Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Monday, January 8, 2018

Gro: Suspect arrested in American Ixtapa Beach murder, argument over theft

Posted by Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat from Reforma

                               Prostitute, stolen money, led to murder-No drugs                                       and little alcohol in victims system

The man who allegedly shot and killed California city official, Douglas Scott Bradley, on December 28 in Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo was arrested in this capital, Guerrero's Attorney General, Xavier Olea said.

The director of Administrative Services in the city of Imperial Beach in California, according to Olea, was reportedly killed after having an argument with a bar worker who he accused of stealing money.

The 50-year-old official would have been in the bar 40-20, where he hired the sex services of a woman named Africa or Keila and with whom he went to a hotel.

However, according to the Prosecutor, Bradley had an altercation with the woman and went back to bar 40-20 denouncing the theft and demanding the return of his money.

At the bar there erupted several altercations by employees of the bar and clients, and when leaving the business he was followed by an individual, who shot to him.
The alleged murderer, identified as Isidro "N" alias "El Chiro", used a .45 caliber pistol to kill his victim, whom he shot at a distance of between three or four meters.

Relatives of the US official picked up his body last Thursday at the premises of a funeral home that serves as the Forensic Medical Service of the Ministry of Health, in Zihuatanejo.

Directly after the murder, Roberto Álvarez Heredia, spokesman for the Guerrero Coordination Group, told the media, that Bradley was on “some type of drug”.  His friends, family and boss were adamant about him never using drugs.

And as it turned out, the prosecutor confirmed, that the autopsy toxicology tests affirmed that no drugs were found in the victim’s system, only traces of alcohol.

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  1. The whore stole his cash, he made a scene and he was killed because of it. Smh

  2. Who knows what really happened . They will lie about it at every level . Already they are caught lying about him being on something and the autopsy found "traces of alcohol" , traces of alcohol . Does that sound like high levels . Maybe or maybe not he bought a prostitute . May all be fabricated . Very foolish of him going down there . I hear of so many saying "its not as bad as people say , we went and there was no problem . It never is until there is a problem and then its to late . Nothing ever happens until it happens . You cant in-ring a bell .

    1. If he went down there,
      I hope he used some lemmon on the Crab Shack.

    2. Very foolish of him going down there. Come on. That's a naive comment. Millions of Americans go down there every year. He broke the rule that all us bottom feedersknow. And that is that you don't go looking for the pimp or whoever for revenge after you've been robbed by a prostitute. It happens everywhere in the world in these kind of whorehouses. If you get taken you have to accept the consequences.

  3. I didn't think he was into drugs, Ixtapa wouldn't be a place to score much besides crack or heroin anyway.

    And, I don't exactly think it should come with a death sentence, but participating ing in sex trafficking in Mexico, or anywhere else, esp. Guerrero, of all places, is reprehensible.

    And I am aware that conflicts over cost are often "scams", but arguing over the price of prostitution in a third world country, and a place as desperate as Guerrero, shows the ugliest side of American tourists and humanity in general.

    1. J
      He was american but lived full time in Mexico he was a full time resident not an american tourist. He seemed pretty naive for living in Mexico. People know if you are ripped off so be it, don't fight for the money. The girl worked from the bar and was protected. He actually went back into the bar and demanded his money. IF the story is true.

      such a waste.

    2. was not an argument over price, she actually stole his money while they were at the hotel

    3. He probably either didn’t understand what type of people he was dealing with or thought “oh they’d never be dumb enough to kill an American”

    4. Can agree with this reprehensible activity.
      Better yet, a poor judgment on his part. Putting oneself in position of unwanted probabilities.
      Especially where such operations are enforced by means of criminal behavior.
      As clearly demonstrated here.

      A lesson I’m sure many will discard due to feeling the moment!


    5. If he was an american living in Mexico fuul time, how is he a california city official as the article states?

    6. "American tourists,And, I don't exactly think it should come with a death sentence,but"
      What a class act you are.What does being an "American tourist" have to do with it.Shows the uglier side of you,you sound like one of those people YOU don't wish to know.

    7. Mannn,the people and hate for the US on here never ceases to amaze me,even supposedly intelligent people like this

    8. Malcolm x' s grandson was killed arguing over money in a bar as well if I remember right...Its better to just take the loss.

    9. @ J
      Your comment gives you no glory

    10. Poor dude loses his life over this and people are somehow trying to blame him because he is a "gringo" using a worker.Similarly many idiots on here who blame women being murdered because they were a sex worker?

    11. Thanks for not giving him a death sentence J really nice of you

    12. at 6:25...not quite understanding your confusion. are you thinking US citizens are prohibited from doing so? Well that is wrong. Many US citizens working in border areas live in Mexico and cross each day. in this case it was only a 30 min drive. and much less expensive to live in Mexico, still close to Medical in the U.S., cheap gas, great food, airports, and near countless surfing sites. But people do this in Az Tx as well

    13. Im one of them that cross everyday day. I love it here.

  4. Really sad. and the asshole government was so stupid not to think drug testing would prove them liars.

  5. Lesson learned to everyone visiting? Dont deal with whores in another country. Just stick to surfing

    1. Cheapening romance sends peepol to the wrong way,
      Then don't cry after your horny ass gets in trouble, much less in Mexico just because it is cheaper because cheap gets real expensive sometimes, don't find out when it is too late.

  6. An unfortunate outcome.

  7. UMMM.....Whoring 101- NEVER take your eyes off yo shit till the paid escort has left the premises. This, sadly, could have been prevented had he known the ways of a coke, crack or ice addicted prostitute. This is his fault, basically, but simply put- it is my opinion.

  8. He was not very Smart lol take a hooker to your room and what do you expect a nunn hehe or a vergin hooker
    he was asking for trouble and he got it Jefe

  9. This could all still be bullcrap; a somewhat elaborate story to wrap things up since the gov knows the recent "arrest" alone won't stop the questioning...

    Regardless, may this man and his loved ones find peace.

    1. Comment dude,many of these fools rush to an idealistic judgement,bottom line poor dude lost his life and he wasn't hurting no one,by all accounts a decent productive dude,no need to rob and murder him?

    2. 3:01 I hope you go and take his place next,
      I promise we will applaud your heroism...

  10. I would not think his life.

    First steal from the guy, and after you find out he is not happy because he was ripped off just shoot him. Great service!!

    You shoud not be that trusting with anyone here, and especially prostitutes in seedy bars. People here even paying at the registers in OXXO stores and other public places know not to pull much money out of your pocket. A couple of thousand pesos can get you robbed or killed.

    I am sure she riffled through his pockets when he was not looking. But to kill him after is a little over the top. If he live's in TJ as the article stated. He should know that they will rip you off in a second if they have the chance.

  11. Someone paid to have the "suspect" caught which most likely was the judicial or federales who were being pressured by officials involved with the areas tourist departments. Cant have gabachos killed and no one caught. Poor soul who is sitting in jail innocent..

  12. i find it hard to believe they would kill a gringo over this. more likely was a botched robbery

  13. For all we know they might of thrown The El Chiro guy as bait to forget about the whole thing.

  14. He should have kept it moving. Plus other places other than Guerrero. It's a numbers game.

  15. I thought all US gov workers are banned from visiting Guerrero. I never blame the victim, but getting involved in drugs and/or prostitution in Mexico is a higher risk obviously. IF it happened like it happened and the bar wouldn't give him his money, better to take the loss, lick your wounds and learn your lesson. No offense, but your dealing with savage animals, not true humans in that part of Mexico in many cases. Life isn't worth anything there.

    1. federal government not city government, and not all of Gro. Acapulco is out. They are still allowed to visit the Guerrero state resorts of Ixtapa and Zihuatanejo if they fly.

    2. a reader corrected me the latest gov restrictions are for the entire state...see below, and remember it is for federal government employees only. but for me it is a good indicator where danger resides. if the warning has a black out restriction for an entire state, then I am not going. see below and thank you BB reader for the correction. It is an important one.

      Guerrero (includes Acapulco, Ixtapa, Taxco, and Zihuatanejo): Personal travel to the entire state of Guerrero, including Acapulco, is prohibited for U.S. government personnel. Self-defense groups operate independently of the government in many areas of Guerrero. Armed members of these groups frequently maintain roadblocks and, although not considered hostile to foreigners or tourists, are suspicious of outsiders and should be considered volatile and unpredictable.

    3. You are over estimating humans. Humans are more savage than any animal ever could be. Think Nazi Germany, Slave trade etc.

    4. 12:11 so you are one of "those that blame it all on humans" and justify anybody's and every sin on "humanity".
      I am sure Obamacare still works for you, or you may go to the Rotary or Lions Club and get a new pair of glasses, so you can see more cleary and refine your search to 4 or 6 giant world movers and shakers you can credibly charge for crimes against nature or at least against humanity PRESENTLY IN PROGRESS.
      and stop being so generous splitting the shit pie to all the shithole.

  16. Should have just waited till he got home, he lived in playas, just ten minutes from Hong Kong bar

  17. When you walk the seedy side you can't win every time. Eat your loss and chalk it up to the game. You live longer that way.

    1. yup. He probably lost like $50 bucks for nothing.

  18. kind of hard to hang onto your wallet when your pants are off.Like going swimming alone-where do you put your wallet?But I agree bad enough he's been robbed and now they kill him.He wasn't a regular there they knew he was a 1 shot deal but maybe now mob will have their girls more 'versed' about robbing tourists although I have heard this is common north of the border (not murder but getting robbed by drug addicted hookers when your pants are off).

  19. Poor dude, didn't deserve what happened. If you lose any money in countries where the rule of the law isn't respected just take your loss and move forward and don't let your emotions get the better of you. I' hope they catch all who are implicated and they get life in a crummy Mexican prison.

    1. About eight tourists and their husbands got raped in the night in some Acapulco little houses, they were spanish, but they had to go looking for problems, they lucky they did not get killed too, BOYCOTT ALREADY.


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