Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 29, 2018

Family of "Betito" travel from Texas to identify his body in Reynosa Tamaulipas

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat  from La Manana and others

It is reported on social media, Pelochas daughter died with Betito 

Reynosa, Tam.- On Sunday, family members of Humberto or Steven Loza Méndez, alias "Betito", positively identified a body in the Forensic Medical Service, as their loved one.

Although the authorities continue to conduct  tests to fully establish the identity with certainly.

Loza Méndez was reportedly killed Saturday along with three other gunmen in the Las Palmas neighborhood, in an operation by a special group of elements of the Marina [Mexican Navy].

But still the authorities have not given an official confirmation, pending the tests by the PGR [attorney general office].

Sources close to the investigation confirmed the identification by the relatives of the "Betito", who was born in Hidalgo, Texas. The family traveled from Texas to make the identification.
The Semefo facilities continued under strong guard from state and federal corporations.

Pelochas daughter may have died with Betito 

It is reported on social media, Pelochas daughter died with Betito.

Besides the two “35’s” or bodyguards, there was a fourth person killed.  In the house was the body of a young woman between the ages of 20 to 23.  Reports are that it is the daughter of Luis Alberto Blanco Flores alias el "metro28" Pelochas.

There is speculation that Pelochas was the father in law to Betito.

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  1. this bosses from Tamaulipas exchange maximum a year of life to enjoy girls party cars to end up full of plomo guessed that's why cjng fears to enter mataulipas they will poop their pants only brave to enter a full scale war was Sinaloa vs Tamaulipas zetas Gafes both side lots of dead pero Mataulipas Always Numero 1

    1. To be more specific it was Beltram Leyva that entered tamaulipas. Chapo and mayo are overated their sicarios were a bunch of nobodies. M1 was a clown that couldnt control his own family let alone 200 men like Barbie or El Grande real gangstas!

    2. La barbie was a chapulin as soon as beltrqn was dead he jumped ship

    3. your clearly a blo sacker you lost all credibility when you said mayo chapo overrated if anything Arturo was an overrated coke head who thought he was more than what he really was

    4. bad ass..where are they now??? Whoever isn't dead, or locked up have clicked up with the inferior CJNG, or CDS. Arturo...boss of boss's...supposedly he had all the political clout that kept CDS going...killed by gov. His brothers all locked up. H2 Annhialated. Yep...the BLO we're great...kinda like a one hit wonder boy band. They were always Guzmanes cousins. They got smashed. They're done. Done since Barbie went down. Their territory is a mess. The family is gone. My father is distant cousins with H's wife. They grew up in same area. After she went down a lil ways back, word through the family is they are broke. All assets seized or stolen.

    5. Oh ya, and M1 was such a clown, he had Arturo using his whole arsenal against him...Grande was very afraid of M1...Clowns scare allot of people. Most men would piss if they heard M1 was looking for them. Coked out psycho????? Absolutely...but the man was no one to mess with.

    6. Em M1 was only good for killing a bunch of underage kids from the araujo family. Taking revenge on unsuspectibg people he was a coward and a child killer. Facts. He never went to acapulco or tamaulipas for that matter.

    7. @2:33 What other choice did La Barbie have? Arturo was all Jekyll and Hyde when he was coked out. He had to look out for himself. Or end up being killed by someone who was hallucinating because of all that dope in his system. - Sol Prendido

    8. Im not any cartel cheerleader so I will say this; you wrre right about what you said of abl and blo the first. part . but yhen you turn around and say m1 is this and that . jajaja.if aruro was a coke head and thought more than what he really was then el ondeado was a pobre pendejo incapable of running even the token crew that mayo charitably gave him after an associate of his _ and a women at that - killed his son tachio. That pobre diablo of m1 bever could get revenge for his dead son and instead would kill and decapitate random people that really had nothing to do with his killing. Talk about a pobre pendejo

    9. What made arturo beltran was when the arellanos cld not get their money shipments to south america and the colombians were looking for a replacement. Beltran stepped up. Also he also was known for using velocity airplains that looked small on radars. La barbie tried to build hes own cartel with el indio another luitenant of beltrans. Clear sign of disloyalty. This kid here basically was a killer for his uncle then for pelochas. He had this coming for creating chaos in reynosa and rio bravo for more than 8 months. Because they didnt want to stop the kidnappings and extortions. To be a plaza boss for some means to bleed the town dry of money in every way possible. And to get piece of everyone who is still alive moving shit. Back in the days plaza bosses were sending shit up north. Times have changed.

    10. 12:49 los chachos whom worked for the beltranes owned the laredo plaza a corner in tamaulipas then cdg took it back. And gave to the zetas after a while.

    11. The BL clan was the real deal the only people who say otherwise are people who dont know what theyre talking about. With that being said the war vs chapo was unwinnable and arturo was going against the government. abl is who helped chapp when he was broke in jail and some even say he was rhe onw who arranged the escape. I will always see ABL as the true successor to ACF. And if the BL didnt have any power why do they still own half of sinaloa and a bunch of other plazas 8 years after arturos death?

    12. @9:04 Ponte para que te quites la duda. - Sol Prendido

  2. Um, I think he looks pretty dead! (guess you didn't mean that)

  3. US federal authorities should investigate the relatives to see if they have received some of the capo's ill gotten money. Cha-ching!


  4. to the reader who was offended that I still was not 100% sure it is Betito, I agree with you and have taken the sentence out. I do listen to readers and weigh what they say. thank you

    BTW it is rumored that Pelochas daughter may have been one of the 4 killed.

    1. Pelochas family was in usa doubt she was killed

  5. Not him!
    Hair too long and his nose is way to big. Left eyebrow is way out of alignment!
    100% sure, it's not him.
    Probably partying with Lazcano at a secluded beach!

    1. Well obviously after recieving 223 rounds to the head will alter his appearance. This betito dude if he liked the way your women looked he would take her and do her, he did that to many girls from reyno. He enjoyed girls from the secundaria and prepa, such a pedo pos.

  6. Took off his shirt to show he was unarmed when he surrendered!
    I guess betito didn't know it was Marina's Take No Prisoners Week.
    So sad!

  7. This guys family hiding in the usa. They got some balls going to mexico. If i had a brother as shitty as this fucking asshole i wld deny we were related. Fuck his body throw him on the street.

  8. If it was el m28 kid thats great. Keep this shits from making babies as shitty as their parents.

  9. It's a cover up. Probably waded across the river and is living it up in mcallen.

  10. Yup, a pic was posted of Z 42 when he was in Calif being a regular guy. He looked happy, healthy, etc..then his arrest pic. He looked like the devil, fat, swollen, scars, etc..

  11. Being a cdg or zetas boss is like your life being the first 2 minutes of law and order 24/7. From Sinaloa hella respect for those dudes as douchy as they are.

  12. Where’s the pic of z42 in California being a regular guy? Chivis, have you seen or heard of a picture of him?

  13. I guess American junkies and hoodlums are using Mexico as their play ground while making some easy money cause they are too dumb to earn a decent living in the USA. That is until they get all shot up like targets in a target range. Lol

    1. This clown is trollin BB

    2. He looks a little like El Toro lying there ?

  14. Why can cartels in Tamaulipas get along or finally organize? All the money they can be making but instead choose to kill each other. The messed up thing is they are all from the same area.

    1. Dejalos que se maten ala verg_a makes our world a better place to live.

    2. I'll say the weather and humidity levels in the area play a huge part in the short temper of the local people . Even conquistadores couldn't handle the tamaulipas natives.

  15. I think so, in fact we had an exclusive and published it first. if it is the one I am thinking of. He is wearing a suit, and something in his waistband looks like a hand gun? Walking in an airport or hotel? It is not in California so that threw me. He, to my knowledge only traveled to California once. for horses. and that was not confirmed. later he sent his crew. to los alamitos I believe. it came out in the trial.

  16. No that pic is z40 the one you thinking of,where he has shirt and suit on with something in his waistband

  17. Here some pictures of those killed.

  18. Why are they going after cdg hard? Who are they opening the way for? Cjng?

  19. same tattoo but not betita

  20. Can you link us the the picture of z42 in the states? thanks

  21. How credible is @Bandolera7? Shes the one that posts all the pictures that you guys use on here. Anyway, she's calling bullshit on panilo being dead.

  22. @1:56AM It's normal to call bullshit when a cartel member dies, but if this guy was so smart to fake his own death with a body double that his family believes is him, how did he end up with the shit tattoo?

    1. @4:50 AM
      I was referring to Panilo. @Bandolera7 from twitter is calling bullshit on him being dead.

  23. Pelochas little girl killed horribly like so many innocent young girls who cartels like the Zetas routinely used to pick up and disappear,that is a fact.Their beauty was too much for animals ?

    1. Being in her early 20's, she knew the game being played.

  24. Lo5 Trevino Morale5 do infact have Family livin9 in Central California. They dont carry the same last name tho.


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