Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

DEAD: “El Guero Ranas”, Coordinator of the 2016 Culiacan Military Ambush

Translated by Yaqui for Borderland Beat from: Proceso

                            Predawn Military Ambush outskirts of Culican, Sinaloa Sept 2016

By: Patricia Davala Feb 27, 2018

Luis Alfonso Murillo Acosta, "El Güero Ranas" , member of the Pacific Cartel, died in an operation carried out today day. He was the probable coordinator of an ambush attack perpetrated against elements of the Army near Culiacan, Sinaloa, in September 2016, where five soldiers lost their lives and 12 more were injured. 

"El Kevin", who was being transported to the hospital in Culiacan by the Army at the time of ambush had been wounded badly in a bloody skirmish with the soldiers in the Sierras. During the ambush and subsequent killing of the Military officers, "El Kevin" was "rescued" by his fellow narco criminals and hasn't been seen or heard from since.

"El Güero Ranas" , despite not appearing on the list of the 122 priority objectives of the federal government, was considered a generator of violence under the orders of Archivaldo Iván Guzmán Salazar, "El Chapito", as well as being responsible for the security of the family of Joaquín Guzmán "El Chapo" Loera in the city of Culiacán.

In a statement, the Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR) reported that elements of the AIC, in conjunction with personnel from the Sedena, upon arrival at the address located on La Sur street in the Loma Rodriguera neighborhood in Culiacán , where they were attempting to carry out a search warrant and were assaulted with firearms by individuals of the Pacific Cartel as they attempted to flee.

Derived from this confrontation, "El Güero Ranas" and Javier Jaciel Mendívil, "El Primo" , lost their lives and three people were also arrested; one man and one woman were injured.

According to the PGR,  Luis Murillo Acosta was allegedly responsible for criminal activities in the city of Culiacán, in charge of drug distribution, and was responsible for conducting and coordinating the "milking" of Pemex pipelines, ie illegal takes of petroleum products and the presumed participation in the sale and distribution of drugs.

After the confrontation secured by the personnel of the Criminal Investigation Agency were : six long arms, a short one, a backpack with various narcotics, a gramera scale and a vehicle. The confiscated weapons and other evidence was  made available to the Public Ministry of the Federation.

The detainees, weapons, drugs and bodies of the victims were placed at the disposal of the agent of the Federal Public Ministry attached to the PGR of Culiacán.

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  1. I haven't been hearing about the Sinaloa Cartel much outside of Chihuahua for the past few months. I'm not sure if it's because the government has made them a lower priority ever since things stablized in Sinaloa or if the authorities are still quietly investigating them and trying to track key members.

    1. You can even tell by the cheerleaders , they’re all quite...

    2. 8:14 yea, we are all in prison incommunicado.
      Sorry baby, you will have to find some other puchacacas.

  2. Friend to Los Chapitos? Any pics or other information on this guy?

  3. That’s good news.

  4. He was allegedely a security operator for the guzman family acording to valor por tamauilipas.

  5. Somebody snitched , they went directly to his safe house. The military in Mexico tortures the crap out of criminals to get Intel. The marines don't forget they'll get u

    1. El mismo grupo los entrega y borro ni cuenta nueva

    2. Maybe this has to do something with that party they busted a few days ago. Maybe some of the guys from the party ratted them out.

    3. Regardless of how intel was obtained. Garbage down!

      For gods sake governments can do whatever to sustain an objective. For those who wish to Cry Human Rights violations? Good luck in any courtroom.

    4. 7:19 government's objective is not eradication of drugs but expropriation and Monopoly closely followed with impunity.

  6. For your information, el kevin was tortured and killed several months ago. This guy they killed today was an operator for the sinaloa cartel but has been operating independenly for some time he was mainly narco menudista all the other charges are made up to make him look as an important target.

    1. I, believe you are right. Eliminate one small dealer, make him look important and ignore the big prizes like Chapos kids and MZ.

  7. They have thousands of soldiers in culiacan doing sweeps, is cds still at war within themselves?.

  8. Sounds like sinaloa took a L

  9. I would never want to find out but I wonder what they felt the moment they knew the cops were coming. I don't know what they felt but I know what they said, "fuck it, blaze out...see you on the other side"

    1. split second reaction time, fight or flight. these men died the day they attacked the military, no prisoners.

  10. "El Kebin" was supossably taken to the hospital by his rescuers AND then taken away from there by unknown indebibos...
    MOREOBER y pa' cabala de chingar nothing more has been known of him or his whereabouts,
    what's the truth?

  11. Wasnt el kevin founda road tortured and shot i believe i read that here

    1. Yes, I do believe you are right , thanks.
      I do think he is all the dead.

  12. But nutthugers would swear Sinaloa did not attack the Marina that time. That it was the BLO and shit but the CDS would never attack the government...
    Man when will they admitt the truth that CDS is just as bad as any cartel?

    1. 8:49 It looks like your the only one saying that. I don't read any "nuthuggers" saying what you are whining about. Grow up!

    2. Actually I thought it was the P Cartel, but then it could have been PLO or the Mich cartel, not CDS.

    3. 11:22 when the ambush happened in 2016 nutthuggers said exactly that. Now the comments are edited or not shown if BB decides it. Imbecil!

    4. Actually If you look back on the original story about the attack, there actually were a bunch of cds groupies saying only zetas , cjng and beltranes would do that. Lol cds were too sophisticated for that( sarcasm)

  13. he was lieutenant of Ivan Archivaldo

    1. Here you go Chivis watch the video closely and read the comments. You will see 24 at the moment. If you have time.

      Read the comment posted by Lorena Jimenez and watch the video with the image at 8:07.

      Hint Poncho la Quiringua lider del CJNG.

      In Michoacán their are no good guys just really bad guys and not so bad bad guys.

    2. That’s false he has ElPanu, McCormick and Nini as his top people

    3. Ivan got his number counted soon he will fall jus like pape

    4. Ivan is doing good don’t hate

  14. He was found tortured and killed a few months ago. Was reported on bb. Still looking for more info on him. Still not buying that el Kevin story

  15. I hope they clean and get rid of those smelly Rats soon, the military tried to help them and the get hurt in return, die Sinaloa die soon and fast

  16. El kevin wasnt rescued he was taken to be tortured and interogated by enemies of the guzman brothers. H2 and Damaso sicarios were responsible for the ambush against Mexican Army soldiers, not Marinos

  17. Sinaloa is 🔥 with all those marinas all over sinaloa looking for cds, beltranes eventually will take over that state.

  18. It was el guano ,and they even sent 300 or more Gafes to captured him pero toparon con sinaloa pura gente de accionar

  19. The Army captured Luis Gabriel last week in Colinas de la Ribera and he worked with Guero Ranas.

  20. Check out what is going on in northern Sinaloa,Guasave-Ahome, three days ago radio stations issued a caution to all people to stay in their homes unless absolutelly necesary. A police commander was killed. two sicarios and an innocent bystanderwere killed by the police in a chase and confrontation

  21. Amazing how one day ur coordinating successful attacks against the military feeling all chingon and then boom ellos te chingan

    1. If you live by the sword you will die by it

  22. Wonder what's going on in Northern Sinaloa in Ahome and Guasa
    ..too much noise lately. Also what's Luis Gabriel's clave?

    1. Luis Gabriel and his brothers have an old corrido by fusion nortena named los tres caballeros. This corrido mentions 3 claves for the 3 brothers but its old so they might have changed
      His most recent corridos though are de ciudad al Rancho and hombre fino by Decima Banda.


    2. Luis Gabriel and his brothers have an old corrido by fusión norteña named los tres caballeros that mention 3 claves but they might have changed since corrido is old.
      His most recent corridos are de ciudad al rancho and hombre fino by décima banda.


    3. I remember Fusion Norteña were the first ones to sing corridos about CTNG before that cartel was know.. "El Grosero De La Sanchez", "El Tribi", "El JP", "Cabo 8", etc,etc

  23. Everybody in the game is day to day status, TOP to bottom desde halcón hasta el patrón.
    They know this and accept their fate, así es la Narco Cultura. bY_mE

  24. First they said it was los chapitos that coordinated the military ambush, then it was el guano, then H2 in nayarit, then el chimal now this el guero ranas. All those intel is taken with a grain of salt by this reader.

  25. One thing is certain. These guys aint walking away free because of a tecnicality.

  26. if they killed this guy, where are the pics? where is the evidence? I heard that the military is staging executions and secretly flipping and hiding key rats and those willing to snitch.


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