Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Mini Lic" pleaded guilty today

By Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat  from  US DOJ Press Release

A sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 12, 2018 at 10 a.m. 

Mini Lic

Sinaloa Cartel cell leader Damaso Lopez-Serrano aka “Mini Lic,” pleaded guilty in federal court today to conspiracy to distribute controlled substances for purpose of unlawful importation following his self-surrender to U.S. law enforcement authorities at the Calexico West, Mexico Port of Entry on July 27, 2017.

Lopez-Serrano, 29, of Culiacan, Mexico, is believed to be the highest-ranking Mexican cartel leader ever to self-surrender in the United States.  Lopez-Serrano pleaded guilty to all charges in an indictment returned by a federal grand jury in San Diego on Aug. 19, 2016, charging him and five of his close associates with conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine intended for importation and conspiracy to import methamphetamine, heroin and cocaine.

Lopez-Serrano also pleaded guilty to an indictment returned Dec. 4, 2016, in the Eastern District of Virginia by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Virginia and the Criminal Division’s Narcotic and Dangerous Drug Section charging him with conspiracy to distribute cocaine intended for importation.

In a proceeding today before U.S. District Judge Dana M. Sabraw, Lopez-Serrano accepted responsibility for his role as a leader within the Sinaloa Cartel, acknowledging that he organized the transportation and distribution of thousands of kilograms of controlled substances, including methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin, for importation from Mexico into the United States. Lopez-Serrano also admitted to possessing firearms for the purpose of promoting the Sinaloa Cartel’s narcotics trafficking activities. A sentencing hearing is scheduled for July 12, 2018 at 10 a.m. before Judge Sabraw.
“Damaso Lopez-Serrano’s conviction strikes a serious blow to the leadership of the Sinaloa Cartel and its violent drug trafficking activities,” said Acting Assistant Attorney General Cronan.  “The Administration, the Department and our law enforcement partners are steadfast in our commitment to pursuing and dismantling the international drug rings that poison our communities.” “Cartel leaders have two options – self-surrender or we will work with our counterparts to find you, arrest you and extradite you to San Diego,” said U.S. Attorney Braverman. 
“For Lopez-Serrano’s distribution of literally tons of methamphetamine, cocaine and heroin across the border to America, he will now face justice in a San Diego federal court.”

“The guilty plea of this defendant tells the drug traffickers what they need to know,” said Assistant Special Agent in Charge Steve S. Woodland of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) San Diego. “DEA will keep picking off these violent criminals one by one until there are no more willing to get involved for fear that law enforcement will be coming for them soon.  In the face of the current drug crisis we face in this country, DEA will continue to investigate and bring to justice these violent criminals.”

The Southern District of California indictment in this case marked the conclusion of the fourth phase of a five-year investigation that, in total, has resulted in charges against over 125 people and has had a significant impact on the worldwide operations of the Sinaloa Cartel. This investigation has also offered one of the most comprehensive views to date of the inner workings of one of the world’s most prolific, violent and powerful drug cartels. Cartel members and associates were targeted in this massive investigation involving multiple countries, numerous law enforcement agencies around the United States, a number of federal districts and over 250 court-authorized wiretaps in the Southern District of California.

This case began in late 2011 as an investigation of what was at first believed to be a small-scale drug distribution cell in National City and Chula Vista in San Diego County, California. It became evident that the drugs were being supplied by the Sinaloa Cartel, and the case evolved into a massive multi-national, multi-state probe that resulted in scores of arrests and seizures of 1,397 kilograms of methamphetamine, 2,214 kilograms of cocaine, 17.2 tons of marijuana, 95.84 kilograms of heroin, and $27,892,706 in narcotics proceeds.

El Mayo

The primary indictment in this investigation was previously unsealed targeting the alleged leader of the cartel, Ismael Zambada-Garcia, known as “El Mayo,” as well as two of his four sons - Ismael Zambada-Sicairos, known as “Mayito Flaco,” and Ismael Zambada-Imperial, known as “Mayito Gordo.” Zambada-Imperial was arrested by Mexican authorities in November 2014 and is pending extradition to the Southern District of California. Also part of that indictment is Ivan Archivaldo Guzman-Salazar, known as “Chapito,” whose father Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán Loera was the alleged leader of the Sinaloa Cartel along with Mayo.

Serafin Zambada-Ortiz

As part of this investigation, U.S. authorities previously arrested and prosecuted another son of Mayo - Serafin Zambada-Ortiz, who pleaded guilty in the Southern District of California in September 2014 to drug trafficking charges.

El Chino

José Rodrigo Aréchiga-Gamboa, commonly referred to by his alias “El Chino Ántrax,” was arrested in the Netherlands, extradited to the United States by Dutch authorities in July 2014 and pleaded guilty to drug trafficking charges in May 2015. Arechiga-Gamboa is believed to have worked for the Sinaloa Cartel as the leader of a violent enforcement arm of the Sinaloa Cartel called “Los Antrax” and a key lieutenant of Mayo.

This case is the result of ongoing efforts by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), a partnership that brings together the combined expertise and unique abilities of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The principal mission of the OCDETF program is to identify, disrupt, dismantle and prosecute high-level members of drug trafficking, weapons trafficking and money laundering organizations and enterprises.

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  1. He probably has $100m US stashed waiting for him when he gets out.

    He was smart to get out. He would have been toast.

    1. $100m?

      Should operations continue unhindered during his "sentence", he will have a lot more than that waiting for him...

    2. Mini Lic will likely get 25 years, maybe a bit less as a token for his co-operation with DEA.

    3. He's the only smart one. Time will tell. I can assure u there's a cash cow buried somewhere. He's young, he's cooperating, he'll be out in no time.

    4. Him and his papi must have workerd something out. Gerardo Ortiz needs to make another song for these guys for being soplones. Tanto pinche pa cagar aguado💩

    5. He faces at a minimum of 10 years mandatory and the forfeiture was only one million dollars. He already has 2 MTD in place for 2 counts (looks like a possible deal of leniency - especially since the requested forfeiture is only one million dollars). The government in their ultimate wisdom is requesting 25 years minimum and life (I believe a government show to act like they are tough) but it appears from the small forfeiture he “may” be one of the possible high value cartel witnesses that will testify against Chapo. IMO

    6. @3:31
      What is your assurance that there's substantial cash buried?

    7. Damaso's are done. They have nothing. They made a play, and failed. If either testify against Chapo, they're dead. If they ever set foot in Mexico, they're dead. Turns out that they were the real snitches, and traitors. No one will ever wanna work with those guys again.

    8. A little birdie told me.

    9. That's what I thought.

    10. Plead guilty before they even start reading the charges, that should do the trick.

    11. Gerardo Ortiz? The famous singer that works some new singers competitions on TV? That funny, I remember Televisa Vans that got arrested for cocaine and millions of dollars in cash a few years ago...

    12. They were fake televisa vans.

  2. I love these comments from DEA. They belive they are making a difference.wake arrest More ppl them last year but You have more drugs for less money on the streets. They see an improvement which i dont see
    Did You?

    How long will be in jail?
    Or how long will chino stay?

    1. The DEA is just doing their job and the DTO are doing theirs. The cycle does not stop, supply and demand has not waned a single bit.

      Humanity is a virus unto itself and there are two types of humans: survivalist and consumers.

    2. "two types of humans: survivalist and consumers"
      Wow,dude,you got it all worked out

    3. 7:04 - "Wow, dude, you got it all worked out"

      One of the best comments ive read on BB hahahahahah.

    4. "two types of humans: survivalist and consumers"
      lol this guy ascended.

    5. Pendejos are not the worst kind of humans,
      I see, got yer massage.

    6. Pendejos are not the worst kind of humans,
      I see, got yer massage.

    7. @12:42AM

      Biologically humans are NOT viruses. They're not even considered alive under current definitions.

    8. 4:01 Acshually we don't even exist at all,
      some worldly phylosophers say we are just a figment of the imagination on our way to some black hole somewhere.
      it is a relief we are not on our way to some white big wide mouthed shithole, me thinks.
      and don't look at me over here because by then all be over there with my manotas all over you.

    9. @2:17AM

      Wrong. No current philosopher believes that and even if they did it wouldn't matter because they wouldn't have a foot to stand on (sorry for the pun) in terms of evidence. Anyhow, what does that have to do with biology?

  3. If Chapo is his godfather, wouldn't that mean their fathers go back farther than Chapo's first incarceration?

    Also, I've read that Damaso Sr. actually has multiple sons, one of which that died in an auto accident. Why don't we ever hear or know much about them?

    I personally never believed El Mini was the individual behind his so called Twitter account. Maybe it's another one of the sons, or another family member (like El Liebre)...

    1. I read on another site that liebre was captured somewhere near el dorado. This was before jr turned himself in.

  4. Who protects them once inside U.S prison?

    1. 11:05 Its called administrative segregation . He will be protected but the isolation will drive him insane .

    2. Paisas have large nunbers in general population. Mini Lic? The corrections officers, hes a protective custody inmate.

    3. US prisons arent even bad. It’s like a club for criminals. You watch to much Prison shows

    4. Yeah,not as bad as TV shows with all the bullshit but you can't be some weak fucker,there are rats,bullies, who will try it on sometimes

    5. Check "Private Prisons Corruption" there are hundreds of we documented reports of abuses, corner cutting, tortures, assassinations, exploitations, and even judges and sheriff's have been convicted of sending in ocent people to their buddies prisons for profit when they need more free or real cheap help, then there is the real expensive vending machines property of the wardens...lemme tell you sompim' boys, the US prisons systems is all a big mother facking SCAM, like the wars on drugs against the people they turn on to drugs to full their pockets, that why they want the best behaved prisoners for years to sell them their expensive way of life for a higher price.

  5. Hey chivas where do you guys get the pictures of these cds bums is this part of mayos photo album?

  6. They all are eventually toast just a matter of when.No lessons learned there.They all want to be the exception like Mayo but it doesn't work that way.The politicians are the smarter ones.They all retire after 6 years (most of them anyway)whether they want to or not.Obviously there's more longevity in being a politician more than a narco.

  7. FYI Mayo has passed away of natural causes. He’ll never be captured.

    1. The chapipitos would have wrote a story to the media.

    2. He's still alive, his location is being monitored.

    3. He's alive, and protected by someone very big...


    4. Come on Willis, stop trolling. When a capo dies there is no longer a reason to keep the info from the public. a huge funeral would ensue. you sent in over 20 comments trying to get your false remark in. ok one got thru. Do you think what is happening in Mexico is a joke? if so then you are a complete idiot and time to go back to mommys basement and hopefully away from any electronic method of communication.

    5. Hahahahahaha,good one chivis.

    6. 7:10 pos a güebo, Mi Amá se las sabe de todas todas.

  8. Sending drugs to the united states its a violation of US laws and punishable by the US court system, what I don't understand is how are other things being charged by the US let's say possession of firearms which is illegal in Mexico and legal in the US, his possession of weapons is most likely in Mexico outside of american laws and jurist diction so why apply it? Can the us punish a foreign citizen for a law broken in a foreign country?

    1. The US will find a way

    2. U.S.A. government does whatever it wants to do point blank.

    3. Because they've seized the guns....the feds know.....Dope goes North, Guns and $$$$ go South... They seize loads going both ways, a d find out belongs to.

    4. The US will hold anyone incommunicado in prison,
      to keep the present cartels' drug lords happy.

    5. Also they charge you with as much as they can and see what sticks.

  9. A slap on the wrist for him and his father I’m sure. Moreover, the ability to enjoy some wealth hidden upon his release.
    No wonder why these kids are so willing to engage in drug trafficking. A 50/50 gamble of good retirement in the end.
    Note: this percentage of those who will enjoy such good fortune are those who have lots of information to give.
    All the rest will be subject to stiff sentencing guidelines. Moreover,if a minority.


    1. I dunno E, I don't think they'll have any money left. I think they went all in, and lost on the river. They can't go back to Mexico, and I don't see them getting WITSEC, they don't need them. They have enough to get all of them.I think whoever Damasos tried to hide money with will end up spending it, or get robbed. I agree with your other points though.

    2. Too many moving parts.....

    3. Should have resigned their commission, their plasas, Las Fuerzas Especiales Del Damaso with weapons and Patches and all that shit and gone in peace when El jefe was done, a residence would have been provided.but maybe they had been delivering La Chapa and the Beltranuses for a whiles to keep it all for theirselves but they didn't fool everybody.
      El lic was found living it up on Mexico city after all, like a great impotentate.

  10. Si senor yo soy Damaso, soy hijo del licensiado
    Segun yo muy perro, pero nomas soy un zorro
    Yo y mi pa nos pasamos de vivos,
    quecimos tracionar al padrino, pero no funciono
    Los hijos del 7-0-1 nos dieron en la madre
    mi gente me la mataron, hasta por avioneta aventaron
    se nos metieron al rancho, hasta el Dorado llegaron
    salimos como ratas, al menos con dos patas
    me esecondi en camioneta, como pollo llegue hasta la linea
    Me entregue a los gringos, la DEA me dio bien venida
    acepte a entregar a los peces, los mas grandes pedian
    Les firme un contrato, senalare a la gente,
    con condicion que en tiempo saldre an gosar de mis ranas
    Ahorita me encuentro en el bote, por ser un pendejote
    con las fotos que puse, ya no podre negarme que andaba en malos pasos
    Me moche con los gringos, y entre tiempo sere libre
    siempre en cuando me quiden, porque esta dueda se cobra
    Muchos me tendran en la mira, pero tendre que pagar para que no me descuiden
    Unos consejos les digo, a los que quieren mi puesto
    No se olviden que tendran que ser perros,
    Un perro siempre sera fiel, pero el dinero encandila
    Aprendan de mis errores major estar en equipo que estar solo en el lodo desde hoy me despido, a todos de Culichi
    Ya no te vuelvo a ver, pero tengo recuerdos que siempre acordare adios a toda mi gente, y saludos a los de la pinta
    en poco me veran y los dias contare..

    autor intellectual:Cuerno de Chivo

    Corrido: El Mini-lic valio madre

    1. Most realistic corrido i've heard

    2. 8:26am your corrido sucks!further more,funny how all you cartel groupies praise these lame ass dudes.they all claim to die in battle but they run to the goverment,or end up smelling like shit hiding in sewers al estilo sinaloa!!!lmao

  11. He will be the mexican version of Henry hill

    1. @9:32 AM
      mini lic is much more of a player in organised crime than henry hill ever was. henry hill was a two bit hustler compared to mini lic. mini lic like el chapo's sons played a major role in his fathers faction of the cartel. el licenciado had everything set up and laid out and mini lic took charge of day to day operations to make sure everything kept in motion and ran accordingly. someone like henry hill has never been in charge of 100s of people and coordinated huge cocaine shipments and dealt with most of the logistics like mini lic has.
      from around 2005 until mid 2017 el licenciado and mini lic had a great run. mainly due to being connected to el chapo but to be fair el licenciado and mini lic were more than able leaders and ruled with an iron fist within their faction of the cartel. they also moved tons of cocaine and for the most part played their cards well until warring with los chapitos and el mayo. so comparing mini lic to henry hill isnt right and far from the truth. like it or not he was a player in the cartel world and helped his father run a major faction within the Sinaloa Cartel.

    2. 1:29pm so he should,had he not only had money,but top notch mercenaries at his disopsal!wtf did he run to the "gringos"???

    3. @8:15
      well like i said they both played their cards well until they both started warring with Los chapitos and el mayo.
      at one point during that war it was thought that Los Damaso was winning the war but when el licenciado got arrested that was the straw that broke the camels back. mini lic was in full charge once that happened and one by one his people were getting arrested. after his top sicario was arrested mini lic had nothing left.Los chapitos were burning down his safe houses and it was said el mayo personally put a target on mini lics head and im sure thats when mini lic knew everything was was done. so yeah el licenciado and mini lic tried to make a power play and it failed. its as simple as that. if they had managed to kill ivan alfredo and el mayo things may have turned out different.

  12. Gerardo Ortiz corrido for Lic is stupid as it can be.

  13. So: 1,397 kilograms of methamphetamine, 2,214 kilograms of cocaine, 17.2 tons of marijuana, 95.84 kilograms of heroin, and $27,892,706 in narcotics proceeds.

    Anyone have an estimate on what these figures are as a percentage of the total amount that doesn't get busted and gets wholesaled/dealt/sold? I'm guessing less than 10%.

  14. Father & son got greedy!

  15. "His conviction will strike a serious blow to the Sinaloa cartel" That's hilarious! This boy was only in a leadership role because of his father. If he was such a hardcore gangster why did he run to America and turn himself in like a coward. As soon as he was forced to actually take up a true leadership role because of the incarceration of his father he soon came to the realization maybe he choose the wrong lifestyle. Lol Coward!

  16. They got greedy & played themselves when they could not whackout mayo and the chapo kids! Theirs other factions in sinaloa that people don't know about that would attack damaso and his son.

    1. Los mayitos and La Chapa may have got imprisoned and these rats got found out too late, looks like. Some say "it was him or them all along" in the movies, and they are usually right, but the real men behind it all rarely get caught.


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