed next to the body of a man, murdered and showing signs of torture. In Huixquilucan another blanket was hung on a bridge located in an exclusive residential area known as Interlomas. Others appeared in Tlalneplantla, Naucalpan and Atizapán.

In the latter municipality, Nahúm Abraham Sicairos Montalvo was arrested last July, known as "El Quinceañero" and identified as financial operative for Dámaso López Serrano, son of "El Licenciado" Dámaso López Núñez, also one of the strong men of the Sinaloa Cartel .

Founded 27 years ago, the Sinaloa Cartel has emerged as the most powerful drug trafficking organization in Mexico. But the capture of its leader, "El Chapo" Guzmán, has led to a stage of fragmentation and infighting, according to the authorities.

Control is now being disputed for by the children of "El Chapo", Iván and Alfredo Guzmán Salazar, known as "Los Chapitos"; Dámaso López Serrano, and the closest operative for Ismael "El Mayo" Zambada.
                          Seven arrested for alleged links to 13 murders. All would be members of the New Empire Cartel. Photo: Mexico City Homicide Prosecution


The 2016 Atlas of Security and Defense of Mexico, prepared by the Collective of Security and Democracy Analysis (Casede), notes that in Mexico, six drug trafficking organizations were identified in 2006, and four years later that number increased to 10, according to international security specialist Bruce Bagley of the University of Miami. A 2014 report by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) registered a total of nine cartels that controlled 43 criminal gangs, operating throughout the country.

Although there is no consensus among security analysts, according to investigators Jonathan D. Rosen and Roberto Zepeda in the Atlas, "most agree on identifying at least 13 that have enough resources to fight for territory with violence."

But these figures seem conservative compared to a July 2017 analysis of the organization Cause in Common, which warns of the expansion of drug trafficking only in the State of Mexico and the capital.

Cause in Common reveals that in May 2014 there were nine criminal organizations operating in 81 of the 125 municipalities of the State of Mexico, and in Mexico City the presence of organized crime was limited to some areas of the Iztapalapa, Cuauhtémoc, Gustavo A. Madero and Tláhuac.

Today, however, there are 14 criminal organizations operating in 96 of the municipalities of the State of Mexico, and 10 have presence in the 16 delegations of the country's capital.

"The most serious thing is that, in at least 70 of these municipalities and delegations, more than one criminal organization operates, which increases the likelihood of confrontations due to territorial struggle," Víctor Manuel Sánchez Valdés wrote in the analysis.

MUCD's Torres Landa attributes this fragmentation and expansion of criminal groups to the short-term policies of the federal, state and municipal governments.

In presenting the results of the National Survey on Perception of Public Safety in Mexico, which has been up for 10 years, he said that "there were more or less six or seven cartels that divided control of the country."

Now there are 400, so "it should not be surprising that the levels of violence grow and control of these groups becomes more complex," said Torres Landa.


  1. These guys are damasos taking refuge in chilangoland after being ousted by el ruso and the rest of mayos boys from sinaloa. like my tia use to say los chilangos son tan astutos para clavar que te roban los calcetines sin quitarte los zapatos

    1. Los chilangos son pior queso,
      te roban los calzones sin bajarte los pantalones.
      Pero los chinolas de los mamasones no son chilangos,
      More likely they are regrouping at the shade of a good tree that has been covering their asses for a long time on el DEFE, alias "mexico city", imagine pinchis putones con sus laboutinis de suela roja y tacon vaquero meniando el cabùs en la Zona Rosaaadaas de la Cola, ay nonononooo, que horror!

    2. Los chilangos es lo peor que uno se encuentra en todo Mexico. Entre toda la mexicanada son odiados por buenas razones. - Sol Prendido

    3. 5:47 Don't buy into the myth que chilango this or that.

    4. Chinolas trbajan por ordenes de chilangos. Son astutos los mendigos..

    5. Porque piensas que capitalinos son lo peor? Que estas pendejo o que? De donde eres tu y tu family? Es obvio que no tienes ni la menor idea quien es quien en Mexico, es la triste realidad de "pochitos" sin sentido de razon que solo repiten las estupideces que escuchan "por ahi".

    6. 1:25 los capitalinos tienen la fame de ser unos pinchis carteristas, huevones, gandallas, metemanos, apestosas del metro y los trolebuses, toman pulque, y se les agachan a los chilangos de atracomulco por una pinchi Bolsa de doritos o chicharrones de harina, the pinchis chilangos also harbor the federal powers that stick it up the ass of all the other mexicans and produced some of the worst murderers and corrupt police officers and military the world has ever seen who are also very adept at bending over and kissing ass for a few more pesos.

    7. @ 1:25 Quierres mas o te quizo un huevo? Lol. - Sol Prendido

    8. 1:54AM Tienes razon con lo que dices de los carteristas y eso salio en las decadas de los 60s, 70s. Pero creo que la mitad o asta la mayoria de carteristas en ese tiempo no eran capitalinos, o sea eran de provincia y se iban a vivir al DF. Y si, eran gandallas cuando visitaban otros estados de Mexico porque eran creidos igual que cualquier otro Mexicano creido cuando se comparan con centroamericanos. Lo de mas que dices es verda de todos los Mexicanos. Disculpa por mis palabras no eran para usted son para el adefesio de sol.

      5:25AM Cuando me las sobas a si sucede, idiota.

    9. @12:22 Tus bendiciones siempre me sirven compa. No creas que me haces mal con tus palabras. Al contrario me sirven mucho. Aunque te duela lo que digo es la pura verdad. La fama que se tienen los chilangos es conocida por todo el mundo. Y siguen siendo de lo peor. Cuando el gran terremoto la caiga al D.F. no pregunten porque. Es cosa que tiene que pasar para que ustedes agarren la onda. - Sol Prendido

    10. Lol chilangos are the worst of mexico? yea worse than zetas and all cartels put together what a nutcase sol is.

    11. @7:29AM
      Are you trolling for a reaction or are you serious? I noticed you only assert and never attempt to add any seriouness by urging your points. I once investigated cross border scams involving Canadian scammers and had to take a course in cross cultural, multicultural, and within culture sudies in order to be aware of issues that might effect my interactions with others especially when it came to potential crimes coming from other countries. I only briefly dealt with Mexico in one investigation which was of a minor nature but out of curiosity and for personal enrichment I researched its criminal subculture of the last 80 years or so and I could tell you that what you assert of a certain region in Mexico is in stark contrast to what the facts are. You've bought into some of the myths that arise and diffuse like wildfire within cultures in order to cover for shortcomings. It's quite sad that you readily accept it and enshrine it with hate.

    12. @ 8:48 Your studying doesn’t compare to actually having lived throughout Mexico. And random Mexicans throughout the world won’t repeat the same things just to repeat them. - Sol Prendido

    13. @2:53AM
      It's glaringly obvious you don't know how to formulate an argument to urge a point. What are you trying to do with your first sentence? I actually have lived in Mexico in different states including Mexico City but that's irrelevant. Your second sentence is false. Yes, Mexicans, and that goes for humans in general, will repeat the same things over and over just to repeat them. It's how cultural items - regardless of truthfulness - spread within cultures and sometimes difusse to others. Simple parroting doesn't make things true.

    14. @ 9:38 Put my words to the test. Ask any Mexican anywhere but El D.F. what they think of chilangos. And the majority will either make an ugly face about that subject. Or they’re gonna say something negative about them. That’s just a simple fact. Worldwide. - Sol Prendido

    15. @10:29AM
      You've been refuted so now you scramble and resort, once again, to mere rumor, "I here this", "I've heard that", "go ask them". No, Sol, I'm asking you, be a man and substantiate yourself. You do your own work like I have. I've been in Mexico for various amounts of time in the 70s, 80s, 90s, and I've heard the original phrase about chilangos and asked more Mexicans than you will ever. It's not taken so serious as you have taken it and what I've heard from them squares perfectly with my research and not your claims. The other comments in this thread about chilangos are more or less in jest and mirror my research and what I've heard from Mexicans but none rise to the level of raw hatred the you revel in. You're incapable of defending your stance with any semblance of rationality let alone cogency and base your belief, and HATRED, not on your personal experience or research - evidenced by what you've written here - but simply on what you allege to have heard. Mexicans call that, and I've asked them, "vieja chismosa".

      Thank you BB staff for allowing my comments. Sol could have the last word.

    16. I don’t hate anyone. Never have. So you’re actually wrong on that comment. - Sol Prendido

  2. Big fish for CDG "El Charmin" is arrested in Tamaulipas and "El Cholo" Mencho's headache is killed by Federal Agents in GTO

    1. Not really a big fish. Just the accountant for el m28.

    2. Not the same dude but nice try.

    3. I bet Mencho is fi di g a way to enter structure there just a few gangs that claim golfos because all those 6 or 7 structures don't want to give up that name. Bunch of killings attributed to cdg but not the same click.

    4. Menchos expanding too fast he has to force people to work for him. Enslaving them. Do you really think he'll get far? He's having trouble taking plazas from rivals. He definitely has the money to do so. Maybe not the man power. Plus people from Tamaulipas are a different breed. Ruthless

    5. 7:21 tamaulipas is not organized at ALL it's a war zone that really is not worth stepping in to, just the border cities there

    6. 1:49 there is a structure in tamaulipazz, governor francisco javier garcia cabeza de cagada de vaca is in charge, there are A LOT OF REPORTS ABOUT HIS PINCHIS NALGAS APESTOSAS ALL OVER THE GOOGLE, of course, he betrays and murders his capos del narco, the plaza may be going for some 20 million dollars just to get started, you will be like owner #10 of the "plasa"

  3. Looks like someone musta hit those 7 gentleman a few time with the ugly stick . What a fine example of humanity and benevolence all wrapped in a glossy photo . This new cartel should call themselves the super model cartel because i mean the energy these guys exude is star quality sexy and sophistication I wish i could sip mimosas with this crowd and their families ... Yuck

  4. Complex is a real complex word, it complicates things unnecessarily.
    Gorgoglio who should know a thing or two after surviving the military junta in argentina, said he expected mexico would not be "colombianized".
    --Cele Castillo said he hoped Iraq would not become "el salvadoranized" when he became aware of the involvement of lt col James Steele as a private contractor there, courtesy of general David Petraeus who as a young lieutenant became impressed by Steele's murdering ways in el Salvador which cost Steele his career in the US military for Human rights abuses, mass murdering and genocide, pattern constantly repeated in Irak, long after the "mission was Accomplished".
    Cele Castillo, "Powder Burns"
    --but shit has been going on since the US and the European powers that be decided to divide the Balkans into many cartels all with their own country to fight for, and they fought, as the Balkan Wars show.
    Mexico is getting divided by all the Rats in power, or behind the powers of the thrones of every little cartel, all looking for their own whole apple pie.
    Since kiki Camarena got kidnapped, tortured and murdered in 1985 to 2017 it is 32 years of "sinaloan cartels" who used to be guadalajara cartel, all sinaloans, who had been at it since the early 60s and even before, when sinaloan beauty queen Kenya Kemmermand Bastidas married the nephew of Sam Giancanna, "momo" in 1958 (she was murdered in 1960)
    You can track the involvement in mexican crime and drug cartels to the espionage conducted in mexico since WWII started to take shape, germany, russia and the US participated with artistic world, argentinians and police and military involvement, and politicians for the icing, and remember specially that by 1985 reaganism had LatinAmerica burning all over the place with Operation Condor flagrant involvement, but there is the origins in win scott's presence in mexico and his creation of the DFS for the CIA, THE INTELECTUAL MURDERERS OF KIKI CAMARENA, FOR DOING HIS JOB AS A DEA AGENT.

    1. Glad your'e back millie

    2. Good ol' Millie making a comeback. These newcomers don't know nothing about the infamous Millie 4:59.

    3. 4:59 millie never left.

    4. Thank you 4:59--that was my impression and why I posted it. Extended leave of absence?

      how about it Millie??? impostor? or the real deal?

    5. Chivis, millie has been posting all along but most have not noticed his//her grammatical and talking points hallmarks. They don't always use the improvised bullet points like "--" or, but rare, "..". What is strange is that a while back somebody was posting exactly like mille and replying to the comments but using different bullet points. Was the mysterious and much missed millie replying to their own comments? Who are they? I'm intrigued.

    6. Funny you mention WWII, considering now deceased Trillionaire Ferdinand Marcos, former president of the Philippians, which was once Spaniard country named in honor of King Philip II of Spain

    7. Milli may still be here, but a few.guys are not anymore, like ESB, UNLESS he changed his name but some disciples use his very same idiocies, lately proposing new saviours of the world, like El loco Duterte or the new American unmentionable, same old same old, by their fruit you know them trees.

    8. Yes yeh, kill the messenger.
      I'm glad nothing got debunked.
      Thanks for posting. Again.
      Love you Chivis, always.

  5. This will be a flash in the pan!

    1. 4:28 I thought it was you mooning us.

  6. How stupid is that hahaha New Empire hahaha let's see how long they last

    1. All empires come to an end

    2. Yup, just like cds after chapo got locked up 6 46

    3. 10:31 La Chapa has been imprisoned since the 1995 murder of cardinal posadas ocampo by Carlos Salinas de Gortari's chief of the policia judicial federal Rodolfo Leon Aragon, "el chino leon", who is these days the mayor of the city of Salina Cruz Oaxaca, do not confuse him with Rafael "el Chino Chao" the DFS agent that worked for Rafael Caro Quintero, main person on the beautiful "cuando los tigres del narco se soltaron" read en Sin Embargo, por Humbert Padgett.

  7. GxN Antrax will always protect CDS intrest

    el X9 GXN

    1. Didn’t Antrax change their name to Acme?

    2. Lo del Acme are already done. Acme died

  8. El cholo got smoked in Guanajuato. That was mencho's priority after cholo went solo and against Mencho killing a few of his men in Jalisco plaza. Didn't even last a month, cjng don't play. Jalisco plaza back on lock

    1. back on lock lmao

    2. No this is another Cholo one that actually worked with CJNG , the other Cholo is in Jalisco fighting Mencho

    3. Cholos ay various.
      Que? Pensaron que CHOLO habia uno?
      Atte: MenCHolo

  9. After cjng punked cds nobody really cares to be with cds anymore, cjng us the big dog now but who knows how long.. They are too crazy, Mencho makes chapo look like a school girl now that he's doi g his thing

    1. Right kid. CDS is centuries ahead of you clowns , CJNG are the same as Zetas no respect for innocents already CJNG is fighting itself once Mencho falls it's over

    2. Look profesor jirafales all cartels are the same. To do good you have to do bad, that's the cartel way. Centuries ahead? Stop listening to komander and el movimiento alterado bro and get with the program. And no I'm not a CJNG nutthugers or a CDS fan, I'm a mutha@*%#&÷@ dodgers fan.

  10. i dont even think that is cholo he smart dude gave menchita a war in his own state now thats are balls if you ask me he probably faking his death but if he died goes to show cjng is a joke police kill him not the russsian spetzna of cjng LMAO more like dark fat ugly spetzna from michoacan arriva jalisco senor cholo al mando

  11. why people join cartels? they want to die?

    1. Lack of economic opportunities. That’s about it.

    2. 8:26 more promises, the usual, i'llarray you later, poor mophakkas don't even get to pay for their guns while highly placed drug traffickers move shit by the planeload, or by trains or boatloads.

    3. For a corrido, DUUUHHH

  12. Cartel de los Jedi's!!!!

  13. Cartel nuevo imperio? Dejense de mamadas para ser carteltienen que mandar kilos para afuera de mexico.

  14. Se rumora que el que estaba al frente de ellos era el marito choclos. Nacido en badiraguato y conocia ala gente del CDS y se hizo damaso. Pero el domingo pasado segun fue encontrado en un tambo en culiacan. JAGL

  15. Seems like the word CARTEL is over used!! Every little group of meth head loosers are now Cartels? Do journalist even know what the word cartel means? These clowns are not controlling price or anything. Nothing more then street gangs.

  16. Exacto cuando tienes la frontera y el contacto en el sur del continente plazas y rutas eso para mi es cartel. NO cualquier grupito vale verga. JAGL


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