Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2 Texans abducted in Mexico rescued in Monterrey Nuevo Leon

Chivis Martinez from Click Houston and News7 Monterrey

Authorities in Mexico say two kidnapped Americans have been rescued near the northern city of Monterrey and their two alleged abductors arrested.

The Nuevo Leon prosecutors' office says in a statement the victims traveled to the state on Feb. 17, and lost contact with their families in the United States the following day. On Feb. 19, the relatives began to receive ransom demands.

Mexican media reports the ransom demand was 300k USD

The unidentified Texans were rescued by members of a special anti-kidnapping unit Saturday in the Monterrey suburb of Juarez, thanks to a tip that led them to locate the alleged kidnappers on a highway.
The Sunday statement said the Americans were transported to the United States in collaboration with the U.S. Consulate.

The rescue apparently occurred when the payment was to be made, at kilometer 5 of the road to San Mateo, in the aforementioned municipality.

In the operation of the agents of the PGJNL the capture of ”Efraín”and “Mario Alberto, both from the City of Monterrey, was obtained .

The victims of plagiarism is a retired 54-year-old from Chicago and a 30-year-old mechanic and American citizen.

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  1. Glad they were found and returned home. If only Mexico had a decent justice system. By no means am I saying that the US does, but at least here we know they'd likely throw the book at them.

  2. I thought people said mexico is not working?

  3. Umm victims of plagiarism?? Who actually was plagiarized in this post? I thought these were victims of kidnappings, not plagiarism........................

    "The victims of plagiarism is a retired 54-year-old from Chicago and a 30-year-old mechanic and American citizen."

    This must be a typo?

    1. The word plagiarism is derived from the latin word plagiare, which means to kidnap or abduct.
      It is common to use the Spanish equivalent in news reports.

    2. Wish I could use the like or love button for that response chivis. Good replies to some aweful comments.

    3. like,like,like,like,like,like,like,like

    4. feeling like an uneducated dumbass right about now 12:22?

    5. Negative ... old goat... now u trying to correct ur mistake... seriously ur going to try to wash it down by using the equivalent in spainsh news bs... back then it was used in the same context .. stealing ..kidnapping other latin poets works.. stories etc etc.doesnt purtain to Literally Abductors like you so state the term derives from you old goat... lol so you stand corrected plagiarism as always meant the same Burra

    6. Not people.. doesn’t apply... old goat...their not victims of plagiarism.. u misconstrued the definition cause its used the same way same context ... back when it was derived from Plagiare lmfao and yall even more stupid for believeing this old goat

  4. Chicago????????????

    1. People go a long way to recover carros con clavos, but very few take along a mechanic, I smell fishy business,
      check your purses guys! Your lipstick must have rot

    2. @11:46
      Especially a well disguised Clavo. Some of those sloppy weld jobs and putting new bolts on an older model car can be the different between millions and 20 to life.

  5. Great job anti kidnapping unit, 100,000 more kidnappers on the loose.

    1. Is there a list somewhere?

    2. 4:14 forgetaboutit, some commenters are more dangerous than kidnappers, like Carlos Danger, no mameeen!

  6. Kidnap an American, you go to jail. Common knowledge. These kidnappers were idiots.

    1. Just wondering... Are cases of kidnapped white Americans given priority over kidnapped Mexican-Americans?

    2. Good question rstevenpage 🤔

    3. Any American... Just like when the taxi drivers beat up a Mexican American for taking an Uber... instantly yellow taxis were banned in Tijuana...

      Mex Gov and cartel would be suicidal to start messing with American citizens. The US special forces would take out the cartel within a day or two. Party would be over.

    4. Sad to say, but yes. Especially if it's a wealthy white American.

    5. There is a reason you haven't seen many other kidnapping victims found.

    6. @4:52pm please stop watching Rambo movies. American special forces are good and shit but dont forget the cartel has peoplr working for them that were trained by this so called special forces. Im sure US armed forces would definitely win a war agaisnt the cartels but many innocents would die also. Also im not sure how the mexican citizens would feel about having baby killers fighting cartels and killing babies.

    7. Shet, they just kid append and killed 4 American seals in Niger or sompim, like last year and they was doing nothing but mindin' their business, never mind other WIDELY REPORTED AMERICANS, CANADIANS OR AUSTRALIAN or australopithecos, bikersor on buses or cars, some have not been found.

    8. Priority for an American depends on who and what he has contributed. Many Americans have been kidnapped without the full support from U.S. assistance. Leaving families in limbo.

      Good to hear @ Granderojo

  7. Wow looks like kidnappers made a big boo boo by NOT kidnapping 1 of their own (a foreigner).what totally blows me away was how fast they got them back like they probably knew where they were all along.Another thing is WHY can't they do the same when 1 of their own (a Mexican nationall) is kidnapped.Man that's got to be so frustrating for the locals!

    1. The Mexican police probably got lucky or the people that were kidnapped had some influence that's why the police did there job... my dad was a U.S citizen got kidnapped in Juarez,Chih 2 years ago and we still don't have any info and the police over there say they don't have any info.. these two got real lucky..

  8. Que mantén a todos los secuestradores

  9. Vamonos para chicago illinois

    1. Y porque jefe?

    2. Vamonos!! When are we leaving and how light should I pack?

    3. 8:24 changing one sign would be a good idea, imagine
      " TRUCK TOWER " and have one taco truck in every floor.

  10. Reports are now in that it was all part of an attempt to settle drug shipment debts.

    1. don't spread bs send a link if true. there is nothing in the news

    2. I hope the set-up did not include micro-chips and shit, people are using them in their cars and maybe in their persons.
      No more business for these pinchis kidnappers, back to the tablazos a birote.
      9:06 sometimes it is not BS, but monkey crap slung to you fresh straight from the source

    3. Anything is possible!

    4. @9:06
      Believe it or not, B.B. commenters have hit the nail on the head plenty of times before reaching the news. Prime example is the 3 Italians they recently kidnapped. One of the first comments on B.B. was about the fake machinery and this was a couple days before being reported in the news. The truth is stranger than fiction.

    5. credit where credit due, the title and story of chivis says it was fake goods sale.

      '3 from Naples Italy, disappear after selling fake equipment to CJNG'

    6. Humans are the worst kind of animal, they are using chips to identify lost dogs and cats, to track elephants and whales to keep them located for rich hunter tourists and fisheries, even Tweety Bird carries one up his ass I'm sure...

  11. 300k sounds like a debt not a ransom. My aunt and uncle were kidnapped in Coahuila back in 2013 and they are very well off enough to pay a ransom of 300k but that was not the case the ransom was only set at 10k for each one so $20k was payed and they were released.

  12. What a bunch of idiots both kidnappers and victims for a lousy 3000 bucks and the other idiots in mx for a reason the St dept has a travel ban but they were probably involved in something bad nobody grabs you for the he'll of it.

  13. My friend that lives in Saltillo, tells me that the police force in Monterey, in the rich neighborhood of San Pedro De Las Garza's, is privately run by rich businesses. They pay their police well and hand pick them to avoid corruption, He days it is not perfect, but it is much safer than other parts of Mexico.


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