Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Who was "‘El Pirata de Culiacán'" and why was he murdered?

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat

Much interest surrounds the death of 17 year old Juan Luis Laguna Rosale, better known as ‘El Pirata de Culiacán', who he was, and why he was killed. And for an English language narco blog, many of you may be wondering, who is this guy, and why the interest?

For starters last month, in a 10 second video he had challenged Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, aka El Mencho leader of the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel.

Today his death is not yet confirmed, although photos of his dead body had circulated on social media and mainstream media alike.

"No relative has come to claim the body or identify it", details FGE
However, Pirata posted hours before his death from his personal Facebook page a video inside an apartment, confirming he was in Guadalajara. In the video he is seen spending the night with friends.
Among his friends who was with him, with whom he was seen repeatedly, is the singer Beto Sierra, who shared on his Facebook account with a video confirming the murder of "El Pirata”.

The story of “Pirate” begins as he was abandon by his parents.  His grandmother took him in and raised him in Villa Juarez, Sinaloa.  He left to Culiacan to wash cars.  His comedic personality was a big hit with customers, which evolved into his being the star guest of parties of narcos, who enjoyed watching the teen spout his outlandish spiel.  He became an internet sensation. His videos of outrages ventures of getting high, diving into a bag of cocaine, downing a bottle of Red Label Johnnie Walker, jumping the border fence for a little visit, running on to a soccer field, are very popular.  He shared his social life, of parties, eccentricities and friendship with various celebrities.

Because of his great popularity, several popular groups contacted him to appear in their music videos. Some of them are: Código FN, Enigma Norteño, Larry Hernández, Menores de Culiacán, Los Nuevos Rebeldes, Titanes de Durango, among others.

In addition, the young person was very popular also thanks to his phrases "Asi no mas quedo" and  “Puro Pirata de Culiacán”, which has been shared and popularized by means of the social networks by users, who became fans and  who considered hilarious the capers of Juan Luis.

Another popular character that accompanied "El Pirata de Culiacán" is "Lady Woo".

The shooting occurred on Monday nearing midnight.  He was with friends in a bar, when a group of armed men, entered the bar and approached the young man, and shot him several times.  It occurred in Los Cantaros bar/restaurant on Avenida Real a Colima at the junction with San Pablo on the border of Tlajomulco and Tlaquepaque.

"El Pirata de Culiacán", was surrounded by at least 15 long weapons, the  body could be seen with  impacts on the head, arms and chest.

Another man who was with him, reportedly the bar owner, was also hit, the injured man was taken to the hospital by paramedics, where he later died.

“Pirata” was wearing a white shirt with pirate images and has pirate tats.
trending on social media
On November 9th of this year a video was posted on YouTube in, El Pirata de Culiacán challenges and makes fun of El Mencho in an offensive, vulgar way.  

Chuy El Gordo de Michoacán launched a threat against El Pirata de Culiacán, in response to a video of the blogger.

Below a video featuring  the war of words between El Pirata and Chuy El Gordo 

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  1. Safe to assume it sends a message to any well known singers not to talk about El Mencho.

    This was a strategic hit to send a message.

    1. Most people don't live long after dissing a powerful mafioso especially in such a public way. I've seen some of his antic videos online and it's obvious to me he wasn't playing with a full deck. I'm sure El Pirata was trashed while talking trash about Mencho.

    2. 6:41 True. Who is el Gordo de Michoacan?

    3. About 5 to 7 years ago there was a black guy in YouTube telling the Zetas to fuck off and come get him If they dared. Nothing happened.

      No strategic hit here. I don't think Pirata was a singer and it's cataclysmically stupid to target internet hecklers.

    4. Is this the same el Gordo that often prompted him on what to say? Theres a YouTube video where el pirata was praising el mayo and it shows him in it.

    5. No need to waste time on this man, just shows me how weak and insecure la mencha is.

    6. He faked his own death!

    7. I'm pretty sure that mayate was not in Mexico lol

    8. So easy to show Mencho is weak and insecure if it turns out he did order the hit. Thats all you need.

    9. haha i like how you guys are talking shit while nobody can see your name cowards. his murder was with 15 and not with 1 or 2 shots to express anger and he will not accept shit from anybody

    10. Strategic? He was live streaming himself in Guadalajara Jalisco. No investigating needed clown. Cam down, he killed a 17 year old Payaso. Oh my how tought

    11. But why these people are about to be labeled terrorist. The war terror is moving to them soon so why continue to engage in terror and intimidation tactics. It’s not working in their favor, it’s caused the rise of vigilante groups, the Mexican military is about to be a full time police force down there. This I’m more violent then you bullshit use to work it doesn’t anymore. Cjng rise is either attributed to a hidden hand or the fact that the connections were not well known by other cartels. The level violence they act with has nothing to do with their rise.

    12. 1:20
      Nobody can see Mencho's face either he hides like a coward and sends others to do what he cant.

    13. lol every body seen menchos face its all over the internet but most people like you would to scared to spot him in real life

    14. No it sends an alarming messenge that it's time to wake up. People shouldn't fear to speak. We have the freedom of speech. In Mexico it's called libertad de expresion. As a 17year old i said more ignorant stuff then that. Come on that shouldn't be a death sentence. For real

  2. Well they say the good die young... he was young is all i can say. This is what happens when puppies play with stray dogs

  3. Al Senor Mencho se respecta !!!!

    1. Chinga su madre el menso y toda la bola de tecatos de la nueva generación


    1. I really hope so

    2. Ready to hear more about this.

    3. I hope so TOO, that michoacan guy is making the sinaloenses look bad..

    4. He making himself look bad they still can’t take Nayarit from the BLO

  5. This guys was a freaking clown. Por payaso pinche plebe wey.a cada marrano le llega su sabado.

  6. why the hell would you go to guadalajara and post it on FB after you've talked shit about mencho?

    1. El pirata de culiacan was a mentaly retarded kid that was made fun of. His posts were suppossed to be funny and were encouraged by people who had nothing better to do. Just watch his posts and you will see the reality of el pirata, he was taken advantage of.

    2. Great question, and I thought the same thing. He was a young fool who thought he was invincible.
      Just like the young studs in their rice bikes going 100mph + on the freeway.

    3. @9:55 pm
      Totally agree with that!

      Young kid like many who don’t know life yet.
      Furthermore, his mental illness definitely did more harm than good.


    4. Anon 10:47 pm can you post a link of people driving rice bikes at 100 miles an hr ?

      I would love to see that.

  7. He looks part Asian.Also looks like he might even be a minor.Anyone know how old he was?That video of him he looks very vulnerable,enough to knock off easily anyway.Good post Chivis,gives us a little more than just the basic story.

    1. Thank you and he was only 17 i did not realize i omitted that, so thanks, I just added his age

    2. Canadiana, some Mexicans look asian especially if they are indigenous because originally they come from Asia via the Bering Straight into the Americas thousands of years ago. Same goes for northern Americas, like the Inuit (Eskimo) or other indigenous people of the Americas.

    3. Not everyday your run into a well rounded individual. Narcos, history and anthropology. Ha, well done.

    4. 12:16 I think you speak of the esquimales that live in Canada and Alaska. Sinaloa and Sonora have many people look as chinese and in Culiacan, Mazatalan and every town in Sonora and Sinaloa many people are called Chino for an informal name. In the past los chinos became not welcome because they were many and many moved to high sierra, Mexico, and la frontera of Baja to conduct trade. Between the towns of Sinaloa I can not even say how many people I know called chino.

    5. CarreteraDurangoMazatla, yea esquimales which is no longer politically correct to call them that, they're Inuit.I've read that Sinaloa has an Asian population which is something more recent and I'm not entirely sure about but makes a great research topic.

    6. Dude Durango be quiet. You know nothing, people are called Chino in Sinaloa due to their curly hair not their fucken eyes. Wtf, and you wanna act like you’re from Sinaloa, lmao calm down

    7. Absolutely 3:35 Chino is a nickname given to people with curly, especially tight curls. In Sinaloa there are many Chino's including a 2 of my cousins.

      CHINO is not a derogatory term

    8. 3:35 Your an idiot. People called chino are called that because of their Chinese appearance just like Gordo is a nickname given to heavy people.

    9. Acapulco Manila trade look it up

    10. 11:22-agree with you b/c I know. 3:35 is a hater whose jealous that CDM actually knows what’s up in Mexico b/c he’s living it. CDM - appreciate the on the ground input b/c I haven’t been to Cosala where I was born since 2005.

    11. The girl la china was called that because she had wild curly hair

  8. Stupid gang mentality is very dangerous . Mencho may or may not have sent them . Either way they found out he was in town through social media and felt it was their duty to kill him . He was of the same mentality as his killers . They killed him for his disrespect . They should be killed for public safety . If they were in my neighborhood I would hope the military would exterminate them .

    1. Sounds like they did it to get in good with the boss. With all this attention he's getting it might have backfired.

    2. Young big mouth just got whacked.
      Pa que no ande ahi nomas de caliente abriendo el hocico como si jueran las patas, asi nomás quedó

  9. Never heard "puta madre" more times in my life than that video. Jesus

  10. After another look . May have been his own people that got rid of him . If I was in a criminal organization , I wouldn't want to be in one with somebody like this .

  11. Being from jalisco rumors are the Target was the bar owner working for a rival cartel and information from inside witness is he try to shield him self behind El pirata de culiacan.In my humble opinion its extremely rare a top cartel being hunted down by DEA will want his name plastered all over the news

    1. CDS has kilked many singers and even politicians for talking smack about them and DEA does'nt do shit! What makes you think DEA will target CJNG because of any stunt like this?

  12. has anybody think maybe his own people took him out let's not forget those bars in Jalisco are own by sinaloa for money laundering I just don't think he would go to a place where he knew his life was in danger

    1. It was Menchos gente he is a vain man and even this mentally ill kid can not get away with insulting Mencho to literally thousands of viewers its not that pirata said what he said its who he said it to the social media

    2. His own people, I love that comment. He’s a comedian the people he was rolling with were 1 tall BenGuero or something I just know he was gay. He’s not in the cartel you clown he’s an entertainer and promotes clubs/parties

    3. chivis Ariel Nunó Made a corrido for him its pretty sad u shoud hear it

    4. Lol chivis that was funny that menudo belly


      - Sol Prendido

  13. The Tupac pic is ironic in the sense that this guy will probably fall victim to the "Tupac effect"; becoming significantly more famous post-mortem.

    1. Tupac was larger than life before he died. Youngster

    2. Big difference. Tupac actually was talented in many ways!

    3. Tupac is over rated just like Larry Hernandez and Kanye West

    4. 10:48 pm. Only in your world buddy. Tupac gain more fame after he was killed and as you know was very stupid too. He became a tug once he had money.

    5. 12:39 am can you explain the many ways ? He was not a good actor that’s for sure, and I only like 4 or 5 of his songs.

      his mother was famous persecuted Black Panther Party member Anfeni Shakur who named him after Tupac Amaru and delivering Tupac in prison,
      no way you are comparing this tomato nosed big mouth pumpkin head with Tupac Shakur.

    7. 423 you listen to cRAP music lol

    8. Tupac was a poet, a true talent. I actually have a PDh in literature, published extensively on popular poetics.No hay comparacion.

    9. Tupac was overrated good but overrated,death did similar things with Monroe,Dean,the herd are deceived easily and many buy into the black militant poet shit

    10. "I actually have a PDh in literature"
      Doesn't mean you know good work,it means you qualified for a PHD thats it,qualified carpenter i know is the worst woodworker i have ever seen even he knows it,still qualified.

  14. I think this has to do with the young man that was killed at a club weeks ago where pirata was involved.

  15. Mencho is dead I wonder who he pissed off or was it retaliation .Si me embargo pirata wanted to die it was his way of committing suicide

  16. Was not El senor de los gaglllos he pissed off hella people in Jalisco bar a while back and a guy was killed !

  17. Esto les va a todos los americanos drogadictos y gente joven que se la pasan faltando el "RESPETO" apoyados por sus leyes falsas. El respeto en Tierra de hombres lo es todo. No se les olvide que el mencho es de michoacan Tierra donde te matan por mirar feo y tal vez por cosas menos que eso. Es el señor de los gallos. El jefe de todo un cartel de hombres de Guerra. El hombre que con su inteligencia y huevos le gano el brinco a los zetas a los templarios a los sinaloas. "RESPETO" una palabra simple pero de mucho peso.. Ya lo dijo Benito Juarez " el RESPETO al derecho ajeno es la paz"

    1. Michoacaca siempre seran los hijos de Sinaloa

      El Mencho no es nadie

    2. Mencho can’t do shit, I heat up the plaza all over Sinaloa chihuahua and Huetamo. And when the mission is done I come to the USA till the heat goes away. Mencho is Dead btw

    3. @5:52 Charlie Murphy is that you?

    4. LA pinchi Mancha has no respeto por lo ajeno ni por lo propio, no respect for his, himself, or others, he is just like a chicken ass just looking to keep his neck safe from the butcher, la mencha can't even trust his enablers on the Mexican government.

  18. You guys really think it is Mencho? I know the pieces fit together but I just can't believe that. This kid was comedic, over the top, and should not have messed with Mencho. But I think Mencho would have seriously sent a warning if necessary but I really think it is small potatoes to consume his time. It could be that Beto put him up to that. and as for the grossest Mexican alive, Chuy, I don't know much at all about him, other than he is so nauseating, shaking that bare two ton menudo belly. saying "puta madre" every other sentence. It looks like he and Pirate has a shtick routine going on. But you tell me. Who is Chuy? He has a ton of cars, even a little rascal. I think it more to do with his inner circle.

    1. Menudo belly... you're killing me.

    2. You weren't kidding on that Chuy Gordo guy about 'puta madre!.More like every 2nd word and of course the 1st words you learn in a new language is all the swear words (my French swearing is fluent from my mother).This is a perfect video for introduction to Spanish haha!Man he covers the whole 9 yards of vulgarity in Spanish and yeah that belly is a bit much.I see where he gets his name.You couldn't call him a methhead but probably drinks a lot of beer to get like that.

    3. Lol that was pretty funny I got good laugh off this chuy character. But yea that’s true some guy got killed Bc of el Pirata a while back

    4. Serio even a rascal lmfao or CMC (casi me cago)

    5. Yes 100percent it was Tonalas

    6. Lmfaoo menudo belly im dead

    7. jajaja I saw the video where he pulls his shirt up and the lard was swaying, raw ugly jiggly menudo/tripe is what it reminds me of.


    8. Menudo blanco pura pansa nada de chile

    9. Chivis ypu disgust me

    10. Considering that Mencho has such a short-temper (based on the audio released by Proceso and the article from Rolling Stone), I believe that he indeed killed Pirata.

  19. If you see the photos circulating out there, it's obvious someone his placed his phone in his hand while he layed dead on the floor of the bar. Almost as if to send a signal to those bloggers out there.
    What's equally amusing is that his expensive Hublot watch was missing in the photos.
    Some things never change.

  20. Did you guys notice he doesnt seem to have his wrist watch anymore on that pic?? He had it prior to his death (pic). Did some one take a souveneir?

  21. He was likely one of the thousands of independent movers that makes up a big portion of Culiacan. Believe it or not MOST drug runners are small operations grossing 200k to 1MM per year and they have no affiliation with the big cartels; even though he’s in Culiacan. He may pay to move his product through a CDD route but most small time exporters don’t habe this connection. Think about all the cars that enter the US before Christmas, during summer, and other Mexican holidays. All you have to do is move a couple kilos at Christmas when there’s a 1 mike line to cross the border and BP aren’t checking and the dogs are wore out. If you’ve got family to step on the fish scale and distribute retail powder everyone is doing pretty well. If they cook it into piedra you can add 25-50% to that retail profit margin. In summary; most people who participate in the biz are under the radar and not affiliated with a cartel. That’s a fact man and when I lived in Mazatlan for 8 years my friend Marco did a monthly haul of weed to Chicago and he crossed the Laredo/Nuevo Laredo bridge. This was a dude with the most obvious Sinaloan accent hauling an 18 wheeler full of mota thru Zeta terrirtory when they weee at the worst of the war; and he never got caught and got paid the measly 10k about 20 times. Granted he was shot in Sinaloa over a drug debt dipute; but again neither one of them were using CDS routes. Marco also flew regular trip with a kilo of Peruvian fish scale to TJ and he sold to an American and he certainly wasn’t using CDS infrastructure for a kilo; or in AFO territory.
    The cartel doesn’t invite everyone to move their little weight thru their channels yet so many families have been pushing smaller weight for decades. I now many that do, and I now more that did in their youth and either went to prison for a while, or in most cases bought a business - like El Cid, Senor Frogs, tuna fleets (which is now largest in the world) and tons of restaurants. A new comber or journalist would never get this out of the “fine families in Mazatlan and Culiacan” like the billionaire tomato farmer; but I’m a gringo that’s lived here 18 years and our economy is both supported by new drug money and old drug money where people moved product in their youth and then invested in viable businesses in Mazatlan, Culiacan, and even down to Tepic.
    To conclude; most dope runners in Sinaloa and elsewhwerw are small businesses that have NO CONTACT with cartel family or members. The cartel doesn’t want to put their little weight on their transports and the little guys have no problem getting a kilo of heroin or a couple kilos of coke over to either suplement or generate their entire family income. I respected business man with several stores really supports both his family and store losses moving two contraband products - one sold wholesale and the other his family in a non-major city distributed to several other non-major cities where the wholesale price is higher than real cities. Also they move 1 years supply of what they need every Christmas when there’s thousands of cars backed up to enter the US and the BP let 99.9% thru w/o check; and when they do check it’s half ass b/c they’re worn out. I know b/c I also do this drive every year from Mazatlan (without any product:)

  22. El Gordo y una estaca de Tonalà se lo tronaron.

  23. You don’t know nothing, you show how mentally slow you are. El Pirata was retarded, he had mental problems. And second Beto Sierras make sure music videos he doesn’t work for del personally clown

  24. Ni modo mi pirata no mas quedo

  25. He was not in his five seneses they used the kid to laugh at fuck Beto Sierra he was one of them.

    1. Beto sierra exploited the heck out of this poor guy

  26. 3.22
    Your welcome here brother,you know whats up unlike a lot on here,great comment,many think its all cartel shit,the smaller movers probably last longer under the radar than the rest of them

  27. Man,that tupac picture,unfortunate,looks a though they takin him home for a pounding

  28. 3:22am; I laugh hard because I do not hear north americans speak as you write. I agree with all you write but I will not agree or disagree that Don JB (DEP) was traficker before he makes the big business you name.

  29. Do all michoacanos say puta madre at the end of each sentence? By the way that southern mexican accent doesn't intimidate anyone.

    1. They are pretty lame not guna lie. They try to hard to act tough, ive tangled with a few of them in my day. Aint on shit all talk.

    2. 424 Michoacanos have an average height of 5’5 you’re so tough fighting midgets

    3. It isn't what you say or how you say it but what YOU do to be tough. I seen Michoacanos in prison that were chill but never backed down from any one. The ones i seen anyways, ain't no state that has 100% ALL brave men,

  30. Why don't you translate the spanish words very poor journalism to leave out something so obvious

    1. poor journalism cut my pay by 50% Willito. Where can I send the Pampers and Paci?

    2. @ 9:07 Baby girl why don’t you learn some Spanish. Daddy doesn’t want 2 hold yo hand forever. - Sol Prendido

    3. Madam Chivis, it is not the greatest news, but I love you a little bit more everyday, gotta take it about one more photo? I would not mind the full album.
      One more Christmass, nice having you around, best wishes to you and everybody on BB.

    4. @9:07, that shit made me laugh. You want a translation? You should fix yourself some tea, put some crumpets on a plate, and then Google the translation your damn self.

      Chivis the great and the BB staff have kept this wonderful site going for years. No pay, and tons of hours put in. Show some damn respect!

      Thanks for everything Chivis and BB. Much love and Happy Holidays. Saludos from Los Angeles. El Nemesis-

    5. Made my day brighter El Nemesis

    6. I'm glad it did Doña Chivis. You deserve it. Keep on doing what you do. Your true people love you and your work. GOD bless you, your family, and BB staff. Happy Holidays. El Nemesis-

    7. Love you BB staff, Thank you for all you do.

  31. This guy obviously had a death wish.

  32. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. i don't have a clue to you that wrote in.....

    2. Chivis, sorry if i reply in the wrong section...but I think this may be a Snoke like theory twist. I have heard that they were actually going after the bar owner which makes more sense.... As far as Menchos mindset.. he is either A. someone insecure and cares about his e rep (always gotta care about that, cause its what is currently hot in the streets.) and took out this youngster. B. It was actually an attack on the owner, whom I beleive died... and he covered that up..why..? ( maybe to keep the other team/s guessing) C. His cheerleaders took out because they wanted to earn some strips (what a bunch of fucking lops.) or D. Had nothing to do with it what-so-ever.

    3. It does make sense..until you realize all guns pointed at el pirata, according to witnesses.

      If I was a better I would bet against the Mencho theory

    4. I second that Chivis. I believe it was some street level thugs trying to earn their stripes. They might have tried to get in good with the boss, but I think it backfired because this caused too much noise for El Mencho.

  33. His Watch: he had it on. I layered the death foto over it

  34. Discretion is the bettor part of valor. Maybe he was to young to understand this. Be careful what you say and to whom you say it especially in Mexico where freedom of speech isn't respected.

  35. Dude probably got sold out by one of his "friends".

  36. ... Chivis ... He Reminds Me Of A Mexican Version Fat Bastard From The Movie Austin Powers ... Get In My Belly ! ...

  37. En paz descanse el pirate... Ahora podra estar con el morroñis y el comandante perro.

  38. el mencho k vaya mucho a la verga y a chingar su madre.. matando menores armate de huevoa rata pulgienta cobarde y pinche tatuache ..

  39. Dicen que la gente de pirata M1 tomo venganza contra gente del mencho

  40. He was playing studio gangster


  42. I guess pirata was plugged up porque hicieron un desmadre al la gente del mencho

  43. Chill the fuck down stupid shit, lol. Yep, I said Pirata was retard cause he was a real life Mongolito. Why are coming up hungry saying he had mental problems? Was he your bro or what lol? We all saw very clearly how Pirata “mental problems” turn him into a retard on his videos! Damned what a Nobel price winner Pirata was!!! Whao. Then puto, I said Beto Sierra was more a producer than a singer, what’s wrong with that? Of course, the mofo you are is after Beto ass knowing which label cut him a check or not?! Shut the fuck up. People use to laugh at Pirata and his entourage used him, he died in a stupid way like the dude he was, nothing astonishing.

  44. Pirata vivio la Vida que muchos quiren que viva el pirata y todos MPLV memos mencho good hombre

  45. 7:34; This is 3:22 and they always last longer when they are paying miles to transport and distribute and don’t touch the merch. And there’s probably 10,000 to 1 small narco biz/families doing their thing; but when it comes to weight moved and dollars made the cartels ike CDS are making exponentially more money for every person involved in the distribution channel.

  46. They already avenged him

    1. Oh Yeah? How do u know? Who's your source ?your uncle's neighbors mechanic?

  47. Who the fook is hot spanish

  48. I don't idolize these narcos. But I respect them and the crazy shit they do. With that said, I think it's so funny how many of you call El Mencho ( mencha ) and so on. When the truth is that is you guys were standing in front of Mencho,or Mayo, or Chapo, you wouldn't dare call them anything else. I just wanted to give my two cents on that.


    1. If it's a fair one on one....I'd crush him. But with all his "Sicarios", and corrupt sociopath cops. Only a Terminator could survive...

    2. Mayo And Chapo are diabetics. Busting up a diabetic is super easy. Mencho might have a better chance of putting up an actual fight. But for most of these guys it’s always more convenient just to use a weapon. - Sol Prendido

  49. 322
    Be safe brother keep posting on here from time to time,do you still go into Nuevo Laredo any time,just wondering how calm it is,it still seems wrapped up,and what about Mazatlan,any shade or is it quiet?Its good to keep it real with some who know the score,be cool brother and stay down

  50. Friendships??? More like he was their clown. They all laughed at him for doing stupid unsafe things. He was being ridiculed by his so called celebrity friends. Instead of helping get out of that they encouraged his stupid behavior and look to what it led to.


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