Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Six men and two women found dismembered and decapitated in Chilapa

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from a Noreste article with additional information from Digital Guerrero

Subject Matter: Decapitations, Chilapa
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

Reporter: Noreste Redaction
This morning authorities found the remains of 6 men and two women in black plastic bags close to a road near Terraceria that leads to the community of Texcan, besides the Chilapa river.

The remains were left on the banks of the river, in the Juquila colonia inside black plastic bags, the majority were men who had been mutilated, dismembered and decapitated.

The discovery was notified to authorities by citizens of the community, at this point agents of the police and the Attorney General of the States arrived to carry out their due diligence.


The remains were transferred to the installations of the Forensic Medical Services where they await identification in the next few hours.

(Otis: location of Juquila colonia; courtesy of Google Maps

Digital Guerrero offers some slightly different information
The spokesman of the Group for Coordination of Guerrero, Roberto Alvarez Heredia informs that at approximately 09:30 this Tuesday, security forces confirmed the discovery of various dismembered bodies close to the Ajolotero river, and solicited the support of the Attorney General of the State and the Forensic Medical Services.

After inspecting the remains that were contained in 15 plastic bags, they determined that they belong to 6 men and 1 woman. Alvarez Heredia added that the remains of the seven victims were transferred to the installations of Semefo in Chilpancingo. As well as the bodies, at the site were found various items of clothing that probably correspond to the victims, who until this time remain unknown, concluded the spokesman.

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  1. Discarded like trash,literally.So very disrespectful and they think they deserve respect?I don't think so.

    1. 1:24. I’m suprised to hear that from you Canadia? How do you know they weren’t innocents - possibly kidnapped victims whose families were tasked with an unreasonable ransoms.

      We forget there are 1) many innocents in this war and 2) if not innocents they were more likely very low pawns in the drug supply food chain growing or guardian fields in Chiapas.

    2. 5:10 I think you might have misinterpreted Canadiana’s comment. Correct me if I am wrong Canadiana but I believe she meant the discarded bodies were being disrespected. The perpetrators command respect but how can you respect the cartels when they pull shit like this. I don’t mean to intrude but hopefully I fixed the misunderstanding.

    3. 1:24 I don't think I came across as very clear on that comment.Whether those slaughtered were innocent or not they didn't deserve that.No 1 does.The narcos are always demanding respect but they certainly don't practice what they preach.(I know in an a deal world........).

    4. Well, being so close to the Guatemalan Kaibiles and their impunity may give some peepol the bad ideas the it is OK to disrespect "THE ENEMY" by any means necessary, and when the soldiers and polesias federales and mando unico and fuerza delictiva estatal have been indoctrinated they transmit the virus to friend and foe...
      It is the same as on the US where militarizing the police has led to racked numbers of deliberate abuses and murders and to Black Lives Matter and to "black lives don't really matter" movements and neo fascism of the Alt-right and Antifa...
      How's that for respect?.
      --On the news, 2nd person of interest in Las Vegas Mass murder massacre, and a 3rd one, an Arizona munitions dealer...
      I guess the US government is abusing their 2nd ammendment rights right now...

  2. if i lived in mexico i whould set fire to these cartels from hell..these are NOT people but demons. People of mexico WAKE UP !! this is NOT acceptable. DO SOMETHING!

    1. They tried. The biggest cartel in Mexico won't allow it.
      Ask Jose Manuel Mireles how that worked out for him.

    2. Exactly. When will Mexico reach it's breaking point? Mexicans are being exterminated. They need to start killing back. The cartels are run by and composed of evil subhuman. Death to them all!

    3. They are spineless. It's been 20 yrs of watching their sons, daughters, mothers and fathers being slaughtered. Yet they celebrate these degenerates with song and dance at every watering hole from Cancun to Nuevo Laredo. Funny, you would think the people doing the drugs would be the dangerous ones. You reap what you sow.

    4. 3:24 different victims and victimaries, also different celebrations by diferent people, but all being Mexicans makes it good enough for you to throw your ape shit from your cage.
      --No pinchis mames güey

  3. Isn’t this the same “six criminals” from yesterday that got arrested by the mexican authorites? Source:

    1. Isn't the same people...these killing happened on the mainland and the arrests were made in Baja in la Paz - thousand of miles in between.

    2. No, BCS a is quite aways from Guerrero.

  4. Replies
    1. 4:15am - what difference does that make? Are you keeping some abhorrent score?? People were killed, desicrated and discarded - key word PEOPLE!

    2. You proud cjng is foing around mexico kidnapping and chopping up innocent people left and right?? I mean you hardly ever see them actually donthis to other cartels men. Smh you cjng supporters are pathetic

  5. This is about terror, not respect IMO. The work of savage, subhumans who disrespect all that is good in the world.

  6. Another dismembered body...Wow what a the wall up yet??

    1. If Trump’s campaign hadn’t used the “we’re going to build a wall, it’s going to be beautiful” idea, he wouldn’t be president. I would bet every last dollar I have you will never see that “wall”.


    3. Divide and conquer is the modus operandi of both countries ruling parties. In Mexico its the poor versus the rich. In the US Trump uses race and the racial injustices to divide. Trump used race to push his agenda. Blaming Mexicans for violence in the US and Obama for not putting white lives above all others. It’s all game and unfortunately we all are playing into their hands. Not one politician has taken responsibility for their actions. Neither the EPN admin nor the Trump admin has any responsibility for their countries issues. Its always the other guys fault.

    4. The wall comments are really uneducated. We are all people. There is HORRIFIC violence in the USA. Shootings of US citizens, and creepers that kill people and do worse things than what you see here. The wall has nothing to do with crime on either side of the border.

    5. I think its naftA that started all of this. Trump States that it was the worst thing bill clinton could've done..... a pure drug pipeline directly into to the border bill clinton ??? This is the reason hiliary wasn't elected.....

  7. Just about the size of a cell of the other side,its sad,none of these are even making decent money,punteros,kidnapers,sneaking in,whatever,we humans,people reading here now can accustom ourselves to brutality when in extremity,the Mexican gob has failed miserably,el PRI,was it this widespread under PAN

    1. El PRI was causing all the misery under the PAN to make people want them back with their bought votes and empty rethoric, and stolen elections, specially under the FECALATO, with Colombian Hackers running his shit for worked, but you can't cover up the resulting storm of BS hitting mexico, its economy, its politics, pooliticians or the hate for everything PRI, PVEM, PAN, PANAL and many other putas mamadas...

  8. Meanwhile the world is focussing on banning ring girls and objectification of women ?
    Ask the women who participate ? What a world

  9. Chilapa or Chiapas ???

    1. Chilapa de Alvarez guerrero, named after a mexican general Juan N Alvarez Where a big fire was detected by American satellite fire detector on the night the 43 ayotzinapos disappeared,

  10. It's guerrero not Chiapas. There is a big drug war there due to the opium fields in that area, you have cjng, cds, la familia michoacan, CT, los rojos, tequileros, beltranes, Viagra... Too many dead and will continue unfortunately because that area is disputed

    1. Not to mention the Americans need their fix

  11. The msm in the US will never cover the plight of the Mexican people bc they fear it may harm their migratory vote buying political agenda. If roughly half the US pays no income tax, what percentage of paying versus non vote for what party? Be fun to find out. Seriously, the violence in Mexico doesn’t fit the plan, so you won’t see it, just like fast and furious was hushed up. The US media should be pressuring all involved. Let users see the carnage, put pressure on Mexico to defend its people, and bc corruption is rampant, let people defend their god given right to property and self preservation! The elites in Mexico and the US are the same, they all have gun toting security, but you, the good, hard working, family loving person who pays these leaches, can’t have them. If you do, we can’t milk you to death with impunity. I wonder how many from Texas would help if Mexicans rose up, not to mention the rest of the SW? My guess is millions would fight to see Mexico in the hands of Mexicans, not thieves.

    1. 10:12 There Should be more taxing on the US, and there Shall be,
      The ones with the most will be taxed the most all over again until all their putas chingaderas are all paid for, they can not cover it all up forever with loans from the Chinese on the credit cards of all the americans after being the crusading christian warriors nobody asked them to be that send other Americans' children to fight their private wars for profit...

  12. There are big talkers and critics talking about revolution in Mexico here in every post. Those idiots don't have a clue of what they would have to go up against. First of, the U,S funds Mexican government with state of the art battle choppers & money. The U.S also funds the cartels (fast and furious) the average person in Mexico CAN'T own a gun and if they get caught holding one the police and military won't hesitate to blast the SH!t out of you. MANY have tried, specially in michoacan but now are dead or in prison. Ask DR. Mirales.. The people from the U,S are the first to open their big mouth about this but are clueless to what really is going on in the world! Worry about how the Russians have Donald in their pockets and don't worry about Mexico!! lets see what these idiots have to say..

    1. "The U.S also funds the cartels (fast and furious)"
      What was it 2500 guns or some shit,get the fuck outta here with your conspiracies(its all the fault of the US)Take responsibility for Mexicans murdering Mexicans in record numbers with no input from anyone else.Cabeza de Vaca ring any bells,along with how many gov,mayors,police.Corruption exists in every country but in Mexico its on a whole different level.Take responsibility when everyone cheers for criminality in Mexico.

    2. Hey BB how is the "we all love one another and get along"


    3. 11:41 Mexicans on the US or Mexico do not hate anybody, we hate pendejos, we do not judge them but for the dirt in their souls expressed on their speeches and their writings and not at all because of the anonymous colors of their skins.
      --Remember cockroaches come in many colors.
      Please, clap, I am clapping like the baby dictator of the Hermit Empire that Kim Jong un 👏 👏 👏 uuuuh you are beautifools...👏 👏 👏

    4. Nobody hates you bro, it's just what it is. The U.S is known for destabilising countries for their own benefit. You obviously don't know, look into it. I love white people, just saying... Lol

  13. Gente Nueva along with Los Antrax will clean the area shortly

  14. Milenio reporting this afternoon, Feb 2, from a press conference held by the Fiscal of the state of Gro ,Xavier Olea Peláez , claims Los Ardillos did the deed and it is part of the war between Los Ardillos and Los Rojos ; he called them both PSYCOPATHS.


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