Blog dedicated to reporting on Mexican drug cartels
on the border line between the US and Mexico

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Guanajuato: Back to back bloody weekends leaves 36 dead

Chivis Martinez for Borderland Beat from El Debate

36 killed in 5 days

Guanajuato is a state in central Mexico with a population of only 6M people.   The upswing of violence and run away murder numbers, has primarily been in Celaya.  Celaya is its second largest city with a population of 400k. 

14 killed this past weekend, Saturday the 24th and Sunday

The Attorney General of the State of Guanajuato (PGJE) reported that 13 of the 14 executed in Apaseo el Grande and Apaseo in Alto, between last Saturday and Sunday, belonged to criminal groups.

He explained that six people were burned in a van on the Queretaro-Celaya highway, and 8 other people murdered, one of them dismembered. In relation to the violent events that occurred during the weekend in Apaseos, he explained that the investigations reveal that there were 3 events related to organized crime.
He specified that on Saturday a group of five people were found dead with injuries produced by gunshot wounds to the head and a second group of six deceased people, found aboard an incinerated Odissey Honda, on the toll road. Queretaro-Celaya.

On Sunday, two bodies were found, with gunshot wounds, and shortly after another dismembered body were located in three plastic bags, located in three different points.
"The first 13 victims have been identified and it is possible to verify that they all belonged to criminal gangs, the prosecutor’s office in a statement.

He said that the person mutilated and found in plastic bags is yet to be identified.  The Attorney General, Carlos Zamarripa, instructed the Criminal Investigation Agency and appointed a special group to be coordinated by the Deputy Attorney General for Special Investigation to assist in the investigation of the case.
Stunningly beautiful, colonial Mexican baroque San Miguel de Allende, Gto. Registered by Unesco as part of the Cultural Heritage of Humanity. With its cultural and art scene,  plus peaceful atmosphere, it  has drawn a large population of Expats.

  Violent February 16th weekend in Guanajuato leaves balance of 22 dead
The murders shook Guanajuato weekend before last, leaving a balance of 22 people killed in different events, including four burned in a car and five with the coup de grace.

In addition there were seven executed in Celaya and six more cases in the municipalities of Silao, Salamanca, Dolores Hidalgo and San Luis de la Paz, according to security authorities. On Saturday afternoon, five men were found dead on a dirt road in the community of Tenango el Nuevo in Apaseo el Grande, Guanajuato -on the return of the Queretaro-Celaya Highway-, all of the victims were bound with hands behind their backs, and shots to the head.

Two hours later a truck was located in flames and in its interior four people burned, in the Queretaro-Celaya toll road, at the height of the Los Sabinos community.

The Deputy Attorney General of the State Region "C" reported that firefighters extinguished the fire, they discovered four burned bodies.

In Celaya, on Saturday morning, a man and a woman were gunned down inside their home in the Linda Vista neighborhood. Almost at the same time a man without life was found with traces of violence who was handcuffed and wrapped in a blanket, on a dirt road that goes to the community of El Salitre.

Before noon on Saturday, the finding of a dead person and another injured in a shootout occurred in the Monte Blanco colony, without further details.

Previously, on Friday night, three men were killed in a gunshot attack at the Central de Abasto de Celaya, where a commando shot them and fled. Also on Friday, in San Luis de la Paz, three brothers were killed - Ivan, 21 years old; Efrain, 27, and Gustavo, 29 years old - and their bodies were thrown on a dirt road in the community of La Escondidita.

In Silao, a 30-year-old tortilla merchant was executed in the La Sopeña neighborhood. Several motorcyclists chased and executed him when he tried to hide.

In Salamanca, a 57-year-old farmer was found lifeless with a bullet impact on farmland in the town of Mancera; On the same Friday, a female police officer in Dolores Hidalgo was shot several times as she was traveling in her vehicle.

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  1. How do they know the victims were part of organized crime? They never investigate anything so how would they know that?? Most organized crime members dont have a record because they are never arrested for anything so how would they know who is OC and who isnt???

    1. They probably ask friends beighbors, or relatives about what the victims did.

    2. exactly. rapid investigation, right? I am sure like the shop owner couldn't pay piso.

    3. Well, in this case 36 bodies WERE FOUND,
      The government's assassin traveling death squads are running out of tires to create bodies until nothing is left of them...
      Isn't that something?

  2. Cjng was busy this weekend, even in michoacan after they killed el arabe. They might have killed one of menchos kids to this week end but not confirmed. It's cds, la nueva familia michoacana, viagras, el cholo and el marro against Mencho. He's a bad muthaf.. Though, he's putting up a big fight. He is already deep in michoacan with help from templarios, la Nueva familia is so desperate they called the Sinaloas for back up

    1. Los Michoacanos mamandoles la verga a los sinaloenses como siempre jajaja

  3. Marro vs 85? 85 definitely has a hand in the rise of killings

  4. It this is cjng showing how much of douchers they are. They cant take over the plaza especially now that santa rosa is keeping them at bay. At this is, is more vercruz kidnapping innocents and killing for no reason and labeling them enemies. RIP cjng your run is about over and you couldn't even take over any plazas outside of jalisco vincinity

    1. Cjng are deep in guanajuato, that marro guy is just a big poser, paying locals to pose for him holding guns. Now he's wishing he didn't do that, el cholo has his back too though but cjng is too brutal for those guys from guanajuato.

    2. 9:33 De que estas hablando ardido? Ya deja de poner siempre lo mismo. Ya tu estado valió verga y ya es de la nueva

  5. All the people I have on facebook that are from Guanajuato think they in ww3
    As a Chihuahuense, Welcome to the dark side!

  6. Sudden professional attacks, the specialty of government traveling death squads along with customary government accusations of the deceased having inks with "narcos" whose names like those of the victims are unknown,

  7. Chivis? Anyone know what's happening in Los Mochis/Guasave? Municipo de Ahome? There has been a surge in killings in the past month. Also, there was a shootout in Nogales 2 days ago.

    1. Shooting in nogales?? Cant find iy on the news. Any info on casualties and what groups were involved? Was it narco vs. Narco or law vs narco

    2. 3:25 can you send me some links? I have family in one of those towns and I haven't heard much from them about an uptick of violence.

  8. Saludos para el Marro. No te rajes cabron. - Sol Prendido

    1. Pinche Marro voy a mandar a 1000 hombres a volar te la cabeza Cjng al 100. va a arder Santa Rosa. Att Mencho y el 85.

    2. New you was a cheerleader Sol pendejo

    3. I don’t know these guys. Can’t really say I’ll cheerlead 4 any of them. What I will say is lots of $$$ is being gambled. And I’m looking 2 get paid. I’m also as pure as snow. Lol. - Sol Prendido

  9. So what.
    Mexicans breed like rats anyway.

    1. where you been bud? Mexican birth rate has declined since the 60s and for several years is about the same as U.S.

    2. Racist bigot @9:06 people of color are here to stay, deal with it

    3. People of color,give me a break,every motherfucker is a color,we all human beings and that is a worse indictment,we are all rats

  10. I’m assuming marro vs cjng? In 2013 Salamanca was so peaceful I remember going there for a relatives wedding and there was teenage girls selling newspapers at 6-7am on the side of the road before going to school, coming from mante tamaulipas that blew my mind.

    1. Templario territory in those days.

  11. Celaya makes Baltimore and Chicago look like beach resort.


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