Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Saturday, February 17, 2018

8 killed: Nuns flee after relatives killed in Chilapa, Guerrero

Posted by Canadiana from El Universal and El Sur

Dialogue between the bishop of Chilpancingo/Chilapa and criminal gang bosses, appears to have gone askew, as it has been revealed that a Catholic nun’s relatives were executed last month on January 31, in Chilapa, Guerrero.

Bishop Salvador Rangel Mendoza said this week that four nuns who were operating a school in Chilpancingo have fled, after the parents and sister of one of them were killed, allegedly by the Ardillos gang.

The bodies of the nun’s parents were found in plastic bags January 30, on the outskirts of Chilapa, alongside bodies of five artisans from Veracruz.

The body of the nun’s 18 year old sister was found three days later in Chilapa. She had been brutally tortured, raped, dismembered and decapitated.

In an initial report after the gruesome discovery, Guerrero Attorney General Javier Olea Peláez attempted to criminalized the victims, saying the seven dismembered corpses belonged to members of organized crime gangs

Later, the relatives clarified that the five men had arrived in Chilapa to sell wooden furniture, and the other two were the parents of a nun.

This week, the diocese issued a prepared statement expressing its “deep sadness and outrage” over the kidnapping and murder of the nun’s relatives, as well as the in addition to the “criminalization” of the victims.

The diocese is now scrambling to find someone else to take over the management of the school, because closing it “would leave many children and teenagers without quality education.”

In its statement, the diocese asked the Los Rojos and Ardillos gangs, long embroiled in a turf war over the control of Chilapa, to “not destroy one of the most sacred things we have: the education of our children and teenagers.”

Bishop Rangel has held meetings with local gang chiefs because he felt he had to “intercede,” because violence was keeping children from attending school and priests from reaching their parishes.

A criminal gang has also been pointed to as the suspects in the execution of two priests earlier this month in the same part of Guerrero, near Taxco.

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  1. These warlords control most of Mexico because the Mexico Government only worries about making themselves rich before they get out of office. It's a shame that the poor people suffer.

    1. Exactly, and how much is enough,,,300 million. Filthy govt thieves

  2. "Negotiating with one side will bring swift revenge from the other side" said wise Chinaman El Sol Peyido, and we agree.
    But that guerrero attorney general said the victims belonged to crime carts or organized crime without even knowing their names?
    Maybe they belonged to him before murdering them, because Mexican attorney generals are famius.for appropriating whatever they want, including Los rojos, Los ardillos, guerrero unidos, CIDA, los Tequileros, la barredora etc etc con ayuda de los militares y los polesias, of course, the governor don't know nothin'

  3. Such bullshit... The Spanish speaking Pope need to be putting pressure on Mexico and the government.

    1. As if this would resolve what’s transpiring in Mexico! From the thousands of killings indicated by statistics alone over the years.
      Mexico’s government would have stopped or stemmed the violence long ago if government truly cared.
      The appetite for money outweighs any moral values.
      Note: one needs to take into consideration the lack of employment for many involved for those committing such atrocities. Lack of opportunities and wage stagnation’s are leading factors for what’s going on.
      All which revolve around “The Almighty Dollar” in the end!

      As noted by Chivis in the documentary series of The Trade.

  4. The devil is alive and well, thriving in Mexico. Destruction and misery Will continue cus every one around is blind to the beauty of the beast...

    1. They ARE NOT blind to the beauty of the beast. I think you meant that they shouldn't succumb to the beauty of the beast.

  5. The only devils that are raping and cutting heads off happen to have brown skin and are citizens of Mexico.

    1. Don't forget the white Caucasian devils controlling drones and bombing people of other nations in the name of democracy. Damm hypocrites

    2. Damn . 2 ugly green heads popped up .

    3. 8:20 This site worries about Mexico, I being Mexican can at least say we have major problems in Mexico. You stop blaming others for the Fked up situation WE put ourselves in . culero

    4. y los que consumen esa maldita droga y la pagan cn dolares son blancos que se estan pudriendo en vida. alabando a su demonio blanco

    5. The US doesn't kill priest and or scare the nuns.... sometimes the US does try to control the world..... but that could be a good thing.... cuz Mexico could be speaking german or japanese.... instead of canadian.....

  6. Not related to this article but now theyre saying that siedo agents kidnapped a busines man in jalisco. Cld it be that someone has fake siedo wear for their armed commandos or mmaybe they are real siedo guys kidnapping wtf is going on in jalisco?

    1. SIEDO ONLY COMES TO TOWN TO KIDNAP THE RICH if they don't "Copelas of Cuello" in the words of Zhenli Ye Gone, casing the joint is veli impoltant

  7. Cuando comiensan a meterse con los civiles o religion es cuando pierden toda credivilidad esta bola de pendejos . ahora si se extraña a los verdaderos capos que solo se dedicaban a traficar droga y no hacer estupideces como estas.

  8. I cannot think of any reason why a nun's family would be killed. WTF?? They didn't pay piso, or looked at someone the wrong way, or what?

  9. Bunch of cowards the people killed were not criminals like you hope you guys get the same and rut in hell.bastards.the same to all the cartels who are destroying mx and the WIMPS in govt who don't take them on send them to USA they'll get a good greeting.

  10. For gawds sake they better not be caught. They will be ex-comunicated!

    1. I am so tired of your stupid comments. Either say something productive or please shut up already.

  11. Total mayhem with Cartels, the priest talked to Cartel bosses to keep peace in, on the town. They choose to kill nuns parents, and last week innocent horses get shot up. Anything goes in Mexico.

  12. Why is it I posted here but cant on the others ?


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