Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Cancelled: “El H’s” Extradition to the US

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from El Debate

"El H",  Hector Manuel Beltran Leyva
Extradition to the US Cancelled
Nov 8, 2017
Extra material from: El Universal
By: Diana Lasteri

On October 25, 2017 the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs (SRE) canceled the authorization it issued to extradite Héctor Manuel Beltrán Leyva, "El H", to the United States to face the accusation against him by the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia for drug trafficking.

Beltran Leyva's lawyer argued that the digital photographs submitted for his extradition are not original and his anthropometric record is obsolete.

The federal judge who in charge of the extradition procedure of Héctor Manuel Beltrán Leyva, "El H", initiated several proceedings to prove the initial identity report of the capo, to be positive that the incarcerated man is the same subject whose presence is required by the United States .

In compliance with a writ of amparo issued by the Fifth Collegiate Court in Criminal Matters in Mexico City, the Mexican Foreign Ministry annulled the agreement of September 26, 2016 in which it granted the extradition of "El H".

As reported by the Eighth District Judge of Federal Criminal Proceedings in Mexico City , on October 31, the legal opinion that he issued on August 29, 2016 to authorize the extradition of Beltrán Leyva to the United States was rendered ineffective.

In compliance with a writ of amparo, the judge ordered the reinstatement of the procedure and  will perform various steps to carry out the meeting of experts ordered in the trial of guarantees 1121/2016 before the Tenth District Judge of Amparo in criminal matters in the capital .

The extradition file number 7/2005-V will be returned to the Eighth District Judge of Federal Criminal Proceedings in the CDMX so that, as ordered by the Collegiate, reinstate the procedure and conduct a meeting of experts, and if appropriate appoint an expert third in discord, to issue his legal opinion on extradition.

To do this, the judge will have full jurisdiction to decide whether or not to grant the extradition of Beltrán Leyva., ie, according to what results from the meeting of experts.

The purpose of the expert meeting is to verify that Héctor Manuel Beltrán Leyva is the same detained person that the United States claims it wants.

In the amparo, differences were detected between the conclusions of the experts appointed by the parties regarding the identity of Hector manuel Beltran Leyva,"El H", but despite this, in August 2016 the criminal judge considered that it was not necessary to appoint a third expert of discord and a meeting of experts was ordered by the Federal Code of Criminal Procedures that governs the extradition of Beltrán Leyva.

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  1. Solto chingos de lana

  2. El H with the hound dog snout LMAO.

  3. Wow! It must be nice 2 have $ and get away with shit. Damn you! You fucking elitist. - Sol Prendido

    1. Why didn’t that work for his brother?

    2. 11:34 el Mochomo sabe demasiado, I mean he knows too much, but not as much as El Barbas, so he lives
      EL Barbas, Arturo Beltran Leyva, he really knew too much, and he really owned his shit, enrique peña nieto, felipe calderon, Carlos salinas de gortari, genarco garcia luna and carlos slim helu, simply decided "NO MÁS", because they can use all that money on their political careers or business and finance, the dollar GOD may get angry at them.

  4. sounds like el H just bought himself some extra time in the motherland, i wonder how deep his pocket really is

    1. The judge might have been extra motivated by the prospect of him, his wife, his daughter, his brother etc. receiving a visit from on of El H's buddies in case the 'wrong' decision was taken. Maybe even somebody 'higher up' promised the judge a lucrative career in politics if he saw things 'the right way'.

      There are MANY possibilities in this morass of judicial landscape which Mex is.

    2. DEEP!! That’s why Chapo gave up Mochomo because they were distributing metric tons in Chicago that Chapo wasn’t being included on. The Flores twins were distributing nationwide for both Beltran’s when they were with CDS and for Chapo; but they were doing it for the Beltran bros on the down low. I’m sure people are still paying up the to the Beltran’s and Hector obviously still has major clout in CDMX.

    3. (H)andled the ca$h, probably the smartest of the group.

    4. 4:10 what cash, El H's wife was caught pushing gramos and was prolly paying the bodyguard with las nalgas, so much for big "a big narco" with a fame of being "suave, with good taste for art work and real estate" BS now owned by his partners in the Partido Verde Ecologista Mexicano and el PRI...

    5. 4:10 in fact H created the group, alfredo made it big and arturo fuck it up.

    6. 6:10 the BLO inherited for a while Amado Carrillo Fuentes empire, but mostly just the part in Estado de Mexico from whose airport in Toluca Arturo operated, the BLO did not just sprout overnight like cauliflowers from the land, ask El Viceroy about the Beltranuses, les va a mentar la madre por chaqueteros, menos El Mochomo,

  5. Just a minor inconvenience for a few more months. Hector probably spent millions and all he got was a temporary stay until it is proven it is he. We have some Beltran Leyva bloodlines already incarcerated and federal prisoners have to submit to DNA testing so only a matter of months. He knows he will be in his concrete block 6 by 9 dog cage at ADX soon or maybe he might get lucky and get one of the 8 by 12 concrete boxes. Alfredo sitting in his cage at USP Hazelton restricted movement. 23 1/2 hours locked in his cell. LMAO!! What a life. Sometimes they don’t even let the ‘prisoner’ out for 30 minutes. Could be in lockdown for weeks, especially if he pisses off a staff member before they might want to let him out and about and that area is heavily restricted too. Just another caged exhibit “The Desert Ant” LMAO once again. No desert in West Virginia but there are rednecks. In fact as I keyboard this USP Hazelton is on total lockdown. Only the federal authoriites can lift the lockdown and usually it is at their leisure (very very slowly). If Alfredo gives any trouble they already have a cell ready at Florence for him and the transfer will be immediate. And since he owes 100’s of millions in fines/restitution his inmate account balance will always by $0.00. He is going to learn the USA definition od “state raised”. Fucking scum all Beltran Leyva’s, hopefully the die in prison or suffer a slow tormenting cancerous (and USP will not pay for cancer treatment) death. SImply put, just hang your scum selves!!!

    1. 1:15 Perhaps, a presidential pardon could help, maybe, before the prezident gets his own hearings, or replacement, after all his buddies keep getting in trouble too, for getting it on with minors and drug trafficking itself or other acts of betrayals and misdemeanors.
      Of course the Partido Verde Ecologista Mexicano or their PRI partners that enabled and covered up for El H's money and friendship in guanajuato and queretro will never see any prison, unless they see it from outside.

    2. El H isn't in jail anymore money talks.

    3. Almost like Elvis, but "El H" never was in the room, much less the building, he's been a good money maker for El PVEM and el PRI, and living and working in guanajuato and queretaro, may be in good warm loving terms with mariguana pusher vicente "la chachalaca" fox who will pay pura chingada for the facking wall, he said it on TV and is on youtube live in lerson.

    4. For @ 6:25AM he is and has been resting uncomfortably for several years at Altiplano prison in Juarez. waiting extardition (which will happen after DNA tests) and he is also waiting trial in Mexcio for numerous federal crimes. And of course you are only partially correct, he isn’t in “jail” he has been crying away in maximum federal “prison” since his arrest in 2014.

    5. Hector Beltran Leyva No existe, nunca existio un hermano con ese nombre.

    6. Leyva is still incarecerated at Altiplano since his arrest in 2014. What do you mean he is not in custody?????? I bet before Christmas he is in US custody under conditions of el Chapo here in NY. BTW, the US doesn’t abide by treaties - you come here one way or the other and you leave one way. In a box upon deportation of the trash at the Mexican embassy.

    7. Te repito Hector Beltran Leyva No Existe.

  6. This has to mean BLO still has some considerable amount of power, no?

    If so, my theory is he had his wife take the fall for whatever current reign he must still have. With the Nacho kidnapping ways back, we all know how much he cares about her...

    1. keep it a theory, he has no power. This is only a temporary delay while the authorities siphon all his dope money. When he is depleted of cash and can’t “contribute” anymore he is crossing the border in a hannibal lector outfit.

    2. According to Bill Maher, Norma Desmond is about to be led out the WHITES' HOUSE by the men in white, they may crosse paths,
      BUT to make me happy, I hope they end sharing the same cell.

  7. Looking like no extradition will ever be granted.
    Same old political corruption practices and influence which has dictated Mexican government!
    Efforts are continuously being implemented to deny such requests.

    Can’t say i blame such attempts.
    A US prison with a life sentence is a sure guarantee. Without those amenities he is currently enjoying in Mexican prison.
    Looking forward to that final judgment.

  8. Because he was in charge of paying off the politicians. They don't want him in US hands

    1. Ok secret agent how do you know first hand he personally was paying off the corrupt officials?? Or that he was the designated person handling all the bribes?? You sound like Clinton at the Benghazi debacle.

    2. "El exmandatario mexicano Vicente Fox pidió que se respeten los derechos humanos del narcotraficante." When the ex President of Mexico publicly announces and asks that they respect Hector Beltran Leyvas rights that should tell you something

    3. 8:56 well, it tells me vicente "LA CHACHALACA" fox who is pushing "legal" mariguana these days, may be getting ready to jump ship from illegal to legal medicinal grifa, shet! even Walmart must be getting their foreign farmers ready, grifa is much more profitable than the nopales y tunas mexico exports

    That's what happenes to all these narco families...eventually!

    1. Tampoco güey, only a few of the biggest of the bigwigs, and none of the powdered white gigantic BIGWIGS EVER get arrested, but when drugs get home, only the lowest pushers and abusers get persecutions, because money talks, and BS gets the big house.

    2. We all are gonna die at some point

    3. Some people forget...

    4. Money didnt help chapo this last time!

  10. Chivis so theres nothing on the fighting were 100 people died in badiraguato agl vs hr. They went at it back when th son didnt stopped by cholos people and got killed the guy was attending in a small town celebration. Then like 40 died. JAGL

    1. Who the faq is HR?

    2. It was reported 18 dead.

    3. 3:53 we have too many of those, but thanks.
      atte chivis

    4. Agl vs hr?.. who are these peeps?

    5. Hahaha that wasn’t in Badiraguato. That was Close to There tho

    6. What?! Habla bien guey!!

    7. 3:41 vercas de 100 murieron. 2:39 am los pintos pues.. vs azules. cuando peleaban con los damasos hubo pleito aparte en guamuchil. gente del cholo ivan le hizo la parada al hijo de HR. y dique no se quizo parar habia festejo en un pueblo cercano y al no pararse lo mataron. hubo enfrentamiento y se calmo y otra vez se volvieron a enfrentar.
      esta fue la pasada JAGL.

    8. @6:33
      Aureliano Guzman Loera V.S. Hector Roman
      Att. MARINero

  11. Anything on el viceroy??

  12. El H anda en Venezuela les pelo de el penal un reo y el H cambiaron identidad por un buen billete se parecen un chingo al ver esto el H en caliente arreglo todo pa salir y pelarse pa Venezuela anda mas perdido q el bigfoot

  13. Y el señor osiel ya mero sale

  14. El Guzano Siempre era el mero mero disculpa El Guano Atten chapo snitched guy

  15. Que pedo con Miguel Treviño Morales? Ya mero sale ?

    1. 9:20 la zeta chorrienta sale pura madre,
      but I am glad you let go of your pedo,
      A ver si asi se te quita lo caliente.

  16. Don't mean sh!t, 7uncle dam wants him so he will get him eventually

  17. El H thinks he made it but only because he told Dea what they want so they let him stay. in mx for a while and the guy talking about senor osiel stop kissing his ass nomas hay un senor es el del cielo .when he s released from Bop.who knows what's going to happen.lambison.

    1. Nope.... he is a threat to those he was in cahoots with so they either will kill him or suck him dry to keep him shut.

  18. 9 Times out of 10 all the money in the world is worth staying out of ADX Florence

    1. 7:44 But everyone thinks they will be that 1 out of 10!

  19. Quieren a andar.muy se escondan
    Cuando viene.el tio sam. a buscarlos.


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